1850 Census Index - Marcellus - Onondaga County, NY Contributed by the Marcellus Historical Society ****************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ****************************************************************** Year Last Name First Name 1850 (born in Ireland) Michael 1850 Abbott Anson W. 1850 Abbott Cook 1850 Abbott George 1850 Abbott James 1850 Abbott Mary E. 1850 Abbott Ruth A. 1850 Abbott Sarah 1850 Abbott Sarah A. 1850 Abbott Sarah E. 1850 Abbott William W. 1850 Abrams Anna 1850 Abrams Harriet 1850 Adams Celia 1850 Adams Charles 1850 Adams Clarissa 1850 Adams Francis 1850 Adams Francis 1850 Adams Harvey J. 1850 Adams Joseph 1850 Adams Martha 1850 Adams Martha 1850 Adams Mary 1850 Adams Mary 1850 Adams Russell D. 1850 Adams Sophia J. 1850 Adams William R. 1850 Aiken Edmund 1850 Aiken Elpha P. 1850 Aldrich Catharine 1850 Aldrich Elizabeth 1850 Aldrich Leonard 1850 Alexander Maria 1850 Allen James 1850 Alling Diana 1850 Alling Lydia 1850 Alling Mark 1850 Alling Mary 1850 Alling Thomas 1850 Ameran Arminda 1850 Ameran Isaac S. 1850 Ameran James W. 1850 Ames William A. 1850 Amidon Almira 1850 Amidon Clarinda 1850 Amidon Duportal D. 1850 Amidon Engenia 1850 Amidon Mary A. 1850 Amidon Orlow 1850 Amidon Rua 1850 Amidon Ruth 1850 Amidon William 1850 Amy Daniel 1850 Amy George W. 1850 Amy Minerva 1850 Armstrong Allen 1850 Ashby Helen 1850 Ashby Joseph O. 1850 Ashby Phebe W. 1850 Austin Amanda 1850 Austin Edward G. 1850 Austin Letitia 1850 Avery Adaline 1850 Avery George 1850 Avery Harriet J. 1850 Avery Lyman H. 1850 Babcock Dennis J. 1850 Babcock Sarah 1850 Bailey Henry 1850 Baker Adaline 1850 Baker Adelpha 1850 Baker Albert E. 1850 Baker Annette 1850 Baker Anson 1850 Baker Benjamin 1850 Baker Benjamin R. 1850 Baker Betsey 1850 Baker Brayton 1850 Baker Brayton S. 1850 Baker Camilla 1850 Baker Celestia 1850 Baker Charles 1850 Baker Chloe K. 1850 Baker Clarisa 1850 Baker Davis 1850 Baker Eliza 1850 Baker Erastus 1850 Baker Ezekiel 1850 Baker Georege E. 1850 Baker George 1850 Baker George S. 1850 Baker Giles F. 1850 Baker Hannah 1850 Baker Harriet 1850 Baker Hiram 1850 Baker James S. 1850 Baker John 1850 Baker John D. 1850 Baker Jonathan 1850 Baker Joseph 1850 Baker Laura M. 1850 Baker Lewis 1850 Baker Lewis 1850 Baker Lucy 1850 Baker Luman 1850 Baker Marcus 1850 Baker Martha 1850 Baker Martha 1850 Baker Mary 1850 Baker Mary 1850 Baker Mary J. 1850 Baker Norricia 1850 Baker Philetus 1850 Baker Polly 1850 Baker Robert M. 1850 Baker Roxana 1850 Baker Sarah E. 1850 Baker Sarah J. 1850 Baker Shubal 1850 Baker Simon C. 1850 Baker Susan 1850 Baker Syliva 1850 Baker Sylvia 1850 Baker Thessa L. 1850 Baker Thomas 1850 Baker Warren 1850 Baker William 1850 Balch Eunice 1850 Balch James 1850 Balch John 1850 Balch Laura 1850 Balch Lydia 1850 Balch Sybil 1850 Ball Margaret 1850 Ball Samuel 1850 Bangs Roxana 1850 Bangs William F. 1850 Barber Abigail 1850 Barber Adaline 1850 Barber Aletta A. 1850 Barber Alvira 1850 Barber Angenette 1850 Barber Benjamin F. 1850 Barber Benjamin F. Jr. 1850 Barber Charles E. 1850 Barber Charlotte N. 1850 Barber Chloe 1850 Barber Edwin 1850 Barber Emogene 1850 Barber Eveline 1850 Barber Gay P. 1850 Barber Hannah 1850 Barber Mary 1850 Barber Mary E. 1850 Barber Ornelia A. 1850 Barber Sarah A. 1850 Barber Theodore 1850 Bariclaw John 1850 Barnes Harriet 1850 Barnett Byron 1850 Barnett Elizabeth 1850 Barnett George 1850 Barnett Maria 1850 Barnett Mary A. 1850 Barnett Mary A. 1850 Barnett Sarah J. 1850 Barnett William 1850 Barrows Abigail 1850 Barrows Alfred 1850 Bartlett Hannah 1850 Bartlett James 1850 Bartlett John 1850 Bartlett John 1850 Bartlett Thomas 1850 Bates George 1850 Bates Harriet 1850 Beach Bildad 1850 Beach Catharine 1850 Beach Hannah 1850 Beach Lauren 1850 Beach Mary E. 1850 Beach Minerva 1850 Beach Orlando 1850 Beach Sarah 1850 Beach Sarah 1850 Beach Warren 1850 Beach William 1850 Beach Wilson 1850 Becker Ardelia 1850 Becker Frank 1850 Becker Frederick 1850 Becker John R. 1850 Becker Julia 1850 Beers Aaron 1850 Belding Ardelia 1850 Belding Charles 1850 Belding Henry 1850 Belding Rex 1850 Belding Wells 1850 Bell Cornelia 1850 Bell Daniel 1850 Bell Samuel R. 1850 Bell Sophia 1850 Bell Sophia 1850 Benedict Eri 1850 Bennett Abram 1850 Bennett Aurelius 1850 Bennett Caroline 1850 Bennett Clark S. 1850 Bennett Edward 1850 Bennett Elizabeth 1850 Bennett Francis E. 1850 Bennett Henry 1850 Bennett John 1850 Bennett Joseph 1850 Bennett Mary 1850 Bennett Mary E. 1850 Bennett Orlando 1850 Bennett Peter 1850 Bennett Polly 1850 Bennett Rebecca 1850 Bennett Sarah J. 1850 Bennett Sophronia 1850 Bessey Albert 1850 Bessey Burr 1850 Bessey Catharine 1850 Bessey Dunham 1850 Bessey Dunham 1850 Bessey Frances 1850 Bessey Frances 1850 Bessey Frances A. 1850 Bessey Helen 1850 Bessey Henry N. 1850 Bessey Isabella 1850 Bessey James 1850 Bessey Jemima 1850 Bessey Joseph Jr. 1850 Bessey Julia 1850 Bessey Lucinda 1850 Bessey Martha 1850 Bessey Mary 1850 Bessey Mary E. 1850 Bessey Semantha 1850 Bessey Syliva 1850 Bessey Warren 1850 Bessey Wellington 1850 Bigelow Ann 1850 Billiard Edward 1850 Billiard Martha 1850 Billiard Mary F. 1850 Billiard William H. 1850 Billings Clarinda 1850 Billings William 1850 Bingham Adelia D. 1850 Bingham Adeline R. 1850 Bingham Amos G. 1850 Bingham Asa 1850 Bingham Betsey 1850 Bingham Calvin 1850 Bingham Charles 1850 Bingham Franklin 1850 Bird Henry 1850 Bird John 1850 Bird Mary A. 1850 Birmingham Mary 1850 Bisdee George F. 1850 Bisdee Harry 1850 Bisdee Mary 1850 Bishop Harrison 1850 Bishop Ira 1850 Bishop Ira 1850 Bishop Joseph 1850 Bishop Laura 1850 Bishop Ruth 1850 Bishop Sarah 1850 Bishop William 1850 Blake Adeline 1850 Blanchard Caroline 1850 Blanchard Clark 1850 Blanchard Cornelia 1850 Blanchard Emeline B. 1850 Blanchard Herbert D. 1850 Blanchard Julius 1850 Blanchard Laura A. 1850 Blanchard Lodicia 1850 Blanchard Louesa 1850 Blanchard Nancy J. 1850 Blanchard Philo 1850 Blanchard Sophronia 1850 Blanchard Theron 1850 Blanchard Willard 1850 Blatchford George 1850 Bodley Angeline 1850 Bodley Cornelia 1850 Bodley Fanny J. 1850 Bodley Henry H. 1850 Bodley Malvina 1850 Bodley Mary A. 1850 Bodley Olive 1850 Bowen Almeron 1850 Bowen Ardelia 1850 Bowen Edgar 1850 Bowen Guy 1850 Bowen Juliette 1850 Bowen LeRoy 1850 Bowen Loriette 1850 Bowen Maria 1850 Bowen Mary J. 1850 Bowen Reanselear 1850 Bowen Ruth 1850 Bowen Sarah E. 1850 Bowen Sullivan 1850 Bowen Sylvia 1850 Boyle Mary 1850 Bradley Charles T. 1850 Bradley Charlotte 1850 Bradley Cornelius 1850 Bradley Dallas 1850 Bradley George 1850 Bradley Horrace 1850 Bradley Isaac 1850 Bradley Mary 1850 Bradley Mary B. 1850 Bradley Merritt 1850 Bradley Sarah 1850 Bradley Sarah 1850 Bradley William 1850 Briggs Alexander 1850 Briggs Catharine 1850 Briggs Deborah 1850 Briggs James 1850 Briggs Mary E. 1850 Briggs Nathan 1850 Briggs Noah 1850 Brinkerhoff Abram L. 1850 Brinkerhoff Alonzo 1850 Brinkerhoff Betsey A. 1850 Brinkerhoff Catheine 1850 Brinkerhoff Elizabeth 1850 Brinkerhoff Isaac 1850 Brinkerhoff Jane 1850 Brinkerhoff John 1850 Brinkerhoff John 1850 Brinkerhoff Richard 1850 Broom Charlotte 1850 Broom David 1850 Broom Edwin 1850 Broom Elizabeth 1850 Broom William 1850 Brower Catharine 1850 Brower John 1850 Brower Martin 1850 Brown Agnes 1850 Brown Alesia 1850 Brown Elisha 1850 Brown Eliza 1850 Brown George 1850 Brown James 1850 Brown John 1850 Brown Margaret 1850 Brown Mercy 1850 Brown Olive 1850 Brown Vair 1850 Brown William 1850 Buck Addison E. 1850 Buck Caroline 1850 Buck Ellen A. 1850 Buck Emma J. 1850 Buck Lewis J. 1850 Buckley Margaret 1850 Bull Augusta 1850 Bull Benjamin H. 1850 Bull Cordelia 1850 Bull Edwin 1850 Bull Emily 1850 Bull John 1850 Bull Margaret 1850 Bull Platt 1850 Bure Harriet 1850 Burns Ann E. 1850 Burns Betsey 1850 Burns Dennis 1850 Burns Emeline 1850 Burns Francis 1850 Burns Helen 1850 Burns John 1850 Burns Octava 1850 Burns Polly 1850 Burns Sarah 1850 Burns William H. 1850 Burr Dick 1850 Burridge Elizabeth 1850 Burridge George 1850 Burridge John 1850 Burridge John 1850 Burridge Sarah A. 1850 Burtis Ann M. 1850 Burtis Jerome 1850 Burton Harriet 1850 Bush Chester 1850 Bush Loron 1850 Bush Malinda 1850 Bush Silas 1850 Bush Squire A. 1850 Butler John 1850 Butler Michael 1850 Call Charles 1850 Callendar Catharine 1850 Callendar Mary 1850 Callendar Norma 1850 Callendar Richard 1850 Callendar Richard 1850 Callendar William 1850 Camp Betsey A. 1850 Camp Cyntha 1850 Camp Joel 1850 Camp Maria 1850 Canada Bridget 1850 Canada Myron 1850 Canada William 1850 Caple Sally 1850 Carpenter Belden 1850 Carpenter Charles 1850 Carpenter Frances 1850 Carpenter John 1850 Carpenter Sarah 1850 Carpenter Sarah 1850 Carrier Alva 1850 Carrier Elijah 1850 Carrier Sarah 1850 Carrington Abby 1850 Carrington Morton 1850 Carroll Richard 1850 Carter Clarissa 1850 Carter Elmer 1850 Carter Emily 1850 Carter Eugenia 1850 Carter George 1850 Carter Helen 1850 Carter Judson 1850 Carter Lucy 1850 Carter William 1850 Carter Worthy 1850 Case Adelade 1850 Case Adelia C. 1850 Case Albert 1850 Case Almira 1850 Case Angeline 1850 Case Austin 1850 Case Caroline 1850 Case Charles N. 1850 Case Charles S. 1850 Case Chester 1850 Case Clarisa 1850 Case Elias 1850 Case Eliza J. 1850 Case Elizabeth 1850 Case Emma L. 1850 Case Francis 1850 Case George 1850 Case George 1850 Case Hannah M. 1850 Case Hiram 1850 Case Jane 1850 Case John 1850 Case Josephine M. 1850 Case Lewis 1850 Case Lucretia 1850 Case Lucy 1850 Case Margaret D. 1850 Case Mary E. 1850 Case Myron 1850 Case Nancy J. 1850 Case Newton G. 1850 Case Oscar D. 1850 Case R. Humphrey 1850 Case Reuben 1850 Case Russell 1850 Case Sarah 1850 Case Sarah A. 1850 Case Sarah A. 1850 Case Stephen L. 1850 Case Susan 1850 Case Susan 1850 Case Willard 1850 Case William 1850 Casey Margaret 1850 Caulkins David 1850 Caulkins Harriet L. 1850 Caulkins Margaret 1850 Caulkins Maria 1850 Caulkins William H. 1850 Chaffee Alice 1850 Chaffee Ann E. 1850 Chaffee Ariel F. 1850 Chaffee Byron 1850 Chaffee Comfort 1850 Chaffee David 1850 Chaffee Joseph 1850 Chaffee Mary 1850 Chaffee Phebe 1850 Chaffee Polly 1850 Chaffee Walter 1850 Chamberlain Electa 1850 Chamberlain Fanny D. 1850 Chamberlain Joseph 1850 Chamberlain Julius A. 1850 Chandler Helen 1850 Chapman Ancy 1850 Chapman Ann 1850 Chapman Ann H. 1850 Chapman Arthur 1850 Chapman Augustus 1850 Chapman Celestia 1850 Chapman Celestia 1850 Chapman Edwin H. 1850 Chapman Eliza 1850 Chapman Elsey 1850 Chapman Emily 1850 Chapman Farnham 1850 Chapman George C. 1850 Chapman Grace A. 1850 Chapman Huldah A. 1850 Chapman Jacob 1850 Chapman James B. 1850 Chapman James L. 1850 Chapman James L. 1850 Chapman Jenett E. 1850 Chapman John H. 1850 Chapman Joseph H. 1850 Chapman Lincoln 1850 Chapman Lucretia 1850 Chapman Lydia 1850 Chapman Manerva J. 1850 Chapman Orlando 1850 Chapman Sarah 1850 Chapman Sarah 1850 Chapman Simon B. 1850 Chapman William A. 1850 Charss William 1850 Chase Susan 1850 Chrysler Adelbert 1850 Chrysler Alfred 1850 Chrysler Amos 1850 Chrysler Amy 1850 Chrysler Cathrine 1850 Chrysler Charles 1850 Chrysler Chloe 1850 Chrysler Coridon 1850 Chrysler David 1850 Chrysler Eliza 1850 Chrysler George 1850 Chrysler George 1850 Chrysler Jane 1850 Chrysler Joel 1850 Chrysler Jonathan 1850 Chrysler Laura 1850 Chrysler Lora 1850 Chrysler Lorenzo 1850 Chrysler Lorin 1850 Chrysler Marcus 1850 Chrysler Martha A. 1850 Chrysler Mary 1850 Chrysler Mary A. 1850 Chrysler Mary E. 1850 Chrysler Mary J. 1850 Chrysler Nancy 1850 Chrysler Noah 1850 Chrysler Phillip 1850 Chrysler Rebecca 1850 Chrysler Sarah 1850 Chrysler Thomas 1850 Chrysler William 1850 Chrysler William 1850 Churchill John 1850 Churchill John W. 1850 Churchill Mary 1850 Churchill Mary A. 1850 Churchill Vernon J. 1850 Clark Amos 1850 Clark Ann 1850 Clark Benjamin F. 1850 Clark Catharine 1850 Clark Charlotte 1850 Clark Cornelia 1850 Clark Elizabeth 1850 Clark Ellen 1850 Clark Eunice 1850 Clark Horrace 1850 Clark James 1850 Clark James 1850 Clark John 1850 Clark Lee 1850 Clark Margaret 1850 Clark Mary 1850 Clark Mary 1850 Clark Orlando F. 1850 Clark Solomon 1850 Clark Ziba L. 1850 Clemons Caroline 1850 Clemons Ellen 1850 Clemons Ephraim 1850 Clemons George 1850 Clemons Harriet 1850 Clemons Harriet 1850 Clemons Isaac 1850 Clemons John 1850 Clemons Louisa 1850 Clemons Mary A. 1850 Clemons Sarah 1850 Clemons Thomas 1850 Clemons William 1850 Clifford Eliza 1850 Clifford George E. 1850 Clifford Henry M. 1850 Clifford Martin 1850 Clift Hiram 1850 Clift Hiram K. 1850 Clift Martha G. 1850 Clift Mary 1850 Clift Mary 1850 Cobb Belus S. 1850 Cobb Betsey 1850 Cobb Caroline M. 1850 Cobb Daniel 1850 Cobb David H. 1850 Cobb Mary C. 1850 Cobb Matilda 1850 Cobb Stephen 1850 Cobb Temperance 1850 Cobb William 1850 Cobb William R. 1850 Colton Ida 1850 Colton Irene 1850 Colton Jane 1850 Colton Luther 1850 Colton Sarah 1850 Colton William 1850 Comstock Martha 1850 Condit Albert H. 1850 Condit Mary 1850 Connell Elizabeth 1850 Connell Jane 1850 Connell John 1850 Connell Margaret 1850 Connell Patrick 1850 Connell Peter 1850 Connell Susan 1850 Coon Albon A. 1850 Coon Betsey C. 1850 Coon Daniel D. 1850 Coon Daniel G. 1850 Coon Valentine 1850 Cooney Ann 1850 Cooney Patrick 1850 Corey Amos 1850 Corey Harriet 1850 Corey Nancy M. 1850 Cornish George B. 1850 Cornish George J. 1850 Cornish Mary E. 1850 Cornish Susan 1850 Coville Dwight 1850 Coville Edward S. 1850 Coville Elizabeth 1850 Coville Henrietta 1850 Coville Lucina 1850 Coville Orson 1850 Cowles Alexander H. 1850 Cowles Alexander H. Jr. 1850 Cowles Amelia 1850 Cowles Ann E. 1850 Cowles Caleb 1850 Cowles Caleb Jr. 1850 Cowles Hannah 1850 Cowles Irving C. 1850 Cowles John H. 