WILL; John Bemus; Saratoga Springs; Saratoga Co., NY submitted 2000 by Thomas Dunne (ThmsDunne9@aol.com). ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submittor has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ WILL OF JOHN BEMUS John Bemus was the 3rd son of Jotham Bemus, and Tryphena Moore, he was born in 1763 at Bemis Heights, Saratoga Co., New York. It is evident from the following extract from his obituary notice published in the Saratoga Sentinel September 15, 1829 that John took part in the struggle of the Battle of Saratoga . "Though young he was in the American service at the capture of Burgoyne, as a teamster." John died September 1829 in Saratoga Spa, and is buried, next to his wife Sally who died July 14, 1829, in the Whitford Cemetery in Saratoga Spa, Saratoga Co., New York Transcribed by Thomas L Dunne (descendant of Sarah "Sally" Bemus Crawford) (this is the main part of the will, not total, as I only have 1 page) Some of the writing is hard to read, and spelling may be inaccurate In the name of God Amen I John Bemus do make and publish this my last will, and testament. First I give devices and bequeath unto my beloved Sister Sally Crawford wife of Daniel Crawford for her separate use, and to the use of her heirs, the lot of land or farms now in possession of Daniel Crawford an creditors the she or they pay to Samuel Cook the ballance due on a mortgage executed by Ostrander now in the hands of said Cook. I appoint Benjamin Crawford, Peter Fort, and Joshua Finch my executors. I direct my executors forthwith upon my decease to collect all debts owing to me, to sell all my personal property not here after disposed of at auction or otherwise for cash or on credit as they deem best, to sell and convey my lot of fifty acres in Wilton, my lot of forty five acres on the mountain in Corinth, my Bogers (?) farm near my homestead and my lease lots and out of the monies arising from such sales and collections to pay off my debts an to divide the residue as follows. One half to be paid to Sally Crawford for her separate use to be receipted by her the other half to be paid to Nancy Beckwith wife of Benjamin Beckwith, Chatham Columbia County, Nabby Clements of Saratoga and Lucretta Wilcox of Chester Warren County, share and share alike. I give devise and bequeath unto Sally Crawford one half of my homestead for her separate use and to the use of her heirs. I give, devise and bequeath unto Nancy Beckwith, Nubby Clements and Lucretia Wilcox the other half of my homestead and to their heirs, and assigns share and share alike, and if Sally Crawford, Nancy Beckwith Nabby Clements and Lucretia Wilcox or either of them shall request & direct my Executors to sell and convey their share or shares to such persons as they shall direct. I give to Sally Perkins wife of Leonard Perkins one set of yellow curtains. I give to Mary Goodrich formerly Mary Stewart one other set of bed curtains. I give to Rosanna Ramsdale one cow formerly formerly had of her father and (???) sheep. John Bemus signed published and declared by the above named John Bemus to be his last will and testament in the presence of Samuel Chapman, John K Steel, Judiah Ellsworth.