Hancock County OhArchives History - Books .....Chapter IX, Part III 1886 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ohfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson ann.g.anderson@gmail.com July 17, 2005, 7:02 pm Book Title: History Of Hancock County CHAPTER IX. MILITARY HISTORY OF HANCOCK COUNTY — WAR OF 1812 — MARCH OF HULL'S ARMY FROM URBANA TO THE MAUMEE EIVER — SITE OF FORT NECESSITY, AND LINE OF HULL'S TRACE— FORT FINDLAY ERECTED AND GARRISONED— DESCRIPTION OF THE FORT— GEN. TUPPER'S CAMPAIGN— INDIANS PURSUE CAPT. OLIVER FROM FORT MEIGS TO FORT FINDLAY— EVACUATION OF THE FORT BY CAPT. THOMAS, AND HIS MURDER BY THE INDIANS — PIONEER REMINISCENCES OF FOKT FINDLAY, AND ITS FINAL DESTRUCTION — MEXICAN WAR— THE GREAT KEBELLION— SUBLIME PATRIOTISM OF THE PEOPLE-ENTHUSIASTIC DEMONSTRATIONS IN FINDLAY AT THE OUTBREAK OF THE WAR — STIRRING SCENES OF PREPARATION FOR THE CONFLICT — ENROLLMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEERS, AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT DEPARTURE FOR CLEVELAND— BRIEF SKETCHES OF THE COMMANDS WHEREIN THE SOLDIERS OF HANCOCK SERVED, ALSO THE NAMES AND PROMOTIONS OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS IN EACH FROM THIS COUNTY— NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS FROM EACH TOWNSHIP UP TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1862, AND TOTAL ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SOLDIERS FROM THE WHOLE COUNTY DURING THE WAR —RELIEF AFFORDED BY THE COUNTY TO SOLDIERS' FAMILIES— GOOD WORK OF THE MILITARY COMMITTEES AND AID SOCIETIES— CLOSING SCENES OF THE REBELLION— CELEBRATION AT FINDLAY OVER THE CAPTURE OF RICHMOND AND THE SURRENDER OF LEE'S ARMY — JOY TURNED TO GRIEF BY THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN — CONCLUSION. Nearly three-quarters of a century have elapsed since the arrogance of the English Government brought on the war of 1812, and though it ended five years before the erection of Hancock County, the territory embraced therein was very closely associated with the earliest stages of that struggle for the preservation of our national rights. On the 4th of June, 1812, a resolution was passed by Congress declaring war against England; on the 17th of the same month the bill passed the Senate, and two days afterward President Madison sent forth the edict. Ohio had been preparing for the conflict, and prior to the declaration of war troops began assembling at Dayton, Springfield, Urbana and other points in obedience to the call of Gov. Meigs, and Gen. William Hull was appointed to the chief command of these troops. On the 16th of June the army left Urbana on its march toward the Maumee Rapids, and Col. Duncan Me-Arthur was ordered in advance to open a road through the forest from the Greenville Treaty line to the Scioto River. "where they built two block houses, which they named Fort McArthur, in honor of the officer whose regiment had opened the road. To this fort the whole army came on the 19th, and on the 21st Col. James Findlay was ordered to open the road as far as Blanchard' s Fork, whither the army, excepting a guard left at Fort McArthur, again followed on the 22d. Here, amid rain and mud, another block-house was erected, which was named Fort Necessity. From this point the army soon after moved to Blanchard' s Fork, where Col. Findlay had built a block-house, which was named in honor of that officer, and thence marched northward to the Maumee."* From the Greenville Treaty line to the Maumee Rapids -the route of the army was through an unbroken forest, and as there were a great many baggage wagons and also some artillery, it was necessary to partially open a road the whole distance. The weather continued wet, and some of the time men and horses had to travel middle deep in mud and water. Frequently the van of the army had to halt and wait for the rear guard, which was often detained in relieving wagons and horses from the mire. The army arrived at the rapids June 30, 1812, whence it proceeded to Detroit, and there on the 16th of August the campaign came to a disastrous termination through Gen. Hull's disgraceful and cowardly surrender to the enemy without firing a shot. * American State Papers. The quotation in the foregoing paragraph from the "American State Papers" might lead the reader to infer that Fort Necessity was located on the Blanchard River, but such is not the fact. Hull's Trace entered the southern boundary of Hancock County about half a mile west of the Perrysburg & Bellefontaine State road, and Fort Necessity was constructed on the west side of the East Branch of Eagle Creek, in the southwest corner of what is now Madison Township. Several acres of forest were chopped down and a temporary fort erected, where the army encamped through necessity (hence the name) until Col. Findlay had the road opened to the Blanchard. Fort Necessity was never garrisoned, and Squire Carlin, Job Chamberlin, M. S. Hamlin, William Tanner, and many other pioneers, have told the writer that they never knew that a block-house was built at that point, as it was known throughout pioneer days as "Mud Fort." The "American State Papers," however, mention the erection of a block-house, and, as it was not garrisoned, it may have been burned down by the Indians before the close of the war of 1812. From Fort Necessity the trace ran down the west bank of the East Branch of Eagle Creek to near its junction with the West Branch, crossing the latter and thence continuing down the west side of Eagle Creek to Fort Findlay. Here it crossed the river, and thence ran northward, a short distance east of the State road, till reaching the high lands south of the Middle Branch of Portage River; thence followed the meanders of that stream northwestward, into what is now Wood County; and thence to the Maumee Rapids. Gen. Hull left a small garrison under Capt. Arthur Thomas, to complete and guard Fort Findlay. When finished, the fort consisted of a stockade about ten feet in height, with a two-story block-house, built of round logs, at each corner. The enclosure was fifty yards square, the entrance or gate being on the east side. A ditch surrounded the stockade, the earth from the excavation having been thrown up against the pickets to give them added strength. The outer walls of the block-houses projected a short distance beyond the stockade, and the upper story of each extended a few feet over the lower one, thus commanding the approaches from every direction. Each block-house was thoroughly loop-holed, and furnished with one small piece of artillery. Within the enclosure a number of cabins for the use of the soldiers were built along the stockade, the open space in the center being utilized by the garrison as a parade ground. To guard against surprise the forest was cleared off for a considerable distance on the south, east and west of the fort, while the river on the north afforded a clear view in that direction. Though no attack was ever made on Fort Findlay, it was nevertheless well calculated to successfully resist any ordinary force which the Indians could bring against it. The fort stood on the south bank of the Blanchard River, in Findlay, the southeast block-house being located on the site of Judge D. J. Cory's residence, on the northwest corner of Main and Front Streets. It was one of the many wooden fortifications, which were peculiarly adapted to Indian warfare, erected as depots for military stores, and to guard the rear communications of the army. In July, 1812, Gen. Edward W. Tupper, of Gallia County, raised a force of 1,000 men for six months' service, principally from Gallia, Lawrence and Jackson Counties, who, under the orders of Gen. Winchester, rendezvoused at Urbana. From that village Gen. Tupper followed Hull's Trace to Fort McArthur, where he established his base of supplies, and then marched northward to Fort Findlay. After a much needed rest his command pushed on to the foot of the Maumee Rapids. The Indians appearing in force on the opposite bank of the Maumee, Tupper attempted to cross the river and attack the enemy, but the rapidity of the current, and the feeble, half starved condition of his men and horses, rendered the attempt a failure. The enemy soon after took the offensive, and, crossing the Maumee, attacked the American camp, but were defeated and driven back with considerable loss. This defeat caused them to retreat hastily to Detroit, and Tupper subsequently marched back to Fort Findlay, and thence to Fort McArthur, where his supplies were stored. The following anecdote, related in Howe's "Historical Collections," page 238, is so closely associated with Fort Findlay as to be worthy of a place in this chapter: "About 9 o' clock one dark and windy night in the late war, Capt. William Oliver, in company with a Kentuckian, left Fort Meigs for Fort Findlay on an errand of importance, the distance being about 33 miles. They had scarcely started on their dreary and perilous journey, when they unexpectedly came upon an Indian camp, around the fires of which the Indians were busy cooking their suppers. Disturbed by the noise of their approach, the savages sprang up and ran toward them. At this they reined their horses into the branches of a fallen tree. Fortunately the horses, as if conscious of the danger, stood perfectly still, and the Indians passed around the tree without making any discovery in the thick darkness. At this juncture Oliver and his companion put spurs to their horses and dashed forward into the woods, through which they passed all the way to their point of destination. They arrived safely, but with their clothes completely torn off by the brambles and bushes, and their bodies bruised all over by coming in contact with the trees. They had scarcely arrived at the fort when the Indians in pursuit made their appearance, but too late, for their prey had escaped." Fort Findlay was garrisoned until the spring of 1815, and a man named Thorp kept a small sutler store immediately east of the fort during the period of its occupation. Soon after the war closed the fort was abandoned, and its garrison returned to peaceful avocations. The Indians though subdued, still entertained very bitter feelings toward their conquerors, as the treacherous murder of Capt. Thomas and son will serve to illustrate. "Capt. Arthur Thomas," says Howe, "lived on King's Creek, three miles from Urbana. He was ordered, in the war of 1812, with his company to guard the public stores at Fort Findlay. On his return himself and son lost their horses, and separated from the rest of the company to hunt for them. They encamped at the Big Spring, near Solomon's Town, about five miles north of Bellefontaine, and the next morning were found killed and scalped. Their bodies were brought into Urbana by a deputation of citizens." There has been considerable difference of opinion among the pioneers of Hancock County as to the number of block-houses Fort Findlay originally contained, but it is apparent that it had one at each corner, though a couple of them had probably been torn down by the Indians before the erection of the county in 1820. "When my father, Benjamin J. Cox," says Mrs. Elizabeth Eberly, of Portage, Wood County, "located at Fort Findlay in 1815, there were three block-houses yet standing in a fair state of preservation, and another partly torn down. Many of the pickets enclosing the fort had been cut down by the Indians for fire wood. Very little remained of the block-house at the northwest corner of the enclosure, but the other three were occupied by some Wyandot Indian families, a settlement of whom we found around the fort." From several interviews held with the venerable Squire Carlin, of Findlay, the writer is of the opinion that some of the material in these historic buildings was utilized by Wilson Vance and others of the very earliest settlers for fire wood and to erect out-buildings, and later comers found but one block-house intact, which was used by Mr. Vance for a stable. This fact led many to believe that the fort originally contained but one block-house, which remained standing on the site of Judge Cory's residence for several years after the organization of Hancock County in 1828. This, too was finally torn down and removed, and with the passing years all traces of Fort Findlay were gradually obliterated. Mexican War.—The disputed territory lying between the Nueces and Bio Grande Rivers was the direct cause of the Mexican war. Texas, which had first won its independence and was afterward admitted into the Union, claimed the Bio Grande as the boundary line, while the Mexican authorities disputed this claim, asserting it was Nueces River. The United States Government proposed to settle the controversy by peaceful negotiation, but Mexico scornfully refused and made threats of occupying the territory in dispute. The Americans in the meantime had been preparing for war, which from the actions of the Mexican authorities seemed inevitable. In March, 1846, Gen. Taylor was ordered to advance to the Rio Grande with a few thousand men, which he had organized at Corpus Christi, near the mouth of the river Neuces. He erected Fort Brown opposite Matamoras, which was accepted by Mexico as a declaration of war, and on the 26th of April, 1846, Gen. Arista, the Mexican commander on the Rio Grande, notified Gen. Taylor that hostilities had begun. On the same day a small force of American cavalry was attacked by the Mexicans on the east side of the Rio Grande, and here occurred the first bloodshed of the war. Hancock County was then very sparsely settled, and when the call for troops reached this portion of Ohio the quota of the State was full. A company, however, was recruited from Hancock and Putnam Counties and offered to the Governor, who replied that their services were not needed. As far as known only four citizens went from this county into the Mexican war, viz.: Dr. William D. Carlin and Allen Boyce, of Findlay, and Jeremiah Yates and Loami Farmer, of Eagle Township. But the progress of the victorious army from the Rio Grande to the City of Mexico was hailed with a patriotic enthusiasm all over the country. Some of the Whig leaders, however, affected to see in the war a scheme for the extension of slavery, and on this ground made many bitter speeches against it, but the patriotism of the nation was aroused and the Government was nobly sustained by the people in its triumphant appeal to arms. The Great Rebellion.—Since the days of the Revolution, the people of this country were never so thoroughly aroused, as when the news flashed over the wires that Fort Sumter had fallen. From all sections of the Free States, there went up many voices, expressive of a fierce determination to sustain the Government and punish traitors. History furnishes few examples of such patriotic devotion, and such unanimity of sentiment and feeling. Volunteer companies sprang into existence as if by magic; and large amounts were contributed by State Legislatures, private corporations and individuals to defray the expenses of the coming struggle for national unity. Hancock County was fully in harmony with the patriotic sentiments of the nation, and enthusiastic expressions of loyalty to our time-honored flag fell from the lips of old and young alike. Findlay being the county seat, was the principal point where public sentiment found outward expression, and the action taken in that town will serve to illustrate the patriotism of the people throughout the county. Early on the morning of April 17, 1861, a few national flags were thrown to the breeze, the sight of which seemed to kindle a patriotic fire in every heart, and others followed in quick succession. Presently a large American banner was suspended across Main Street from the Court House .to Reed's Hotel. The town soon began to present a lively appearance, and when a band headed by the stars and stripes commenced promenading Main Street, the martial spirit in many loyal hearts broke forth in cheers. About 10 o' clock A. M., a cannon, owned by the local Democratic organization, was brought out, and, accompanied by several hundred citizens on foot and horseback, taken across the river and a salute of thirty-four guns fired in honor of the Union. The enthusiasm was unbounded, and party lines seemed to be entirely forgotten. Toward noon another large banner was suspended across Main Street, and flags of every size were floating from nearly every business house and many of the private residences. Two "liberty-poles" were raised in the afternoon on the opposite corners of Main and Main Cross Streets, and the stars and stripes run up on each. A few days afterward four more flag-staffs were put up at different points on Main Street, ranging from fifty to eighty feet in height. The abundance of national bunting to be seen on every hand at this time gave to Findlay an appearance of a great military encampment. Pursuant to a call issued Wednesday, April 17, 1861, a large and enthusiastic assemblage of citizens convened at the Court House on the following afternoon. Edson Goit was called to the chair, and Philip Ford and S. J. Mills appointed secretaries. Mr. Goit, on taking the chair, delivered a patriotic speech, which was frequently interrupted by outbursts of applause. He said the Government should be sustained at all hazards, and the man who, in this emergency, opposed the execution of the laws denounced as a traitor. On motion of J. M. Palmer a committee, consisting of Messrs. Aaron Blackford. J. M. Palmer, A. P. Byal, W. W. Siddall and Israel Green, was appointed to draft resolutions expressing the sentiments of the meeting. During the absence of the committee the enthusiasm was kept at fever heat by patriotic, soul-stirring music and speeches. The band played "Hail Columbia." and "The Star Spangled Banner" was called for and sung by Messrs. N. Y. Mefford, Dwella M. Stoughton and William Mungen, the large audience rising and joining in the chorus. At the close of each verse cheer after cheer was given by the assembled hundreds, till the very building seemed to join in the enthusiastic patriotism of the people and echo back their sentiments. James A. Bope made a brief speech denouncing treason and secession, and calling upon all to rally around the flag. Amidst frequent applause William Mungen declared himself "in favor of our country, right or wrong." The time, he said, was now past for party questions, and as a Democrat of the strictest school he asserted that in the present alarming condition of the country political questions should be forgotten. William Gribben was the next speaker. He said that armed traitors had conspired together for the destruction of our Government; that our national flag had been insulted and trampled upon by the enemies of our country; and declared the honor of the glorious old banner should be upheld. By this time the committee had returned, and the following preamble and resolutions were reported and adopted: WHEREAS, A band of armed traitors to the Government of the United States have leagued together for the avowed purpose of overturning the Constitution and laws of our beloved country, and to insult and strike down the ensign of our nation, which has given to the American citizen ample protection at home and abroad, and to our country consideration and dignity wherever its stars and stripes have been seen and known; and whereas, in pursuance of such treasonable intent, those traitors have once struck down that glorious flag, and now threaten with a myrmidon host in arms to seize our national capital, to trail our nation's honor in the dust and transform this free government into a cruel monarchy; Therefore, Resolved, That whatever differences of opinion have divided us in the past, to-day we are united, and are animated by one purpose, and that is an unyielding and undying devotion to the Union and determination to stand by the Government and flag of our country. Living, we will stand shoulder to shoulder and fight in their defense; dying, we bequeath this purpose to our children. Resolved, That in the present civil war, so wantonly begun by traitors now in arms-against our Government, the only issue presented to every American citizen is: Shall our constitional government stand against the rebel and revolutionary force that now threatens its destruction? Or shall it yield to treason for a despotism to be erected upon its ruins? "He that is not with us is against us." Resolved, That as our Revolutionary fathers, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for the purchase of those civil and religious liberties by them transmitted to us, and that we have so long enjoyed; we, their descendants, with a firm reliance upon the same Divine and all-protecting Power, mutually make the same sacred pledge to each other for the preservation and perpetuity of that inestimable inheritance by them bequeathed to us. Upon the adoption of the foregoing resolutions, Judge Palmer addressed the meeting in an eloquent speech full of patriotic devotion. James M. Neibling was then called for, and began by saying that fourteen years before, when only a boy, he shouldered his musket at the call of his country to assist in chastising Mexican arrogance, and he was ready to go again if his country's cause demanded his services. This declaration was received with unbounded applause. After some further remarks on the necessity of united and immediate action, he presented the roll of enlistment for volunteers, under the call of President Lincoln for 75,000 men, issued three days before. In a brief time seventy-two names were down upon the roll, and the meeting then adjourned with cheers and expressions of loyalty to the flag. The volunteers were formed into line by Colonel Neibling, and, escorted by the band, marched down Main Street and disbanded, to meet for another rally on Tuesday, April 23, which had been announced before the adjournment of the meeting. The news went abroad for a grand rally at Findlay on that day, and never before were so many people seen in the town. They came from every part of the county, all seeming to be moved by the one pervading sentiment of loyalty. Nothing was talked of but the defense and preservation of the Government, and in this great cause none were more deeply enlisted than the old gray-headed veterans who had so long enjoyed its blessings. Scores of pioneers publicly declared their readiness to shoulder a musket and march to the defense of their country. All seemed to be imbued with that same spirit of patriotic devotion and sacrifice which nerved the Revolutionary fathers to win that glorious boon of liberty we now enjoy. Party prejudice was set aside, and all labored together, hand in hand, in that noble work of preserving the national honor. By this time three companies of volunteers had been raised in Hancock County, which were afterward mustered into the Twenty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry as Companies A, F and G. The officers of Company A were James Wilson, captain; Dwella M. Stoughton, first lieutenant; George Foreman, second lieutenant. Company F was officered by George F. Walker, captain; Morgan D. Shafer, first lieutenant; Joseph E. Stearns, second lieutenant. Company F was commanded by R. Henry Lovell, captain; Joshua S. Preble, first lieutenant: J. J. A. Thrapp, second lieutenant. In the afternoon companies A and F were each presented by the ladies of Findlay with a handsome flag. The presentation took place in front of the Court House, in the presence of the large assemblage which had come together on that day to attest their unswerving loyalty. Mrs. James M. Neibling made the presentation speech, and the flags were respectively received by Captains Wilson and Walker on behalf of their companies. The volunteers rendezvoused at the fair ground, then located in East Findlay on the Mt. Blanchard road, which was dedicated as "Camp Neibling" in honor of the gallant Col. James M. Neibling, who was ever foremost in promoting the good cause, and who afterward commanded the Twenty-first Regiment on many a bloody field. On the 25th of April Mrs. Mary Mungen, on behalf of the ladies of Findlay, presented a flag to Company G; but on the following day a delegation of ladies from McComb put in an appearance at Camp Neibling and presented another flag to the same company, most of which command were from the northwest part of the county. Miss Addie M. Price presented the beautiful banner, and Capt. Lovell received it and responded in appropriate terms. On Saturday, April 27, a mass meeting was held at the Court House for the purpose of arranging for a more thorough military organization of the county. James M. Neibling was elected chairman, and Daniel B. Beardsley, secretary. Speeches were made by Messrs. James M. Neibling, Aaron. Blackford and Abel F. Parker, advocating the proposed measure; and committees were appointed in each township to carry the project into effect. Meetings were soon afterward held in nearly every township, military companies organized, and the patriotic ardor of the people was unabated. Several companies of home guards were also formed, consisting of men over forty-five years of age; but these organizations subsequently disbanded, because the term "Home Guard" soon became one of reproach, and was flippantly used to designate stay-at-homes, or a class who were afraid to go into the army. Up to this period, $3,965 had been raised by private subscription as a "Volunteer Aid Fund" for the families of volunteers, and the good work was still going on. April 29, a "Volunteer Relief Committee" was organized to distribute said fund, consisting of Messrs. William H. Wheeler, Israel Green, William C. Cox, B. B. Barney and Ezra Brown. This organization did efficient work during the first stages of the war, or until the "Military Committee" and "Soldiers' Aid Society" took its place. The three companies at Camp Neibling were finally notified to prepare for active duty, and Monday, May 6, Company A was ordered to Carey. It was escorted to the depot by Companies F and G, headed by the two fire companies in uniform and the Citizens' Band. A large crowd was at the depot to witness their departure, and the scenes enacted, are still vividly remembered. As the train moved slowly away, cheer after cheer was given by the assemblage for the departing volunteers. Five days afterward Companies F and G left Findlay for Cleveland via the Fremont & Indiana Railroad. They were escorted to the depot by the Citizens' Band, and accompanied by nearly 2,000 people, who turned out en masse to bid them God speed. Company A left Carey for Cleveland on the same day. The three companies arrived at Camp Taylor the day of their departure, and were soon after mustered into the Twenty-first Regiment, which had been organized at Camp Taylor April 27, and James M. Neibling, of Findlay, was elected lieutenant colonel. On the 22d of May, Companies A and F left Camp Taylor for Jackson County, Ohio; whither the balance of the regiment followed on the 24th, and subsequently went into camp near Gallipolis. The regiment did some service in Western Virginia, part of it being engaged in the battle of Scarey Creek, but its experience in the field was limited, and only preparatory for what was coming. Cyrus Hemry, of Pleasant Township, who was drowned in the Ohio River, and Eli S. Reed, of Findlay, commissary of the regiment, who died at Cincinnati, were the only deaths which occurred in the companies from Hancock County during their three months' service. The regiment remained in the field till its term of service expired, and was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio. August 12, 1861. Toward the close of August a military rendezvous, named "Camp Vance," in honor of Wilson Vance, of Findlay, was established for the Twenty-first Regiment up the Blanchard River, on the Baker farm, and the companies recruiting for the three years' service went into camp at that point. Here the regiment was reorganized, and mustered in for three years September 19, 1861. Lieut-Col. Neibling retained the same rank in the new organization; and Robert S. Mungen, of Findlay, became quartermaster. Four companies from Hancock County were mustered into the Twenty-first, viz.: Company A—captain, Dwella M. Stoughton; first lieutenant, John A. Williams; second lieutenant, George Foreman. Company B—captain, George F. Walker; first lieutenant, William Vance; second lieutenant, Joseph E. Stearns. Company F—captain, Henry H. Alban; first lieutenant, John C. Martin; second lieutenant, Alexander A. Monroe. Company G—captain, Isaac Cusac; first lieutenant, James Porter; second lieutenant, Simon B. Webber. The regiment left Findlay for Camp Dennison September 26, where