Clark County OhArchives Obituaries.....Powell, Allen September 13, 1887 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sara J Greer February 21, 2011, 4:52 pm Weekly Republic, Springfield Laid to rest "(The account of the funeral of the late Allen POWELL was prepared for Monday's issue but as unavoidably crowded out.--Ed.) Had anything been needed to pay a final tribute to the esteem and respect in which the late alien Powell was held, it was furnished in his funeral which occurred Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the services being conducted at the family residence, No. 102 Pearl St. The funeral was the largest and most impressive ever seen in Springfield. The turnout of Odd Fellows being the most extensive for years. Rev, 3.H. Roberts, of Trinity Baptist church, conducted the beautiful and impressive services and preached the funeral discourse. He spoke of the readiness of the deceased to meet his Maker, when the summons came in the awful form it took, he administered words of consolation and comfort to the bereaved widow and son and pointed the way to an eternal meeting which no agency could terminate so tragically or sever the united family. The floral emblems were most exquisite and completely embowered the handsome cloth casket in which the remains lay. The cruel accident did not mar the face or head and the features wore a peaceful expression. The funeral process^n was neaaea by Foreman's Band, and was made up of Odd Fellows, railroad men and Knights of Labor of which the deceased was formerly a member. At the grave at Ferncliff the solemn and impressive Odd Fellows service was used. The deceased was born Chester County, Pennsylvania, March 6, 1839 and was forty eight years, six months and three days old. He was united in marriage to Sallie E. KELLY, August 25, 1864. Two children were born to them, William G. who is a salesman at 3.M. Knotes, and Charlie, who died an infant and is buried Ferncliff. Additional Comments: Additional information: on the September 9, 1887, this announcement was in the newspaper: ''A Horrible Fate Allen Powell, a car repairer mangled to death in the Ohio-Southern Yards this after noon." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb