Allen County OhArchives News.....Tales of the Town September 1894 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Woerner March 4, 2006, 5:56 am Lima Times Democrat September 1894 TALES OF THE TOWN September 6, 1894 Elks meet to-night. FRANK DUFFIELD began the study of law this morning in the office of J. O. OHLER. Dr. E. J. BARR has removed his family from Hume to his new residence, corner of High and Collet streets. FRED LONGMEIER and MARY MYERS were married in the Probate office this morning by Mayor BAXTER, of Delphos. Mr. JACOB WISE, who was brought home from Saratoga Springs, where he has been for his health, is slowly improving. Rev. E. S. DEMILLER, of this city, will deliver an address at the Church of Christ at Bluffton, to-morrow evening, on the subject, “To, For and About Young People.” The funeral services of the infant son of Mr. G. S. BRADY and wife, of St. Johns avenue, were held from the residence at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon and the remains interred in the Fletcher cemetery.. The funeral services of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. SWEIGERT, of WILDER’s boarding house, were held from the house at 1:30 o’clock this afternoon and the remains were interred in Woodlawn cemetery. JOHN FERRALL, the stone mason, who plunged through a window at his boarding house Monday night, will not be taken to the infirmary, as he has money of his own, and friends here who will look after him. Miss NELLIE BURNS entertained a select few, in honor of Mr. HARLEY HOPPONS, last evening, at her residence on West Kirby street, after which she served a fine supper. The remainder of the evening was enjoyably passed at Hoover’s lake. Miss CORENA AHLEFELD, of Kenton, well known here, was driving to her father’s farm, when a tramp stopped the horse and demanded a ride. Miss AHLEFELD ordered him to desist and when he refused she dealt him a blow with the heavy end of the whip, knocking him down. She drove on and escaped. September 10, 1894 Born—to Mr. and Mrs. JACOB WOHL, of Grand avenue, a daughter. A special term of Common Pleas Court will be held commencing two weeks from to- day. The Public and Parochial schools resumed their fall sessions this morning, after the summer vacation. There will be a reunion and camp fire of the Fifty-seventh regiment O. V. I. at Harrod, Sept. 18th and 19th. Policeman MARKS is patrolling ROONEY’s beat on the South Side, the latter laying off to-day on account of business. The Ohio Southern excursion to Quincy, yesterday, was largely patronized, over four hundred going from the city. A German, locked up for drunkenness by policeman RONEY Saturday evening, was released and fired out of town this morning. The funeral services of FRED ROMER took place this morning from St. Rose’s church at 9 o’clock. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery. The tramp named O’HARA, who was wanted in Pittsburgh and was arrested here several days ago, was released this morning, because Pittsburg authorities failed to send for him. The G. A. R. special to Washington was not as well patronized as was expected. The train arrived over the C., H. & D. at about 10 o’clock and was transferred to the P., Ft. W. & C. road. A Lima lady is among those who wins a free scholarship to the New York College. Miss EMMA SIMPSON, at Cincinnati; FRANK JONES, of Springfield, and LIBERTA BRIDGE, of this city, sent in correct answers for the puzzle that was given January 1st, to students of all the different colleges. The puzzle consists of diagramming astronomy. September 17, 1894 The Baldwin Theatrical Company was in the city yesterday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. FRANK MCFARLAND, of North Main street, a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. MICHAEL GRIFFIN, of North McDonald street, a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. JACOB FRISINGER, of West Wayne street, a daughter. The Union county grand jury Saturday indicted CHARLEY LIEURANCE for the Richwood robbery. In police court this morning GRANT DOBBINS was fined $8.60 and WILL GIBBS $5.00 for drunkenness. The Anti-Sunday base ball people will have the Lima’s and Auburndale’s arrested for yesterday’s game. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. SAMUEL DRIVER died yesterday and was buried at Sugar Grove cemetery this morning. The banns of matrimony between THOMAS J. MULLEN and Miss KATE DUNN, both of this city, were announced at St. Rose’s church yesterday. In the list of names of members of the St. Cecelia Club, published Saturday, the names of Misses HATTIE and BESSIE MOORE were intentional omitted. CHARLES ALSTETTER has purchased the meat market of JOHN KAHLER, in the Kelly block, corner of Main and Grand Avenue, and will handle home meats only. North bound passenger train No. 8, due on the C., H. & D. at 5:50 o’clock, was two hours, late Saturday, evening, being delayed by a derailed freight car near Piqua. The fire department was called out at 5:20 o’clock Saturday evening on account of a fire at the residence of J. N. DELANEY, in Clifton. The flames were extinguished without the assistance of the department. DANIEL SHANNHAN, whose wife followed him here from Chicago and was arrested for failure to provide for his child, was arrested again Saturday night and was to have a hearing this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. GEORGE FURRY of 398 McPheron avenue, died at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon from inflammation of the bowels. The deceased was thirty-six years of age and leaves a husband and six children. Funeral services will be held from the United Bretheren church at 1 o’clock to-morrow afternoon. September 24, 1894 CHRIS ASHTON is confined to his room in the Funk block from illness. WM. STRIFF removed to-day from 268 East Kirby to 503 North Main street. JOHN FINLEY has bought the old SMITH property at Spring and West streets, from JACOB CUSTER. A crowd of twelve gentlemen from Delphos, were in the city yesterday, stopping at the Northrop House. JAMES LANE died at 10 o’clock this morning from typhoid fever at the home of his aunt, Mrs. JOHN O’CONNEL, near the Eagle Refinery. About 12 o’clock Saturday night, a gang of men and women engaged in a disgraceful and drunken fight at the corner of Spring and Union streets. No arrests were made. The officers of the State of Ohio of the C. K. of A. held a convention in Sidney yesterday. Those who attended from Lima were Messers L. FERKLE, EDWARD VEASY, F. X. GALARNEAU and HENRY KEMPER. Early Saturday night engine 55, pulling an east bound freight train on the L. E. & W., jumped the track at Oakland and the wreck train was called out to get the engine onto the rails. Traffic was but slightly delayed. September 29, 1894 There was no police court to-day. The Lima base ball club plays Delphos at the latter place to-morrow. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. GEO. CLARKSON, of 326 North Jackson street—a son. There is a case of typhoid fever at the home of GEORGE SMITH, 304 Second street. FRANKIE MORRISON was taken to the Dayton work house to-day, where she will serve sixty days for drunkenness. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.5 Kb