1850 Cowles Laura E. 1850 Cowles Matilda R. 1850 Cowles Moses 1850 Cowles Permelia 1850 Coyne Bab 1850 Coyne Catharine 1850 Coyne John 1850 Coyne John 1850 Coyne Mary 1850 Coyne Mary 1850 Coyne Patrick 1850 Coyne Peter 1850 Crane Catharine 1850 Crane Jane 1850 Crane Joel C. 1850 Crego Ann E. 1850 Crego Helen M. 1850 Crego Juliette 1850 Crego Stephen V. R. 1850 Crosby Cynthia 1850 Crosby Sidney 1850 Crowell James 1850 Crowell Sarah 1850 Culver Hannah 1850 Culver Henry 1850 Culver Mary 1850 Culver Thomas 1850 Cummings George 1850 Curtin Jeremiah 1850 Curtin Johanna 1850 Curtin Margaret 1850 Curtin Michael 1850 Curtin Thomas 1850 Curtis Albert 1850 Curtis Albert 1850 Curtis Amanda 1850 Curtis Amanda 1850 Curtis Caroline 1850 Curtis Charessa 1850 Curtis Gad 1850 Curtis James 1850 Curtis Jason 1850 Curtis John 1850 Curtis Polly 1850 Curtis William 1850 Dalliba Charlotte 1850 Dalliba Chester 1850 Dalliba Henry 1850 Dalliba John 1850 Dalliba Maria 1850 Dalliba Plumia 1850 Dalliba Sanford 1850 Davey Missouri 1850 Davis Charles H. 1850 Davis Charlotte 1850 Davis David S. 1850 Davis Elizabeth 1850 Davis Francis D. M. 1850 Davis John A. 1850 Davis Margaret 1850 Davis Polly 1850 Dedrick Abigail 1850 Dedrick Constant 1850 DeWitt Charlotte 1850 DeWitt James 1850 DeWitt Luwellon 1850 Dexter Anna 1850 Dexter Austin 1850 Dexter Caroline 1850 Dexter Lucien 1850 Dexter Mary J. 1850 Dickinson Alice 1850 Dickinson George 1850 Diffen John 1850 Doe Adaline 1850 Doe John C. 1850 Dolton Willet 1850 Donahue Thomas 1850 Donahue Thomas 1850 Dorchester Caroline 1850 Dorchester Eliakim 1850 Dorchester Mark 1850 Dorchester Robert 1850 Dougherty James 1850 Dougherty Jane 1850 Dougherty Patrick 1850 Douglass George 1850 Douglass Harriet A. 1850 Dowd Louisa O. 1850 Downey Caroline 1850 Downey Daniel 1850 Downey Edwin 1850 Downey James 1850 Downey James S. 1850 Downey Lucy 1850 Doyle Cisley 1850 Doyle Ellen 1850 Doyle John 1850 Doyle Maria 1850 Doyle Mary 1850 Doyle Michael 1850 Doyle Thomas 1850 Drummond Catharine 1850 Drummond James 1850 Drummond Jane 1850 Drummond John 1850 Drummond Martha 1850 Drummond Mary A. 1850 Drummond Ruth 1850 Drummond William 1850 Dunbar Anna 1850 Dunbar Celia 1850 Dunbar Deborah 1850 Dunbar Elizabeth 1850 Dunbar Hannah 1850 Dunbar Joel 1850 Dunbar Mary 1850 Dunbar Sarah 1850 Dunbar Seth 1850 Dunlap Abby 1850 Dunlap Adam C. 1850 Dunlap Angeline 1850 Dunlap Emily 1850 Dunlap George 1850 Dunlap Grove A. 1850 Dunlap John 1850 Dunlap Loret 1850 Dunlap Marshall B. 1850 Dunlap Mary 1850 Dunlap Nancy 1850 Dunlap Porter D. 1850 Dunlap Satica J. 1850 Dunlap William 1850 Dunn Charles 1850 Dunton Almarion 1850 Dunton Alonzo 1850 Dunton Ann M. 1850 Dunton Benjamin 1850 Dunton Bethia 1850 Dunton Caroline 1850 Dunton Charles 1850 Dunton Emma M. 1850 Dunton Freeman 1850 Dunton Helen 1850 Dunton James 1850 Dunton Joana 1850 Dunton Juliette 1850 Dunton Marquis 1850 Dunton Mary 1850 Dunton William 1850 Durant Edward 1850 Durant Eliza J. 1850 Durant Martin 1850 Durant Robert 1850 Durston Edward 1850 Dutzain Nicholas 1850 Eades Ellen 1850 Eades Frederick W. 1850 Eades Herbert E. 1850 Eades James 1850 Eades Julia 1850 Eades Mary E. 1850 Eades Polly 1850 Eades Thomas 1850 Earll Ann 1850 Earll Polly 1850 Earll Sarah 1850 Earll Shepard 1850 Earll Ulyssa 1850 Earll William 1850 Eastman Adella E. 1850 Eastman David 1850 Eastman Hiram 1850 Eastman Hiram 1850 Eastman J. Russell 1850 Eastman Jay 1850 Eastman Margaret 1850 Eastman Olive S. 1850 Eastman Sylvia 1850 Eastman Sylvia E. 1850 Edwards Rebecca 1850 Edwards Robert 1850 Egan Bridget 1850 Eggleston Alexander 1850 Eggleston Alexander R. 1850 Eggleston Ann E. 1850 Eggleston Augusta E. 1850 Eggleston Betsey 1850 Eggleston Charles 1850 Eggleston Cornelia 1850 Eggleston Danford 1850 Eggleston DeWayne 1850 Eggleston Eliza J. 1850 Eggleston George 1850 Eggleston Hiram 1850 Eggleston James 1850 Eggleston John 1850 Eggleston John 1850 Eggleston Jonathan 1850 Eggleston Lucy 1850 Eggleston Maria 1850 Eggleston Mary 1850 Eggleston Mary 1850 Eggleston Mary A. 1850 Eggleston Phebe 1850 Eggleston Rosabell 1850 Eggleston Truman A. 1850 Eldridge Jane 1850 Elliott James 1850 Elliott Jarvis 1850 Ellsworth Benjamin 1850 Enos Charles 1850 Enos George 1850 Enos George 1850 Enos Henry 1850 Enos Maria 1850 Enos Mercy 1850 Enos Newton 1850 Enos Susan 1850 Eustis Elizabeth 1850 Everdell Elizabeth 1850 Everdell Emeline 1850 Everdell Lucy 1850 Everdell Lyman B. 1850 Everdell Robert 1850 Fairbanks Lucy A. 1850 Fanhren Jackson 1850 Farmer Grove ? 1850 Farmer Hannah L. 1850 Farmer Hiram 1850 Farmer Lemuel 1850 Farmer Mary 1850 Farmer Roxy 1850 Farnham Adaline 1850 Farnham Addison 1850 Farnham Elizabeth 1850 Farnham Laura 1850 Farnham Laura E. 1850 Farnham Sarah A. 1850 Farnham Solomon 1850 Farrell James 1850 Farrell John 1850 Fellows George 1850 Fellows Harry 1850 Fellows Henry 1850 Fellows Mary 1850 Fellows Silvester 1850 Finn Betsey 1850 Fish Albert M. 1850 Fish Aurelia 1850 Fish Celinda 1850 Fish David 1850 Fish Frances H. 1850 Fish Joanna 1850 Fish John 1850 Fish John 1850 Fish John 1850 Fish Lovina 1850 Fish Myndert M. 1850 Fish Rebecca 1850 Fish Sally 1850 Fish Samuel 1850 Fish Sarah 1850 Fish Theresa 1850 Fish Willis J. 1850 Flannigan Patrick 1850 Fletcher Belus 1850 Ford Alexander 1850 Ford John J. 1850 Ford Mary A. 1850 Ford Sarah E. 1850 Foster Adaline 1850 Foster Edmund 1850 Foster Edwin 1850 Foster Frances 1850 Foster Hannah 1850 Foster Hollis 1850 Foster Hollister 1850 Foster Laura 1850 Foster Lucy 1850 Fowler Charlotte 1850 Fowler Jenett 1850 Fowler Martha 1850 Fowler Minerva 1850 Fowler Rodney B. 1850 French Jane 1850 Frost Edward W. 1850 Fry Catharine 1850 Fry Catharine 1850 Fry Cordelia 1850 Fry Delia 1850 Fry Elanor 1850 Fry Elizabeth 1850 Fry Frances 1850 Fry Frances 1850 Fry Francis 1850 Fry Henry 1850 Fry Hiram 1850 Fry Mary 1850 Galligan Ellen 1850 Galligan John 1850 Gallup James 1850 Gallup Jonathan 1850 Gasper Caleb 1850 Gasper Fanny 1850 Gay Esther O. 1850 Gay Francis 1850 Gay Francis 1850 Gay Hester 1850 Gay Isaac 1850 Gay James 1850 Gay Rhoda 1850 Gay Sarah 1850 Gay William 1850 Gaylord Aaron 1850 Gaylord Chauncey 1850 Gaylord Henry 1850 Gaylord Perry 1850 Gaylord Sarah E. 1850 Gentle Charles 1850 Gentle Maria 1850 Gibbs George 1850 Gifford Abby L. 1850 Gifford Betsey 1850 Gifford Caroline 1850 Gifford Elizabeth C. 1850 Gifford George 1850 Gifford Henry 1850 Gifford Moray 1850 Gifford Philanda 1850 Gifford Sarah 1850 Gilbert Apollus 1850 Gilbert Ellen A. 1850 Gilbert James M. 1850 Gilbert Jane A. 1850 Gilbert Sarah 1850 Gilbert Seth D. 1850 Giles George A. 1850 Giles Mariam 1850 Giles Mariette 1850 Giles Marquis 1850 Giles William 1850 Giles William 1850 Giles William P. 1850 Gillespie Kazia 1850 Gillett Alonzo 1850 Gillett Altie F. 1850 Gillett Ann 1850 Gillett Charles