Ashtabula County OhArchives News.....KILLED BY CARS August 12, 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Wiser November 19, 2007, 8:49 pm Ashtabula Telegraph Front Page August 12, 1908 Former Kingsville Man's Body Brought Home From Chicago Saturday ELBERT J. HOLDEN WELL KNOWN HERE Brother of Mrs. S. E. Lovejoy Was Formerly Employed on The Pennsylvania Road Running Out of Here - Funeral Sunday Elbert J. Holden, formerly well known hereabout as "Bert" Holden, was killed Friday morning by cars in Chicago where he was employed as a railway brakeman. The body accompanied by the surviving widow and two Chicago friends, arrived in this city Saturday noon and was taken to Ducro's undertaking rooms to arrange for the funeral. Particulars of the fatal accident were not obtainable Saturday. The deceased was 33 years of age. He was son of Reuben Holden of Kingsville, which place was his home until some two years ago, when he came to Ashtabula and engaged as brakeman on the P.Y & A. road. He went to Chicago three years ago. Upon arrival of the party from Chicago, Mrs. Holden and her friends were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Lovejoy, the deceased having been the brother of Mrs. Lovejoy. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb