GEAUGA COUNTY OHIO - 1820 Census [Townships in Geauga & Cuyahoga Counties that would become Lake County in 1840] *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Becky Falin June 24, 1997 *********************************************************************** 1820 "Lake County" Census This is an enumerations of the townships in Geauga and Cuyahoga counties that became Lake county in 1840. This area had a population of 4583 persons. A Free white males under 10 B Free white males of 10 and under 16 C Free white males between 16 and 18 D Free white males of 16 and under 26 E Free white males of 26 and under 45 F Free white males of 45 and up G Free white females under 10 H Free white females of 10 and under 16 I Free white females of 16 and under 26 J Free white females of 26 and under 45 K Free white females of 45 and up L Foreigners not naturalized M People involved in Agriculture N People involved in Commerce O People involved in Manufacturing P Blacks Name ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPTownship County Abbey, Abel 130201101010500 Madison Geauga Adams, Martin 100001001010100 Painesville Geauga Adams, Roswell 000010400100100 Painesville Geauga Adams, Sebastain 110010011000100 Painesville Geauga Agard, Caleb 000111001000200 Madison Geauga Allen, Abner 231101000010500 Madison Geauga Allen, Nemiah 100010000000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Allison, David 000011101000200 Painesville Geauga Ames, Abel 320101110100101 Kirtland Geauga Ames, Jeremiah 000010001100100 Kirtland Geauga Ames, Stephen 000101000010101 Kirtland Geauga Ammidon, William 000101101000100 Perry Geauga Anderson, Noah 300010010110100 Painesville Geauga Andrews, Amos 021201000010300 Painesville Geauga Andrews, James 010010100100001 Madison Geauga Armstrong, Milton 000120200100102 Painesville Geauga Arnold, Hopkins 011101001010300 Madison Geauga Arnold, Jonathan 000100300100100 Madison Geauga Arrance, Hez 010010000010100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Babcock, Henry T 221101100100100 Painesville Geauga Bacheldor, Ira & Lab. 000110002000200 Madison Geauga Bacon, David 200010100100100 Perry Geauga Bacon, Dexter 200100101000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Bailey, David 010120101000102 Madison Geauga Bailey, Harlow 200010000100001 Madison Geauga Baker, Francis 100100010010000 Leroy Geauga Baker, Hosea 000010100100100 Painesville Geauga Balch, William 100010001000100 Madison Geauga Baldwin, Lemuel 010010110100100 Painesville Geauga Bales, Caleb 100001021010100 Perry Geauga Bales, Joshua 100010201000100 Perry Geauga Bark, Francis 010001000001100 Painesville Geauga Barker, Asa 110010300100100 Madison Geauga Barker, Samuel 010100001000100 Perry Geauga Barton, Roger 310110020100101 Mentor Geauga Bartram, David 000100100110200 Madison Geauga Bartram, Levi 000010300100100 Madison Geauga Bassett, Nathan 010010300100100 Madison Geauga Bates, Benjamin 020301010150000 Leroy Geauga Bates, Caleb Jr. 300010101000100 Perry Geauga Baxter, Isaac 000010001000100 Mentor Geauga Bckwith, Russell 200110102000200 Painesville Geauga Beardslee, Andrew J 110010100110100 Kirtland Geauga Becdle, James 000010101000100 Painesville Geauga Beckwith, Chauncy 100010001000100 Painesville Geauga Beckwith, Sylvester 000100211000100 Painesville Geauga Beebe, Mary 000000120100000 Perry Geauga Beeman, John 100010101000100 Madison Geauga Belcher, Elisha 000001211100100 Perry Geauga Bellows, Samuel 000100000100001 Madison Geauga Berman, Reuben B 400101000100001 Kirtland Geauga Berman, Stephen W 000310101100003 Painesville Geauga Billings, Titus 200010001000100 Kirtland Geauga Billitti, Francis 120010200113001 Painesville Geauga Bilson, Peter 310010200100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Bilson, Wiliam 110010200000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Bingham, Alva 000100001000100 Perry Geauga Bingham, Elias 120001110010300 Madison Geauga Bissell, Edward 100010010000100 Madison Geauga Bissell, Fitch 000010001100000 Painesville Geauga Bixby, Julius 000111101000300 Painesville Geauga Blair, Robert 200010110100100 Kirtland Geauga Blair, Thomas 200010000100100 Madison Geauga Blakeslee, Tillotson 000001000000100 Painesville Geauga Blish, Benj. Jr. 010010011000100 Painesville Geauga Blish, Benjamin 000001001010100 Painesville Geauga Blish, Lenas 000010000100100 Painesville Geauga Blodget, Clark 010300001010003 Painesville Geauga Blue, Michael 010111000200300 Perry Geauga Bolls, Gordon 300010100100100 Perry Geauga Bond, Eli 210020210100110 Painesville Geauga Booth, Elihu 300210310100003 Mentor Geauga Boss, Clark 110010211010200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Boss, Jonathan 100200222100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Bowen, John 001201000100300 Perry Geauga Boyden, James 101110110100002 Kirtland Geauga Bradley, Jonathan 100100001000100 Painesville Geauga Bradley, Thomas 100010100100100 Perry Geauga Brakeman, Henry 310011010130000 Leroy Geauga Bras, Garret 101321120010600 Mentor Geauga Bratt, Charles 211210101100201 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brewer, Abraham 100111420100201 Painesville Geauga Brewster, Jasper 001401011010500 Madison Geauga Briggs, Adam C 100100001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Briggs, Alish 200100001000100 Mentor Geauga Brigham, Jona. 100211210100301 Madison Geauga Britt, John 000010320100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Bronson, Lemon 200100001000100 Mentor Geauga Brooks, David 020101120200200 Madison Geauga Brooks, Issac 100010101000100 Painesville Geauga Brooks, Samuel 100010201000100 Painesville Geauga Brooks, Thomas 222201002010300 Painesville Geauga Brown, Benjamin 011101200010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brown, Deliverance 101201133010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brown, Dolphin 200010010100100 Painesville Geauga Brown, Hosea 300110300100200 Painesville Geauga Brown, Isaac 100100001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brown, Julius 000200001000002 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brown, Oliver 000101000010200 Painesville Geauga Brown, Samuel 000200001000002 Chagrin Cuyahoga Brownell, Cushing 200110101100101 Painesville Geauga Burch, Morris C 000040300100400 Madison Geauga Burchard, Charles 100020000110200 Painesville Geauga Burchard, Dan. 200110301000200 Painesville Geauga Burhitt, Cornelius 410010220100100 Kirtland Geauga Burnet, Elisha 210010120100100 Painesville Geauga Burns, James 200021110100200 Painesville Geauga Burns, John 200010200100100 Painesville Geauga Burns, Thomas 230010200100100 Madison Geauga Burr, Charles 000100101000001 Madison Geauga Burridge, Samuel 100010300100100 Perry Geauga Butler, Amos 100100001000100 Perry Geauga Butler, John 300201111010300 Perry Geauga Butler, Ormond 010101210110200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Butler, Samuel 100100100200010 Painesville Geauga Button, Avery 100010300100100 Kirtland Geauga Button, Elijah 420010100100100 Kirtland Geauga Cable, Alva 000320000000113 Painesville Geauga Cady, Benjamin 000010200100100 Perry Geauga Cady, Joseph 100110011000100 Perry Geauga Cady, William 100010200100100 Madison Geauga Cady, William W 120011210110200 Madison Geauga Call, Asa 010211001100400 Perry Geauga Call, Asa Jr. 100010001000100 Perry Geauga Call, Cyrel 020010300100100 Mentor Geauga Call, Jona. P 100010300100100 Mentor Geauga Call, Joseph 000001000010100 Perry Geauga Call, Orvis 000100010010000 Leroy Geauga Call, Richard 000010200100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Call, Rufus 011401100010500 Perry Geauga Calwell, George 210101220100101 Perry Geauga Calwell, Joseph 000200001000200 Perry Geauga Cannon, John 000010000100100 Kirtland Geauga Card, Thomas 000140202011400 Chagrin Cuyahoga Carmon, John 000010201000100 Madison Geauga Carrel, Hercules 010301220100301 Painesville Geauga Carrel, John 220110300100101 Painesville Geauga Carrel, Stephen 210001200010100 Painesville Geauga Carrel, Thomas 100320210100302 Mentor Geauga Carrol, James 300010100100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Carrol, Thomas 000001000010000 Chagrin Cuyahoga Chandler, David 000001011010100 Mentor Geauga Chase, Joseph 020001000010100 Painesville Geauga Chatfield, Isaac 000010410100001 Kirtland Geauga Chatfield, Silas 111110320100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Chilson, Hiram 000200000000200 Perry Geauga Chilson, Wesley 000100001000100 Perry Geauga Christy, David 000010000000010 Chagrin Cuyahoga Clapp, Orris 130201003010300 Mentor Geauga Clapp, Richmond 100100102000100 Painesville Geauga Clark, Billings 110010002010100 Painesville Geauga Clark, Job 201110330100200 Painesville Geauga Clark, John 000010401000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Clark, Nathaniel 000101000000200 Painesville Geauga Cleaveland, Hardon 300130300100004 Painesville Geauga Cohoon, Benj. P 100240101100204 Painesville Geauga Cole, Calvin 100520331200241 Painesville Geauga Cole, Justin 100100100200100 Madison Geauga Cole, William 000020300100101 Painesville Geauga Collester, Thomas 100010200100100 Painesville Geauga Collister, William 000001000010100 Mentor Geauga Colson, Christopher 100010220100000 Chagrin Cuyahoga Colton, Josiah 000010100100100 Kirtland Geauga Cone, Salmon 311110210100300 Painesville Geauga Cook, Erial 100010200100100 Madison Geauga Cooper, John M 000010010000100 Painesville Geauga Corning, Warren 110301211010400 Mentor Geauga Cornwell, Sylvester 100300201000003 Chagrin Cuyahoga Covert, Luke 200010200100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Cower, Andrew 000010110100100 Painesville Geauga Crafts, Christopher 010111013000102 Painesville Geauga Cram, Nathan 100010100100100 Madison Geauga Crandall, Horace 000100201000100 Madison Geauga Crandle, John 121301200010500 Chagrin Cuyahoga Crandle, Limien 200100000000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Crary, Christopher 020101002010200 Kirtland Geauga Crary, Erastus 200010300100100 Kirtland Geauga Crawford, Robert 200010110110100 Perry Geauga Crowfoot, Benjamin 100110101000100 Perry Geauga Crowfoot, Gideon 100100101000100 Painesville Geauga Crowfoot, John 010011210100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Crowfoot, Malcom 110101000100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Cummins, William 100010400100100 Painesville Geauga Cunningham, Amos 200010021100100 Madison Geauga Cunningham, Artemas 200120200100300 Madison Geauga Cunningham, Cyrus 100010100100100 Madison Geauga Cunningham, John 000101000010200 Madison Geauga Cunningham, Nabby 000100110100100 Madison Geauga Curtiss, Charles 101110330100200 Madison Geauga Curtiss, Joseph 000200101000101 Perry Geauga Dalmadge, James 100110200100200 Painesville Geauga Daniels, Aaron 410201030100300 Mentor Geauga Daniels, Amos 100010001000100 Kirtland Geauga Davis, Henry 120010100100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Day, Elezer 301110100100100 Madison Geauga Dearborn, Josiah 000010010100100 Madison Geauga Demons, Harvey 100010001000001 Mentor Geauga Dike, Hardin 000001002010100 Painesville Geauga Disbrow, Erastus & Russell 000200000020000 Leroy Geauga Doan, John M 120001130100100 Kirtland Geauga Dodge, Gillead 100100101000100 Perry Geauga Dodge, Herman 120010301110001 Madison Geauga Dodge, Seymour 020010412100100 Madison Geauga Dorrell, Bela 110020200100002 Mentor Geauga Dow, Evans 200010100100100 Madison Geauga Dowell, Benanuel 220010210100100 Painesville Geauga Drake, Ambrose 120110211100100 Painesville Geauga Draper, Samuel 300010200100100 Madison Geauga Durand, Lyman 010201002010300 Painesville Geauga Durthick, James 220010201100000 Madison Geauga Durvin, Lenas 100100000100100 Kirtland Geauga Durvin, Noah 110101110100101 Kirtland Geauga Dustin, Ebenezer 210010110100001 Madison Geauga Eastman, William 100010001000100 Perry Geauga Eaton, Robert 200420221100132 Painesville Geauga Eddy, William 110001100100100 Painesville Geauga Elias, Joseph 000010101000100 Painesville Geauga Ellis, Lemuel 100200001000100 Madison Geauga Ellis, Lemuel 011101110100300 Perry Geauga Ellis, Samuel 010100301000200 Perry Geauga Ellis, Simon 210220101100400 Perry Geauga Elsworth, Wm 100101010100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Ely, Abel C 200011010100200 Madison Geauga Ely, Asaph 000010010010000 Leroy Geauga Emerson, Elijah 200210100100300 Painesville Geauga Emerson, George 401110110100200 Painesville Geauga Emerson, Jos. & Foster 200300111100300 Madison Geauga Emerson, Timothy 110010200100100 Painesville Geauga Emerson, widow of Jesse 000000000010000 Painesville Geauga Emery, John Jr. 010110011000000 Madison Geauga Emes, Benjamin 111101120010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Emes, Benjm. Jr. 000100001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Emes, Joseph 200100101000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Emes, Loel 100100001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Ensign, Horace 0001010010102001Madison Geauga Estel, Thomas 310001100100100 Perry Geauga Evans, Ora 000100201000001 Madison Geauga Fairbanks, Joshua 200110001020000 Leroy Geauga Falkinburgh, Charles 201301111100301 Painesville Geauga Farley, Amos 210001121100100 Kirtland Geauga Federick, Philip P 100010210100001 Madison Geauga Fenn, Titus 000100000100100 Madison Geauga Fenn, Titus 000100000100100 Painesville Geauga Fenner, Anthony 110010010100001 Kirtland Geauga Fletcher, William 121101200010200 Mentor Geauga Fobes, Lemuel 100101012010200 Mentor Geauga Forbes, Elisha 010001010010200 Madison Geauga Force, Samuel 100110201000200 Kirtland Geauga Ford, Elijah 011101010010300 Madison Geauga Ford, Elisha 210010200100001 Madison Geauga Forgison, Hez 100110201010100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Forgison, John 000200001000200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Foss, Cotton 300010200100000 Madison Geauga Foster, William 000010000100100 Kirtland Geauga Fowler, John L 100010300100001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Fowler, Richard 300010000100100 Perry Geauga Fox, Abner 300210101100201 Mentor Geauga Fox, Israel 000001010010100 Mentor Geauga Freeman, Nathan 000001001010100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Freeman, Theron 200010100100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Freeman, Zebulon R.S. 000010001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Freer, Simeon 010201201010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Freer, Titus 100010101000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga French, Daniel J 101110211100100 Painesville Geauga French, David 400010201000100 Painesville Geauga French, Jacob 310110020100200 Painesville Geauga French, Nathaniel 00011 101000200 Perry Geauga French, Porter 210010110100100 Kirtland Geauga French, Timothy 110030400100300 Painesville Geauga Frisbie, Benjm. Jr. 200010000100100 Madison Geauga Fuller, Amisa 010111001010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Fuller, Joseph 010101110010300 Madison Geauga Fuller, Mathew 001101000010100 Painesville Geauga Fuller, Simeon 000010001010100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Fuller, Thomas 320010100100100 Kirtland Geauga Gage, James Jr. 101110001000200 Madison Geauga Gage, Moses 000010000000001 Madison Geauga Galloway, Danl. B 200010210100100 Mentor Geauga Gardner, Joel A 011200001000001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Gee, James 200100101000100 Perry Geauga Gier, Elias R 110010101000100 Perry Geauga Gifford, Benjamin 000010101000100 Perry Geauga Gillett, Abraham 100010101000100 Kirtland Geauga Gillett, Edward 310010110100100 Kirtland Geauga Glines, Sally 200000010100000 Chagrin Cuyahoga Goldsmith, Jonathan 100311410200104 Painesville Geauga Goodell, Elisha 000010000100100 Kirtland Geauga Goodell, John 010001001010100 Kirtland Geauga Goodell, Nathan E 000100001000001 Kirtland Geauga Goodell, Warner 101101020100200 Mentor Geauga Goodrich, Josiah 100010100200100 Madison Geauga Goodspeed, Nathl. 100010000010001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Gordon, George 000101010000001 Painesville Geauga Graham, David 000100101000001 Perry Geauga Graham, Hugh 011111020010400 Perry Geauga Graham, Hugh 2nd 200010000100100 Perry Geauga Graham, Hugh F 100100101000100 Perry Geauga Graham, Hugh W 100010001000100 Perry Geauga Graham, John 400210100100300 Perry Geauga Graham, John 2nd 200020102001200 Perry Geauga Graham, Lemuel 200100001000100 Perry Geauga Graham, Samuel 200010100100100 Madison Geauga Graham, Samuel 010001000010100 Perry Geauga Graham, Theron 000010101000001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Graham, William 220111310110300 Perry Geauga Granger, Carlos 000110100100002 Painesville Geauga Grant, Josiah 310001001100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Graves, Phillip 310010000100001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Greene, David 000100001000100 Madison Geauga Greene, Joseph 020201010010300 Madison Geauga Greene, Lovice 100000000100000 Leroy Geauga Griffith, Duty 120010321100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Griswald, Truman 220010211100100 Mentor Geauga Grover, Joseph 001210020010300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Grover, Lemuel 010100201000100 Painesville Geauga Grover, Luther 211210101100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Grovinor, Israel 100201000010000 Painesville Geauga Haines, John 200010310100100 Perry Geauga Haines, Levi 110010300100100 Perry Geauga Hall, Asa 200010200100100 Mentor Geauga Hall, George 010010120100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hall, Hez 000201000010200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hall, James 210041202100211 Painesville Geauga Hall, John 000001000000000 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hall, John 220010200100100 Mentor Geauga Hall, Levi 000200001000200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hall, Samuel 210110101000300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hall, William 200001201000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hallick, Joshua 000200111000200 Madison Geauga Halloway, George 010010300100000 Painesville Geauga Hanks, Benjamin 300010111000001 Madison Geauga Hanks, Elijah 000001000010100 Madison Geauga Hanks, Elijah Jr. 300110210100100 Perry Geauga Hanks, John 000010301000100 Madison Geauga Hardin, Abraham 020001120010100 Painesville Geauga Hardy, Samuel 320010101100100 Painesville Geauga Harmon, Oliver 010001000010100 Painesville Geauga Harmon, Oliver Jr. 200010100100100 Painesville Geauga Harmon, Robert 300110001010100 Painesville Geauga Harmon, William B 200011110100000 Painesville Geauga Harper, James A 000020321100200 Madison Geauga Harper, John A 210101022100200 Perry Geauga Harris, Joseph 000100010000100 Madison Geauga Harris, Milo 000120102010003 Painesville Geauga Harris, Tyler 100010001000100 Painesville Geauga Hawkins, Russell 200110201100200 Mentor Geauga Hayden, John 310010310100100 Mentor Geauga Hayes, Ebenezer 200020100100200 Painesville Geauga Hazleton, William 300010100100100 Painesville Geauga Henderson, John M 100120102000111 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hendrick, Hawkins 122210300100300 Kirtland Geauga Hewitt, John 000001000000100 Painesville Geauga Higby, John 011201010000200 Painesville Geauga Higley, George 100110102000100 Madison Geauga Hildreth, Osney 000030101000300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hill, Alpheus 100001200100100 Painesville Geauga Hill, Amasa 120011101110200 Madison Geauga Hill, David 001110010110200 Madison Geauga Hill, John 020101101010400 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hill, Joseph 300101000010200 Madison Geauga Hill, Stephen 100200001000200 Leroy Geauga Hill, Timothy 100010101000100 Painesville Geauga Hill, Valentine 100010101000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hillard, Peres 000100102000001 Kirtland Geauga Hills, Jedidiah 110010200100010 Painesville Geauga Hinckley, Benjamin 010101010010300 Madison Geauga Hinckley, Benjm. Jr. 000100001000001 Madison Geauga Hinckley, Joshua 200010200100001 Madison Geauga Hines, John P 000110001100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hines, Reuben 