BIOGRAPHY: Andrew J. McDowell; Steuben co., NY surname: McDowell. Dumars, McFarland, McCutchen submitted by Teri Brown (sanchoinc at ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted Date: October 12,2004 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb ************************************************ Author: History of Mercer County, PA, 1888 ANDREW J. MCDOWELL, farmer, post-office Greenville [Mercer County, PA], was born in Steuben County, N. Y., May 1, 1827. His parents were James and Catharine (McCutchen) McDowell, natives of Scotland, who emigrated from Ireland with a family of six children about 1823, and settled in Steuben County, N. Y. Three children were born after their coming. About 1835 the family removed to Trumbull County, Ohio, where the father died in June, 1844. This broke up the home, and the mother afterward died at the home of her daughter in Clarksville, Mercer County. Andrew J. came to Greenville from Ohio in April, 1844, and began working in Samuel Goodwin's Sawmill at $11 per month and board himself, all of which was paid in orders on Goodwin' s store. He afterward worked eight years in a. foundry as a molder, and then went boating on the canal for three summers. He subsequently opened a livery stable, which he carried on successfully nearly seven years. In April, 1864, he purchased the farm upon which he has since resided, and erected his present residence in 1879. Mr. McDowell was married September 10, 1858, to Miss Phebe J., daughter of Thomas and Agnes (Dumars) McFarland, the former a native of Washington County, Penn , and the latter of Mercer County, both of whom died in Trumbull County, Ohio. Mrs. McDowell was born on the McFarland homestead, in Trumbull County, and is the mother of three children: Charley E., Willie A. and Minnie A. M. Mr. McDowell and wife are members of the Evangelical Association, and politically he is a stanch Republican. He is one of the successful, enterprising farmers of West Salem Township.