GALLIA COUNTY OHIO BIO: SHEETS, Edward (published 1882) *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Tina Hursh September 13, 1999 *********************************************************************** From "History of Gallia County, Ohio" - by H.H. Hardesty 1882: "EDWARD SHEETS-was born July 13, 1855, in Gallia county, Ohio. His father, George W. Sheets, was born March 25, 1830, and his mother, Susan M. (Sanders) Sheets, was born December 14, 1820, and died 1874. They settled in this county in 1830. George W. was a soldier in the late war, serving ten months. The brothers and sisters of Mr. Sheets are: William J., born July 17, 1853. died March 4, 1879; Albert W., July 16, 1857, died August 30, 1858; Sarah J., April 13, 1859, resides in this county; Elizabeth m., March 25, 1861, resides in this county; Susan C., August 10, 1864, died March 1, 1869. Mr. Sheets was married in this county, August 2, 1876, to Virginia E. Warren who was born in Glenwood, Mason county, Virginia, July 2, 1855. She is mother of the following children: Adonirum J., born June 25, 1877, resides at home; Fanny A., January 23, 1879, died September 16, 1880; Andrew H., February 4, 1880. The parents of Mrs. Sheets are Andrew J. and Mary A. (McCoy) Warren, who came to this county in 1864. Her father was born February 4, 1821, and her mother June 16, 1821. The farm of Mr. Sheets is located in Guyan township. His postoffice address is Mercerville, Gallia county, Ohio."