J. 1850 Gillett Edgar 1850 Gillett Edson 1850 Gillett Edwin 1850 Gillett Grosvenor 1850 Gillett Mary A. 1850 Gillett Mercy A. 1850 Gillett Norman 1850 Gillett Otis 1850 Gillett Richard 1850 Gillett Thomas J. 1850 Gilliland Alexander 1850 Gilliland John 1850 Glazier George 1850 Goddard Diantha 1850 Goddard George 1850 Goddard Harlow 1850 Goddard Harriet 1850 Goddard Nancy 1850 Goddard Philo 1850 Godfrey Charity 1850 Gogard Charlotte 1850 Goodrich Betsey 1850 Goodrich Chester M. 1850 Goodrich Louisa A. 1850 Goodrich Mary L. 1850 Goodwin Sally 1850 Gorman Michael 1850 Gray Jane 1850 Green Harriet 1850 Greenman Byron 1850 Greenwood Angelett 1850 Greenwood DeWitt 1850 Greenwood Elizabeth 1850 Greenwood Elizabeth 1850 Greenwood Simon L. 1850 Griffin Angeline 1850 Griffin Arfaxid 1850 Griffin Artemus M. 1850 Griffin Emeline A. 1850 Griffin Emma L. 1850 Griffin Jesse 1850 Griffin John 1850 Griffin Louesa 1850 Griffin Mark 1850 Griffin Mary 1850 Griffin Olive 1850 Griffin Polly 1850 Grimes Amanda 1850 Grimes Celestia A. 1850 Grimes Hollister N. 1850 Grimes Jane 1850 Grimes Nahum 1850 Grimes Pricilla F. 1850 Grimes Sarah C. 1850 Grinnin Ann 1850 Grinnin Bridget 1850 Grinnin Edward 1850 Grinnin Eliza 1850 Grinnin Joseph 1850 Grinnin Nancy 1850 Grinnin Sarah 1850 Gumaer Laura 1850 Hakes Cornelia 1850 Hakes Warren 1850 Hall Abigail 1850 Hall Ann 1850 Hall Charles J. 1850 Hall Eliza 1850 Hall Eliza 1850 Hall Ellen 1850 Hall Gardner 1850 Hall Gardner 1850 Hall George J. 1850 Hall James 1850 Hall Jerusha 1850 Hall John 1850 Hall Julia 1850 Hall Mahala 1850 Hall Mellissa 1850 Hall Merritt 1850 Hall Morris 1850 Hall Samuel 1850 Hall Samuel 1850 Hall Samuel D. 1850 Hall Sarah 1850 Hall Susan 1850 Haman Ellen 1850 Hanchon John 1850 Hanford Mary 1850 Hanford Moses 1850 Hanford Sarah 1850 Hanley John 1850 Harder Caroline 1850 Harder John T. 1850 Harvey Lauraett 1850 Hasbrook Benjamin 1850 Hasbrook Isaac B. 1850 Hasbrook Maria 1850 Hasbrook Peter 1850 Hasbrook Phebe 1850 Haskins Betsey A. 1850 Haskins Enoch 1850 Haskins Enoch E. 1850 Haskins Hannah 1850 Haskins Maria 1850 Hatch Charles 1850 Havens John 1850 Hawley Rawson T. 1850 Hayden Mary 1850 Hayes John 1850 Haylor Ann 1850 Haylor Benjamin 1850 Haylor Benjamin 1850 Haylor Esther 1850 Haylor Esther 1850 Haylor Hannah 1850 Haylor Harriet 1850 Haylor Harry 1850 Haylor Heman ? 1850 Haylor Henrietta 1850 Haylor Hiram 1850 Haylor Hugh 1850 Haylor Hugh 1850 Haylor Huldah 1850 Haylor Susan 1850 Haylor William 1850 Henderson (can't read name) 1850 Henderson George L. 1850 Henderson George W. 1850 Henderson Jane 1850 Henderson Lydia 1850 Henderson Sophia 1850 Henly Nathan 1850 Henly Sarah 1850 Henry Andrew 1850 Henry Asenath 1850 Henry Jane A. 1850 Herrick Lydia A. 1850 Herring Absalom 1850 Herring Absalom 1850 Herring Charlotte 1850 Herring George 1850 Herring James W. 1850 Herring Jefferson 1850 Herring John 1850 Herring Joshua J 1850 Herring Sarah 1850 Herring Susan 1850 Herrington Abner 1850 Herrington Benjamin 1850 Herrington Benjamin 1850 Herrington David 1850 Herrington David Jr. 1850 Herrington Hiram 1850 Herrington James 1850 Herrington John 1850 Herrington Larissa 1850 Herrington Lucinda 1850 Herrington Moses 1850 Herrington Sarah 1850 Hewitt Benjamin 1850 Hewitt Charity 1850 Hewitt Jane T. 1850 Hewitt Mary A. 1850 Hewitt Sarah A. 1850 Hickok Abiah 1850 Hickok Eudocia 1850 Hickok Maria 1850 Hickok Milo 1850 Hickok William 1850 Hicks Alanson 1850 Hicks Anna 1850 Hicks Betsey 1850 Hicks Harriet 1850 Hicks Harriet E. 1850 Hicks John 1850 Hicks John T. 1850 Hicks Margaret 1850 Hicks Mary O. 1850 Hicks Perry 1850 Hicks Walter 1850 Hillyer Chester 1850 Hillyer Hannah 1850 Hillyer Nathaniel 1850 Hinckley Ann E. 1850 Hinman Albert 1850 Hinman Clarissa 1850 Hinman Harriet 1850 Hinman John 1850 Hinman Jonathan 1850 Hinman Maria 1850 Hinman Mary 1850 Hitchcock David 1850 Hitchcock Jacob H. 1850 Hockey Ann E. 1850 Hockey Caroline 1850 Hockey Cornelia 1850 Hockey Mary 1850 Hockey Robert 1850 Hodkinson Amy 1850 Hodkinson Ann 1850 Hodkinson George 1850 Hodkinson William 1850 Hogan James 1850 Hogan Margaret 1850 Hogan Margaret 1850 Hogan Mary 1850 Hogan Nancy 1850 Holcomb Chauncey 1850 Holcomb Isaac 1850 Holcomb Justin 1850 Holcomb Molly 1850 Holcomb Noadiah 1850 Holcomb Noadiah N. 1850 Holcomb Russell 1850 Holland James W. 1850 Holmes Rollin 1850 Hooper Charles 1850 Hooper Clara 1850 Hooper James 1850 Hooper Samuel 1850 Hopkins Robert 1850 Horan Rosanna 1850 Hough John 1850 Hough Maranda 1850 Hough Whitney 1850 Hough Whitney 1850 Houghton Joseph W. 1850 Hovey Charles W. 1850 Hovey Esther 1850 Hovey Oliver 1850 Hovey Thomas S. 1850 Howe Alvars 1850 Howe Andalusia 1850 Howe Andrew J. 1850 Howe Aurelia 1850 Howe Betsey 1850 Howe Demetrus 1850 Howe Dorothy C. 1850 Howe Elba 1850 Howe Elhanan W. 1850 Howe Erin 1850 Howe Etna 1850 Howe H. Nelson 1850 Howe Iola V. 1850 Howe Josephine 1850 Howe Leland 1850 Howe P. Dean 1850 Howe Perlina 1850 Howe Sally 1850 Hoxsie Augustus 1850 Hoxsie John A. 1850 Hoxsie Laura 1850 Hoxsie Lucy 1850 Hoxsie Lydia H. 1850 Hoxsie Mary J. 1850 Hoxsie Rowland 1850 Hoxsie Rowland R. 1850 Hoxsie Theodore 1850 Hoyt Harriet 1850 Hoyt Henry 1850 Hoyt Jane 1850 Hoyt Mary 1850 Hoyt Nathan G. 1850 Hoyt Norton 1850 Hoyt Samuel 1850 Hoyt William 1850 Hull Almira 1850 Hull Frances 1850 Hull George 1850 Hull George H. 1850 Hull Jane 1850 Hull Tabor 1850 Hunt Adeline 1850 Hunt Ann M. 1850 Hunt Benjamin F. 1850 Hunt Eliza 1850 Hunt George 1850 Hunt Henry 1850 Hunt Jasper 1850 Hunt Nancy 1850 Hunt Phebe 1850 Hunt Sarah A. 1850 Hunt Seneca 1850 Hunt Stephen 1850 Hunt William 1850 Hurlbert Harriet 1850 Hurlbert John 1850 Hurlbert Julia A. 1850 Hurlbert Walter 1850 Hurlbert Wealthy 1850 Hutchinson Ann 1850 Hutchinson Edward E. 1850 Hutchinson Eugene 1850 Hutchinson Frances 1850 Hutchinson Frances A. 1850 Hutchinson George 1850 Hutchinson James 1850 Hutchinson John 1850 Hutchinson Julius 1850 Hutchinson Lucy 1850 Hutchinson Mary 1850 Hutchinson Persis 1850 Hutchinson Sarah 1850 Hutchinson Thomas 1850 Ide Catharine 1850 Ide Charity 1850 Ide Daniel W. 1850 Ide Frances 1850 Ide Harriet L. 1850 Ide James 1850 Ide Maranda 1850 Ide Martha A. 1850 Ide Nancy 1850 Ide Sarah J. 1850 Ide Stevenson 1850 Ireton Jane 1850 Ireton Julia A. 1850 Ireton Margret 1850 Ireton Richard 1850 Jackson Abigail 1850 Jackson Amos 1850 Jackson Andrew 1850 Jackson Ann J. 1850 Jackson Fatima 1850 Jackson Harriet 1850 Jackson James 1850 Jackson John 1850 Jackson Mary 1850 Jackson President 1850 James Albert 1850 James Harriet 1850 James Henry 1850 James Henry J. 1850 James William 1850 Jay Mary 1850 Jeffreys Robert 1850 Jennings Agnes 1850 Jennings Ann 1850 Jennings Elizabeth 1850 Jennings Helen 1850 Jennings John 1850 Jennings Joseph 1850 Jennings Mary 1850 Jennings Thomas 1850 Jennings Thomas 1850 