New York County NyArchives Obituaries.....Delk, Theresa Eldorah " Dora " [ Sturdivant ] October 24, 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Valerie [ Johnson ] Freeman November 19, 2010, 9:49 pm "The Constitution" Atlanta, Georgia Sunday, October 26, 1924 Mrs. Dora Delk Dies on New York Visit Mrs. Dora Delk, 78, of 224 Adair avenue, Decatur, died Friday evening while on a visit to relatives in New York city, according to a message received here Saturday night. Mrs. Delk is survived by three daughters in New York, Mrs. J. B. Vaughan, Miss Effie Delk and Mrs. R. E. Stern (sic - s/b Stevenson). Another daughter, Mrs. W. M. Wing, lives in West Palm Beach. Other survivors are a son, George Delk, of West Palm Beach, and a sister, Mrs. W. D. Griffin, of Columbus, Ga. The body will reach the funeral chapel of T. C. Bazemore company in Atlanta this afternoon. Funeral arrangements will be announced after the arrival of the body. - - - Funeral Notices DELK - Mrs. Dora Delk died Friday night in New York city. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10:30, from the chapel of T. C. Bazemore Co., Rev. W. J. DeBardelaben officiating. Interment Oakland. P. J. Bloomfield, funeral director. - - - Monday, October 27, 1924 Funeral Notices Friends of Mrs. Dora Delk, Mr. George Delk and Mrs. W M. Wing, of West Palm Beach, Fla.; Mrs. J. E. Vaughan, Mrs. R. E. Stevenson and Miss Effie Delk, all of New York, N. Y., and Mrs. W. D. Griffin, of Columbus, Ga., and their families are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dora Delk this (Monday) morning at 10:30 o'clock from the chapel of T. C. Bazemore Cor. Rev. W. J. DeBardelaben officiating. Interment at Oakland. P. J. Bloomfield, funeral director. Pallbearers selected will please meet at the chapel. - - - Tuesday, October 28, 1924 Mortuary Mrs. Dora Delk Funeral services for Mrs. Dora Delk, 78, who died Friday night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Vaughn (sic - s/b Vaughan), in New York city, were held Monday morning from the chapel of T. C. Bazemore company, funeral directors. Rev. W. J. DeBardelben officiated and the interment was in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Delk is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. N. Wing (sic - s/b W. M. Wing), of West Palm Beach, Fla.; Mrs. R. E. Stevenson and Miss Effie Delk, both of New York city; a son, George Delk, of West Palm Beach, and a sister, Mrs. W. D. Griffin, of Columbus, Ga. Additional Comments: Birth: Aug. 9, 1846 Putnam Co., Georgia Death: Oct. 24, 1924 New York, New York Co., New York Resident of Decatur, DeKalb Co., Georgia Dora was the youngest daughter of Daniel Sturdivant and Sarah Phelps/Felps. She was in NYC on a visit to her daughters when she passed away. At the time of her death, she was a resident of Decatur, DeKalb Co., Georgia. She married Joseph F. Delk on November 7, 1869 in Pike Co., Georgia. They lived in Coweta Co. and Fulton Co., Georgia. They were the parents of: Thomas D. Delk George C. Delk m. Sallie Lula Belisle, Mrs. Mary (?_______) Autman Eula Bell Delk m. William F. Morrison, William M. Wing, & William H. Land Bird B. Delk Joseph B. Delk Sallie L. Delk m. William D. Scott Falbie Effie Delk Mary Dennis Delk m. James English Vaughan, Jr. Emily Elizabeth "Emma Lizzie" Delk m. Robert E. Stevenson File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb