ASHTABULA COUNTY OHIO - NEWSPAPER CLIPPING: (1920) *************************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. *************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bettie Noel February 23, 1999 ************************************************************************ FROM ASHTABULA STAR-BEACON SEPTEMBER 4, 1920 SEVERAL INJURED IN AUTO MISHAP WEST PROSPECT ST Several people were injured, none of them seriously, when two automobiles came together on West Prospect street, not far from Sage's garage, about 5 pm yesterday. Mrs. Emma Merritt and Mrs. Jane Bolard of Waterford, PA were badly bruised and shaken up and were taken to the General Hospital. Later in the evening they were able to leave the hospital and return to Waterford. Mrs. R. Nelson, 8 Summer St., her daughter Mildred, aged 11, and her son, Arthur Nelson, were slightly hurt, but they were able to get to their home. The accident occurred when Nelson's automobile, which was standing on the north side of the street, and partially off the main highway, was struck head on by a car driven by Wm. Bolard of Waterford. Mr. Bolard had turned out, it is said, to pass a car ahead of him, and in so doing crashed into the Nelson machine. Traffic at that point was very heavy at the time of the mishap, owing to the fact that the N. Y. C. car shop near-by had just dismissed for the day.Bettie in TN BOLARD, GORDON, HARRIS, HOGLE, HOLCOMB, HOLT, HUNT, LANDON, PARKER, PHILLIPS, RUSSELL, SHEPHERD/ SHEPPARD, SMITH, THOMPSON, WILLIAMS, YOUNG PRUDENCE - PATIENCE-,PERSISTENCE ==== OH-FOOTSTEPS Mailing List ====