WILL: Elijah Borden; Pompey, Onondaga co., NY surname: Borden, Wattle, Bomer, Gibbs, Jackson, Sherman, Hathaway submitted by Michael Schroeder (mike2sails at @aol.com) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.org/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.org/ny/nyfiles.htm Submitted Date: November 20, 2004 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/nyfiles/ File size: 5.6 Kb ************************************************ Source: Sampubco.com Onondaga co NY Will Book Vol. C page 19 Written: April 13 1818 Recorded: October 4 1822 Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by Michael Schroeder Pompey In the name of God Amen. I Elijah Borden of Pompey in the county of Onondaga and State of New York being of sound mind and memory do hereby make and ordain this my last will and Testament making and disannulling all others made by me or that can be pronounced as coming from me and I do hereby dispose of the property that I now own in manner of following: (viz) First I give and bequeath to my daughter Susannah Bomer of Pittstown in the State of New York Phoebe Wattle(?), Rachel Gibbs, Sarah Bomer, Patience Jackson, Peace Wattl(?), Lydia Sherman(?) one dollar having previously given to my said daughters what I deem their proportions of my Estate they all being in good circumstances. In the second place I give to my daughter Mary Hathaway ten dollars to be paid to her by my Executors to be hereafter named out of the first money they can or may receive out of my Estate after my decease. In the third place I give and bequeath to my grandson Elijah Borden my Silver Watch that I may be possessed of. If I should not have one at the time of my decease then I order and direct my Executors hereafter to be named to procure and give to my grandson Elijah a Silver Watch worth Twenty Dollars to be paid for out of my estate. In the fourth place I give and bequeath to my daughter Sylvia Borden all my indoor moveable property consisting of bedding and furniture, chairs, tables, bedsteads and all other household furniture that I may be possessed of whatever kind or nature they may be and all the provisions that I may be possessed of at the time of my death of any kind or nature also one good cow and the use of my farm one year from the time of my death to her sole use and improvement. In the fifth place I give and bequeath to my two sons Nathan and Joshua all my real Estate that I may be possessed of in the said Town of Pompey consisting of forty acres of land to be divided between them that my son Nathan shall have twenty two acres off the East end of said lot so as that the said twenty two acres shall be of equal length and breadth and of equal????? with said forty acres of land to them and their ??????as and estate in fee simple. And I do hereby ordain constitute and appoint my two sons Nathan and Joshua Executors of this my last Will and Testament. I do hereby order and direct that my Executors pay the aforesaid legacy in money to the aforesaid??? as heretofore mentioned in this my Last Will Testament to be raised from the sale of my property that may come to the hands of my said Executors not otherwise disposed of by my Will. In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my seal and subscribe my name this thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred eighteen. Signed, sealed and executed in the presence of and in the presence of each other. Isaac Baldwin, Ann Ledgewick, Hannah Davis Ss/w seal Elijah Borden I Elijah Borden the above subscriber being of sound mind and memory to make the following Codicil to my foregoing Will and Testament and that is to say I give to my aforementioned daughter Sylvia Borden one other cow than what I have given in my Will. Also all the money, Bonds, Notes and obligations of whatever nature or kind I may be possessed of, In ? whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Signed, sealed and executed Elijah Borden ss/w/seal In presence of the Testator Isaac Baldwin, Ann Lodgewick Hannah Davis Be it remembered that on the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two personally came before me ? Porter Surrogate of the County of Onondaga Hannah Davis who being duly sworn did depose and say that I saw Elijah Borden sign and seal the two instruments in writing purporting to be his last will and Testament with a Codicil thereto annexed the preceding whereof are true copies and at the same time heard him publish and declare the same as ? for his last will and Testament and Codicil to same will and at the time the Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge of her the Deponent and that the Deponent subscribed the sail will and codicil in the presence of the Testator and the subscribing to the said will and codicil and that they subscribed in the presence of each other saw the presence of the Testator and he in their presence and on the same day personally came Nathan Borden and Joshua Borden Executors in the same will named and were duly qualified by taking the necessary oath at the same time Letter Testamentary with a copy of the said will and codicil annexed the proceeding whereof are true copies were found accordingly and Recorded. ss/ ? Porter, Surrogate