BIOGRAPHY: Thomas Howell Smith; New York co., NY surname: Smith submitted by Elizabeth Burns (burns at ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted Date: May 31,2005 This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.1 Kb ************************************************ Author: Walter Barrett THOMAS HOWELL SMITH Old Merchants, 1885 Page 51 I do not know the precise day when Thomas Howell Smith started business in New York City but it must have been before 1800. His wholesale and retail grovery store was at 195 Front Street in 1801. The next year he took in a son-in- law, George W. Bruen, as a partner. The latter was a son of Matthew Bruen, of the firm of M. & J. Bruen, merchants at 177 Broadway, sixty years ago. From grocers they rose to be the greatest tea importers in the United States. I suppose in the thirty years that followed, Thomas H. Smith was one of the greatest of the old school merchants.