Gallia County OhArchives Marriages.....Annie E. Stevens - George Dennison McBride September 30 1869 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jeff McBride December 14, 2003, 4:08 pm Family Records / Butler Co. Pa History George D. McBride - is a general music dealer at Gallipolis, and agent of the Adams Express Company since July, 1875. He was born in Butler county, Pa. June 10, 1837. He came to gallipolis in 1860 (?) His parents were Alexander & Mary (Armstrong) McBride, both deceased, Mr. McBride was married to Annie E. Stevens, in Gallia county 1867 (family records show 1869). She is a native of this county, born July 17, 1840. Her parents are W.R.B. and Margaret (Baltezell) Stevens, settlers of this county in 1838. Her father is deceased. Mr. McBride was elected city auditor and city clerk of Gallipolia, in 1875, serving four years. He was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in the 78th Pa Volunteer Infantry, Com H, in 1861, and was transferred to the 7th regiment Veteren Reserve Corps in 1863, and was discharged as expiration of service as sergeant-major of said regiment, in 1864. He had also three brothers who served in the late war, their names being Thomas, William and Samuel, junior, who are all at present living. Mr. McBride's post office address is Gallipolis, Gallia county, Ohio. Additional Comments: Someone emailed this to me - not sure where they got it. LOOKING and any/all information regargding ANNIE E. STEVENS and her family - WRB & Margaret (Baltezell) for Family tree book (will donate copy when finished) GEORGE D. McBRIDE is a brother of my GG Grandfather - Samuel J. McBride - Slippery Rock, Butler Co., Pa. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb