HAMILTON COUNTY OHIO - History (published 1881) Ch. 11 (part a) Twenty-Eighth Ohio Infantry ************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. 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This regiment was recruited largely among the Cincinnati Germans; and so much attached are those of its surviving members who yet reside in the city to its memory, that they still hold monthly re-unions on Sundays, at some convenient rendezvous - a case not exactly paralleled, we venture to say, anywhere in the world. It was mustered in July 6, 1861, for three years, and moved from Camp Dennison to Point Pleasant, Virginia, on the thirty-first. Colonel MERR, with four hundred picked ~pg 113~ men, presently relieved the home guards at Spencer, where they were besieged by the rebels. The regiment joined the force under General ROSECRANS, and fought at Carnifex Ferry, where it lost three killed and twenty-seven wounded. October 21st, at New River, two of its companies had a sharp fight with the rebels on the Union picket line. The winter and part of the next spring were spent at Gauley, in thorough drill and instruction; and May 2, 1862, the Twenty-eighth marched to Fayetteville and took place in the Second brigade of the Kanawha division, under General COX. At Wolf creek, near East River mountain, two companies defeated a rebel force, and destroyed a wagon train loaded with commissary stores. About half the regiment was in the next fight, near Wytheville, losing six dead and eleven wounded. Several other skirmishes occurred during the operations of the summer, but without much loss. On the march to Washington, begun at Flat Top mountain, August 15th, the regiment had a skirmish with Stuart's cavalry at Fallchurch, September 4th. The division was now attached to the Ninth army corps, under General RENO. September 13th, Colonel MORI's brigade, in which was the Twenty-eighth, drove the rebels out of Frederick City. At South Mountain the Kanawha division bore the brunt of the battle. At Antietam this regiment was the first to ford the creek above the stone bridge, and remained on the skirmish line of the Ninth corps all night. It lost forty-two killed and hurt in this action. The next winter was passed in West Virginia, mainly at Buckhannon. About the middle of June the command was marched to Maryland, and then back to Beverly, to repel a threatened invasion. At Droop mountain, July 6th, a rebel force was attacked and defeated, with heavy loss. The remainder of the summer, and the fall and winter, were spent in active operations, with much marching and other hardships, but no great amount of fighting. April 25, 1864, the Twenth-eighth was ordered to the army of the Shenandoah, to "fight mit SIEGEL," who was then reorganizing the army at Bunker Hill. It aided to force IMBODEN from New Market, May 11th, and was in the battle of New Market the next day, which was fought in a heavy thunderstorm. June 5th it was in the attack upon the rebel General JONES near Piedmont, and was the only regiment of the force charging the works that did not fall back, holding its ground and preventing the rebels from making a centre charge for three-fourths of an hour, when it was recalled and handsomely