Guernsey County OhArchives Cemeteries.....Hopewell ME Cemetery, Guernsey Co, OH - Complete Survey ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Walker Botts June 18, 2010, 8:44 pm Abstracted By: Barbara Walker Botts Hopewell ME Cemetery, Knox Twp, Guernsey Co, OH East side of SR 658, 200 yards North of Indian Camp, at the site of the old Hopewell Methodist Episcopal church. Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Death Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addy John 1814 1892 same stone as Albert Addy Albert 1848 1855 same stone as John Addy Welthy Ann age 61, wife of William Allman Sarah B 1887 1913 Blair Emma 1851 1880 wife of John Brown R. or B. W. base next to Jane McMullen Burwell Dr. J. 1772 1849 Calvert Josephine 1859 1876 dau of Levi & Sarah Calvert Levi 1825 1907 Calvert Sarah 1834 1900 wife of Levi Cullen Eliza 1812 1849 wife of J.W. Cullen Eunice L. 1839 1849 dau of JW & E Cullen Eunice 1851 wife of Wm. Cullen Cullen Fanny 1835 1852 dau of JW & E Cullen Harriet 1808 1889 Cullen James W. 1803 1875 Cullen Joseph B. 1837 1843 son of JW & E Cullen Margaret 1865 dau of JW & E Cullen William 1845 1852 son of JW & E Davis Alexander 1798 1866 same stone as wife Sarah Davis Sarah 1798 1873 same stone as husband Alexander Dike Howard 1885 1888 Disallum John A. 1854 1857 son of John & Mary Disallums George 1833 son of J & M Disallums Mercy 1785 1851 wife of John Ferbrache Infant 1872 dau of D & N Ferbrache Sarah 1858 1860 dau of D. & N Ferbrache Sharlott 1874 dau of D & N Ferbrache Thomas 1862 1865 son of D & N Gallup George 1848 age 25 Gallup Joseph son of G & L Gallup Lucinda 1819 1845 (6 ) age 26 Gallup Sarah 1790 1875 wife of Joseph Gallup William E. 1841 1865 Co. B 122 Reg OVI Hastings Alta Stewart 1880 1925 Hawley Lamech 1803 1857 Howell Abner 1824 1913 same stone as wife Louisa Howell Louisa Rolans 1827 1898 same stone as husband Abner Howell Charles E. 1903 1904 son of JF & LE Howell George M. 1893 1895 son of JF & LE Howell Gracie May 1895 1898 Howell Infant 1895 son of JF & LE Howell Louisa 1886 1892 dau Wm & Mary Hutcheson James 1820 1884 Hutcheson Milton 1862 son of Wm. & Rachel Hutcheson Susan 1826 1901 wife of James Hutcheson William M age 84 - same stone as wife Rachel Hutcheson Rachel age 47 - same stone as husband Wm. Kenworthy Lloyd 1898 1920 Kenworthy Mary Mason 1820 1898 wife of William Kenworthy William 1813 1885 age 72 Kilborn Mary 1799 1885 King Stanley 1920 1999 same stone as Virginia King Virginia 1927 same stone as Stanley Lawrence Jacob 1804 1867 Lawrence Elizabeth 1811 1893 wife of Jacob Lawrence William 1859 1888 son of S. & Mary Lawyer William M. 1842 1925 same stone as Elizabeth Lawyer Elizabeth A. 1846 1907 same stone as Wm. Lent Hannah 1798 1868 Lent Ludlow 1871 Lowry Almeda 1930 1932 Lowry Clyde 1921 1935 son of Elmer & Hazel Lowry Elmer 1893 1960 same stone as Hazel Lowry Hazel 1899 1969 same stone as Elmer Lowry Joseph 1863 1939 same stone as Amanda Lowry Amanda 1863 1941 same stone as Joseph Lowry Maggie 1888 dau James & Mary Lowry Thelma Jean 1941 2000 Maffet Robert 1838 1915 same stone as wife Margaret Maffet Margaret 1838 1889 same stone as husband Robert Martin David 1843 1922 Martin Sarah 1833 1893 Martin Twin girls 1914 McMullen Elizabeth 1847 1930 McMullen Isaac 1808 1904 wife Mary & son Robert on same stone McMullen Mary B. 1814 1890 wife of Isaac - same stone McMullen Robert 1854 1864 son of Isaac and Mary McMullen Jane (Neelands) 1786 1854 wife of John McMullen John 1776 1857-1859 husband of Jane his base stone next to Jane's McMullen Mary J. 1837 1856 dau Isaac & Mary, age 18 Miller William S. 1865 1867 on same stone as Infant Miller Miller Infant son of D & S Miller Morgan David 1932 1984 Darlene & Infant on same stone Morgan Darlene 1938 same stone as David Morgan Infant daughter 1973 same stone as David & Darlene Sherrard James 1813 1869 Starts Sarah 1816 1846 wife of Elijah Stewart John 1840 1912 Margaret, Wm and Anna same stone Stewart Margaret 1840 same stone as John Stewart William 1881 same stone as John, Margaret Stewart Anna E. 1910 same stone as John, Margaret and Wm. Stewart Hattie 1894 same stone as Ross & John Stewart Ross 1895 same stone as Hattie & John Stewart John 1890 1896 same stone as Hattie and Ross Stewart Infant daughter 1874 dau of John & Margaret Temple Alice Hutcheson 1869 1918 same stone as Harry and Marjery Temple Harry 1893 1900 same stone as Alice and Marjery Temple Marjery 1900 same stone as Alice and Harry Wagonseler Barbary 1842 1863 wife of Abraham Walker Rachel 1823 1859 wife of David R., infant dau same stone Walker Infant daughter 1859 same stone as Rachel Walker Richard 1863 son of D.R.and Malinda Walker William about 1818 Oct 18, 1854 'in the 36 year of his life' (son-in-law of John & Jane McMullen) Wynn James 1851 same stone as Martha Wynn Martha 1853 1934 same stone as James Wynn Jane 1794 1849 wife of Thomas Wynn Jonathan 1837 1856 son of Thomas & Jane Wynn Nancy Jane 1832 1852 wife of Isaac Zimmerman Catharine 1806 1882 wife of John Zimmerman John 1811 1857 son of John & Catherine Dyer Ida 1878 1968 wife of William Lowry James 1826 1916 same stone as Mary Lowry Mary 1834 1916 same stone as James Nerlley John W. same stone as Mabel Nerlley Mabel same stone as John Additional Comments: Stones found, identified and photographed September 2008 by Barbara Walker Botts and Shirley Tysseling Grasso. Photos submitted to Ohio Cemetery Archives. No photographs for last 3 stones (Dyer, Lowry and Nerlley). File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.3 Kb