WILL OF PHEBE TURNER, WESTCHESTER CO., NY Copyright (c) 1999 by Robert. Vail (rvail@yourlink.net). ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Abstracts of Wills, Vol XIV, 1786-1796 Page 152. --PHEBE TURNER, widow of the Borough of Westchester, New York, to my sister, Abigail Bugbee, all my wearing apparel, my bed, bedding and furniture thereunto belonging, my chest, looking glass, six plates of X, pewter, one pair andirons, and my Bible to her own use forever; to my brother, Thomas Vail, one feather bed, bedding, furniture belonging thereunto; Also one cupboard, one gun, and a warming-pan. All my linen to be equally divided between my sister Abigail and brother Thomas; to my cousin, John Vail, living in New Jersey, œ40; to my brother Stephen, living in New Jersey, œ50; to my nephew Daniel, son of my brother, John Vail, œ5; to my niece, Phebe Vail, daughter of my brother, Thomas Vail, œ5; also one table, one wheel, and one pie-pan; to Phebe Bugbee, daughter of Elijah Bugbee, œ5, also one cupboard; to Daniel Pugsly, son of David Pugsly, œ5; to the Society of the People, called Quakers, œ10, to be paid to the clerk of the Meeting for the time being of the said Quakers in the Borough Town of Westchester, to the use of the said Meeting, to maintain good works. I order that my negroes shall have their liberty to choose their masters, and my executors do sell them to those whom they shall choose. All the remainder of my estate whatsoever, I give the same to my brother, Thomas Vail, and my sister, Abigail Bugbee (wife of Elijah Bugbee), and to their several and respective heirs forever, share and share alike. I make my brother, Thomas Vail, and my brother-in-law, Elijah Bugbee, executors. Dated July 20, 1770. Witnesses, Martha Forgison, Gabriel Forgison, John Bartow, Westchester County, gentleman. Proved, June 19, 1786. Phebe was murdered by a British soldier.