Jewell Catharine M. 1850 Jewell Charlotte 1850 Jewell Frederick 1850 Jewell Jacob D. 1850 Jewell Jerome 1850 Jewell Sarah E. 1850 Jewell Thomas 1850 Jewett Peter 1850 Johnson Charles 1850 Johnson Chauncey 1850 Johnson Chester 1850 Johnson Elijah 1850 Johnson Eugenia 1850 Johnson Franklin 1850 Johnson Harriet 1850 Johnson Harriet 1850 Johnson Henry 1850 Johnson Jerome 1850 Johnson Mary A. 1850 Johnson Mary J. 1850 Johnson Nancy 1850 Johnson Nicholas 1850 Johnson Samuel 1850 Johnson Waterman 1850 Johnston Ann 1850 Johnston Edward J. 1850 Johnston James 1850 Johnston John 1850 Johnston Lurancy P. 1850 Johnston Moses H. 1850 Jones Andrew H. 1850 Jones Ann 1850 Jones Ann 1850 Jones Charles 1850 Jones Edward G. 1850 Jones Henry 1850 Jones Henry S. 1850 Jones James 1850 Jones Joseph C. 1850 Joyce Clement 1850 Joyce Elizabeth 1850 Joyce Elizabeth 1850 Joyce John 1850 Joyce John 1850 Joyce Louisa 1850 Joyce Mary J. 1850 Judd Ambrose 1850 Judd Amizi 1850 Judd Chauncey M. 1850 Judd Nancy 1850 Julian Eliza 1850 Julian Gilbert F. 1850 Julian Lucy A. 1850 Julian William 1850 Kates Angeline 1850 Kellogg Christopher 1850 Kellogg Christopher H. 1850 Kellogg Eilliam F. 1850 Kellogg Elizabeth 1850 Kellogg Frances E. 1850 Kellogg Harriet 1850 Kellogg Judson 1850 Kellogg Loron 1850 Kellogg Orando 1850 Kellogg Oscar 1850 Kellogg Phebe 1850 Kellogg Raymond 1850 Kellogg William 1850 Kellogg William J. 1850 Kelly Anthony 1850 Kelly Anthony 1850 Kelly Bridget 1850 Kelly Eliza A. 1850 Kelly Ellen E. 1850 Kelly Henry P. 1850 Kelly James 1850 Kelly John 1850 Kelly Mary 1850 Kelly Michael 1850 Kelly Nabby 1850 Kelly Patrick 1850 Kelly Thomas 1850 Kennedy Alvah 1850 Kennedy Angenette 1850 Kennedy George N. 1850 Kennedy Hannah 1850 Kennedy Henry T. 1850 Kennedy Julia 1850 Kennedy Lawrence 1850 Kennedy Martha E. 1850 Kennedy Plunia ? 1850 Kenney Betsey 1850 Kenyon Adell 1850 Kenyon Catherine 1850 Kenyon Emeretta 1850 Kenyon Lucy 1850 Kenyon Mary 1850 Kenyon Robert Jr. 1850 Kenyon Robert, 4th 1850 Kenyon Samuel 1850 Keough Edmund 1850 Keough Patrick 1850 Kerwin Ann M. 1850 Kerwin James 1850 Kerwin John 1850 Kester Frances 1850 Kester Franklin 1850 Kester Ira 1850 Kester Louisa 1850 Keyes Edwin 1850 Kilcoyne Martin 1850 Kilcoyne Mary 1850 Kilcoyne Patrick 1850 King Sterling 1850 Knapp Alonzo 1850 Knapp Angeline 1850 Knapp Flavilla 1850 Knapp James G. 1850 Knapp Mary 1850 Kneeland Frank J. 1850 Kneeland Jonathan 1850 Kneeland Martin 1850 Kneeland Miriam 1850 Kneeland Warren 1850 Knowles Albert 1850 Knowles Courtland 1850 Knowles Hester 1850 Knowles Robert 1850 Knox Ann E. 1850 Knox Harriet O. 1850 Knox John 1850 Knox Loron L. 1850 Knox Mary A. 1850 LaDow James 1850 LaDow Louisa 1850 LaDow Susan 1850 Lamb Adelbert 1850 Lamb Adin M. C. 1850 Lamb Airel 1850 Lamb Deborah 1850 Lamb George 1850 Lamb Hannah 1850 Lamb Harlow 1850 Lamb Harrison 1850 Lamb Juliette 1850 Lamb Lovica 1850 Lamb Lucian 1850 Lamb Lucy 1850 Lamb Merritt 1850 Lamb Nancy 1850 Lamb Rachel 1850 Lamb Samuel 1850 Lamb Thomas K. 1850 Lamphere Alva 1850 Lamphere Leman 1850 Lamphere Maria 1850 Lamphere Sophronia 1850 Lamphere William 1850 Landing Columbus 1850 Landon Ann 1850 Landon Charles 1850 Landon Dwight 1850 Landon Elanor 1850 Landon George 1850 Landon Huldah 1850 Landon Joseph 1850 Landon Marquis 1850 Landon Merrit 1850 Landon Samuel 1850 Landon Viet 1850 Lathrop Albert P. 1850 Lathrop Charles D. 1850 Lathrop Delia 1850 Lathrop Phileman 1850 Lathrop Sophia 1850 Lattimore Ellen 1850 Lawrence Abigal 1850 Lawrence Arial 1850 Lawrence Edward 1850 Lawrence Electa 1850 Lawrence Gad 1850 Lawrence George 1850 Lawrence George B. 1850 Lawrence Hannah 1850 Lawrence Jeptha 1850 Lawrence Julia 1850 Lawrence Mary A. 1850 Lawrence Mary l. 1850 Lawrence Medad C. 1850 Lawrence Sarah 1850 Lee Amos O. 1850 Lee Andrew 1850 Lee Ann 1850 Lee Aurelia A. 1850 Lee Delia C. 1850 Lee Edwin 1850 Lee Emily C. 1850 Lee Hiram 1850 Lee James 1850 Lee Joel F. 1850 Lee Levi 1850 Lee Lydia 1850 Lee May 1850 Lee Sarah S. 1850 Lee Timothy O. 1850 Legg Mary 1850 Legg Polly 1850 Leonard Ann H. 1850 Lester Betsey 1850 Lester Charlotte 1850 Lester Elizabeth 1850 Lester Harmon 1850 Lester James 1850 Lester Jesse 1850 Lester Laura 1850 Lester Lydia J. 1850 Lester Mary 1850 Lewis Eve 1850 Lewis Thomas 1850 Lincoln Emmet 1850 Lincoln Joseph 1850 Lincoln Marion 1850 Lincoln Montgomery 1850 Lincoln Morris 1850 Lincoln Nancy 1850 Lincoln Ziba 1850 Lisk Amelia 1850 Lisk Louisa C. 1850 Lisk William 1850 Loomis Amelia C. 1850 Loomis Cleona 1850 Loomis Delia A. E. 1850 Loomis Erastus 1850 Loomis Eunice E. 1850 Loomis Hetty A. 1850 Loomis Nathan 1850 Looney Amanda 1850 Looney James 1850 Looney Sarah M. 1850 Lord Albert D. 1850 Lord Almond E. 1850 Lord Catharine 1850 Lord John 1850 Lord Martha M. 1850 Lord Mary E. 1850 Lord Milton A. 1850 Lothridge Electa 1850 Lothridge Reuben 1850 Lothridge Robert 1850 Luby Jane 1850 Luby Thomas 1850 Luby William 1850 Luddington Bruce 1850 Luddington Edwin 1850 Luddington Eliza A. 1850 Luddington Frances 1850 Luddington Louisa 1850 Luddington Maria 1850 Luddington Marinda 1850 Luddington Murray 1850 Luddington Phillip 1850 Machan Abigal 1850 Machan Alice A. 1850 Machan Ann 1850 Machan Elizabeth A. 1850 Machan Ellen 1850 Machan Mary J. 1850 Machan Sarah H. 1850 Machan Sylvia M. 1850 Machan William J. 1850 Mahaffey Mary 1850 Mahattey Elizabeth 1850 Manchester Catherine 1850 Manchester John 1850 Manchester Sarah 1850 Manley Mary J. 1850 Mann Clarissa 1850 Mann Levi 1850 Mann Lydia A. 1850 Mann Sarah J. 1850 Manning Catharine 1850 Marlett Amanda 1850 Marlett Cornelius 1850 Marlett Emma J. 1850 Marlett Hellen D. 1850 Marlett James A. 1850 Marvin Cortland 1850 Mason Betsey 1850 Mason Dwight 1850 Mason Worden 1850 Mather Alexander 1850 Mather Buell 1850 Mather Edgar 1850 Mather Ellen 1850 Mather Fanny 1850 Mather Frances 1850 May Alonzo 1850 May Amos 1850 May Ezekiel B. 1850 May Henrietta 1850 May Herbert 1850 May Hortense 1850 May Jane 1850 May Jane 1850 May Louisa 1850 May Lucina 1850 May Lucina 1850 May Richard 1850 May Sayles R. 1850 May William H. 1850 McCarthy Dennis 1850 McCausey Charles 1850 McCausey George 1850 McCausey Helen 1850 McCausey James 1850 McCausey Mary 1850 McCullock Robert 1850 McDied Ann 1850 McDied Elizabeth 1850 McDied Fanny J. 1850 McDied Jane 1850 McDied Joseph 1850 McDied Joseph 1850 McDied Joseph 1850 McDied Mary 1850 McDied Mary J. 1850 McDied Mary J. 1850 McDied Samuel 1850 McDied Samuel H. 1850 McDied William 1850 McDied William J. 1850 McDonald John 1850 McGann Abigal 1850 McGann Albert 1850 McGann Charles 1850 McGann Dorleskia 1850 McGann Edward 1850 McGann Ellen 1850 McGann George 1850 McGann Harry 1850 McGann Henry Jr. 1850 McGann Hiram 1850 McGann James 1850 McGann John 1850 McGann William 1850 McGowan Harrison 1850 McGowan Lawrence 1850 McGowan Lawrence 1850 McGowan Sophia 1850 McGuigan William 1850 McKeys Betsey A. 1850 McKeys Edson 1850 McLaughlin Elizabeth 1850 McLaughlin Ellen 1850 McLaughlin Mary A. 1850 McLaughlin Patrick 1850 McLaughlin Susan 1850 McManus George 1850 McManus Henry 1850 McManus William 1850 McNally Adaline 1850 McNally Edward 1850 McNally Jane 1850 McNally John 1850 McNally John 1850 McNally Robert 1850 Mead Alvin H. 1850 Mead Ann M. 1850 Mead Anna 1850 Mead Benjamin B. 1850 Mead Caroline 1850 Mead Francis R. 1850 Mead Harriet 1850 Mead Robert 1850 Meany Patrick 1850 Meeker Edwin 1850 Miles J. 1850 Miles Margaret 1850 Millen Alonzo 1850 Millen Amos 1850 Millen Charles M. 1850 Millen Electa M. 1850 Millen Mary 1850 Millen Nancy 1850 Millen Thomas 1850 Millen William J. 1850 Mills Abigail 1850 Mills Adaline 1850 Mills Calista 1850 Mills Charles 1850 Mills Christina 1850 Mills Clinton 1850 Mills Denton 1850 Mills Edwin A. 1850 Mills Elpha 1850 Mills Eusebia 1850 Mills Eusebia 1850 Mills Exieu ? 1850 Mills George 1850 Mills Giles A. 1850 Mills Hannah 1850 Mills Harriet 1850 Mills Henry P. 1850 Mills Horton 1850 Mills Isaac 1850 Mills Jackson A. 1850 Mills Josiah C. 1850 Mills Maria 1850 Mills Martha 1850 Mills Martha 1850 Mills Mary A. 1850 Mills Mary J. 1850 Mills Merrick 1850 Mills Minerva 1850 Mills Myron L. 1850 Mills Nelson 1850 Mills Patience 1850 Mills Phebe 1850 Mills Polly 1850 Mills Prudence 1850 Mills Robert E. 1850 Mills Thomas 1850 Mills Timothy 1850 Mills William 1850 Mills William 1850 Mills William R. 1850 Mills Wilson 1850 Moffit Alvira 1850 Monegan Frederick 1850 Montgomery Mary J. 1850 Moore William 1850 Morris Mary 1850 Morse Charlotte 1850 Morse Hiram 1850 Morse Louisa 1850 Morse Melissa 1850 Morse Wesley C. 1850 Morse William 1850 Morton Alexander 1850 Morton Elizabeth 1850 Morton Gardiner 1850 Morton Hugh 1850 Morton Jenett 1850 Morton Jennett 1850 Morton Margaret 1850 Morton William 1850 Moses Amanda J. 1850 Moses B. Franklin 1850 Moses Chester 1850 Moses Curtis 1850 Moses Curtis H. 1850 Moses Dan 1850 Moses Elizabeth 1850 Moses Frances 1850 Moses Gerard 1850 Moses Guy 1850 Moses Harriet 1850 Moses Henrietta 1850 Moses Henry 1850 Moses Irving 1850 Moses Jane 1850 Moses Jane 1850 Moses Job 1850 Moses Lewis 1850 Moses Lucina 1850 Moses Lucius 1850 Moses Mryon H. 1850 Moses Oscar 1850 Moses Pluma ? 1850 Moses Robert 1850 Moses Saloma 1850 Moses Vinette 1850 Moses William 1850 Moses Zebina 1850 Mulligan Catharine 1850 Needham Randolph 1850 Newton Rachel 1850 Newton William 1850 Nicholas Rebecca H. 1850 North Alida 1850 North Furman B. 1850 North Hannah 1850 North John 1850 North Justus 1850 North Mary 1850 North Sarah 1850 North Thomas 1850 Norton Charlotte 1850 Norton Elizabeth 1850 Nye Charles 1850 O'Connor Nancy A. 1850 O'Connor Patrick 1850 O'Malley Michael 1850 O'Malley Nancy 1850 O'Malley Roger 1850 O'Malley Thomas 1850 Oakley Frederick 1850 Oakley Margaret 1850 Oakley William J. 1850 Olds Helen 1850 Olmstead Amanda 1850 Olmstead Loring 1850 Olney Celestia 1850 Olney William 1850 Onald Dorcas 1850 Orton Amos 1850 Orton Ann 1850 Orton Eliza 1850 Orton Eliza A. 1850 Orton Eliza J. 1850 Orton Martin 1850 Osborne Dona I. 1850 Osborne Elizabeth L. 1850 Osborne George H. 1850 Osborne Jane 1850 Osborne John A. 1850 Osborne Robert 1850 Osborne Thomas 1850 Osborne William 1850 Osborne William J. H. 1850 Owen Eunice 1850 Owen Experience 1850 Owen Gilbert 1850 Owen Hannah 1850 Owen Helen 1850 Owen Paul P. 1850 Owen Shubal 1850 Palmer Henry 1850 Palmer Sarah 1850 Parker Fila ? M. 1850 Parker Mary 1850 Parrish Lydia M. 1850 Parsons Almira 1850 Parsons Almira 1850 Parsons Almira 1850 Parsons Bishop N. 1850 Parsons Clarinda 1850 Parsons Cornelia 1850 Parsons George 1850 Parsons Israel 1850 Parsons Jacob 1850 Parsons Levi 1850 Parsons Levi Jr. 1850 Parsons Margaret 1850 Parsons Sarah 1850 Parsons Thomas 1850 Patchin Betsey 1850 Patchin Hezekiah 1850 Patrick Andrew 1850 Patridge Frederick 1850 Percival Cleora 1850 Pettibone Lucretia 1850 Phillips Albert 1850 Phillips Alzina 1850 Phillips Andrew W. 1850 Phillips Augustus 1850 Phillips Betsey 1850 Phillips Edward 1850 Phillips Electa 1850 Phillips Elizabeth 1850 Phillips Joseph 1850 Phillips Mahala 1850 Phillips Mary E. 1850 Phillips Mary J. 1850 Phillips Ruth A. 1850 Phillips Stephen 1850 Phillips Thomas 1850 Phillips Thomas A. 1850 Pierce Alonzo 1850 Pierce Asenath 1850 Pierce Charles 1850 Pierce Daniel 1850 Pierce George 1850 Pierce Harlow 1850 Pierce Henry A. 1850 Pierce Jane 1850 Pierce Mary E. 1850 Pierson Electa 1850 Pitman Samuel 1850 Plant Catharine T. 1850 Plant Charles H. 1850 Plant Cornelia M. 1850 Plant Eudocia 1850 Plant John D. 1850 Plant Lucy 1850 Plant William A. 1850 Plant William T. 1850 Plasted Charles 1850 Platt Ann 1850 Platt Ann E. 1850 Platt Catharine 1850 Platt Catharine 1850 Platt Cornelia B. 1850 Platt Elizabeth 1850 Platt Emily 1850 Platt Ermina 1850 Platt George 1850 Platt Isaac R. 1850 Platt John H. 1850 Platt Joseph 1850 Platt Joseph C. 1850 Platt Lydia 1850 Platt Mary E. 1850 Platt Mary S. 1850 Platt Susan B. 1850 Pogue James 1850 Pogue Jane 1850 Pogue Latitia 1850 Pogue Margaret 1850 Pogue Martha 1850 Poole Robert 1850 Popham Elizabeth 1850 Popham James 1850 Potter Anson 1850 Potter Ardeliam J. 1850 Potter Caleb N. 1850 Potter Coridon 1850 Potter Elizabeth 1850 Potter Franklin 1850 Potter Harriet 1850 Potter Hortensia C. 1850 Potter Myron 1850 Potter N. Horatia 1850 Potter Nelson 1850 Potter Sarah 1850 Pouge John 1850 Powell James 1850 Pratt Albert 1850 Pratt Eliza J. 1850 Pratt Lucy P. 1850 Pratt Mry 1850 Pratt Willard 1850 Prouty Stephen 1850 Pugh Jerry 1850 Purdy Hiram 1850 Quackenbush Louisa 1850 Quick Emma 1850 Quick James 1850 Quick John 1850 Quick Mary A. 1850 Randall George 1850 Randall George H. 1850 Randall Jonathan 1850 Randall Levi 1850 Randall Margaret 1850 Randall Mary 1850 Rathbone Bela F. 1850 Rathbone Caroline 1850 Rathbone Charles A. 1850 Rathbone Charles E. 1850 Rathbone Cordelia 1850 Rathbone Emerancy R. 1850 Rathbone George 1850 Rathbone Jenett 1850 Rathbone Juliette 1850 Rathbone Laura 1850 Rathbone Polly 1850 Raymond Anthony 1850 Raymond Betsey A. 1850 Raymond Henry 1850 Raymond Irena 1850 Raymond James 1850 Raymond John 1850 Raymond Lucy J. 1850 Raymond William 1850 Redway Bradley 1850 Redway Clarisa 1850 Redway Frances 1850 Redway Guy 1850 Redway Marion 1850 Redway Worden 1850 Reed Augusta 1850 Reed Augustus 1850 Reed Charlotte 1850 Reed Charlotte 1850 Reed Eliza 1850 Reed Esther A. 1850 Reed Esther A. 1850 Reed George 1850 Reed George J. 1850 Reed Harriet 1850 Reed Hiram 1850 Reed Joel 1850 Reed Joseph 1850 Reed Lois 1850 Reed Lucy 1850 Reed Martha A. 1850 Reed Otis 1850 Reed Rhoda 1850 Reed Susan A. 1850 Reynolds Elsey 1850 Reynolds John 1850 Reynolds Nancy 1850 Rhoades Charles H. 1850 