Gallia County OhArchives History .....First Settlers Of Huntington Township January 22, 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Karen Strojin July 4, 2005, 6:30 am Book Title: First Settlers of Huntington Township Gallia Republican Anselm T. HOLCOMB, editor and proprietor. Vinton, Gallia County, Ohio Terms: Per annum, in advance - $1.50 Advertising done at liberal rates. Thursday, January 22, 1857 Huntington Township This is one of the best agricultural townships in Gallia county. A brief sketch of its early settlement, as we received it from one of the early settlers, may not be uninteresting to some of our readers. The first house built was in the summer or fall of 1804, by Capt. George TYLER, on section thirty-six, and is the farm upon which Mr. John VIERS now lives. The second house built was by Gen. Samuel R. HOLCOMB, on section twenty-four, into which he moved with his family, consisting of a wife and two children, on the 9th of April, 1805, and upon which section the town of Vinton is located. The third house was built by Major John ROBINSON on section twelve, in the spring of 1805, and is now the farm of Mr. Milton KENT. The fourth house was built by Mr. Joseph McKNIGHT, on section twenty-seven, in the summer of 1805, and is the farm upon which Mr. John WALLACE now lives. The fifth house was built by William KNOX, on section thirty-six, in the summer of 1805, and is the farm now owned by Mr. William RIDGWAY, and occupied by John McDANIEL and Isaac TYLER. The sixth house was built by Mr. William GLENN, on section twenty-five, in the fall of 1805, where is now the farm of one of his sons, Mr. Andrew Y. GLENN. Wm. BURRIS and the late Judge Hugh POOR, of Jackson county, came to the township in the summer of 1806, and located on section thirty-five on Little Raccoon, where is now the farm of Mrs. Lucy WOODRUFF. The same year, David McDANIEL built a house on section twenty-six, at the forks of the Raccoon, on the farm now owned by John PIERCE. Enoch RUSSELL, and John DICKERSON , built houses on section twenty-seven, on the farm now owned by Mr. Abel JACOBS, in the year 1807. About the same time David KEETON located on the farm now owned by Mr. Abraham DUPRE. In 1808 Andrew EWING and Mrs. Tamar WALLACE located on section twenty-three. In the spring of 1809 Mr. Matthew EDMISTON and William WOODS moved to the farms on which they now live. In the fall of 1809 William EWING located on section eleven, at what was known to hunters as the "Rack," and is where the village of Ewington is situate. It is now fifty-two years since the settlement of the township commenced; it now contains over 1,600 inhabitants, who for intelligence and moral worth will compare with the people of any township in the county. One thing is worthy of remark, at least, there has never been an indictment found, nor a citizen of the township arraigned, tried or convicted of a Penitentiary crime or offence. Additional Comments: This was sent to me. I thought others with Gallia ancestors might be interested. Karen Strojin File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb