PASSENGER LIST: Schooner Betsy; New York City, New York co., NY submitted by W. David Samuelsen *********************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** The list is an index only. You must check the microfilmed record for more details. NARA #M237-1 FHLC #2246 Passenger List #0223 Date: 4 Sep 1820 Name of Ship: Schooner Betsy From: St. Johns, NB Name From O'Boyle, Philip America O'Boyle, Thomas Ireland O'Boyle, Philip Ireland O'BOyle, Ellen Ireland Morrison, Patrick Ireland Murran, Ellen Ireland Armstrong, Christiane Ireland Montgomery, John Ireland McGinley, Roger Ireland McGinley, Ellen Ireland Cannon, Michael Ireland Cannon, Ann Ireland McGaghan, Rufus Ireland McGinley, Ellen Ireland McGinley, Pat Ireland McGinley, John Ireland Fisher, Ann Ireland McGarrigh, John Ireland McGarrigh, Ann Ireland MCGarrigh, Dennis Ireland McGarrigh, Thomas Ireland MCGarrigh, John Ireland McGarrigh, Edward Ireland McGarrigh, Catharine Ireland Farron, Grace Ireland