Belmont-Guernsey-Noble County OhArchives Court.....Perkins, Everhart April 16, 1816 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald Reid October 14, 2012, 11:28 am Source: Ohio, Probate Records, 1790-1967 Belmont Wills 1804-1816 Copy Vol A, Image 155 Written: April 16, 1816 Ohio, Probate Records, 1790-1967 Belmont Wills 1804-1816 copy vol A, Image 155 At a Court of Common Pleas began and held at St. Clairsville in and for the County of Belmont on the 16th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen Before the Honorable John Alexander John Wiley and Joseph Anderson Esq’s Associate Judges of said Court – It is ordered by the said Court that Letter of administration be issue to Everhart Perkins for all and singular the goods and chattels Rights Credits money and Effects of Ruben Perkins late of said County Deceased Which is in the words and figures following to wit By Josiah Hedges Clerk of the Court of Common pleas for the County aforesaid to Everhart Perkins Administrator of Ruben Perkins aforesaid Deceased and Intestate and whilst he lived and at the time of his death did Possess certain Goods and Chattles Rights Credits moneys and Effects and trusting in your Care and fidelity I Josiah Hedges Clerk as aforesaid Do Commit unto your full power and authority over all and singular the Goods & Chattles Rights Credits money and Effects of the said Deceased – And faithfully to dispose of the same according to Law – As also to ask demand Receive & Recover all and every debt and Credit of the said Deceased which to him whilst he lived and at the time of his Death did appertain – And also to pay and discharge all and singular the debts held and demands that the said Deceased at the time of his death including his funeral Expenses – Stood bound to pay according to the Law of this State so far as his Goods & Chattles Rights Credits Money and Effects Come to your hands will extend and for that purpose you are to call on Each Creditor of the Deceased by Publick advertisement to Exhibit to you their lawful Claims within twelve months from this date – You are also to make out a true and Perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattles, Rights Credits Money & Effects of the said Deceased and have the same appraised by James Martin Junr George Hall & Abrose Danford appraisers appointed by the Court and exhibit the same into our said Court of Common Pleas for the County aforesaid at the next Term and Return a true and accurate account of your administration upon oath within one year from this date – I Do by order of said court Ordain Constitute and appoint you administrator over all and singular the Goods & Chattles Rights Credits Money and Effects of the said Deceased – In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at St. Clairsville this twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen – Josiah Hedges Clk Ohio, Probate Records, 1790-1967 Belmont Wills 1804-1816 copy vol A Image 165 An Inventory of the goods and Chattles of Ruben Perkins Deceased late of Wayne Township county of Belmont Taken by us James Martain George Hall and Ambrose Danford Appraisers appointed by the Court of Common please of Belmont County\ No. $ Cts 1 Bay mare 30 2 one red Cow and Calf 14 3 one Whight Cow and Calf 15 4 one spotted cow and Calf 12 5 one black cow and Calf 12 6 one Doun Cow and Calf 13 7 one spotted heifer two young calf 6 8 one Red Bull 6 9 two Sows and five small shotes 12 10 four head of Sheep 8 11 ten Geese 4 12 one Loom and tacklings 12 13 one Worn saddle and bridle 4 14 two pickling tubs 1.50 15 Eight Casks or open vessles 5.40 16 two kiddles .40 17 one Barshier plough 8 18 one shovel plough 1 19 one Shugar kettle 4 20 one hackle 2 21 one pair of light stilyards 1.50 22 Carpenter tools 5 23 one axe & two broad hoes 1.50 24 one Grubing hoe & sundry articles of husbandry 6 25 one bolt flat Iron & Sheep Shears 2 26 Horse harness 1 27 one Great Wheel 1.50 28 one Moing sythe and hangings 3.00 29 one Grinde stone and froze 2.50 30 one Rifle Gun powder horn & shot pouch 12 31 Shoe making tools 1.50 32 Lessen furniture 5.00 33 one spinning wheel 2.00 34 two twill bags & one h--------- 1.00 35 one bed and bedding and bedsted 10.00 36 one buckboard .50 37 one pot one oven 2.50 38 two hoochs 2___ Given under our hand this $232.40 27th day of April 1816 George