PASSENGER LIST: Brig Servant; New York City, New York co., NY submitted by W. David Samuelsen *********************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** The list is an index only. You must check the microfilmed record for more details. NARA #M237-1 FHLC #2246 Passenger List #0214 Date: 30 Aug 1820 Name of Ship: Brig Servant From: Greenock Name From Gill, Christian USA Barlas, Janet USA Hamilton, Robert Scotland Campbell, Colin Scotland Campbell, Catherine Scotland Campbell, Alexander Scotland Campbell, James Scotland Campbell, Mary Scotland Campbell, Catherine Scotland Monro, Andrew Scotland Monro, Agnes Scotland Monro, Henrietta Scotland Monro, Margaret Scotland Macfartan, Robert Scotland Honeyman, Michael Scotland Mcfarlane, Christian Scotland Macintire, Peter Scotland Ladowitch, Mary Scotland Ladowitch, Mary Scotland Ladowitch, Solomon Scotland Cuthal, Ann Scotland