Allen County OhArchives News.....Tales of the Town February 1894 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Woerner March 4, 2006, 5:06 am Lima Times Democrat February 1894 TALES OF THE TOWN February 8, 1894 Born—to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. PARMENTER—a boy. Thirty-nine tramps passed last night at the police station. Mrs. SAGE, wife of Conductor SAGE, of the L. E. & W., is very low with typhoid fever. Miss HANNAH WHITE, the stenographer, is filling that position in the Lima House office. A number of Lima Elks will go to Bucyrus this evening to attend the institution of a new lodge there to-night. J. M. HARLIN has removed the Home Restaurant from the Harrod block to the Applas block, West High street. JOHN BRENNAN, formerly janitor of St. John’s hall, has resigned his position and has accepted a janitorship at the school at Cairo. The funeral services of THOMAS H. TATE were held from the residence of G. W. MOYER at two o’clock this afternoon and were largely attended. The executive committee of the Ohio Christian Endeavor Union will hold their annual meeting in Springfield on Thursday and Friday, March 1 and 2. February 12, 1894 Labor Council meeting to-night. The storm to-day did great damage to telephone and telegraph wires. The condition of the FITZSIMMONS boy, who was shot last week, remains unchanged. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. ASKINS, of Greenlawn avenue, a ten pound girl. This morning, Sheriff FISHER and Bailiff BAKER, left for the Dayton work house with two prisoners. South bound passenger train due at 12:25, on the C. H. & D., was an hour late this afternoon on account of the storm. February 16, 1894 Coroner STEUBER is confined to his home from a severe attack of the grip. An umbrella mender was locked up to-day by Chief STOCKTON for drunkenness. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. JAMES PHALLEN, of North Charles street, a 12 pound girl. SILAS LUPTON has purchased the restaurant of FRANK MERKLE, opposite the P., F. W. & C. depot. The four year old child of V. ASHBY, that has been suffering from diphtheria, has recovered sufficiently to be dismissed from the doctor’s care. LIZZIE GOETZ, who has been employed as a domestic at Lima, was brought home last week and, being adjudged insane, was taken to the Toledo Asylum.—“Delphos Herald.” The CHARLES A. GARDNER attraction at the opera house last night lacked its principal feature, as GARDNER did not put in an appearance, consequently the small audience was badly disappointed. Mrs. SEEWARD, of Tiffin, mother of Mrs. E. A. LYE, died at her residence in that city yesterday. The funeral services will be held Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LYE went to Tiffin to-day to attend the funeral services. February 22, 1894 ‘Squire J. B. ROBERTS is quite ill at his home on the Bellefontaine road. Miss NELL LAFOY entertained a number of friends at her home on West Spring street last evening. ELMER MOWEN is still at the sanitarium at the Magnetic Springs, St. Louis, Mich., and is slowly improving. J. L. PRICE returned last night from Ft. Wayne, where he had been for several days, defending DELL WILSON in his case there. The case was to go to the jury to-day. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb