BIO: General Nelson Herrick Henry; New York State surname: Henry submitted by W. David Samuelsen (no relation) *********************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** An Illustrated Legislative Manual The New York Red Book Containing the Portraits and Biographies of the U.S. Senators, Governor, State Officers and Members of the Legislature; also with the Portraits of Judges and Court Reporters, the New Constitution of the State, Election and Population Statistics, and General Facts of Interest. By Edgar L. Murlin New Constitution Compiled by R. C. Cumming, O. L. Potter and F. B. Gilbert Published, Albany, J. B. Lyon Company, Publishers, 1909 Copyright by J. B. Lyon Company, 1909 General Nelson Herrick Henry, the Adjutant-General, was born in State Island on April 27, 1855. He was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the class of 1879. He represented the old Fifth Assembly district of Ne York city in the Assembly from 1899 to 1901 and showed great interest in all measures affecting the public health and the National Guard. In the Spanish War President McKinley made him Chief Surgeon of Division, with the rank of Major. He served in the camps at Tampa, Fla., and Huntsville, Ala. He has been Chief Surgeon, with the rank of Colonel on the staff of Gen. Charles F. Roe, commanding the National Guard, for years. Governor Odell in 1901 appointed him Adjutant-Geneal to succeed Brigadier-General Edward M. Hoffman. He was appointed by Governor Higgins in 1905. Then he was reapponted by Governor Hughes, and was reappointed by the latter in 1909 for a two-year term.