GEAUGA COUNTY OHIO - Index to 1900 Landowner Map Book (C Through E Surnames) *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Geauga County Genealogical Society Chardon Library 110 E. Park St., Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 285-7601 March 13, 2000 *********************************************************************** ===================================================================================== LANDOWNER TWPNAME RANGE_TWP YEAR PAGE GRID ===================================================================================== CADWELL ~L.T. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-5 CADWELL ~S.L. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-2 CADWELL ~S.L. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-3 CADWELL ~T. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-5 CAGWIN ~J.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-4 CAIN ~A.A. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 E-2 CALDWELL ~B. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-2 CALDWELL ~B. S. Chardon Village 1900 68 C-1 CALDWELL ~E. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-5 CALKING ~O.M. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-4 CALKINS N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 D-4 CALKINS ~O.M. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-5 CALKINS ~O.M. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-2 CALLOWAY ~W. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-4 CALVIN ~A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-1 CAMP ~H.C. Huntsburg 1900 69 F-4 CANFIELD & COMPANY Chardon Business 1900 109 CANFIELD & SMITH Chardon Business 1900 109 CANFIELD `? Mrs. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 C-4 CANFIELD ~A.E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-4 CANFIELD ~C.G. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-5 CANFIELD ~C.G. Grove P.O. 1900 68 D-4 CANFIELD ~C.S. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-4 CANFIELD ~C.W. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 CANFIELD ~C.W. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 CANFIELD ~D. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 B-4 CANFIELD ~D.W. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-1 CANFIELD ~H.F. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-4 CANFIELD ~J. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-2 CANFIELD ~J.F. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 C-5 CANFIELD ~J.V. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-4 CANFIELD ~J.V. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 CANFIELD ~J.V. S. Chardon Village 1900 68 B-2 CANFIELD ~J.V. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-1 CANFIELD ~M.A. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 C-4 CANFIELD ~M.B. S. Burton Village 1900 60 A-4 CANFIELD ~N Troy R7-T6 1900 53 A-5 CANFIELD ~N. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 CANFIELD ~N.B. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-4 CANFIELD ~N.B. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-5 CANFIELD ~R. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-4 CANFIELD ~S. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 CANFIELD ~S. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 A-5 CANFIELD ~S.E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 CANFIELD ~S.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 CANFIELD ~S.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-1 CARLSON ~J. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 F-3 CARLTON ~A. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-5 CARLTON ~C. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-4 CARLTON ~C. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-4 CARLTON ~C.C. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-3 CARLTON ~D. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-2 CARLTON ~D. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-3 CARLTON ~E. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-5 CARLTON ~H.A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-5 CARLTON ~H.A. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-3 CARLTON ~H.D. S.Burton 1900 60 D-3 CARLTON ~L.L. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-2 CARLTON ~L.L. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-3 CARLTON ~M. S.Burton 1900 60 D-3 CARLTON ~P. S.Burton 1900 60 D-3 CARNES ~J. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 C-5 CAROTHERS ~C.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-3 CAROTHERS ~C.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-3 CAROTHERS ~C.L. Huntsburg 1900 69 E-4 CARPENTER ~E. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-3 CARPENTER ~M. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-2 CARROLL ~A.D. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-4 CARROLL ~A.D. Fowler'S Mills 1900 72 A-4 CARROLL ~E. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-2 CARROLL ~E. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-4 CARROLL ~E. Fowler'S Mills 1900 72 A-4 CARROLL ~F.C. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-4 CARROLL ~H.C. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-4 CARROLL ~M. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-3 CARROLL ~M.E. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-2 CARROLL ~M.K. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-4 CARSON ~L.E. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-4 CARSON ~R.C. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-4 CARTER ~K.J. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 B-4 CARVER ~D. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-3 CARVER ~F.M. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-4 CARVER ~F.M. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 C-4 CARVER ~J.W. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 CARVER ~L. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-2 CARVER ~M.E. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-1 CARVER ~T.M. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-3 CARY ~N. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-2 CARY ~N. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-3 CASE ~F.A. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 CASE ~H.P. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 CASHEN ~W. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 C-5 CATE ~E. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-5 CERVENKA ~M. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-2 CHABERLAIN ~A.H. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-2 CHACE ~L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-2 CHAFFEE ~G.B. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 B-2 CHAFFEE ~M.C.W. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 A-5 CHAFFEE ~R.B. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-2 CHAFFEE ~R.B. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~A.B. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~A.V. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-5 CHAMBERLAIN ~C.L. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-5 CHAMBERLAIN ~C.S. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-1 CHAMBERLAIN ~C.S. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-2 CHAMBERLAIN ~E.A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-2 CHAMBERLAIN ~E.A. Bainbridge Lot 48 1900 72 A-4 CHAMBERLAIN ~H. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~H. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~M. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-3 CHAMBERLAIN ~M.A. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-4 CHAMBERLAIN ~M.A. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 D-5 CHAMBERLAIN ~W.C. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-4 CHAMBRLAIN ~W.H. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 CHAMPLAIN ~L.M. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-5 CHAMPLIN ~J. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-3 CHAMPLIN ~N. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-3 CHANDLER ~S. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-2 CHAPEL ~E.S. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-3 CHAPEL ~E.S. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-4 CHAPEL ~E.S. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-5 CHAPEL ~E.S. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-4 CHAPMAN ~C.H. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-4 CHAPMAN ~E.L. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-2 CHAPMAN ~E.L. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-1 CHAPMAN ~E.W. Fullertown 1900 81 C-3 CHAPMAN ~F. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-3 CHAPMAN ~F.D. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-4 CHAPMAN ~O.Y. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-2 CHAPMAN ~O.Y. Fullertown 1900 81 A-5 CHAPMAN ~S.B. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-3 CHAPMAN ~W. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 B-1 CHAPMAN ~W. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-5 CHAPMAN ~W.H. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-2 CHAPMAN ~W.H. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-1 CHAPMAN ~W.L. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-2 CHAPMAN ~W.N. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-5 CHAPMAN ~W.R. Burton Village 1900 57 D-4 CHAPMAN ~W.W. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-4 CHAPMAN ~W.W. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 C-5 CHAPPLE E. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 D-4 CHARTER ~E. S. Burton Village 1900 60 B-2 CHARTER ~S.A. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-2 CHASE ~C. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 B-4 CHASE ~G.H. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-3 CHASE ~H.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-2 CHASE ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-3 CHASE ~S.A. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-3 CHASE ~S.A. E. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 D-4 CHASE ~S.M. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-4 CHENEY & CHAPMAN Chardon Business 1900 109 CHENEY ~J.L. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 CHESTERLAND CAVES Chesterland Business 1900 110 CHILDS ~B.S. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-2 CHILDS ~J.C. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 A-3 CHILDS ~R.E. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 A-3 CHILDS ~S.M. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-5 CHRISTIAN ~J. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 CHUBB ~M. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 D-2 CHURCH ~S.J. N. Middlefield 1900 73 D-3 CHURCH ~S.J. S. Middlefield 1900 76 D-2 CHURCHILL ~L. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-2 CHURCHILL ~O.S. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-3 CIPRA ~A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 B-2 CIPRA ~V. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 B-2 CLAPP ~C.D. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-4 CLAPP ~E.J. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 C-3 CLAPP ~E.J. Thompson P.O. 1900 68 B-5 CLAPP ~F.S. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-4 CLAPP ~F.S. E. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 D-4 CLAPP ~M. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 C-4 CLAPP ~M. S.Burton 1900 61 G-4 CLAPP ~M.L. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-4 CLAPP ~S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-2 CLAPP ~S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-2 CLARK ~A. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-3 CLARK ~A. Newbury Center 1900 73 F-4 CLARK ~A. Parkman 1900 79 C-2 CLARK ~A.E. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-2 CLARK ~A.R. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-4 CLARK ~A.R. Huntsburg 1900 69 F-5 CLARK ~A.W. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-4 CLARK ~A.W. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-3 CLARK ~C.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-3 CLARK ~D.F. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-1 CLARK ~D.F. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 C-5 CLARK ~H.T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-3 CLARK ~H.T. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-3 CLARK ~J. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-2 CLARK ~J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-3 CLARK ~J.S. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-5 CLARK ~L.D. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-4 CLARK ~MARY M. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-3 CLARK ~S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-4 CLARK ~S.P. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-4 CLARK ~W.C. Newbury Center 1900 73 F-4 CLARK ~Z. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-4 CLAWORTHY ~E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-5 CLAY ~C. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-5 CLAY ~H. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 CLAY ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 CLAY ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-5 CLEATOR ~J. E. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 D-4 CLERK ~E. Huntsburg 1900 69 F-4 CLEVELAND ~C.H. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-3 CLEVELAND ~C.H. Burton Village 1900 56 D-4 CLEVELAND ~C.H. S. Burton Village 1900 60 A-3 CLEVELAND ~J.S. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 D-3 CLEVERDON ~A.B. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-3 CLEVERDON ~A.B. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-2 CLEVERDON ~E. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 A-4 CLEVERDON ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-5 CLOUGH ~R.E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-2 COATES ~C.A. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 COATES ~E.B. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 COATS ~H.L. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-5 COATS ~H.L. Grove P.O. 1900 68 D-4 COBB ~R.H. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-3 COBLENTZ ~A.A. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 C-2 COBURN ~A.R. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-2 COCKERILL ~R. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-5 COCKERILL ~R. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 A-1 COE ~A.A. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-4 COE ~A.F. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 A-2 COE ~A.H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-5 COE ~A.H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 E-4 COE ~A.H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 E-5 COE ~A.H. S. Newbury 1900 57 G-4 COE ~A.R. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-5 COE ~B.F. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-3 COE ~F.A. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 COE ~L.M. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-2 COE ~L.S. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-3 COE ~P. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-3 COE ~S.A. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-5 COFFIN ~M.H. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 A-3 COFFORD ~E.C. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 C-3 COLBY ~O.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-2 COLE & JONES Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-2 COLE ~M.J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 E-3 COLE ~O.L. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-2 COLE ~S.A. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-4 COLE ~W.B. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-2 COLEMAN & SMITH Munson R8-T8 1900 43 C-5 COLEMAN ~A.G. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-4 COLEMAN ~C. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 C-4 COLEMAN ~C.J. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-5 COLEMAN ~C.J. S. Chardon Village 1900 68 C-1 COLEMAN ~C.J. Chardon Business 1900 109 COLLACOTT ~R. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-5 COLLINS ~A.N. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 D-3 COLLINS ~C.B. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-1 COLLINS ~C.S. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 B-4 COLLINS ~F. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-1 COLLINS ~L. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 D-4 COLLINS ~L. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-4 COLLINS ~M. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 COLLINS ~O.W. S. Middlefield 1900 76 D-2 COLVIN ~B.E. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 C-5 COLVIN ~J.B. Burton Station 1900 109 COLVIN ~L.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-2 COLVIN ~M.P. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-5 COMVERSE ~J.O. Chardon Business 1900 110 CONANT ~A.F. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-3 CONANT ~A.G. Burton Village 1900 57 E-4 CONANT ~A.G. S.Burton 1900 61 F-2 CONANT ~E. S.Burton 1900 61 D-3 CONANT ~M.L. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-4 CONDON ~E. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-2 CONE ~F. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 C-4 CONE ~F. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 C-5 CONE ~J.J. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 C-5 CONE ~J.M. Parkman Business 1900 110 CONLEY ~? Mrs. L. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 E-1 CONLEY ~H.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-3 CONLEY ~J. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-3 CONVERSE N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 CONVERSE ~J.H. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 CONVERSE ~J.O. S. Chardon Village 1900 68 D-1 CONVERSE ~S. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-5 CONVERSE ~S. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-5 CONVERSE ~S.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 CONVERSE ~S.F. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-2 COOK & WALKER Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-3 COOK ~A. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 COOK ~A. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-1 COOK ~A. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 E-2 COOK ~A. Chardon Business 1900 109 COOK ~C.H. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-3 COOK ~E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 COOK ~E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 COOK ~E. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-5 COOK ~E.A. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 COOK ~E.H. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 B-5 COOK ~E.S. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-3 COOK ~F.T. Parkman 1900 79 C-3 COOK ~J.L. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 COOK ~L. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-1 COOK ~L. S. Burton Village 1900 60 A-2 COOK ~M.B. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-5 COOK ~O. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 A-5 COOLEY ~A.J. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 COOLEY ~M.E. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 COONS ~E.L.E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 B-1 COOPER ~C. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-5 COOPER ~C. GROVE P.O. 1900 69 D-4 COOPER ~M. GROVE P.O. 1900 69 D-4 CORKE ~F.L. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-3 CORLE ~J. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 CORLETT ~C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-4 CORLETT ~L. S.Burton 1900 60 D-2 CORLISS ~E.G. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-3 CORRAN ~C.M. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-2 CORTRIGHT ~J. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-1 CORTRIGHT ~R.C. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-1 COSTLOW ~S.L. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-3 COSTLOW ~S.L. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-4 COTTAM ~T.G. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 C-4 COTTAM ~T.G. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-4 COTTRELL ~B.F. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-2 COTTRELL ~E.K. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-2 COTTRELL ~G.A. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-3 COTTRELL ~G.W. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 COTTRELL ~G.W. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-2 COTTRELL ~H.C. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-2 COTTRELL ~H.C. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-3 COTTRELL ~H.C. Chester CrRds Bus. 1900 109 COTTRELL ~L. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-2 COTTRELL ~L.A. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-2 COTTRELL ~M.K. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-3 COTTRELL ~N. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-4 COTTRELL ~N. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 B-1 COTTRELL ~W.D. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-2 COULTON ~A. Parkman 1900 79 C-4 COULTON ~C.E. Parkman 1900 79 C-4 COVERT ~G. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-5 COVILL ~A.E. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-3 COVILL ~R.H. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-3 COVILLE ~E.E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-2 COVILLE ~H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-2 COVILLE ~S. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 COWAN ~W.W. Thompson P.O. 1900 68 A-4 COWLE ~E.J. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-4 COWLE ~H.W. Burton Business 1900 109 COWLES ~A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 B-3 COWLES ~H.A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 B-4 COWLES ~L.C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 COWLES ~M. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 COWLES ~M.M. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 COWLES ~W.T. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-2 COX ~B.F. Burton Village 1900 56 D-4 CRAFTS ~B. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 CRAFTS ~D.M. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-4 CRAFTS ~D.M. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 G-3 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-4 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-4 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 CRAFTS ~E. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 A-5 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 F-3 CRAFTS ~E. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 G-3 CRAFTS ~E.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-4 CRAFTS ~J. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 A-5 CRAFTS ~P.M. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-4 CRAFTS ~P.M. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 G-3 CRAFTS ~W.H. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-2 CRAMBLET ~G. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-1 CRAMBLET ~H. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-1 CRAMBLETT ~G. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-5 CRAMBLETT ~H. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-5 CRAMPTON ~G. Burton Station 1900 69 G-2 CRAMTON ~A. Burton Village 1900 57 D-3 CRAMTON ~C. Burton Village 1900 57 D-3 CRAMTON ~I.S. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 CRAMTON ~T.C. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 CRAMTON ~T.C. Chardon Business 1900 110 CRAMTON. ~A. Burton Village 1900 57 D-4 CRANDALL ~S.R. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 CRANDALL ~S.R. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 B-4 CRANE ~H.H. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-3 CRANE ~I. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 A-3 CRAWFORD ~E. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-2 CRAWFORD ~S.V. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-4 CRESS ~F. S. Burton Village 1900 60 B-2 CRILLEN ~G.O. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-2 CRIPPEN ~C. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-3 CRITCHETT ~B.B. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-3 CRITCHETT ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-3 CRITCHETT ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-4 CRITCHETT ~S.A. Huntsburg 1900 69 E-4 CRITTENDEN & HOLLEN Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-4 CRITTENDEN ~B.O. Burton Village 1900 57 D-3 CRITTENDEN ~B.O. Burton Village 1900 57 D-4 CRITTENDEN ~D.L. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-3 CRITTENDEN ~H.H. N. Middlefield 1900 72 C-3 CRITTENDEN ~H.W. Burton Village 1900 56 D-4 CRITTENDEN ~H.W. Burton Business 1900 109 CRITTENDEN ~N.L. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-2 CROCKER ~H.H. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 B-1 CROCKER ~H.H. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-2 CROCKER ~H.H. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-4 CROFO0T ~C.H. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-3 CROFOOT ~S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-3 CROFT ~W. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 C-5 CROFUT ~J. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-3 CROFUT ~S.T. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-3 CROMWELL ~W. Parkman 1900 79 C-4 CROWDER ~C.J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 CROWNINGSHIELD ~O. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-2 CULBERTSON ~A. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-1 CULVER ~D.A. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 C-5 CULVER ~J. Fowler'S Mills 1900 72 A-5 CURTIS ~C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-4 CURTIS ~D. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-2 CURTIS ~H. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 CURTIS ~H.J. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-4 CURTIS ~J.S. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-3 CURTIS ~M. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 CURTIS ~M. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 CURTIS ~T. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-4 CUTLER ~A.G. Burton Business 1900 109 CUTTS ~C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 E-3 CUTTS ~E. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-3 CUTTS ~E. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 C-4 CUTTS ~J. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-3 CUTTS ~J. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-3 CUTTS ~J. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 C-4 CUTTS Jr. ~J. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 C-5 CUTTS Jr. ~J.C. Hampden P.O. 1900 68 C-4 ===================================================================================== LANDOWNER TWPNAME RANGE_TWP YEAR PAGE GRID ===================================================================================== DAILEY ~W.H. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-2 DAKIN ~C.A. S.Burton 1900 60 D-2 DANFORTH ~T.O. Fullertown 1900 81 C-3 DANGLER ~A. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-3 DANIELS ~C.G. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-4 DANIELS ~E.J. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-3 DANIELS ~S. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-1 DANIELS Jr ~S. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-4 DANIELS Jr. ~S. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 DARLING ~L.E. Bundysburg 1900 77 G-2 DART ~W.P. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 A-4 DAVIDSON ~B.S. Bainbrdge Center 1900 73 G-4 DAVIDSON ~F. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-2 DAVIDSON ~F. Fullertown 1900 81 D-5 DAVIDSON ~S.B. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-3 DAVIS ~A.W. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-4 DAVIS ~B. S. Middlefield 1900 77 D-3 DAVIS ~F.L. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-2 DAVIS ~F.M. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 B-5 DAVIS ~G.W. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-1 DAVIS ~G.W. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-2 DAVIS ~H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-4 DAVIS ~H.A. Fullertown 1900 81 A-4 DAVIS ~J.N. S. Middlefield 1900 77 E-2 DAVIS ~J.W. Parkman 1900 79 B-2 DAVIS ~J.W. Parkman Business 1900 110 DAVIS ~N. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-3 DAVIS ~N. N. Middlefield 1900 72 A-3 DAVIS ~N. N. Middlefield 1900 72 B-1 DAVIS ~O.L. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-1 DAVIS ~O.L. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 C-4 DAVIS ~O.L. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-4 DAVIS ~P.A. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 C-5 DAVIS ~P.M. S. Middlefield 1900 77 E-2 DAVIS ~P.M. Middlefield Business 1900 109 DAVIS ~R.W. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-5 DAVIS ~V.S. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-2 DAVIS ~W. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 D-2 DAVORCK ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-3 DAVORCK ~M. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-3 DAVOREK ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-4 DAY ~A. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-5 DAY ~H. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 E-2 DAY ~H. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 F-3 DAY ~J. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 E-2 DAYTON ~A. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 B-5 DAYTON ~A. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-1 DAYTON ~A.A. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-3 DAYTON ~A.C. Burton Village 1900 56 D-4 DAYTON ~C.N. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-5 DAYTON ~E.C. Burton Village 1900 57 D-4 DAYTON ~G.G. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 E-4 DAYTON ~H. Burton Village 1900 56 D-3 DAYTON ~H.L. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-5 DAYTON ~H.L. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-5 DAYTON ~H.L. S. Burton Village 1900 60 C-3 DAYTON ~L.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 DAYTON ~S. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 D-4 DAYTON ~S. N. Chardon Village 1900 64 C-3 DAYTON ~W. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 DAYTON ~W.H. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-2 DEAN ~C.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-3 DEAN ~O.W. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-5 DELL ~S.F. Huntsburg 1900 69 F-4 DELL ~S.F. Huntsburg Business 1900 110 DEMING ~L.A. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-4 DENTON ~R.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 DERRETT ~J. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 C-5 DERRETT ~S.A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-3 DERRETT ~S.A. Huntsburg 1900 69 F-4 DETRICH ~A. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-5 DETRICH ~A.J. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-4 DETRICH ~M.L. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-4 DETWEILER ~G. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 C-3 DETWEILER ~J. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 C-3 DEVOE ~C.R. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-2 DEVOE ~P. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-2 DEWEY ~A. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-2 DEWEY ~A.J. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 A-2 DEWEY ~E. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-2 DEWEY ~F.G. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 B-3 DEWEY ~I. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-2 DEWOODY ~A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 B-3 DEWWY & QUAILE Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 C-2 DIBBLE & ERNEST Fullertown Business 1900 109 DIBBLE ~W.E. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 C-2 DIBBLE ~W.E. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-2 DIBBLE ~W.E. S. Chardon Village 1900 69 D-3 DIBBLE ~W.E. Fullertown 1900 81 B-3 DIBBLE ~W.E. Fullertown 1900 81 C-3 DICKENSON N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 DICKER ~S. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-5 DIEDRICH ~C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-3 DIETRICH ~D.R. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-4 DIETRICH ~J. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-1 DIETRICK ~H. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 B-5 DIETRICK ~J. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 B-5 DIETZ ~F. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-5 DIFFELL ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-5 DIMOCK ~C. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 DIMOCK ~D. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-2 DIMOCK ~G.A. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-2 DIMOCK ~H. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-2 DIMOCK ~H. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-2 DIMOCK ~H.D. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-2 DIMOCK ~O.A. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-5 DIMOCK ~O.D. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-2 DIMOCK ~P. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 B-2 DIMOCK ~P. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 DIMOCK ~P.N. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 D-2 DIMOCK ~P.N. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 DIMOCK ~T. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-2 DINES ~J. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-2 DINES ~J.R. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-2 DINES ~P. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 D-2 DINES ~P. Fullertown 1900 81 A-4 DOANE ~Ransom Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-4 DOANE ~Rufus Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-4 DODGE ~A. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-2 DODGE ~J.H. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-5 DONALDSON ~A.S. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 DONALDSON ~J. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 DONALDSON ~S. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 A-2 DONALDSON ~S. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 A-5 DONALDSON ~W.B. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-3 DONALDSON ~W.B. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 DONALSON ~E. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 E-2 DONOVAN ~J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 DOOLITTLE ~J.C. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-2 DOOLITTLE ~J.C. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 B-2 DOTY ~C.S. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-5 DOTY ~J. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 C-5 DOUBLEDAY ~G.W. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 DOUBLEDAY ~G.W. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-4 DOUGLASS ~A. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 A-2 DOUGLASS ~C. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-3 DOUGLASS ~C. Troy Center 1900 69 G-3 DOUGLASS ~E. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 D-2 DOUGLASS ~H.T. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-4 DOUGLASS ~O.C. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-4 DOUGLASS ~R.C. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-2 DOW ~D. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 B-5 DOW ~M.M. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 DOW ~R.G. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 C-5 DOW ~R.G. Burton Business 1900 110 DOWNEY ~J. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-5 DOWNEY ~J.R. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 C-5 DOWNING ~A.D. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 DOWNING ~A.D. Chardon Bank 1900 109 DOWNING ~B.F. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 C-2 DOWNING ~B.F. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 C-3 DOWNING ~E. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-2 DOWNING ~E. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 A-5 DOWNING ~E.E. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 A-3 DOWNING ~E.S. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-2 DOWNING ~G.W. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-5 DOWNING ~G.W. Burton Village 1900 56 D-3 DOWNING ~J. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-3 DOWNING ~L. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 A-2 DOWNING ~S. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-5 DOWNING ~S.E. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 D-4 DRAKE ~J.D. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-4 DRAKE ~J.D. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-5 DRAKE ~J.D. Middlefield R6-TN 1900 41 C-1 DRAKE ~N. Burton Village 1900 56 D-3 DRESSER ~E. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 B-3 DRESSER ~H. Troy Center 1900 69 G-4 DRONBERGER ~M.A. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-4 DRONBERGER ~W.C. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-4 DRUKA ~J. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 A-2 DUBOIS ~M.E. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-4 DUDLEY ~J.M. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-5 DUDLY ~? Mrs. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-4 DUGAN ~W. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-4 DUMONT ~H.A. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-4 DUMONT ~J.M. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-4 DUNN ~F. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 DUNNIGAN ~W. E. Claridon P.O. 1900 73 D-4 DUNNING ~O. Montville P.O. 1900 77 G-4 DURAND ~C.L. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-2 DURFEE ~F.E. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-5 DURFEE ~L.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-2 DURFEE ~L.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 E-3 DURFEE ~W.H. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 D-5 DURKEE `? Mrs GROVE P.O. 1900 69 D-4 DURKEE ~D. Burton R7-T7 1900 27 D-4 DURKEE ~W.H. Grove P.O. 1900 69 E-4 DUSENBERRY ~R. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-2 DUTTON ~B. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 B-3 DUTTON ~C. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 B-4 DUTTON ~F. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-2 DUTTON ~G. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-3 DUTTON ~G. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-4 DUTTON ~J.T. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-4 DUTTON ~J.T. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-5 DUTTON ~L.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-3 DUTTON ~M. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 B-5 DUTTON ~M.C. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 F-3 DUTTON ~M.H. Newbury R8-T7 1900 45 B-4 DUTTON ~W.C. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 A-2 DUTTON ~W.G. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-3 ===================================================================================== LANDOWNER TWPNAME RANGE_TWP YEAR PAGE GRID ===================================================================================== EAMES ~C. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-4 EAMES ~E.J. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 A-4 EASTERBROOK ~A. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 EASTON ~C.F. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-2 EATON ~L.D. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-3 EATON ~T.H. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 C-4 EATON ~T.H. N. Chardon ViLLage 1900 64 C-4 EBERLY ~A. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 E-4 EBERLY ~E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 E-R EBERLY ~F. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 E-5 ECKSTEIN ~G. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 A-2 EDDY ~C. Chester R9-T8 1900 31 B-3 EDDY ~S. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-5 EDGINGTON ~C. S. Middlefield 1900 77 E-2 EDIC ~A.O. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 C-4 EDICK ~C. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-3 EDICK ~C. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-4 EDICK ~I.M. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-4 EDICK ~I.M. Bainbrdge Center 1900 73 G-5 EDICK ~J. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-4 EDICK ~J. Bainbrdge Center 1900 73 G-5 EDICK ~J.A. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-4 EDICK ~L. Bainbrdge Center 1900 73 G-4 EED ~J. Chester Crossroads 1900 73 G-3 EGBERT ~D.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-3 EGBERT ~D.A. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 E-4 EGBERT ~M. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 D-3 EGBERT ~M. Auburn P.O. 1900 65 G-3 EGGLESTON ~A.M. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-5 EGGLESTON ~C. Claridon R7-T8 1900 33 B-4 EGGLESTON ~C. Claridon P.O. 1900 72 C-5 EGGLESTON ~J. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 C-3 EGGLESTON ~J. Bainbrdge Center 1900 73 G-3 EGING ~G. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-5 EGLESTON ~C. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-2 EGLESTON ~E.J. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-4 EGLESTON ~J.B. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 A-3 EGLESTON ~M.V. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 B-5 EGLESTON ~T. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-2 EICHENBERGER ~G.F. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-5 ELDRIDGE ~L.P. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-2 ELDRIDGE ~L.P. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 D-2 ELDRIDGE ~M.M. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 B-2 ELDRIDGE ~S. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-5 ELDRIDGE ~S.F. S. Chardon Village 1900 68 D-1 ELDRIDGE ~W.J. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-3 ELDRIDGE ~W.M. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 B-5 ELKINS ~T. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-1 ELLIOT ~L.B. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-2 ELLIOT ~L.B. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-5 ELLIS ~C. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 B-3 ELWELL ~M.E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-3 ELWELL ~M.E. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 D-3 ELWELL ~W.C. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-3 ELY ~E. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-2 ELY ~E.A. N. Middlefield 1900 72 D-4 ELY ~L. Bainbridge R9-T6 1900 25 D-2 ELY ~L.W. Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 A-1 EMINGER ~C. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 C-2 EMMONS ~A. Munson R8-T8 1900 43 C-4 ENDRES ~J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-2 ENNIS ~E. Russell R9-T7 1900 49 E-2 ENSIGN ~H.N. Claridon 57-T8 1900 33 C-4 ENSIGN ~J.E. N. Chardon Village 1900 65 D-3 ENSIGN ~V. Auburn R8-T6 1900 23 C-2 EPSTEIN ~J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 C-2 ERDICE ~A.W. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 A-4 ERNEST ~B. S. Fullertown 1900 81 C-2 ERNEST ~E.D. Fullertown 1900 81 C-2 ERNEST ~J. Montville P.O. 1900 77 G-4 ERNST ~C. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 E-3 ERNST ~E.W. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-3 ERNST ~E.W. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 E-3 ERNST ~J. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-3 ERNST ~J. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-3 ERNST ~M.L. Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 C-5 ESTARBROOK ~L.D. Montville R6-T9 1900 39 A-3 ESTERBROOK ~A. Hambden R7-T9 1900 35 D-4 ESTY ~W.A. Troy Center 1900 69 G-3 EVANS & TIBBETTS Chardon R8-T9 1900 29 D-4 EVANS ~D. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-4 EVANS ~E.B. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 C-3 EVANS ~E.B. Huntsburg R6-T8 1900 37 D-2 EVANS ~J. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-4 EVANS ~M. Middlefield R6-T7 1900 41 D-5 EVANS ~M. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-1 EVANS ~M. S. Middlefield 1900 77 G-1 EVANS ~M. Bundysburg 1900 77 G-1 EVANS ~M.G. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 D-2 EVANS ~R. Troy R7-T6 1900 53 C-4 EVANS ~W. Bundysburg 1900 77 G-1 EWING & BOSTWICK Thompson R6-T10 1900 51 D-2 EXCEEN ~A. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 C-3 EXCEEN ~N. Thompson R6-T9 1900 51 C-3 EYNOLDS ~W. Parkman R6-T6 1900 47 B-2