200110010100200 Perry Geauga Hitchcock, James 120010300100100 Kirtland Geauga Hitchcock, Jona. 001110210100101 Kirtland Geauga Hitt, George 100100001000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hobart, Noah 000010001000100 Madison Geauga Hodges, Simeon 120201002010201 Mentor Geauga Holbrook, David 110010110100100 Kirtland Geauga Holbrook, William 010020100100101 Painesville Geauga Holcomb, Joel 000211011010400 Leroy Geauga Holcomb, Timothy 201110311200200 Madison Geauga Holmes, Lory 430010200100100 Kirtland Geauga Holmes, Morris 000110110100001 Chagrin Cuyahoga Holmes, Oren 000110101100200 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hopkins, Benjm. & Saml. 110011101010200 Mentor Geauga Hopkins, Benjm. Jr. 000010000100100 Painesville Geauga Hopkins, Daniel 000010001000100 Mentor Geauga Hotchkiss, Abner 110001221100100 Madison Geauga House, Seely 100010200100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Hoyt, Isaac W 010101011100001 Madison Geauga Hubbard, John 010030000100400 Madison Geauga Hull, David 100210100100003 Painesville Geauga Humphrey, Roswell 100301000010103 Chagrin Cuyahoga Huntington, Flavius J 100110001000000 Painesville Geauga Huntington, Francis 010310010100300 Painesville Geauga Huntoon, Corbin 100211001110301 Painesville Geauga Huntoon, Scribner 000110420100200 Painesville Geauga Hutchinson, Wm 220101110100400 Chagrin Cuyahoga Ingersol, Calvin 120301010010400 Mentor Geauga Ingersol, Philo 300100000100100 Mentor Geauga Ingraham, Daniel 121110200100100 Madison Geauga Irvin, Thomas 000010000100100 Painesville Geauga Isham, Ezra 000010101000100 Madison Geauga Isham, John 200010200100100 Madison Geauga Jewell, Luther 100010200100100 Painesville Geauga Jewell, Walter 100100001000100 Painesville Geauga Jewell, William 011201011010300 Painesville Geauga Jewett, David 200010101000100 Mentor Geauga Johnson, John 200010101000100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Johnson, Nathan B 100110410100100 Madison Geauga Johnston, William 100010000100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Jones, Benaiah 000101000100200 Painesville Geauga Jones, Josiah 100010000100100 Kirtland Geauga Jones, William 210011200100300 Chagrin Cuyahoga Jordan, Thomas 000100000100100 Painesville Geauga Joslin, Amasa 201210110100300 Kirtland Geauga Joy, Ebenezer 000101000010200 Perry Geauga Judd, Thomas Jr. 400010200100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Judson, Enoch 100201001010300 Madison Geauga Judson, Orto 001110001000001 Madison Geauga Keep, Luther 100010101000100 Painesville Geauga Kellogg, Daniel 110201021010102 Painesville Geauga Kellogg, Preserood S 100010210100001 Painesville Geauga Kerr, Daniel 000010100100100 Mentor Geauga Kerr, Moses 010101011010200 Mentor Geauga Kerr, William 100010301000100 Painesville Geauga Kibbie, Moses 100110101000200 Painesville Geauga Kimball, Abel 000001000000100 Madison Geauga Kimball, Daniel 100010430100100 Mentor Geauga Kimball, Lemuel 010211111010401 Madison Geauga Kimball, Sol. C 000010001000100 Madison Geauga King, Hezekiah 230010110100100 Painesville Geauga King, Thomas 210120200200300 Madison Geauga King, William 100010200100100 Madison Geauga Kingsbury, Solomon 200020011000101 Painesville Geauga Knieppe, Chrisgan 200201301000300 Painesville Geauga Knieppe, Elijah 000010001000100 Painesville Geauga Knights, Benjamin 010001220010010 Painesville Geauga Kusler, Peter 110010321100100 Chagrin Cuyahoga Ladd, Jeduthan 000110100100002 Kirtland Geauga Ladd, Jesse 010521012100310 Madison Geauga Laman, Riah 100010000100100 Kirtland Geauga Lamberton, Asher 100010300100001 Madison Geauga Lapham, Benjm. 001100011010200 Kirtland Geauga Lapham, David 210001000010100 Painesville Geauga Lapham, Dunkin 200010200100100 Painesville Geauga Lapham, John 000010201000100 Painesville Geauga Lapham, Josiah 000100001000100 Painesville Geauga Lapham, Thomas 300010220100100 Painesville Geauga Lattimore, William 010610111000124 Painesville Geauga Lee, Jason 000101000010200 Madison Geauga Lewis, Mary 001200011010200 Chagrin Cuyahoga