BIOGRAPHY: Jacob S. Brill; Newburgh, Orange co., New York transcribed by W. David Samuelsen for USGenWeb Archives *********************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** Portrait and Biographical Record of Rockland and Orange Counties New York Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the Counties. Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States. New York and Chicago; Chapman Publishing Co., 1895 JACOB S. BRILL, junior member of the firm of Stocker & Brill, is one of the leading wholesale grocers of Newburgh, and is a member of the Wholesale Grocers' Association of New York and vicinity. He has been very successful in his undertakings, and is a tea expert of exceptional ability. Without doubt, the members of this firm are the largest jobbers in teas, coffees and spices on the Hudson. The Brill family originally came from Holland, being among the first settlers on the grant of land in the locality of Beekman, Dutchess County, and there several generations of descendants have been born, including our subject's grandfather, Daniel, his father, Charles, and himself. The father was formerly a very active agriculturist, but is now living retired at his old home at the age of sixty-one years. He was left an orphan at an early age, and was the youngest of nine children. On reaching maturity he occupied many offices of trust in his township, and has had charge of several estates, which he has settled with good executive ability. He is a man of sterling integrity and honesty, public spirited and enterprising, and no worthy person in need of assistance ever calls upon him in vain. When the war came on he responded to the draft, but his services were not required. His wife, Elizabeth, is a daughterof Jacob Seaman, and both were natives of East Fishkill. Robert, father of Jacob Seaman, was born on Long Island, but lived for many years on a farm in East Fishkill. The wife of Jacob Seaman, Claretta, was a daughter of Nathan Slack, who also owned a farm near the village just mentioned. Three children were born to Charles and Elizabeth Brill, namely: Jacob S., Edward C. and Charles R., the two latter of whom are interested with the subject of this sketch in operating a large stock farm in Dutchess County. Jacob S. Brill was born October 29, 1861, and was educated in the select schools of his native place, and at Wilburham Academy in Massachusetts. Then, entering the employ of the Adams Express Company at Waterbury, Conn., he remained with them for about one year, when he was called home owing to the illness of his parents. He assumed charge of his father's farm, and was also employed in dairying until 1888. In February of that year he became salesman for John Oakley, the surviving partner of L. & J. Oakley, soap manufacturers of Newburgh, and traveled in New Jersey and New York for about a year, when the firm's affairs were wound up. Afterward he became interested with J. W. Mathews & Co., wholesale grocers of this city, being placed in charge of their tea trade, and in less than twelve months had succeeded so well that he was commissioned to buy all the teas, spices and cigars, in which the firm dealt, and later, in addition, managed the coffee department. In February, 1894, Mr. Brill resigned his position, entering into partnership with the junior member of the old firm, Edward Stocker. In the short time which has elapsed they have met with most gratifying success, and now do a larger business in their special line than any house in the city. They occupy a large building at Nos. 2 and 4 Front Street, also a warehouse on South Front Street, and have all the modern improvements about the buildings, such as electricity, elevators, etc., and in these massive structures they- handle a full line of general domestic and imported groceries. In 1892, in company with his brothers, Mr. Brill purchased about one thousand acres in Dutchess County, this being known as the Brill Stock Farm. They have carried off the first awards at the various stock exhibits, including those at Westchester County, Orange County and Dutchess County Fairs, and at Danbury, Conn. The brothers make a business of breeding Percheron draft and standard-bred trotting horses, and are also breeders and importers of Holstein and Freisian cattle. October 18, 1887, Mr. Brill was married, in this city, to Harriet B. Oakley, who was born here September 19, 1860. Her father, Lucas Oakley, was a member of the firm of L. & J. Oakley, soap manufacturers of Newburgh, and is represented elsewhere in this work. Three children were born to our subject and wife, namely: Oakley, who died at the age of nine months; Edward Hopkins and Ruth Oakley. Mr. and Mrs. Brill are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Newburgh. In his political relationship the former is an ally of the Democratic party.