FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO - HISTORY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY OHIO (PART 7) *************************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. *************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by LeaAnn Rich January 14, 1999 *************************************************************************** HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF OHIO An Encyclopedia of the State By HENRY HOWE LL. D. Published by the State of Ohio C.J. Krehbiel & Co., Printers and Binders Cincinnati, Ohio copyright 1888 by Henry Howe 1904 THE STATE INSTITUTIONS AT COLUMBUS Asylum for the Insane--Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb--Institution for the Education of the Blind--Institution for the Education of Feeble-Minded Youth--The Ohio Penitentiary By the Constitution of the State the Legislature is authorized to provide at the public expense for the entire support of these varied benevolent institutions, and does not take cognizance of the pecuniary position of any of the inmates who are alike supported by the commonwealth. Herein the insane or blind millionaire and the insane or blind pauper are on the same footing. It is on the same principle as with the Public Schools where education is universal and free to all alike, and because it tends to the moral and material progress of the whole body of the people. The following historical and descriptive sketches were written for this work by Mr. Charles T. Howe, after a visit to each institution for this object. They embody a large amount and variety of valuable information. THE INSANE ASYLUM In response to a memorial adopted and sent to the legislature by the State Medical Convention, held in Columbus, January 1835, an act was passed the same year to establish a lunatic asylum for the State of Ohio. The First Asylum-- In July, 1835, thirty acres of land in the northeastern part of Columbus were purchased and foundations laid for a building to accommodate one hundred and twenty patients, which was completed in November, 1839. Then twenty seven acres were added to the original tract of land and in 1845 about seven more, making a total of sixty four acres. In 1845-46-47 respectively, three further additions were made to the original main building. Destruction By Fire-- On the evening of November 18, 1868, the entire structure was destroyed by a fire, which originated in the east wing, presumably through the mischievousness of one of the patients. Through the efficient efforts of the officers and employees all the patients were rescued excepting six females who perished from suffocation. The rescued patients were temporarily quartered in the deaf and dumb asylum and in the hospital, which escaped destruction, standing apart from the main building. The patients were eventually cared for in different asylums throughout the State. The Present Asylum Built-- It was determined not to rebuild on the old site, and that property was sold in May, 1870, and the present location decided upon for the erection of a new building. On July 4, 1870, the corner-stone of the present immense structure was laid with Governor Hayes presiding, the officers of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and other Masonic bodies taking a prominent part. Vast Size Of The Structure-- The site selected lies some two miles west of the State House, and consists of three hundred acres of elevated land, commanding a fine view of the city. The grounds have been beautifully laid out with walks, drives and shrubbery. In fact, so extensive and charming are the surroundings to this institution that it is but a short flight of fancy for the visitor to imagine himself in one of the grand old parks of the nobility of England. An idea of the enormous dimensions of the asylum can be formed when it is stated that the building was seven years in the course of erection, and at a cost of one and a half million dollars, and the distance around the outside wall is a mile and a quarter. That this is the largest institution of its kind in the world is well known, but the beauty and grandeur of the building and its surroundings, its perfect system of management and the work accomplished in behalf of this unfortunate class can only be fully appreciated by the intelligent and observing visitor. Modern Methods Of Treatment-- Many well-informed people know comparatively little of the modern methods employed in the care and treatment of those bereft of reason and harbor the groundless belief that hospitals for the insane partake largely of the character of prisons, with raving maniacs confined in cells, the corridors resounding with cries and yells. "Thoughtless he raves his sleeping hours away, In chains all night, in darkness all the day." These ideas, however, are the result of the treatment of the insane in times long past, and it is gratifying to be able to say that the management of the insane at the present time stands in happy contrast to that of the past, the result of great scientific discoveries and the accumulated experience of years. Employments Of The Insane-- Mechanical restraint beyond occasional confinement of violent patients in the strong room is now entirely dispensed with. In addition to medical treatment various plans are adopted to divert the mind and lead it as far as possible away from self, and especially from the crushing forebodings common to the insane. Every effort is made to promote the happiness of the patients; a high moral discipline