Ridge Road Cemetery (Name Unknown) Located: New York State, Jefferson County, Town of Wilna Corner of Ridge Road & Avery Road behind School House #7 Transcribed by Georgia Huffman, , April 1997. ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. ************************************************************************* Ridge Road Cemetery (Name Unknown): CARTER, Andrew B. 1845-Blank , Vinnie M. 1845-1911 His wife DeVOIS, Francais Died Mar. 31, 1862 73ys. , Marguarette Died Feb. 15, 1893 83ys. His wife , Francais Died Sept. 16, 1846 6ys.6ms. Their son On the same stone but on side: Mary M. wife of John DeVOIS Feb.5,1870 82ys. On the other side: Charles Mar.8,1892 57ys. Maria S. His wife Mar.2,1895 40ys. Mary May 25,1895 66ys. FULTON, Jane E. Daughter of Elisha & Angelica FULTON Died June 30, 1879 in her 21st year On side of same stone: Elisha F.FULTON Died Nov.11,1886 in his 64th year Angelica CLEARWATER his wife Died May 7,1920 Aded 92 On rear of same stone: Joseph E. FULTON Died Oct. 14,1937 79yrs. FULTON, Clark A. 1868-1942 , Ada L. WALSH 1870-1893 His wife LEWIS, Eugene G. 1854-1925 , Sedate H.FULTON 1856-1947 His wife FULTON, Simeon May 6, 1894 AE 85 y's , Lorissa M. Mar 28, 189? AE 73y's On the same stone: LEWIS, Myron 1855-1941 , Julia FULTON 1862-1953 His wife Their Children Eon F. (no date) Roy E. 1887-1895 Lyle V. 1893-1918 Lorilla (no date) FULTON, Caleb Died Oct.8,1863 (can't read well- 80ys & 4 ms) FULTON, Mary Died Mar. 4, 1863 Wife of Caleb 79ys.16ds SMITH, Alonzo 1824-1882 , Marian 1832-1915 His wife , Belle A. 1863-1881 Adopted Children , Nell R. 1876-1893 Adopted Children SMITH, William A. (can't read dates-possible June 20,1884) SMITH, John Jr. (can't read dates-possible Mar 14, 1874) SMITH, Maryann April 9, 1910 Wife of John 82ys.9ms.4ds Note: There is one tall stone that can't be read at all but the C E M is on small foot stone.