Belmont-Noble-Guernsey County OhArchives Court.....Danford, Peter March 15, 1828 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald Reid June 6, 2012, 8:31 pm Source: Ohio, Probate Records, 1790-1967, Belmont, Wills 1827-1832, Vol D-e Written: March 15, 1828 Apraisement bill of the Estate of Peter Danford deceased The State of Ohio Belmont County SS Before me John Mitchem a Justice of the peace in and for said County personally came Samuel Smith, Robert Lindsey and John Mitchem, appraisers of the Estate of Peter Danford late of York, Township in said County deceased, and were sworn well and truly to appraise all the goods and Chattles of said Estate which shall be presented to them for appraisement and also to set off to the Widow of said deceased such provisions or other property as they shall think reasonable for the support of her self and children twelve months from the time of the death of the said deceased, given under my hand and seal this 15th day of March AD 1828. John MItchem Justice of the Peace A true and accurate account of the goods and Chattles of the Estate of Peter Danford late of York Township, Belmont County Ohio deceased, presented to us the under signed appraisers of said Estate by Ambrose Danford Administrator thereof the 15th day of March Ad 1828 as follows. 1 milk Cow appraised to (the young one) $ 7.00 1 . 8 gallon kettle $0.50 1 milk Cow 5.00 1 grind stone 0.75 1 black heifer 4 years old 4.50 2 flower Casks & 1 meat cask 1.00 1 red steer 5.00 1 sickle .25 1 brown bull 2.00 1 washing tub .25 1 muly bull 1.75 1 lot of horse gears 2.50 4 sheep appraised 6.00 1 Iron wedge, 2 scythe nibs & rings 1.00 8 head of hogs appraised to 4.00 1 lot of tools appraised to 1.25 1 Grey mare appraised to 15.00 1 hackle smoothing iron & auger 1.50 4 flower barrels .50 1 travel & shovel 1.50 1-1/2 bushel .20 1 watch 1.50 1 log chain & 1 grubbing hoe 3.00 1 mans saddle 4.00 3 weeding hoes & pitch fork 1.00 1 shovel plow .37 A quantity of Corn suppose to be Worth 25 cents per bushel 225 bushels 56.25 1 old lot of Iron Appraised to 2.00 2 Clevices .50 1 Meat tub .50 1-10 gallon kettle 1.25 Amount of the Appraised 130.82 Appraised by us the day and year above written John Mitchem Robert S. Lindsey Samuel Smith File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb