Oneida County NyArchives Photo Tombstone.....Memorial, Revolutionary War ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kathy Last September 9, 2007, 10:48 am Cemetery: Old Burial Ground, Camden Name: Revolutionary War Memorial Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 101.1 Kb A Memorial to the Patriots who served in the War of the Revolution and are buried in the Town of Camden. Erected by the Camden Chapter of the D. A. R., July 4, 1899 Additional Comments: The following names are inscribed on the other 3 sides of this monument: Elijah Bailey, Jonathan Barnes, Zopher Barnes, David Brown, Ichabod Brown, John Cain, Abel Collins, Serajah Comstock, Oliver Cook, Benjamin Curtiss, Daniel Dean, Joel Dunbar, John Elden, Jonathan Harvey, Corpl. Joseph Johnson, Eliphalet Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Lieut. Levi Munson, Daniel Parke, Jesse Penfield, Beriah Pond, Bartholomew Pond, Iri Pond, Noah Preston, Aaron Seth Rice, Jonah Sanford, Lemuel Stevens, Ashbel Upson, Theophilus Whaley, Capt. John Wilson, Samuel Wood, Timothy Wood. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb