New York County NyArchives News.....Mr. Astor's Executors April 30, 1848 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon Hamilton December 21, 2007, 11:02 pm The Hannibal Journal April 30, 1848 Mr. Astor's Executors. -- The New York Tribune says: "The following gentlemen are executors of the will of the late Mr. Astor, viz: Wm. B. Astor, John J. Astor, Jr., Daniel Lord, jr., James G. King, and Washington Irving. -- The will is voluminous, and was drawn up by D. Lord, Jr., Esq. The only public bequests, are $400,000 for a public library, heretofore mentioned; $50,000 to the poor of Waldorf, to establish a hospital for the sick and disabled, $20,000 to the German Society; $5000 to the institution for the blind; $5000 to the Half Orphan Asylum; and $2000 to the Lying in Hospital. Another article...same paper: The property of John Jacob Astor, recently deceased, is estimated, by men whose opportunities for knowing its value are good, at $40,000,000. All the product of his own industry and good management. His age was 85. Yet another article...same paper: It is calculated that Astor's income must have been, of late, $2,000,000 a year, or $166,000 a month, which is about $41,500 a week, $4,760 a day, $240 an hour, and $4 a minute -- Reveille Additional Comments: The Hannibal Journal was published at Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri. The Reveille was an Illinois paper, I think. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb