GEAUGA COUNTY OHIO - Index to 1874 Landowner Map Book (C Through D Surnames) *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Geauga County Genealogical Society Chardon Library 110 E. Park St., Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 285-7601 March 13, 2000 *********************************************************************** ===================================================================================== LANDOWNER TWPNAME RANGE_TWP YEAR PAGE GRID ===================================================================================== CADE ~O.H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 CADWELL ~H. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CADWELL ~H. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-1 CADWELL ~R. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-4 CADY & CONE Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-6 CADY ~B.W. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CADY ~O. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CAINE ~C. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-2 CAINE ~H. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-1 CAINE ~L. Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CALDWELL ~Electa Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-4 CALDWELL ~Electa Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-5 CALDWELL ~T. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-4 CALDWELL ~T. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-5 CALER ~C.F. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-1 CALHOON ~A. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 CALKINS ~C.D. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-4 CALKINS ~C.M. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-3 CALKINS ~M. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-3 CALKINS ~O.M. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-3 CALKINS ~O.M. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-1 CALKINS ~T.B. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-3 CALKINS ~T.B. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-4 CALL ~A.B. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CALL ~A.D. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CALL ~A.W. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CALL ~S.W. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CALL ~V. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-2 CALLENDER ~G.F. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-3 CALLENDER ~J.F. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-3 CALLOW ~E. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CALLOW ~Wm. J. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-2 CALVIN ~A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-4 CAMP ~H.C. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-3 CAMPBELL ~C.C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-2 CAMPBELL ~J. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-4 CAMPBELL ~Jas Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-5 CAMPBELL ~Jas C Willoughby R10-T9 1874 40 D-3 CAMPBELL ~Jos Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-4 CANAHAN ~O. Perry Centre 1874 20 A-2 CANAHAN ~O. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-4 CANFIELD & HATHAWAY Chardon Business 1874 56 A-4 CANFIELD & MURRAY Chardon Business 1874 56 A-5 CANFIELD & MURRAY Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-5 CANFIELD ~A. S. Chardon 1874 61 E-2 CANFIELD ~A. S. Chardon 1874 61 D-2 CANFIELD ~A. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-4 CANFIELD ~A. S. Chardon 1874 61 C-1 CANFIELD ~Betsey Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-3 CANFIELD ~C. N. Chardon 1874 56 D-3 CANFIELD ~C.L. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-4 CANFIELD ~D.W. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-4 CANFIELD ~D.W. S. Chardon 1874 61 C-1 CANFIELD ~D.W. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-4 CANFIELD ~D.W. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-4 CANFIELD ~D.W. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-3 CANFIELD ~D.W. N. Chardon 1874 56 B-3 CANFIELD ~D.W. N. Chardon 1874 56 B-2 CANFIELD ~D.W. N. Chardon 1874 56 C-3 CANFIELD ~D.W. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 A-1 CANFIELD ~E.V. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-3 CANFIELD ~G.W. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-4 CANFIELD ~G.W. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-5 CANFIELD ~G.W. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-5 CANFIELD ~G.W. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 CANFIELD ~H. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-4 CANFIELD ~H. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-4 CANFIELD ~H. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-2 CANFIELD ~J.A. S. Chardon 1874 61 E-3 CANFIELD ~J.A. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-4 CANFIELD ~James Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CANFIELD ~Julia Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-1 CANFIELD ~M Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 CANFIELD ~M. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 CANFIELD ~M.& D. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-4 CANFIELD ~M.C. N. Chardon 1874 56 B-2 CANFIELD ~M.C. N. Chardon 1874 56 D-2 CANFIELD ~M.C. Painesville Business 1874 12 A-1 CANFIELD ~M.T. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-3 CANFIELD ~Murray Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-4 CANFIELD ~R.W. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-4 CANFIELD ~W.L. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-3 CANNON ~? Mrs. Troy Centre 1874 95 D-1 CAPRON ~Laura Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 A-2 CAPRON ~Laura Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-2 CARD ~R. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-3 CARL ~E. Parkman Center 1874 21 D-6 CARL ~F. Parkman Center 1874 21 D-6 CARLTON ~A.B. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CARLTON ~A.B. Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CARLTON ~A.B. Burton Village 1874 95 A-3 CARLTON ~B. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-2 CARLTON ~C.C. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-3 CARLTON ~D. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-2 CARLTON ~Electa Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CARLTON ~J. Burton Village 1874 95 A-3 CARLTON ~J. Burton Village 1874 95 A-2 CARLTON ~L. Burton Village 1874 95 A-3 CARLTON ~M.C. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CARLTON ~M.E. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-2 CARNAGIE ~P. N. Painesville 1874 13 G-4 CARNAHAN ~Sally Ann Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CARNEY ~A. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-4 CARNEY ~A. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 CARNEY ~A. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-1 CARNEY ~A. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 D-2 CARPENTER ~Eliz Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-6 CARPENTER ~I. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-3 CARPENTER ~J. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 D-2 CARPENTER ~J.T. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-2 CARPENTER ~J.T. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 CARPENTER ~J.T. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 D-2 CARPENTER ~L. H. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-3 CARPENTER ~Miranda Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 C-1 CARPENTER ~S.C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 CARPENTER ~S.C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-3 CARR ~G. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 CARR ~G. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-3 CARRAHER ~F.A. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 E-1 CARRAHER ~Thos. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 B-4 CARREL ~R.Y. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-4 CARREL ~R.Y. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 40 D-3 CARREL ~Reese Willoughby R10-T9 1874 40 C-4 CARREL ~Reese Y. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-5 CARRIER ~H. Mentor Business 1874 30 C-4 CARRIGAN ~M. Madison Village 1874 27 A-2 CARROLL & STORM Kirtland Centre 1874 45 A-6 CARROLL ~A. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-3 CARROLL ~Caroline Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-3 CARROLL ~D. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CARROLL ~H. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-3 CARROLL ~H. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-2 CARROLL ~M. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-2 CARROLL ~M. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 B-2 CARROLL ~Martin Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-3 CARROLL ~Martin Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-2 CARROLL ~Martin Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 CARROLL ~Mary Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CARROLL ~P. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-4 CARROLL ~R.Y. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-4 CARROLL ~R.Y. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-4 CARROLL ~S. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-3 CARSON ~J.B. N. Painesville 1874 12 B-3 CARSON ~J.B. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-3 CARSONS ~T.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-4 CARTER ~C.C. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-2 CARTER ~C.C. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CARTER ~Emily Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CARTER ~H. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CARTER ~H.N. Perry Business 1874 20 A-3 CARTER ~H.N. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-2 CARTER ~S. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-3 CARTER ~S.E. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-2 CARTER ~S.K. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CARVER ~A.L. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-2 CARVER ~D. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-2 CARVER ~Sal Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CARVER ~W. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CARVER ~Wm. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-3 CARVER ~Wm. H. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-3 CASE ~A. Mentor Village 1874 30 B-4 CASE ~A.T. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-4 CASE ~J.T. Perry Centre 1874 20 A-2 CASE ~J.T. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 CASE ~Stephen Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 CASE ~Stephen Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-1 CASEMENT ~J. N. Painesville 1874 13 G-3 CASEMENT ~S. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-3 CASEY ~Anna Mentor Village 1874 30 A-4 CASHAN ~J. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-1 CASICK ~A. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 CASLAN ~J. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 B-4 CASLER ~Robt Perry R7-T11 1874 20 B-3 CASSELL ~? Mrs. Kirtland 1874 45 B-7 CASSLER Mentor R9-T10 1874 30 C-1 CASTLE ~D.P. Willoughby Village 1874 44 A-4 CATE ~J.N. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 A-1 CAY ~C. Burton Village 1874 95 B-1 CAY ~F. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 CAY ~F. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 CAY ~John Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 CAY ~William Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 CAY ~Wm Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 CHADWICK ~D. Unionville 1874 24 B-2 CHADWICK ~Wm Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-1 CHAFFEE Jr. ~R.B. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 B-2 CHAFFEE ~A. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 D-3 CHAFFEE ~R.B. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 B-2 CHALMES ~W. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~B.F. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 D-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~B.F. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 A-2 CHAMBERLAIN ~B.F. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 C-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~B.F. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 A-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~B.F. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 A-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~D. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 C-2 CHAMBERLAIN ~H. S. Chardon 1874 61 E-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~H. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~H. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-4 CHAMBERLAIN ~Huldah Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 A-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~J.S. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 D-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~M. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 C-2 CHAMBERLAIN ~Wm Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-3 CHAMBERS & CAMPBELL Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-3 CHAMBERS ~J. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 D-2 CHAMPLIN ~J.K. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 CHANDLER ~L. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-1 CHANDLER ~M.H. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-2 CHANDLER ~M.H. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 D-3 CHANDLER ~R.S. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-2 CHANDLER ~S.J. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-2 CHAPEL ~E.S. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-5 CHAPEL ~E.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CHAPEL ~E.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CHAPEL ~E.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-1 CHAPEL ~E.S. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-2 CHAPEL ~E.S. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 CHAPEL ~S.E. E. Claridon Business 1874 73 C-1 CHAPMAN ~C.H. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 CHAPMAN ~C.H. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-3 CHAPMAN ~Catherine Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-3 CHAPMAN ~E. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 CHAPMAN ~E. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-4 CHAPMAN ~E. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-3 CHAPMAN ~F. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 CHAPMAN ~G. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-2 CHAPMAN ~G.W. Perry R7-T11 1874 21 D-2 CHAPMAN ~J. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-3 CHAPMAN ~J. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-2 CHAPMAN ~J. Fairport Village 1874 40 A-1 CHAPMAN ~James Fairport Business 1874 40 A-3 CHAPMAN ~John Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-3 CHAPMAN ~L. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-2 CHAPMAN ~L. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-2 CHAPMAN ~L.J. Fairport Business 1874 40 A-3 CHAPMAN ~O.V. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-2 CHAPMAN ~O.V. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-1 CHAPMAN ~O.V. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-2 CHAPMAN ~O.V. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-1 CHAPMAN ~P. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-4 CHAPMAN ~S.B. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 A-2 CHAPMAN ~S.L. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-3 CHAPMAN ~W.W. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-3 CHAPMAN ~Wm H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-4 CHAPMAN ~Wm L. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-2 CHAPMAN ~Wm. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-1 CHAPMAN ~Wm. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-4 CHAPMAN ~Wm.H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 CHAPMAN ~Wm.L. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-2 CHARTER ~S. Burton Village 1874 95 A-3 CHARTER ~S. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CHASE ~A.H. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-2 CHASE ~B. Bainbridge Centre 1874 87 D-3 CHASE ~C.E. Bainbridge Bus 1874 87 D-4 CHASE ~C.H. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-2 CHASE ~C.H. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CHASE ~D.K. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-7 CHASE ~Dr. D.K. Parkman Center 1874 21 D-7 CHASE ~E.H. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-2 CHASE ~E.H. East Claridon 1874 73 D-1 CHASE ~F.H. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-2 CHASE ~J. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-2 CHASE ~Maria Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 CHASE ~Ralph Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 CHASE ~S. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-3 CHASE ~W. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-2 CHASE ~W. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-2 CHDWICK ~Wm Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-6 CHESNEY ~D.B. Painesville Business 1874 12 A-1 CHIDESTER ~J. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-3 CHIDESTER ~J. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-3 CHIDESTER ~J. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-3 CHIDS ~A.H. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-1 CHILD ~John Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-1 CHILDS ~A.B. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-3 CHILDS ~A.H. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 A-2 CHILDS ~B.W. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 CHILDS ~B.W. Madison Village 1874 27 A-4 CHILDS ~J.M. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 A-1 CHILDS ~L.S. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-5 CHILDS ~Mary Ann Madison Village 1874 27 A-2 CHILDS ~O. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-3 CHURCH ~A. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 CHURCH ~A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-3 CHURCH ~A. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-1 CHURCH ~A.T. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 CHURCH ~A.T. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 CHURCH ~J.C. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 E-2 CHURCH ~T.T. Unionville 1874 24 A-2 CHURCH ~W.M. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 CHURCH ~W.M. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 CHURCH ~W.P. Unionville 1874 24 B-1 CHURCHILL ~L. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-1 CHURCHILL ~L. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-2 CHURCHILL ~O. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-3 CHURCHILL ~S. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-2 CHURCHWARD ~P. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 CITERLY ~A. Perry R7-T11 1874 21 B-4 CLAGUE ~E. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-1 CLAGUE ~E. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 CLAPP ~Amasa Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CLAPP ~C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-3 CLAPP ~C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 CLAPP ~Fred Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-3 CLAPP ~H. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-3 CLAPP ~H. Hambden 1874 61 E-4 CLAPP ~Richard Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-1 CLAPP ~S. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-2 CLAPP ~S. Mentor Village 1874 30 B-2 CLAPP ~S.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-1 CLAPP ~S.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-1 CLAPP ~S.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 D-1 CLAPP ~Sylvester Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-1 CLAPP ~T.J. Mentor Village 1874 30 C-3 CLAPP ~T.J. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-2 CLAPSADDEL ~E. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-3 CLARK ~A. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 CLARK ~A.B. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 CLARK ~Adam Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-7 CLARK ~B. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-2 CLARK ~C. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-4 CLARK ~C.S. Huntsburg Centre 1874 75 D-3 CLARK ~C.S. Huntsburg Centre 1874 75 D-2 CLARK ~Charles Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 D-3 CLARK ~Daniel Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-2 CLARK ~Enos Montville R6-T9 1874 67 A-3 CLARK ~G.A. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 A-3 CLARK ~Geo B. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 CLARK ~H.F. Willoughby Village 1874 44 D-3 CLARK ~Hannah Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 CLARK ~J.M.P. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CLARK ~J.W. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 B-2 CLARK ~James Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 CLARK ~Jas Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-5 CLARK ~Kenneth Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 CLARK ~Rebecca Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-7 CLARK ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-3 CLARK ~S.A. Huntsburg Centre 1874 75 D-3 CLARK ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-3 CLARK ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CLARK ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-3 CLARK ~S.P. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CLARK ~T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-4 CLARK ~T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-3 CLARK ~T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CLARK ~T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-2 CLARK ~William Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-2 CLARK ~Wm Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 D-2 CLARK ~Wm Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-1 CLARK ~Wm Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-6 CLARK ~Wm. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CLARK ~Wm. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CLARK ~Wm. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-4 CLARK ~Z. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 C-3 CLAY ~C.M. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 CLEMENT ~Geo W. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-5 CLEMENT ~George W. Willoughby Business 1874 44 A-2 CLEMON ~H.I. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-1 CLEVELAND ~Chloe Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-3 CLEVELAND ~Chloe Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CLEVELAND ~E. Unionville 1874 24 B-2 CLEVELAND ~E.H. Kirtland 1874 45 B-7 CLEVELAND ~E.H. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-2 CLEVELAND ~J. Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CLEVELAND ~Jane Mentor Village 1874 30 B-2 CLEVELAND ~Jane S. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-3 CLEVELAND ~Mary Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-3 CLEVELAND ~W.B. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 CLEVELAND ~W.H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 CLEVELAND ~W.H. Unionville 1874 24 A-1 CLEVERDON ~R. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 A-2 CLEVERDON ~S. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-2 CLINE ~Hulda Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 A-5 CLOUGH ~A. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-3 CLOUGH ~D. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-3 CLOVERTON ~J. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 A-4 COATS ~C.H. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-4 COBB ~C. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 COBB ~Chester Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 C-3 COBB ~Chester Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 B-3 COBB ~M. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-5 COBURN ~T.G. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-3 COE ~A.A. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 COE ~O.L. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-1 COE ~Ruth Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 COLBY ~B. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 COLBY ~D. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-4 COLBY ~R. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 COLE ~E. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 D-2 COLE ~Elias Russell R9-T7 1874 77 A-2 COLE ~F. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-4 COLE ~F. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-3 COLE ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 D-4 COLE ~H. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-1 COLE ~Jane Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-2 COLE ~P.B. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-2 COLE ~Phoebe Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-4 COLE ~W.B. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-2 COLGROVE ~E.S. Perry R7-T11 1874 21 B-4 COLGROVE ~J.Wm. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-4 COLGROVE ~M.S. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 D-3 COLLEY ~G. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-4 COLLIER ~C.C. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-3 COLLINS ~C. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-1 COLLINS ~J.W. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-2 COLLISLAY ~J. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-4 COLLISTER ~Esther Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-3 COLLISTER ~Jeff Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-3 COLLISTER ~John Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-3 COLLISTER ~W. Madison Village 1874 27 A-4 COLLISTER ~Wm. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-3 COLMAN ~C.J. Fowlers Mills Centre 1874 77 A-4 COLSUM ~A.E. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 COLSUM ~K. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-4 COLVIN ~A. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-1 COLVIN ~Stephen Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-1 COLVIN ~Stephen Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 A-1 COLWELL ~A. Fairport Village 1874 40 B-2 COLWELL ~A. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-1 COLWELL ~A. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 D-1 COLWELL ~Geo Fairport Village 1874 40 B-2 COMAN ~L.E. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 B-2 COMAN ~Uriah Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 B-2 COMSTOCK ~Eliza Mentor Village 1874 30 B-2 COMSTOCK ~Eliza Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-2 COMTH ~K. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CONANT ~A. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-3 CONANT ~A. Burton Village 1874 95 C-2 CONANT ~Agnes Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-6 CONANT ~E.R. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 CONANT ~J. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CONANT ~M. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CONANT ~? Mrs. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CONANT ~? Mrs. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-4 CONANT ~Rachel Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 CONANT ~Rachel Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-1 CONE ~A.W. N. Painesville 1874 13 G-4 CONE ~E. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 B-3 CONE ~F.A. N. Painesville 1874 13 G-4 CONE ~James Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 CONE ~S. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 D-3 CONE ~W.A. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-6 CONGDON ~Mrs. J. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-3 CONLEY ~F.C. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CONLEY ~H.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CONLEY ~S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CONLEY ~William Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 CONLEY ~Wm. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-1 CONLEY ~Wm. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 D-1 CONNARS ~B. N. Painesville 1874 12 D-4 CONNELL ~T.O. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-4 CONNELL ~T.O. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-5 CONNOR ~J. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-2 CONNORS ~B. N. Painesville 1874 12 D-3 CONRAD ~J.D. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-3 CONVERSE ~H. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 B-4 CONVERSE ~J.O. Chardon Business 1874 56 A-5 COOK Mentor R9-T10 1874 30 C-1 COOK ~?, Mrs. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 COOK ~A. Chardon Business 1874 56 B-4 COOK ~A.B. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-4 COOK ~Benj Madison Village 1874 27 A-2 COOK ~Benj Madison R6-T12 1874 25 B-4 COOK ~C. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-3 COOK ~E.O. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 COOK ~G. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-4 COOK ~H. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 COOK ~Hiram Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-2 COOK ~J. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-4 COOK ~J.H. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 COOK ~J.H. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-2 COOK ~J.S. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-2 COOK ~J.S. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 COOK ~J.S. Burton Village 1874 95 A-1 COOK ~J.S. Burton Business 1874 95 A-4 COOK ~J.S. Burton Village 1874 95 B-1 COOK ~Jos. W. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 COOK ~Lydia Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-3 COOK ~Lydia E. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-3 COOK ~M.B. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-4 COOK ~M.B. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 COOK ~M.B. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 COOK ~Nancy Parkman Center 1874 21 D-6 COOK ~O.T. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 COOK ~S.D. Burton Village 1874 95 A-2 COOK ~S.E. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-3 COOK. ~A. N. Chardon 1874 56 D-1 COOLEY ~M. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-4 COOLIDGE ~C. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 B-3 COOLIDGE ~J. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-2 COOLIDGE ~Lucy Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-2 COON ~? Mrs. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-1 COONS ~L. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 COONS ~S. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 COOPER ~C. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 B-3 COOPER ~Ira Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-3 COOPER ~Mrs. P. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 COOPER ~S. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-4 COPLEY & MOFFETT Chardon Business 1874 56 C-5 COPP ~O. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 CORLETT ~Ann Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-3 CORLETT ~Ann Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CORLETT ~Christine Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CORLETT ~Esther Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-4 CORLETT ~John Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 CORLETT ~Robt Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 CORLETT ~T.P. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-4 CORLETT ~Wm Madison R6-T12 1874 24 D-3 CORLISS ~E.G. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-3 CORNELIUS ~J.W. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 CORNING ~A.D. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-2 CORNING ~N. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 CORNING ~N. Mentor Business 1874 30 C-5 CORNING ~N. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-4 CORNING ~N.D. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-5 CORRIGAN ~M. Madison Village 1874 27 A-1 CORRIGAN ~M. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 B-4 CORWIN & SPERRY Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-3 COSTIOW ~S.L. Bainvridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-1 COTTAM ~John Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-3 COTTAM ~T.G. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-3 COTTRELL ~G.W. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-4 COTTRELL ~G.W. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-1 COTTRELL ~G.W. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-2 COTTRELL ~H.C. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-1 COTTRELL ~H.C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-5 COTTRELL ~H.C. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-5 COTTRELL ~M.W. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-2 COTTRELL ~S. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-2 COTTRELL ~S. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-1 COUSE ~A. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 COUSE ~A. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 COUSE ~A. Unionville 1874 24 A-1 COVEL ~O. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 COVELL ~A.J. Madison Village 1874 27 B-2 COVELL ~E. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 D-2 COVELL ~M. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 D-2 COVERT ~F. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 COVERT ~G. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 COVERT ~G.W. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-7 COVERT ~Isaih Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-7 COVERT ~Isiah Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 COVERT ~Jas Willoughbyusiness R10-T9 1874 41 D-7 COVERT ~John Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 C-7 COVERT ~Wm Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-7 COVILL ~Hiram Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-1 COVILLE ~F. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-2 COVILLE ~Stephen Montville R6-T9 1874 67 A-1 COWDRY ~L.H. Perry Centre 1874 20 A-1 COWEN ~J.T. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 D-2 COWEN ~J.T. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 COWING ~J. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-2 COWLE ~A.M. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 COWLE ~A.M. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-4 COWLE ~A.M. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-5 COWLES ~A. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-3 COWLES ~A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-2 COWLES ~A.H. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 COWLES ~Benj. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-3 COWLES ~H. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 COWLES ~H. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-3 COWLES ~H. Bainbridge R9-T6 1874 87 B-2 COWLEY ~Mary E. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-3 COX ~Thomas Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 COYLE ~J. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 CRABATS Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-2 CRABATS Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-2 CRAFT ~Fillial Thpmpson R6-T10 1874 49 A-4 CRAFTS ~A.H. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 CRAFTS ~A.H. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-3 CRAFTS ~Betsey Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-5 CRAFTS ~Betsey Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-4 CRAFTS ~D.M. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-3 CRAFTS ~D.M. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-3 CRAFTS ~D.M. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn Corners 1874 95 D-3 CRAFTS ~E. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-4 CRAFTS ~Ed Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 CRAFTS ~Edward Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-3 CRAFTS ~Elisha Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-4 CRAFTS ~Jeremiah Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-5 CRAFTS ~Jeremiah Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-4 CRAFTS ~M. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-2 CRAFTS ~W. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 CRAFTS ~Wm. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-4 CRAINE ~John Painesville Business 1874 12 C-1 CRAINE ~S. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 CRAINE ~W.R. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 D-3 CRAINE ~Wm Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 CRAM ~H. N. Painesville 1874 12 C-4 CRAM ~H. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 CRAM ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CRAM ~H. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 CRAMER ~J.G.. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-2 CRAMPTON ~G. Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CRAMPTON ~G. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 D-2 CRAMPTON ~R. Burton Village 1874 95 B-2 CRAMPTON ~Roxana Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-3 CRAMPTON ~T.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-3 CRANDALL ~D. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 CRANDALL ~Mary Madison R6-T12 1874 25 B-4 CRANDALL ~T. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-4 CRANE ~C. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 CRANE ~J.C. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-4 CRANE ~T.W. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 CRARY ~C.G. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-4 CRAWFORD ~J. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 CRAWFORD ~J. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 B-2 CRAWFORD ~J. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-4 CRELLIN ~John Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CREWE ~W.J. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CRICK ~Filial Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-4 CRINE Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 A-2 CRIPPEN ~S. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 CRIPPIN ~S. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-2 CRITTENDEN ~H.W. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 B-2 CRITTENDEN ~I.D. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-2 CRITTENDEN ~Jane Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 B-3 CRITTENDEN ~L.D. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 B-2 CROBAUGH ~Sarah Willoughby Village 1874 44 D-5 CROCKER ~Charles Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-4 CROCKER ~W.F. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-2 CROFOOT ~B. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-1 CROFOOT ~B. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-2 CROFOOT ~Dudley Perry R7-T11 1874 21 B-5 CROFOOT ~M. Perry R7-T11 1874 21 B-4 CROFOOT ~Rosanna Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-1 CROFOOT ~Roxanna Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-2 CROFT ~Maria Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-3 CROFUT ~S.T. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-3 CROMWELL ~W. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 CROOKS ~T. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-3 CROOKS ~T.C. Troy Centre 1874 95 D-1 CROOKS ~T. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-3 CROSBY ~Julius Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-2 CROSBY ~Julius Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-3 CROSBY ~M.L. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 CROSS ~A. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 D4 CROSS ~D.W. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-6 CROSS ~H. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 CROSS ~Joseph Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-4 CROSS ~Joseph Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-3 CROSS ~Joseph B. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-3 CROW ~F. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 A-3 CROWDER ~J. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 B-1 CROWE ~C.E. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-4 CROWEL ~L.C. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-1 CROWELL ~L. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-2 CROWFOOT ~Joel Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 A-1 CROWNINGSHIELD ~O. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-1 CROWL ~A.R. Mentor Village 1874 30 B-2 CROWL ~A.R. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-3 CROWNINGSHIELD ~D.H. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-1 CRUM ~H. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-4 CULVER ~Jane Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-3 CULVER ~Jane Fowlers Mills Centre 1874 77 A-5 CUMMINGS ~C. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 C-2 CUMMINGS ~D. E. Claridon Business 1874 73 D-1 CUMMINGS ~D. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 D-2 CUMMINGS ~H. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 CUNNANE ~P. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-3 CUNNINGHAM ~J. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 D-3 CUNNINGHAM ~John Madison R6-T12 1874 24 D-4 CURDY ~J. E. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-4 CURDY ~R. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-3 CURDY ~W.W. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 A-4 CURDY ~W.W. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-3 CURTIS ~J.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 CURTIS ~J.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-1 CURTIS ~John Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-3 CURTIS ~L. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 D-2 CURTIS ~Mrs. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 D-4 CURTIS ~T. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CURTISS ~B.M. Kirtland Centre 1874 45 B-6 CURTISS ~D. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 C-2 CURTISS ~E.W. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-2 CURTISS ~G. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-3 CURTISS ~G. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 CURTISS ~G. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-1 CURTISS ~J.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-2 CURTISS ~P. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-4 CURTISS ~S. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-2 CUSTIN ~A. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 CUTTS ~John Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-3 CUTTS ~John Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 A-2 CUTTS ~Sarah Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-2 ===================================================================================== LANDOWNER TWPNAME RANGE_TWP YEAR PAGE GRID ===================================================================================== DAGGITT ~Eliza Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-4 DAILEY ~J.A. Painesville Business 1874 12 B-1 DAMON ~A. Kirtland Centre 1874 45 B-6 DAMON ~A. Kirtland Centre 1874 45 A-6 DAMON ~A. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-2 DAMON ~D. Willoughby Village 1874 44 D-4 DAMON ~Emeline Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 DANFORTH ~J. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-4 DANFORTH ~J. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-1 DANFORTH ~J. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-1 DANGLER ~A. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-2 DANIELS ~A.R. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-3 DANIELS ~D. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-3 DANIELS ~John Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-4 DANIELS ~M. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-4 DANIELS ~Selah Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 DANIELS ~Selah Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 DARIN ~M. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 DARIN ~M.H. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-1 DARLING ~T. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 DARLING ~Wm N. Painesville 1874 13 G-4 DART ~R. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-3 DART ~Wm Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-2 DART ~Wm. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-2 DAVIS ~Samuel Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 DAVENPORT ~B. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 DAVENPORT ~D.M. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 DAVIDSON ~T. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-4 DAVIDSON ~W.A. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 C-3 DAVIS Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-5 DAVIS Bros. Chardon Business 1874 56 D-5 DAVIS ~A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-4 DAVIS ~A. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 C-1 DAVIS ~A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 D-1 DAVIS ~A.H. Willoughby Business 1874 44 A-2 DAVIS ~Betsey Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-4 DAVIS ~C. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-2 DAVIS ~G.P. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-4 DAVIS ~Geo Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-4 DAVIS ~George Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-5 DAVIS ~J.W. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-3 DAVIS ~J.W. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-3 DAVIS ~J.W. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 DAVIS ~L. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-1 DAVIS ~L. Fairport Village 1874 40 A-2 DAVIS ~Martin Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 DAVIS ~N.D. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-4 DAVIS ~N.D. Willoughby Village 1874 44 C-5 DAVIS ~O.L. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 C-3 DAVIS ~O.L. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-3 DAVIS ~Peter Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 DAVIS ~R. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-2 DAVIS ~R. Leroy R7-T10 1874 37 C-2 DAVIS ~R.W. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-4 DAVIS ~S.H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-5 DAVIS ~S.H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 DAVIS ~Sophia Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 DAVIS ~Sophia A. Parkman Center 1874 21 B-6 DAVIS ~T.W. S. Chardon 1874 61 E-1 DAVIS ~W.A. S. Chardon 1874 61 E-1 DAVIS ~W.J. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-4 DAVIS ~W.J. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-5 DAVIS ~Wm A. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 DAVIS ~Wm. A. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 B-3 DAY ~D.B. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 DAY ~J. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 D-3 DAYMAN ~Emily Chester Cross Roads 1874 57 G-1 DAYTON & HARTSHORN Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-1 DAYTON ~Eli Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-2 DAYTON ~F. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-1 DAYTON ~F. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-1 DAYTON ~F.A. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 DAYTON ~George W. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-4 DAYTON ~H. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-4 DAYTON ~H.H. Parkman Center 1874 21 C-6 DAYTON ~J. Fairport Village 1874 40 A-1 DAYTON ~J. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 A-2 DAYTON ~James Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-6 DAYTON ~James Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 DAYTON ~N.W. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 A-4 DAYTON ~Pauline Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-6 DAYTON ~R.B. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 DAYTON ~R.B. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 DAYTON ~R.P. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 DAYTON ~Rebecca Kirtland Centre 1874 45 A-7 DAYTON ~S. Burton Village 1874 95 B-3 DAYTON ~S. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 D-1 DAYTON ~Sally Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 DAYTON ~Sally Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-3 DAYTON ~Sarilla Burton Village 1874 95 B-1 DEAN ~Samuel Chester R9-T8 1874 69 A-4 DECKER ~E. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 DEE ~Julia S. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 DEEL ~J.S. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 DELONG ~J. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-2 DELONG ~Wm Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-2 DELONG ~Wm Mentor Village 1874 30 B-3 DELONG ~Wm. Mentor Village 1874 30 A-2 DEMMING ~S. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-3 DEMPSEY ~Jas Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 B-6 DENSLOW ~A. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 A-3 DEVOES ~Peter Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-1 DEVOR ~J. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 DEVOR ~L. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 DEWEY ~C. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 C-1 DEWEY ~C.A. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-5 DEWEY ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-5 DEWEY ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-4 DEWEY ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 B-6 DEWEY ~Hezekial Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 B-1 DEWEY ~L Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 C-5 DEWEY ~M.A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-1 DEWEY ~S.C. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 A-5 DICKENS ~W. Hambden 1874 61 D-5 DICKENSON & ALLEN Painesville Business 1874 12 C-1 DICKENSON ~S. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-4 DICKENSON ~S. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-4 DICKERMAN ~A. Thompson R6-T10 1874 49 C-3 DICKERSON ~Laura Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 C-2 DICKEY ? Mrs H. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-2 DICKEY ? Mrs. H. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-3 DICKEY ~G.M. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-2 DICKEY ~G.M. Mentor R9-TO 1874 31 E-3 DICKEY ~Geo M. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-3 DICKEY ~Geo M. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-3 DICKEY ~M. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-3 DIEKERMAN ~John Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-3 DIETERSMAN ~John Burton R7-T7 1874 83 C-4 DIKEMAN ~J.L. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-2 DILLEY ~Charity Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 DIMIMICK ~D. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-1 DIMIMICK ~Louisa Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-1 DIMIMICK ~T. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-1 DIMMICK ~B. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 DIMMICK ~P.N. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DIMMICK ~P.N. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-4 DIMMICK ~P.P. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DIMMOCK ~R. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 DIMMOCK ~R. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-3 DIMMOCK ~S.N. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 DINES ~J.R. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-2 DINES ~John Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-3 DINES ~John Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-3 DINES ~Wm Russell R9-T7 1874 77 B-1 DINGLEY ~W.W. Painesville Business 1874 12 A-2 DIXON ~J.S. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 B-2 DIXON ~Lucinda Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 DIXON ~M. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-2 DODD & Son Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 E-6 DODD ~I.A. Kirtland R9-T9 1874 47 A-3 DODD ~J.A. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 DODD ~J.A. Willoughby Business 1874 44 A-2 DODD ~J.A. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 E-6 DODGE ~E. Madison Village 1874 27 B-3 DODGE ~E. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-5 DODGE ~J. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-4 DODGE ~J.D. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-5 DODGE ~J.F. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-6 DODGE ~John Madison R6-T12 1874 25 C-7 DOLY ~Hanita Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-1 DON ~R.F. Painesville R8-T11 1874 9 B-4 DONAHUE ~John Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-5 DONALDSON ~J. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-3 DONALDSON ~Martha Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 C-2 DONALDSON ~S. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-4 DONALDSON ~S.P. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-1 DONALDSON ~T. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-4 DONALDSON ~W.H. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-3 DONALDSON ~W.H. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 D-3 DONCASTER ~Wm. Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 DONOVAN Jr. ~J. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 DONOVAN Jr. ~J. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 C-2 DONOVAN Jr. ~John Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-1 DONOVAN ~John Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-2 DOODGER ~W. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-1 DOOLITTLE ~A. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-3 DOOLITTLE ~A. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 B-4 DOOLITTLE ~J.C. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-2 DOOLITTLE ~J.H. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-2 DORAN ~H. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 DOTY ~H.F. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-6 DOTY ~J. Parkman Center 1874 21 D-6 DOTY ~Russell Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-2 DOUGLAS ~H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-3 DOUGLASS ~Edwin Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-1 DOUGLASS ~Edwin Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-3 DOUGLASS ~Edwin Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-1 DOUGLASS ~H. Troy Centre 1874 95 E-1 DOUGLASS ~O.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-2 DOUGLASS ~O.C. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-2 DOUGLASS ~R.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-1 DOUGLASS ~S. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-3 DOUGLASS ~S.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-3 DOUGLASS ~S.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 A-2 DOUGLASS ~S.C. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 B-2 DOUGLASS ~Wm. E. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-3 DOUSTERDOUNT ~E.A. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 F-1 DOW ~B. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DOW ~H. Madison R6-T12 1874 24 B-3 DOW ~R. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DOW ~R.E. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 DOW ~T.J. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DOWEN ~N. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-7 DOWLING ~Anna Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-2 DOWLING ~Anna Hambden R7-T9 1874 65 C-1 DOWNEY ~Robert Chester R9-T8 1874 69 C-4 DOWNEY ~Robert Chester R9-T8 1874 69 B-4 DOWNING ~A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-4 DOWNING ~A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-3 DOWNING ~A.D. Chardon Business 1874 56 B-4 DOWNING ~B.F. Fowler's Mills Bus. 1874 77 B-5 DOWNING ~B.S. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-1 DOWNING ~C.A. Burton Village 1874 95 C-2 DOWNING ~E. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 D-2 DOWNING ~E. Russell R9-T7 1874 77 C-2 DOWNING ~G. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-4 DOWNING ~J. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 A-2 DOWNING ~Mrs. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 C-3 DOWNING ~S. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 D-4 DOWNING ~Wm Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-4 DOWNS ~Geo Fowlers Mills Centre 1874 77 A-4 DRAKE ~H.B. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 DRAKE ~J.D. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-4 DRAKE ~J.D. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 B-3 DRAKE ~J.R. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 DRESSER ~Cath Madison R6-T12 1874 24 B-3 DRESSER ~H. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-2 DRESSER ~Harriet Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-3 DRESSER ~M. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 B-3 DRESSER ~M. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 A-3 DRUMINTON ~J.W. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-2 DUDLEY ~I. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DUEY ~M.A. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 B-2 DUFFEE. ~J. Munson R8-T8 1874 71 A-1 DUKE ~Thomas Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-2 DUNBAR & RIDER Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-3 DUNBAR ~H.N. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-3 DUNCAN ~G. Fairport Village 1874 40 A-2 DUNCAN ~S.J. Fairport Village 1874 40 B-1 DUNCASTER ~Emily Concord R8-T10 1874 35 B-2 DUNLAP ~Jas Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-1 DUNLOP ~B.J. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 A-2 DUNN ~Alexander Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 DUNN ~Alexander Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-4 DUNN ~Betsey Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 DUNN ~D.O. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 C-4 DUNN ~D.O. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-4 DUNN ~D.O. Parkman R6-T6 1874 93 B-3 DUNN ~James Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-1 DUNN ~James Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-1 DUNN ~James Troy R7-T6 1874 91 D-2 DUNN ~T. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 A-1 DUNNING ~O. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 E-3 DUNNING ~S. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-1 DURAND ~C.O. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 C-2 DURAND ~H.C. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-1 DURAND ~Wm Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-1 DURAND ~WM. Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 D-1 DURBAN ~Wm Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 E-4 DURBAN ~Wm Mentor R9-T10 1874 31 G-3 DURFEE & STEVENSON Chardon Business 1874 56 A-4 DURFEE ~I.F. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 C-3 DURFEE ~J. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 D-1 DURFEE ~J.G. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-3 DURFEE ~J.O. Troy R7-T6 1874 91 C-2 DURFEE ~Jane A. Mentor R9-T10 1874 30 D-2 DURFEE ~John Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 C-1 DURFEE ~L.E. N. Chardon 1874 56 E-2 DURFEE ~L.E. N. Chardon 1874 56 D-2 DURFEE ~L.E. Chardon Business 1874 56 A-4 DURFEE ~L.E. Chardon R8-T9 1874 58 D-4 DURFEE ~L.M. Perry R7-T11 1874 20 D-3 DURFEE ~M. Perry R7-T11 1874 21 D-2 DURFEE ~O. Mentor R9-T10 1874 30 D-2 DURKEE ~G. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 D-4 DURKEE ~M. Middlefield R6-T7 1874 85 A-3 DURKEE ~M.S. Burton R7-T7 1874 83 D-3 DURKEE ~M.S. Burton Business 1874 95 C-4 DURKEE ~S.M. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-4 DURKEE ~S.M. Huntsburg R6-T8 1874 75 A-3 DURKIE ~N.P. Claridon R7-T8 1874 73 C-1 DUSENBURY ~H. Chester Cross Roads 1874 57 G-3 DUSENBURY ~R. Chester R9-T8 1874 69 C-4 DUSENBURY ~R. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 D-4 DUTCHER ~S. Thompson Center 1874 60 A-4 DUTTON ~C.O. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-2 DUTTON ~C.O. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-1 DUTTON ~E.R. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-3 DUTTON ~George Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 DUTTON ~George Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-3 DUTTON ~James Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 D-4 DUTTON ~James Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-4 DUTTON ~L.A. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-2 DUTTON ~L.A. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-3 DUTTON ~M.H. Newbury R8-T7 1874 79 B-3 DUTTON ~S.N. Montville R6-T9 1874 67 B-2 DUTTON ~W.C. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-2 DUTTON ~Wm. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-3 DUTTON ~Wm. C. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 C-3 DUTTON ~Wm. C. Auburn R8-T6 1874 89 B-2 DUTTON ~Wm.C. Auburn Business 1874 95 D-4 DWYER ~T. Concord R8-T10 1874 35 A-1 DYER ~Andrew Mentor R9-T10 1874 30 D-1 DYER ~B. Madison R6-T12 1874 25 D-2 DYKE ~W. Willoughby R10-T9 1874 41 D-6 DYKE ~Walter Willoughby Business 1874 44 A-2