NEWSPAPERS: MARCH 1899 ALLEN COUNTY OHIO *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Submitter: Linda Dietz Email: Date: 11 April 2000 *********************************************************************** Taken from Allen County Republican Mar 1899 Marriage Licenses Martin T. TAYLOR, aged 21 years, of Beaverdam and Hattie V. WATT, aged 22 years of Perry Twp. Amos EVANS, aged 27 years, of West Cairo, and Estella JOHNSON, aged 20 years of West Cairo Probate Matters Jacob H. BEACH, adm'r of the estate of Frederick BEACH, deceased, filed an inventory Richard JONES, adm'r of the estate of Mary F. JONES, filed his fifth and final account Susan J. KRIFT, executrix of the estate of J.F. KRIFT, deceased, filed a third partial account John MANGUS, applied for the appointment of a guardian for James CURREY Willis McBRIDE, guardian of Emily OARR, an imbecile, petitioned to lease lands Real Estate Transfers Sarah C. FORD to Anna M. CLIZBE, part of inlots 2145 and 2146 in Pillars addition, $ 1,450 Warren E. JONES to William R. JONES, half interest, inlot 2855 in Clymer's addition, $ 900 Isabell LEATHERMAN and husband to William D. PEPPLE, inlots 241 and 242 in Harrod, $ 800 Harry E. BILLINGS and wife to J.P. HENDERS, inlot 265 in Harrod, $ 65 William P. BENTLEY and wife to Mrs. C.B. CAHILL, quit claim to half of inlot 109 in Bluffton, $ 1,000 David B. McCOY and wife to Ida COUNTS, inlot 358 in Brigg's addition to Spencerville $ 75 John R. RISE to Benjamin J. GANTS part of inlot 4559 in Van Dyke's addition, $ 800 Misc Court News The case of Walter P. BLOOM vs Rose D. RILEY et al., foreclosure of a mechanic's lien, was tried, a jury occupying a large portion of the day. Plaintiff sued for $ 64.76 and the jury split the difference, returning a verdict for $ 32.38 Submitted by Linda Dietz Apr 11, 2000 ----OHFOOTSTEPS List------