is exercised with pure beneficial influences, that seldom fail to tranquilize and lighten the burden of their affliction. In addition to providing for their comfort a systematic effort is made to furnish bodily and mental recreation. To accomplish this there is maintained a system of daily outdoor exercises, such as walking, riding, playing, and marching when the weather permits. Carriage riding for the feeble has been a leading feature and is practiced daily. A large number have been encouraged to perform different kinds of manual labor. Men are employed on the farm, garden, barn, boiler-room. They are not coerced, but left free to do so or not; and it being a matter of choice their work is done cheerfully and to their profit. Benefit Of Labor-- While on a visit to this Central Insane Asylum we were shown a patient in the clothes-drying room who was busily engaged hanging wet sheets on a clothes horse. He took great pride and pleasure in his work and would brook no advice or interference. The official who conducted us through the institution informed us that he silently and faithfully performed his daily task and would not hesitate to do bodily injury to anyone who dared to assist or interfere with him. Each person employed works on an average about fours a day. The benefit of daily labor as a curative agent has long been acknowledged by the best experts. Being employed in light labor the mind is occupied, which with the fresh air and healthful exercise do much to promote happiness, good temper, and contentment. Their Liberties-- Those persons who are under the impression that in the worse cases of insanity the patients are in constant confinement and are dangerous to themselves and those around them would find their ideas on the subject greatly exaggerated if they could have accompanied us through the wards occupied by this class of patients. We found them promenading up and down engaged in conversation with each other and occupied in various ways. Many of them seemed quite happy and contented. When their periodical fits of violence come on it becomes necessary to confine them in the strong room until the fit wears off, usually in a short time. They are liberated as soon as their condition permits and allowed to mingle with the others in their ward; and every effort consistent with safety is made to have them feel that they are under no restraint. This, combined with kind treatment, the best medical skill and attention to comfort, health and happiness, improves the condition of all and in many cases results in an entire cure. Interesting Anecdotes-- The prejudices and notions that take root in a diseased brain are manifested in many ways. While we were being conducted through one of the wards one of the inmates, a short stout man about fifty years of age with slightly stooping shoulders, long gray beard, a large hooked nose and most repulsive cast of countenance, followed close behind the official who accompanied us, imitating our gait, muttering in a low tone of voice, and steadfastly gazing at our attendant with expression so threatening and sinister as to fill a timid person with terror. Whenever we stopped, he did likewise, always keeping the same distance us, and we were not rid of his unwelcome presence until the outer door of his ward was shut and locked between us. Our attendant said that the man imagined him an enemy and invariably went through the same program whenever the official had occasion to enter his ward. The man is waiting for a favorable opportunity to attack his supposed enemy, but the official told us he was not at all alarmed for his safety, for when attacked it is only necessary to place the hand over the mouth and nose of the patient when suffocation ensues and subdues them. In resisting the most violent patients it is never necessary to resort to blows. So skillful do the attendants become in the management of the violently insane that two attendants can easily manage an insane person when four inexperienced persons would find it a difficult task. We had a practical illustration of this during our visit. A new patient who was suffering from acute mania was being brought in by two robust-looking men, evidently inexperienced, as was shown by the great difficulty they had in managing their charge, when they were met by two of the attendants, who, placing themselves one on each side of the patient, grasped with one hand each shoulder and with the other each wrist, and with the patients arms stretched out at full length, marched him through the corridor with seeming ease. Use of Narcotics-- What is known as chemical restraint, or the use of powerful narcotic drugs in order to reduce a violent patient to a state of quiescence is never resorted to except in cases where the health of the patients would not admit of any other treatment. Suicidal Tendencies-- The officers and attendants are made familiar with the history of every new patient when possible, and in that way learn their special hobbies and peculiararities, and are governed accordingly in their treatment of them. We were informed that those patients of suicidal intent would never attempt self-destruction in the presence of others, and for that reason four or five of them would be placed in the same apartments, and effectually guarded each other. This class of insane persons consumes much time in making preparations for suicide, so that they are always prevented from accomplishing their purpose before their preparations are completed by the vigilant watchfulness of the attendants. Never having any weapon, every precaution being taken, they are rendered harmless. An amusing incident is related of two females who had agreed to kill each other, and had managed to detach the iron grating from the register, which was to be the weapon used. It was agreed between them that one was to strike the other a blow on the head, but not so hard as to kill instantly, so that the one struck would have sufficient strength left to strike the uninjured one in return. They then entered into an animated discussion as to which one should strike first, when the arrival of the attendant put a stop to the proceedings. The evidences of insanity are not discernible in the personal appearance of many of the patients, but a few moments conversation is all that is necessary to convince the most skeptical that the mind is diseased. A case of this kind was that of a large, benevolent- looking old lady who politely invited us into her room with an apology for the smallness of her quarters. She gave intelligent answers to our questions, but upon her trying to convince us that she was 2,882 years of age and was the mother of 400 children, we came to the conclusion that she had an original method of computation or was where she properly belonged. And we had no doubt remaining as to the correctness of the latter conclusion when we were informed that she was passionately fond of smoking dried onions and garlic. The Ball Room Recreation-- Every Thursday evening a ball is given in the handsome entertainment hall in the asylum which is attended by about 400 of the patients. They all look forward to the evening with bright anticipation’s of pleasure and seem to fully realize them. The beneficial results of this recreation are apparent. The excitable are entertained and the melancholy cheered, while the excellent deportment of all excites the wonder of visitors. Concerts, dramatic entertainment’s, and lantern exhibitions are also given and greatly enjoyed. Everything in fact is done to divert the patients mind from their condition and inspire them with that greatest cordial of the mind, hope. The great secret of success in the treatment of the insane lies in taking advantage of lucid intervals and at such times endeavoring by every means at command to prolong their duration. Hence the employment of frequent and varied amusements, the object being to beget freshness, vividness and sane consciousness. The result is a full realization of the morbid fantasies of the past and firm resolves to keep in subjection outbreaks of temper, anxious and perverted thoughts, bewildering illusions and free the mind of "A whirling gulf of phantasy and flame." The Asylum Life Not Gloomy-- A visit to the Central Ohio Insane Asylum would at once correct the erroneous idea that asylum life is of necessity one of gloom and depression. While there is much that is saddening and pitiful indeed, the many cures effected, the improvement of the majority, and the kindly care and constant efforts that are made for the physical and mental welfare of the inmates cheers instead of depressing the spirits of the visitor. The religious welfare of the patients is not neglected. Chapel services are held regularly on Sabbath evenings and to congregations which are an interesting study. All degrees of mental departure are represented, yet their behavior and attention would set a good example for many who boast superior intelligence. The congregation, with books in hand, join in singing, and the whole effect of the services is to greatly improve the mental condition of the patients. The statistics of the institution show that those persons engaged in occupations requiring heavy bodily labor, such as farmers, laborers, housewives, housekeepers and domestics, furnish a large proportion of the inmates. Farmers and farmers wives abound more than any other single class in these institutions. This is owing to the monotonous lives led by them and consequent inactivity of the brain, which, becoming weakened from lack of proper exercise of its functions, is the first organ to succumb when disease attacks the system. This showing is in direct opposition to the general impression that insanity is usually the result of excessive mental activity. The statistics give further proof that the general impression is erroneous in this regard, by showing that the proportion of insane among the educated class of people is very small. This also proves that the laws of health require proper exercise for the brain as well as the body. The statistics of this asylum for the year 1887 show that 140 males were admitted, of whom 60 were farmers, 25 laborers, and the rest were scattering, the highest being carpenters, 4 in number. Of females, 144 were admitted, of whom 85 were housewives, 28 housekeepers and 15 domestics, the next highest being farmers’ daughters, 3 in number. The report also states that the daily average number of inmates was 863, of whom 410 were males and 453 females. The report also says: “Special attention is called to the number of recoveries, being 90 males and 52 females, total 142, and also to the low death rate, which was 30 males, 23 females, total 53. This will compare very favorably with any institution in the country. the percentage of revivers, based upon the admissions, is, for males, 64.28 per cent., and for females, 36.11 per cent., and for both, 55.69 per cent. The percentage of deaths, based upon the whole number treated, is, for males, 5.36 per cent., and for females, 3.89 per cent., and for both, 4.71 per cent.