HAMILTON COUNTY OHIO - BUSINESS: History of Stockton, West, Burkhart, Inc. *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Mart43tctc@aol.com September 11, 1999 *********************************************************************** The History of Stockton West Burkhart, Inc. Advertising Agency - Cincinnati, Ohio written by C. Thomas Martin 1982 All worked untiringly as a team in developing the agency, but Burkhart was the administrative leader. He was the planner, convinced that his idea of Division Directors as business owners would be successful. He also produced client marketing plans, and initiated operating procedures for SWB. He was Treasurer and Chief Executive. Stockton devoted his efforts to the creation of advertising and was content to let Burkhart run the show. He was coaching West and Martin in sales producing advertising. Most copy was initially the product of Stockton, but that gradually changed and West became Division Director of Copy. When Martin joined the agency, Stockton transferred the Production Department to him. That made Martin responsible for layout, art and final production. This also made him responsible for estimating costs and justifying the billing to the client. Having successfully conducted a business of his own, he knew the importance of billing and making a profit. He became Division Director of Art & Production. Now that West, Director of Copy and Martin, Director of Art & Production, Stockton devoted more of his time to getting new business. He soon added Felsenbrau Beer, Gibson Wine, Deatsville Distillery, makers of T. W. Samuels and Old Jordan whiskeys. Burkhart added Clark Grave Vault Company and Sperti, makers of Sun Lamps and Bio-Dyne Ointment. In a few short years SWB was not just a new advertising agency, it was now considered by many, the best agency in town…recognized for its solid marketing plans and for its outstanding creative advertising. More people were added to Burkhart's Contact Division special note must be made here about the hiring of Joseph Nelson, Jr. His father was Vice President and General Manager of the Andrew Jergens Co., a large budget national advertiser. Their advertising agency, Lennon and Mitchell, in New York, had offered Nelson a job. Because Nelson had just graduated from college and had no experience, his father believed his son would gain more experience working for SWB. Burkhart was a personal friend of Nelson Senior and agreed to hire Nelson Jr., as a trainee in contact. Shortly thereafter, several new products Jergens had developed, were marketed through SWB was substantial budgets. This gave Nelson a launching pad that would prove to be an advantage and later a disadvantage to SWB. (more about this later). *************OH-FOOTSTEPS Mailing List*******************************