complimented by General HUNTER. The third charge forced the enemy from his works, killing General JONES, and deciding the battle. The Twenty-eighth lost thirty-three killed and one hundred and five wounded, out of four hundred and eighty-four engaged. Two color-bearers were killed and three wounded; and the flag was torn by seventy-two balls and pieces of shell. After another month and a half of very active service, it was ordered home, greeted warmly by its multitudinous friends at Cincinnati, and mustered out July 23d. Its total losses in the field were two officers killed, seven wounded; ninety enlisted men killed, one hundred and sixty-two wounded, one hundred and seventy-three disabled by disease; in all four hundred and thirty-four. FIELD AND STAFF. Colonel August MOORE. Lieutenant Colonel Godfried BECKER. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander BOHLENDER. Major Ernest SCHOCHI. Major Rudolph HEINTZ. Surgeon Gerhard SAAL. Surgeon Charles E. DEING. Assistant Surgeon Adolphus SCHOENBEIN. Assistant Surgeon George P. HACKENBERG. Assistant Surgeon A. E. JENNER. Chaplain Charles BEYSCHLAG. Chaplain Frederick GOEBEL. Adjutant Leopold MARKBREIT Adjutant John LANG. Quartermaster Herman KAUGSBERGER. Quartermaster Samuel ROSENSHAF. Sergeant Major Louis FASS. Sergeant Major Albert LIAMIN. Sergeant Major Henry ACKER. Sergeant Major Rudolph GUTENSTEIN. Sergeant Major Charles LUDORFF. Sergeant Major Abesevan LANDBERG. Commissary Sergeant Michael SCHMIDTHEIMER. Commissary Sergeant John RUTERIECK. Commissary Sergeant Frank SALZMANN. Quartermaster Sergeant Joseph NEWBACHER. Quartermaster Sergeant Louis WEITZEL. Quartermaster Sergeant Charles SCHMIDT. Hospital Steward William BAUER. Hospital Steward Frederick RIES. Chief Musician Francis SCHMITT. Chief Bugler Adolphus SCHILLER. Drum Major Joseph BRODBECK. Musician Otto ZINK. COMPANY A. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Ernest SCHACHE. Captain Charles DRACH. First Lieutenant Charles MEYER. First Lieutenant Frederick WEISING. First Lieutenant Frederick HALZER. First Lieutenant Albert LIVMIN. Second Lieutenant Louis FAAS. Second Lieutenant August HERMAN. Second Lieutenant Leopold MARKBREIT. Second Lieutenant William ALTHAMMER. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant August HESS. Sergeant Henry KALING. Sergeant Charles MUELLER. Sergeant William HANSOM. Sergeant Gottleib LANGE. Corporal Jacob MUELLER. Corporal Christian STUEVE. Corporal William STREILBERG. Corporal Herman MOELLER. Corporal Charles BERTRAM. PRIVATES. George BECKMAN, Nicholas BIEDINGER, Otto BRIEGEL, John DALBELE, Lorenz HINKEYER, Frederick FEILER, Joseph HEILMERER, Louis HABENSTADT, Antony KAYSER, Frank KEMPER, George KLETT, John Peter KROUZ, Andrew SHIDER, Frederick LINDERMAN, Christian LUTTMAN, William MASTIN, Charles MASHNITZ, Herman MEYER, Peter NOSPACHER, John PLATFOOT, Alexander PANSALD, Henry RODENBERG, George SCHEIN, Charles SEBOLD, Gustave SCHMIDT, Michael SCHWABEL, Christian SCHWARZENHAETZER, John SPAETH, Louis STRAEVER, Joseph UDRY, Ulrich WALT, Henry WUBBENHERST, Bernhard HOFFMAN, Daniel GALTZ, Charles NEIMAN, Frank KAUFFMAN, Frederick ENGLEKE, Frantz LIPPART, Frederick FUNK, Michael GRATZ, Charles MERK, Charles KUEHN, August WALKER, Frederick KEILINGER, Charles HEUKE, Charles WOLF, Conrad JOB, Joseph DUERR, Henry HARLAND, Maxwell HUG, Frederick HAATMAN, John WEBER, Julius REICHE. Killed in Battle. - Private John HELLING, Corporal Conrad MEEKER. Died. - Private Charles YEISER, Simon POETTGER, Philip PIEH, Henry SCHADLEMAN; Maxwell MEULLER. ~pg 114~ Sergeant Louis STEIR; Privates Antony MUELLER, John HENSHMAN, Philip STUCKENBERG, Henry STUCKENBERG, George SMALL, Jacob BURKHARD, Frederick LANGNER, John HUBER, Antony PFLANGER, Frederick WINDERICK. Transferred. - First Sergeant Samuel ROSENTHAL; Sergeants Herman GUTHARD, Albert LIOMIN, Michael SCHMITTENER; Privates Louis WITZEL, Joseph MARK; Corporal Frank SALZMAN. Recruits. - Privates Andrew DANIELS, Frank GENTER, Jacob GALTZ. COMPANY A. (Veteran). COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Edwin FRY. First Lieutenant Frederick HAGENBUCH. Second Lieutenant Christopher TENGE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant John JONES. Sergeant Alwin RADEMACHER. Sergeant John REIMER. Sergeant Julius FRENZEL. Sergeant Michael TRUNK. Corporal Louis REIBER. Corporal Martin HOHMANN. Corporal John SMITH. Corporal Jacob JUNG. Corporal George WINTER. PRIVATES. Charles BAUMANN, Conrad BAJER, Martin BILBER, Henry BRUESKMAN, Frank BOLAND, Henry CORREL, George DOELL, Jacob SELLMAN, Ernest DIETZ, Gabriel DIESCHER, Charles FORBERG, Frank GRIESLER, Jacob GRUENER, I. GLATT, George GRABUTH, August HUNT, John HAGEL, Joseph HAUSER, Phillip HEINTZ, Henry JOHANNING, Daniel JUNG, Edmund KIEL, Henry KAFFENBERGER, Charles KEMPF, George LANG, Frederick LONGFRITZ, William MILLER, Martin MILLER, Peter MESSINGSLACHER, Joseph MOSER, Frederick NEWBERGER, Edmund NEEDS, Henry ALDACH, Frederick PAUL, Peter PEIFER, Frank PUEMPLE, George RAAB, Julius RAAB, Casper RAPPINGER, Michael RENZ, Christopher REPPIG, Frederick RUNTE, Dominic RUHSTALLER, Charles SCHINSKE, Frank SCHNEIDER, Oscar SEITH, Henry NEAL, John STAAB, William STRAUB, Adalbert SCHAEFER, Ernest SCHILLING, Peter STREUBER, Charles VOGT, John WAITZMAN, Henry ZIMMERMAN, Michael ZAAL, Louis ZAGAR, Adam GIEBE, Henry RICKERS, Henry LURENKAMP. Transferred, etc. - Sergeants August KRAMER, George SEINING; Corporals Sigmund EICHOLZ, William GEIPMAN, Thomas HELLIEIGEL; Privates Charles DEGAN, Bernhard DUERS, John SCHWARZ, Adam SCHERER, Jacob GALLINGER, Anton BRISCHLER, Joseph ROTH. COMPANY B. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Albert RITTER. Captain William EWALD. Captain John ARMON. First Lieutenant Martin WAUSER. First Lieutenant August GRIEFF. Second Lieutenant Albert TRAUB. Second Lieutenant Jacob MARK. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Frederick EBERHARDT. Sergeant Austin DIECKMAN. Sergeant Lorenz HISSEHBEIHLER. Sergeant Peter BRINKER. Corporal Lewis KREMER. Corporal William REIS. Corporal Peter HOFFMAN. Corporal Lorenz STAALE. Corporal Peter PAULHUMMEL. Corporal Martin GEIER. Corporal Frederick MILLER. PRIVATES. Michael ARNOLD, John AGEL, Anzelm ANHALT, William BAUER, Jacob BAYER, Eugene BRUHL, John BRAUER, John BECKMAN, John BORG, Henry CRON, Henry ELLIOTT, Michael EPLINGER, Joseph FISHER, John FISHER, Valentine FRANZSELL, Frederick HOFFMAN, Lorenz KENNER, Peter KRAUSEN, Peter MATTERN, Joseph N. MARTIN, John MEHLHEIMER, George MUMME, Sebastian MEYER, Joseph NEITHAMMER, Phillip PFENNING, Lorenz REDINGER, Frederick SAUER, Frederick SCHMALZIGANG, John SCHMITZ, Victor SCHNEIDER, William SPENGLER, Moritz STAHLER, John SCHROEDER, Jacob VOLKNEISS, Adam ZEIGLER, Joseph ZEIGLER, Leonard DOBMEYER, John HARK, Bernhard SCHMIDT, William ZELLER, Jacob STUBER, Peter ALEXANDER, John ALEXANDER, John BATZ, John BELTNER, Gottlieb BEILER, John ERBE, Henry HISER, Frederick HOLL, Joseph HUMMELER, Herman KIERSTEIN, John KRAUSE, Bernhard LOHRER, Bernhard LOTTBERG, John LAMMESHIRT, Casper MEYER, Carl MULLER, Frederick OPPERMANN, Frederick REMLER, Joseph SCHMIDT, Conrad WASPERMANN, Nicholas WICKERMANN, Phillip WAGNER, George ZELTNER, Charles ZWANGAUF, Phillip ZUGELHART, Matthias ZARTHEIT. Killed in Battle. - Corporal John SHRANKER; Privates Phillip FANZELL, John SCHNEIDER, Nicholas WEBER. Died. - Privates William BEEKMAN, David SPATH. Transferred. - Privates Conrad BOZER, Anton BRICHLER, George DOELL, John GLATT, Martin MILLER, Frederick PAUL, Casper BOPPINGER, Henry REEKERS, Charles VOIGHT, Edward ARNBRUSTER, Frederick BEBEL, Adam GEBB, Joseph KUNTSLI, Peter ROSSMAN, Frederick RADSLUFF, Adam ROTH, John SCHATZ, Casper SCHIER, George WATTHER. COMPANY B. (Veteran). COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Frank BIRK. First Lieutenant Christopher HILDEBRAND. Second Lieutenant John HUSER. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant August KRAMER. Sergeant George MAYER. Sergeant August GABE. Sergeant Herman WEIGUS. Sergeant Charles STUDIER. Corporal Gustave HAUSTEIN. Corporal Frantz HENBARGER. Corporal Philip HARTIN. Corporal Lorenz RENGEL. Corporal George WEISS. Corporal John VALENTINE. Corporal August BRARIN. PRIVATES. Franklin ANGEL, Joseph BRODBECK, Frederick BRANCH, Joseph BURKHARD, Philip BRUCK, Frederick BENE, Gotlieb BORGMAN, Lewis BECK, Christian BORCHHARD, Henry BURCH, Christian BOHLING, Lewis BECHMAN, Ignatz BAUER, Upton DEMEEMOSS, John DIETZ, August FISHER, Charles FISHER, Charles HERMAN, George HUBER, Anton HARPBRECHT, Nicholas HUBER, Adam HERMAN, John HARTER, Valentine JUNGMAN, George KRATZBERG, Frank LORB, David KELLY, Felix KISTNER, William KOEHLER, George LOOCHEL, Herman LEHMAN, Frank MAYER, John MAYER, Christian MILD, Lewis MARTIN, John MOEHLER, Peter MOHN, Joseph POST, Lewis PLOTOW, George PASTRE, Herman REICHOW, Gottlieb RUOFF, Jacob ROESCH, Albert SHULTZ, Lorenz STEHMAN, Ignatz STRAUB, August SMILDER, Antony SEIGER, Michael SCHOEFFER, John SOHVAM, Henry STEFFEN, John SUTTER, William SCHMIDT, Friederich VOGEL, John WEINFELDER, Andrew WILZENBACHER, William WICKEMEYER, Jacob WALZ, George BAUER, August DEPPE, Englebert BENZINGER, Eha DOMINIONONS, Friederich KANMERLING, Vinvenz KISTNER, Leopold KRANSKOPF, Frederick MAYER, Michael REIS, Frank SEIGER, Joaquin RUHSTALLER, Adam SOHERER, Joseph SOHIEBER, Peter STRAWBINGER. Died. - Privates Charles LIPP, Jeremiah GUTTBROETT. Privates Frederick GROETSINGER, John MUEBLER. COMPANY C. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Matthias REICHING. Captain Albert TRAUB. First Lieutenant August FIX. First Lieutenant John ROEDEL. Second Lieutenant Carlo PIEPHO. Second Lieutenant John LANG. Second Lieutenant Lewis WEITZEL. Second Lieutenant R. M. GUTENSTEIN. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Matthias AMBRUSTER. Sergeant Adam BENKERT. Sergeant Ernst ROCHWITZ. Sergeant Peter WEIBEL. Corporal Martin LIPPEL. Corporal Sebastian LATSCHA. Corporal Frederick BRENNER. ~pg 115~ PRIVATES. Michael BARTH, Christian BEERY, Frederick BABEL, Adam BERG, George BOLTER, John BUHLER, John CHRIST, Adam DELMAN, Henry DRYEMGER, John ERGELS, Frederick ERTZ, Adam GEHT, Ludwig GERHADT, Christian HEBSTREATH, Ferdinand HOCK, Henry HENIMINGHAUS, Henry KINKLER, Charles KLEPPE, Henry KULL, Ludwig LAUBERT, Louis LEXAN, Henry LOHMEYER, Fritz LOHEIDE, John MEYER, Philip MEYER, Martin MEYER, George MACK, Franz MANNING, Nicholas RAPP, John SCHLATTER, Christian SCHMIDTBEYER, Jacob SCHULDE, Casper SQUIER, Frederick STAUFFER, Philip WRINMER, Ernst ZAESKE, Christian ZEHDTER, Charles KEMPT, William GEIPMAN, Philip HERCHER, Adolph KUBALL, Henry BRUCKMANN, Charles DEGAN, Ernest DIETZ, Jacob GALLINGER, John JONES, Henry KAUFFENBEYER, Fritz NEUBEYER, Michael RENTZ, Christian REPPIG, William STRAUB. Killed in battle. - Sergeant Mangus BOTT; Private Fritzolin GUTSWITLER. Missing. - Private Ludwig HAAF. Died. - Privates Edward AMMON, Charles DALLHAMMER, Adolph DOERING, Peter GENGNAGER, Thomas PATTON, Gottleib SCHUHKRAFT, William WITTMAN. Privates George BOTTEL, Adam BAUCHER, Joseph KLAUS, Matthias DOLLMEYER, Philip DOOSMAN, Jacob DEMMEYER, John ELLENBERGER, Pankratz EBERLEIN, George FRANCOIS, George HEMPSER, George HUMMEL, Edward HUSE, Peter HAMMEL, John KELLER, Meinrich KELLING, Bernet KATTLORD, Charles KOPP, Sebastian LETSCH, Benjamin LOHRBACK, Peter LYNDECKER, Charles A. LUDORFF, Adam MILLER, Matthias NIEMEYER, Emil OHLENROTH, John OPPENHEIMER, Ferdinand RENKER, Jacob SACHS, Joseph SEIBERT, first, Joseph SEIBERT, second, August SHIEB, Jacob SAARBACH, Henry SURENCAMP, Martin THORWALDER, Fritz TOBIAS, Beruh WILL, John WINKLER, Sebastian WISCH, Adam ZEIGLER. Transferred. - First Sergeant Michael KLINE, Privates August BENZINGER, Andrew DOLL, John DIENHARDT, Fritz ENGELKE, Wendelin FISHER, Charles GERN, Frederick HAGENBUCK, Jacob HALBAUER, Ludwig KIRCHHOFER, Franz LADISCH, Henry RATH, Joseph ROTH. Veterans. - Sergeant August KRAMER; Corporal Thomas HELLRIEGEL, Martin BILBER, Jacob DOLLMAN, Henry SAAL, John STRAAB. COMPANY C. (Veteran Battalion). COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Lieutenant George LERING. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Philip HERCHER. Sergeant Christian HAUER. Sergeant Frank GENTER. Corporal Jacob GOETZ. PRIVATES. Stephen BUEYER, Valentine CORNELIUS, Henry DAMMEYER, Peter DOEHM, John GOEPHARD, Joseph GRAF, William GEISSMAN, John V. HOFMAN, Nicholas HEINRICH, Herman KIRCHHOF, Reinhard KISE, Rudolph STUDOR, John BURKHARD, Frank MUND, George HOHENSTEIN, Baptist DEUTSCHLE, Charles WERNER, George KIMMEL, John MEIKEL, John DIEM, Andrew DUERR, Frank KUFFNER, Jacob LATTEMER, Emanuel SEELOS, Adolph KUBALL, Henry HURST, Christian DABBERT. Transferred. - Sergeant George RABB, Private Balthasar MUELLER. Died. - Sergeant Peter BORG. Privates Jacob BOHMEN, Ernest ROEMLER, Augustin RINGELEIN, Frank SCHMIDT, August SCHWAN. ----Continued in Part 112b----