Rhoades Cornelia H. 1850 Rhoades Esther M. 1850 Rhoades Harriet 1850 Rhoades Juliette 1850 Rhoades Lucy E. 1850 Rhoades Maria L. 1850 Rhoades Rachel 1850 Rhoades Robert 1850 Rhoades Robert 1850 Rhoades William 1850 Rhoades William J. 1850 Rice Emily 1850 Rice Emily 1850 Rice Spencer M. 1850 Rich Amanda 1850 Rich Amity 1850 Rich Ann 1850 Rich Mariam 1850 Rich Merritt 1850 Rich Worthy 1850 Richards Daniel 1850 Richards Elijah 1850 Richards John 1850 Richards Joseph 1850 Richards Orrin 1850 Richards Sally J. 1850 Richards William 1850 Richardson Ann 1850 Richardson Maria 1850 Richardson Mary A. 1850 Richardson Richard 1850 Richardson William R. 1850 Richmond Alden 1850 Riley Patrick 1850 Ripley Candia 1850 Roach Ellen 1850 Roach William 1850 Roach Winne 1850 Roberts Phebe 1850 Robinson Lucius 1850 Robinson William 1850 Rockwell Alfred 1850 Rockwell Alfred 1850 Rockwell Aloiza 1850 Rockwell George T. 1850 Rockwell Jerusha 1850 Rockwell John T. 1850 Rockwell Louisa H. 1850 Rockwell Mary 1850 Rockwell Phebe 1850 Rockwell Samuel O. 1850 Rockwell Sarah E. 1850 Rosier Harriet O. 1850 Rosier Mary E. 1850 Rosier Rebecca J. 1850 Rosier Sarah 1850 Rosier Sarah E. 1850 Rowley Elijah 1850 Rowley Eliza 1850 Rowley Helen 1850 Rowley Josephine 1850 Rowling Adelade 1850 Rowling Jonathan 1850 Royce Eunice 1850 Royce Fidelia 1850 Royce Jane 1850 Royce Mary 1850 Royce Rosanna 1850 Royce Theodore 1850 Roys Sarah 1850 Roys William R. 1850 Russell Jonathan 1850 Russell Sarah 1850 Ryan Augusta C. 1850 Ryan Francis A. 1850 Ryan George W. 1850 Ryan James 1850 Ryan Michael 1850 Ryan Susan 1850 Ryan Theody 1850 Sage Almeda 1850 Sage Charlotte 1850 Sage Eliza E. 1850 Sage George 1850 Sage Harriet 1850 Sage Henry V. 1850 Sage Horatio 1850 Sage Mary 1850 Sage Parthena 1850 Sanford John 1850 Sanford Theodore 1850 Sarr Byron 1850 Sarr Harriet 1850 Sarr Henry 1850 Sarr James 1850 Sarr Jane 1850 Sarr John 1850 Sarr Laura 1850 Sarr Martha 1850 Sarr Moses 1850 Sarr Myron 1850 Sarr Sarah 1850 Sarr William 1850 Sarr William 1850 Sayles Charles 1850 Sayles Charles 1850 Sayles Emily A. 1850 Sayles John 1850 Sayles Mary 1850 Sayles Sylvia 1850 Sayles William H. 1850 Sayre James C. 1850 Segar John 1850 Seymour Adam 1850 Seymour Addison M. 1850 Seymour Almira 1850 Seymour Augustus M. 1850 Seymour Edwin M. 1850 Seymour Elisha 1850 Seymour Elizabeth 1850 Seymour Frank M. 1850 Seymour George 1850 Seymour Harriet 1850 Seymour Helen A. 1850 Seymour Henry 1850 Seymour James 1850 Seymour Jane M. 1850 Seymour John (Hille ?) 1850 Seymour Lucy 1850 Seymour Mary 1850 Seymour Melvin M. 1850 Seymour Nancy 1850 Seymour Plumia 1850 Seymour William 1850 Sharp Garrett 1850 Sharp James 1850 Sharp Jane 1850 Sharp John 1850 Sharp Mary 1850 Sharp Myndert 1850 Sharp Sarah 1850 Sharp William A. 1850 Shaw Julia 1850 Shaw Mary 1850 Shaw Zylpha 1850 Shepard Abigail 1850 Shepard Ann 1850 Shepard Beach 1850 Shepard Betsey 1850 Shepard Caroline 1850 Shepard Diana 1850 Shepard Eliza 1850 Shepard Gerard 1850 Shepard Hezekiah 1850 Shepard Isaac N. 1850 Shepard Mary 1850 Shepard Mary E. 1850 Shepard Nelson ? 1850 Shepard Orlando 1850 Shepard Pemelia 1850 Shepard Sarah 1850 Sherwood Amos B. 1850 Sherwood Annette R. 1850 Sherwood Caroline 1850 Sherwood Charles F. 1850 Sherwood George H. 1850 Sherwood Henry 1850 Sherwood James M. 1850 Sherwood Jane A. 1850 Sherwood John P. 1850 Sherwood Louisa 1850 Sherwood Lucy 1850 Sherwood Mary 1850 Sherwood Sarah 1850 Sherwood William B. 1850 Sherwood William B. 1850 Shoudy Augusta A. 1850 Shoudy Georgiana 1850 Shoudy Ira 1850 Shoudy Olive A. 1850 Shoudy Theodore M. 1850 Shout John 1850 Skinner George 1850 Slyter John 1850 Smedley Betsey A. 1850 Smedley Celinda 1850 Smedley Levi 1850 Smedley Lucy 1850 Smedley Theodore 1850 Smith Bethnia 1850 Smith Betsey 1850 Smith Ellen 1850 Smith Frances 1850 Smith George 1850 Smith Harriet 1850 Smith Harriet D. 1850 Smith Harvey 1850 Smith Horace 1850 Smith James B. 1850 Smith Jane 1850 Smith John 1850 Smith John 1850 Smith John W. 1850 Smith Laura 1850 Smith Lyman 1850 Smith Mahlon 1850 Smith Martha 1850 Smith Matilda 1850 Smith Milton 1850 Smith Relief 1850 Smith Roderick D. 1850 Smith Sally 1850 Smith Samuel 1850 Smith Samuel 1850 Smith Sarah 1850 Smith Sarah A. 1850 Smith Sarah J. 1850 Smith Sereno 1850 Smith Seth 1850 Smith Stanton 1850 Smith William 1850 Snyder John 1850 Snyder Sarah 1850 Soule Eugene 1850 Soule Henry 1850 Soule Herbert 1850 Soule Isaac N. 1850 Soule Lodoiska 1850 Spaulding Ann M. 1850 Spaulding Edward 1850 Spaulding Mary L. 1850 Spears Charles 1850 Spears James 1850 Spears Sarah 1850 Spears Sarah 1850 Spears William 1850 Speed Anson 1850 Speed Edson 1850 Speed Hannah 1850 Speed Harriet J. 1850 Speed Mary 1850 Speed Nicholas 1850 Spence James 1850 Spencer Bridget 1850 Spencer Thomas 1850 Spinks Charles 1850 Spinks Fanny 1850 Spinks George 1850 Spinks Isiah 1850 Spinks John 1850 Spinks John 1850 Spinks Mark 1850 Spinks Mercy 1850 Spinks Page R. 1850 Spinks Phebe 1850 Starr Charles 1850 Starr Edward 1850 Starr George 1850 Starr Jemima 1850 Starr John 1850 Starr Robert 1850 Steele Edwin J. 1850 Steele Eliza A. 1850 Steele Ellen M. 1850 Steele Frank H. 1850 Steele Grove S. 1850 Steele Henry A. 1850 Steele Joseph 1850 Steele Lucina 1850 Steele Mary E. 1850 Steele Melissa A. 1850 Steele Rose E. 1850 Stokes Charlotte 1850 Stokes Lydia 1850 Stokes Maria 1850 Stokes William 1850 Stolp Giles 1850 Stone Andrew L. 1850 Stone Benjamin F. 1850 Stone Clarrissa 1850 Stone Edwin C. 1850 Stone Horace M. 1850 Stone Mary V. 1850 Stone Miriam 1850 Stone Rollin 1850 Stone Sarah J. 1850 Stone Sarah M. 1850 Stowell Laura B. 1850 Streeter John 1850 Streeter Marvin 1850 Stuckey George 1850 Stuckey James 1850 Stuckey John 1850 Stuckey Martha 1850 Stuckey Mary 1850 Stuckey Sarah 1850 Stuckey Vincent 1850 Stuckey William 1850 Sweet Abram W. 1850 Sweet Anna 1850 Sweet Clarisa 1850 Sweet Henry 1850 Sweet Isabell 1850 Sweet John D. 1850 Sweet Louisa 1850 Sweet Mary 1850 Sweet Richard 1850 Sweet Simeon G. 1850 Sweeting Delocia 1850 Sweeting Mary 1850 Swoffer Ann 1850 Swoffer Cornelia 1850 Swoffer George 1850 Swoffer Mary 1850 Swoffer Thomas 1850 Talbot Edward 1850 Talbot Edward C. 1850 Talbot Edwin G. 1850 Talbot Elias 1850 Talbot Elizabeth 1850 Talbot Jane 1850 Talbot Mary 1850 Tallmadge Cornelia 1850 Tallman James 1850 Tallman Rebecca 1850 Tanner Nathan 1850 Taylor Alanson M. 1850 Taylor Bravity 1850 Taylor Eunice 1850 Taylor Eunice C. 1850 Taylor George 1850 Taylor George E. 1850 Taylor George E. 1850 Taylor Hannah 1850 Taylor Harriet 1850 Taylor Horrace P. 1850 Taylor Jared 1850 Taylor Jerusha 1850 Taylor John 1850 Taylor John B. 1850 Taylor John P. 1850 Taylor Joseph 1850 Taylor Lamora 1850 Taylor Laura A. 1850 Taylor Luke 1850 Taylor Percey 1850 Taylor Rebecca 1850 Tefft Hetty 1850 Tefft Luke I. 1850 Thatcher Theodore 1850 Thomas Abigail 1850 Thomas Adelade 1850 Thomas Asahel 1850 Thomas David 1850 Thomas Frances J. 1850 Thomas Judson 1850 Thompson Caroline 1850 Thompson Clarinda 1850 Thompson George 1850 Thompson Mary 1850 Thompson Philancy 1850 Thompson Silvester 1850 Thorn Elizabeth 1850 Thorn Gulielina ? 