Hall, James Martain, Ambroze Danford The state of ohio} Personally appeared Belmount County} before me the Subcriber a Justice of the Peaz foresaid County George Hall James Martain & Ambrose Danford apprasers of the Goods and Chattles of Ruben Perkins Deceased who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the above inventory is just and true to the best of there Judgement Given under My hand and Seal this 27th day of April 1816 Isaac Moore JP Image 166, page 278 (Numbers are difficult to read) Samuel Carpenter one Due Bill executed to Ruben Perkins Now Deceased………………………..1.17 ½ Interest on the same…………………………………..0.43 Joseph Martain one due Bill………………………….1.50 Interest on the same…………………………………..0.17 ½ Joseph Martain one judgement………………………24.18 Interest on the same………………………………….4.50 On open account on Ruth Leatherman………………0.25 On George Meek…………………………………….4.17 1/2 On Meichal Hendershot……………………………..9 On David Lockwood…………………………………1.90 On Larchis Hendershot………………………………1.00 On Jacob Casey……………………………………. 15.32 ½ Cash on hand………………………………………. 16.49 ½ 75.58 ½ Giving under my hand this 10th day of May 1816 Averheart Perkins Administrator of Ruben Perkins Deceased A Account of Sales of the personal property of Ruben Perkins Deceased at a vendue ___ the 15th day of June 1816 1 Bay mare sold to Ruben Perkins for……19.51 1 spotted heifer sold to Averheart Perkins for…..10 1 Red bull sold to ruben Powall for……… 9.50 1 Sow sold to Elisha Perkins for…………..6.23 1 Do sold to Machle Moore sen for……….3.00 3 Somells? sold to Benjamin Truax for……2.50 2 Small Do sold to Benjamin Shepar for ….1.50 4 Sheep Sold to Isaac Baker for……………5.51 _ Wool Sold to Joseph Williams for……...12.65 18 Geese Sold to Jacob Davis for…………3.50 1 Saddle sold to Robert Lappen for……….4.55 1 Bridle sold to ruben Perkins for…………1.01 1 Tubs old to Elias Pitman for…………….0.51 1 Do sold to Samuel Truax for…………….0.62 ½ 1 Barrel sold to Moses Ward for…………..0.51 1 Tub sold to Elias Pitman for……………..0.26 1 Do sold to Moses Ward for………………0.40 2 Kiddles sold to Robert Lappin for……….0.41 1 Shuvel plough sold to Phillips Lawrance for..2.48 1 Hackel sold to John Moore for…………13.19 Ό 1 Sythe sold to James Groves for………….4.03 1 auger sold to Elias Pitman for……………0.61 2 Chests sold to John Way for……………..0.40 2 Do sold to John Moore for……………….0.93 1 Crows Sold to Isaac Baker for……………0.26 1 Jointeriad planes sold to Michel Moore Sen…1.01 1 foot adds sold to John Way for……………..2.33 1 hand saw & horse shoes sold to Alexander Headdleson … 2.00 1 Grindestone sold to Jacob Moore for………2.00 1 frouse sold to Benjamin shepard for……….0.74 1 Mattick sold to Elias Perkins for…………..2.00 Iron sold to Samuel Martain for……………..0.37 1 shuvel sold to Alexander Headdleson for…0.87 ½ 1 Log chain sold to John Moose for…………1.65 1 flat iron sold to Katharine Perkins for……..0.15 1 Bell sold to Katharine Perkins for…………0.96 1 sheep shears sold to Michle Moore Sen…...0.75 1 Top hackle sold to Elias Perkins for……….0.26 Horse harness sold to John Dugan for……….0.75 1 Leather strap sold to Araham Davis……….0.50 1 Big Whell sold to Katherine Perkins………2.09 1 Rifle gun sold to Isaac Baker for…………10.02 1 Halter chains sold to Joseph Williams for…1.15 ½ 1 Iron Wedge sold to Elisha Perkins for……..0.20 Sheeticks sold to Catharine Perkins for………….1.10 1 twill bag & sive sold to Katharine Perkins for..0.50 1 twill bag sold to Jacob Faris for…………….0.20 1 pot sold to Katharine Perkins for……………0.50 1 oven & bales sold to Joseph Williams for…..1.35 1 Book sold to Machel Kuncl for……………..0.50 1 Bible sold to Averheart Perkins for…………1.00 1 pair of stilyards sold to Alexander Headdleson..2.36 1 Cup sold to Benjamin Shipherd for…………0.56 1 half bushel sold too Isaac Baker for…………0.42 1 Washing tub sold to Catharine Perkins for….0.13 $123.56 The articles taken out of the Inventory by the Widow 1 red Cow with Calf………………14.00 1 whight Cow and Calf……………18.00 1 spotted cow and Calf……………10.00 1 Black cow and Calf……………...12.00 1 Dun Cow and Calf……………….13.00 1 Loom and Tacklings……………..12.00 1 Spinning wheel……………………..2.00 1 shugar kettle………………………..4.00 1 Bashier plough……………………..8.00 Dresser furnature…………………….5.00 1 Bed and Bedding and Bedsted……10.00 1 axe and 2 Broud hoes………………1.50 Signed Averheart Perkins Administrator Ruben Perkins Deceased. 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