1850 Thorn Obadiah 1850 Thorn Robert B. 1850 Thorn William G. 1850 Thornton Anliza 1850 Thornton Simeon 1850 Thornton William 1850 Tinkham Amanda 1850 Tinkham George 1850 Tinkham Joseph 1850 Tinkham Mark 1850 Tinkham Mary 1850 Tinkham Sarah 1850 Tobin Margaret 1850 Tobin Michael 1850 Tobin Michael 1850 Todd Caleb 1850 Todd Catharine 1850 Todd Charles 1850 Todd Electa 1850 Todd George B. 1850 Todd Henry P. 1850 Todd John 1850 Todd Margaret 1850 Todd Mariette 1850 Todd Norman 1850 Todd Sarah 1850 Todd Sarah 1850 Todd Thomas 1850 Tolley Patrick 1850 Tompkins Cornelia 1850 Tompkins Eliza 1850 Tompkins George 1850 Tompkins Henry 1850 Tompkins John 1850 Tompkins Kilbourn 1850 Tucker Eliza J. 1850 Tucker Hannah 1850 Tucker Mary A. 1850 Tucker Richard 1850 Tucker Sarah 1850 Tucker William 1850 Tucker William E. 1850 Tuckwell Martin H. 1850 Turner Charles 1850 Turner Orrin 1850 Turner Oscar 1850 Turner Rhoda 1850 Turner Theodore 1850 Tyler Alvaretta 1850 Tyler Grace 1850 Tyler James W. 1850 Tyler Jared W. 1850 Tyler John 1850 Vandenburgh Abraham 1850 Vandenburgh Caroline 1850 Vandenburgh Charles 1850 Vandenburgh Elizabeth 1850 Vandenburgh Frederick 1850 Vandenburgh John H. 1850 Vandenburgh Maria 1850 Vandenburgh Mary 1850 Vandenburgh Minerva 1850 Vandenburgh Nancy 1850 Vandenburgh Stephen 1850 Vandenburgh Stephen A. 1850 VanDerwater Hiram 1850 VanEtta Asenath 1850 VanGorder Dorcas 1850 VanMetter Catharine 1850 VanMetter Charles 1850 VanMetter John H. 1850 VanMetter Madison D. 1850 VanMetter William 1850 VanVranken Elizabeth 1850 VanVranken John 1850 VanVranken Margaret 1850 VanVranken Mary E. 1850 VanVranken Nicholas 1850 VanVranken Richard 1850 VanVranken Sarah 1850 Veeder Angeline 1850 Veeder Ann 1850 Veeder Eliza M. 1850 Veeder Harriet E. 1850 Vinal Emily 1850 Vinal Horrace 1850 Vinal Waity 1850 Vrooman Sarah 1850 Walker Ann 1850 Walker DeWitt 1850 Walker Elizabeth 1850 Walker Margaret 1850 Walker Mary 1850 Walker Mary E. 1850 Walker Roxena A. 1850 Walker Thomas 1850 Walker Warren S. 1850 Wallace Coridon 1850 Wallace Deborah B. 1850 Wallace Edward 1850 Wallace Edwin A. 1850 Wallace George 1850 Wallace George W. 1850 Wallace Harriet 1850 Wallace John D. 1850 Wallace Phebe 1850 Wallace Sarah A. 1850 Walsh James 1850 Walsh Maryet ? 1850 Walwark Jane 1850 Walwark Julia A. 1850 Walwark Lafayette 1850 Walwark Mary 1850 Walwark Thomas 1850 Walwark Washington 1850 Walwark Washington 1850 Ward George 1850 Watson Grove 1850 Watson Hull 1850 Watts Catharine 1850 Watts George 1850 Watts Mary E. 1850 Watts Olive 1850 Watts Sarah J. 1850 Watts William F. 1850 Webber Eliza J. 1850 Webber Esther 1850 Webber Esther J. 1850 Webber Joel J. 1850 Webber Thomas E. 1850 Webber William M. 1850 Webster James 1850 Webster Lucy 1850 Weeks Charles 1850 Weeks Eliza 1850 Weeks Sarah J. 1850 Weeks Thomas 1850 Welch Giles A. 1850 Welch John 1850 Welch John 1850 Welch Josiah 1850 Welch Julia 1850 Welch Lydia 1850 Welch Martha 1850 Wellington Adaline 1850 Wellington Eliza 1850 Wellington George 1850 Wellington Janet 1850 Wellington John 1850 Wellington Luke 1850 Wellington Sarah 1850 Wellington William 1850 Wellington William 1850 Wells Charles 1850 Wells Don S. 1850 Wells Emeline 1850 Wells James 1850 Wells Jane 1850 Wells Lewis 1850 Wells Lovicia 1850 Wells Ruth 1850 Wells Sophronia M. 1850 Wells Warren 1850 Wescott Delos 1850 West Caroline E. 1850 West Delos 1850 West Elizabeth 1850 West Erastus 1850 West Fisher 1850 West Jane 1850 West Loret 1850 West Sarah 1850 West William 1850 Whaley Lydius 1850 Wheadon George 1850 Wheadon George L. 1850 Wheadon Mary J. 1850 Wheadon Phebe A. 1850 Wheadon Rachel 1850 Wheeler Melissa 1850 White Almira B. 1850 White Charles O. 1850 White Charles P. 1850 White Charlotte S. 1850 White Daniel B. 1850 White Harriet E. 1850 White Imry S. 1850 White James O. 1850 White Jeremiah G. B. 1850 White Lois A. 1850 White Mercy A. 1850 White Norman H. 1850 White Philena C. 1850 White Sarah A. 1850 White William 1850 White William C. 1850 Whiting Harriet 1850 Whiting Joanna 1850 Whiting Luna 1850 Whiting Mary W. 1850 Whiting Myron 1850 Whiting Olive 1850 Whiting Rosana 1850 Whiting Watters 1850 Whiting Worthy 1850 Whitman Adelia 1850 Whitman Charles 1850 Whitman Clarisa 1850 Whitman Elias 1850 Whitman Eliza 1850 Whitman George 1850 Whitman Hannah 1850 Whitman Hiram 1850 Whitman Howel 1850 Whitman James 1850 Whitman John 1850 Whitman Latitia A. 1850 Whitman William 1850 Whitney Angenette 1850 Whitney Betsey 1850 Whitney Eliza 1850 Whitney Ira 1850 Whitney Jane 1850 Whitney Lois 1850 Whitney Orpha 1850 Whitney Prudence 1850 Whitney Sebina 1850 Whitney Willard 1850 Wilbur Asa 1850 Wilbur Charlotte 1850 Wilbur Hiram C. 1850 Wilbur John H. 1850 Wilbur Laura 1850 Wilbur Storrs 1850 Wilbur William 1850 Wilder Amanda 1850 Wilder Chloe 1850 Wilder Deborah 1850 Wilder Edward B. 1850 Wilder Jabez 1850 Wilder Mary 1850 Wilder Sarah 1850 Wilkins Charles 1850 Wilkins Elanor 1850 Willett Hannah 1850 Williams Emily 1850 Williams Frederick 1850 Williams Lucy B. 1850 Wilson Abigail 1850 Wilson Amory 1850 Wiltsie Adaline 1850 Wiltsie Ann E. 1850 Wiltsie Charles H. 1850 Wiltsie Cornell 1850 Wiltsie Edmund D. 1850 Wiltsie Elizabeth 1850 Wiltsie Franklin A. 1850 Wiltsie George B. 1850 Wiltsie James M. 1850 Wiltsie John 1850 Wiltsie John 1850 Wiltsie Julia S. 1850 Wiltsie Lorette E. 1850 Wiltsie Marsh 1850 Wiltsie Mary 1850 Winchell Sarah 1850 Wood Adell 1850 Wood Ahimaaz 1850 Wood Ahimaaz 1850 Wood Betsey 1850 Wood Carolne 1850 Wood Jesse 1850 Wood Jonah 1850 Wood Jonah 1850 Wood Mary 1850 Wood Mary 1850 Wood Sarah 1850 Woodbridge Eliza J. 1850 Woodbridge Elizabeth 1850 Woodbridge Joseph 1850 Woodbridge Rhoda A. 1850 Woodford Almeda 1850 Woodford Henrietta 1850 Woodford J. Munro 1850 Woodford Josephine 1850 Wright Aaron C. 1850 Wright Abby A. 1850 Wright Abigail S. 1850 Wright Adell 1850 Wright Albert 1850 Wright Anson 1850 Wright Edwin B. 1850 Wright Elijah 1850 Wright Eliza W. 1850 Wright Erastus A. 1850 Wright Experience 1850 Wright Frank J. 1850 Wright Jane 1850 Wright John 1850 Wright Lemuel S. 1850 Wright Louesa 1850 Wright Lucretia 1850 Wright Lydia 1850 Wright Marietta 1850 Wright Mary 1850 Wright Mary 1850 Wright Samuel 1850 Wright Sarah J. 1850 Wright Silas 1850 Wright Willard 1850 Wright Willis 1850 Wylie Abby 1850 Wylie Allen G. 1850 Wylie Axy 1850 Wylie Benjamin 1850 Wylie Jerusha 1850 Yoe James H. 1850 Yoe James H. 1850 Yoe John 1850 Yoe Mary F. 1850 Yoe Ruhamah 1850 Yoe Sanford 1850 York William