it was supplied with arms, and early in October marched into Kentucky. Its first engagement was at Ivy Mountain, where the Union troops were commanded by Gen. Nelson, soon after which the Federals returned to Louisville. The army was reorganized under Gen. Buell, and the Twenty-first participated in the capture of Bowling Green, Ky., and Nashville, Murfreesboro and Huntsville. Tenn. During the rebels' siege of Nashville, in the fall of 1862, the regiment did such gallant service that Gen, Rosecrans issued a special order complimenting it for its efficiency on the grand guard around that city. From this time forward the Twenty-first followed the fortunes of Rosecrans' army around Murfreesboro and Chattanooga. It fought with great desperation and valor in the bloody battles of Stone River and Chickamauga, Lieut. -Col. Stoughton being so severely wounded in the latter fight that he died at Findlay, November 20, 1863, just two months after that battle took place. The regiment retired with the army to Chattanooga, and subsequently was present at the battle of Mission Ridge. In January, 1864, almost the entire command, then numbering only about 300 men, veteranized, and 160 of the survivors from Hancock County returned to their homes on a thirty days' furlough. After resting and recruiting the Twenty-first again took the field and participated in the celebated Atlanta campaign, and subsequently in Sherman's historic "march to the sea." Early in the Atlanta campaign, at New Hope Church, May 28, Col. Neibling had his right arm so badly shattered that it was afterward amputated, and he was honorably discharged from the service. Upon the capture of Richmond and the surrender of the rebel armies under Lee and Johnston, the Union army returned to Washington, where the Twenty-first was present at the grand review May 26, 1865. It was mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., July 25, 1865, and thence proceeded to Columbus, Ohio, where, on the 28th of July, it was paid off and discharged. Its unflinching bravery in battle won for the Twenty-first the sobriquet of "The Fighting Regiment," and the survivors of this command are proud of its brilliant record. The following officers from Hancock County served in the Twent-First Regiment, from its reorganization for three years: James M. Neibling, mustered in as lieutenant-colonel September 19, 1861; promoted to colonel December 20, 1862; lost right arm at the battle of New Hope Church, and was honorably discharged December 6, 1864. In June, 1863, Col. Neibling was presented by his regiment with a magnificent sword and spurs, costing nearly $500, as a mark of their esteem and confidence in him as a commander. Robert Mungen, mustered in as quartermaster September 19, 1861, subsequently became brigade quartermaster. Dwella M. Stoughton, mustered in as captain September 19, 1861; promoted to major October 3, 1862, and to lieutenant-colonel December 20, 1862; died at Findlay November 20, 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Chickamauga. George F. Walker, mustered in as captain September 19, 1861; promoted to major December 20, 1862; resigned Jane 14, 1863. Henry H. Alban, mustered in as captain September 19, 1861; honorably discharged March 8, 1865. Isaac Cusac, mustered in as captain September 19, 1861; promoted to major February 29, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. John A. Williams, mustered in as first lieutenant September 19, 1861; resigned January 8, 1862. William Vance, mustered in as first lieutenant September 19, 1861; resigned December 5, 1862. John C. Martin, mustered in as first lieutenant September 19, 1861; promoted to captain April 9, 1862; commission returned; again promoted to the same rank February 29, 1864, and to major July 12, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. James Porter, mustered in as first lieutenant September 19, 1861, and mustered out September 20, 1864. George Foreman, mustered in as second lieutenant September 19, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant February 3, 1862; honorably discharged September 11, 1862, and reinstated November 18, 1862. Joseph E. Stearns, mustered in as second lieutenant September 19, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant February 3, 1862; commission revoked, and August 26, 1862, he was appointed by the President assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of captain. Alexander A. Monroe, mustered in as second lieutenant September 19, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant December 5, 1862; resigned May 21, 1863. Simon B. Webber, mustered in as second lieutenant September 19, 1861; resigned with same rank. Daniel Lewis, promoted to second lieutenant February 8, 1862; to first lieutenant November 18, 1862; and to captain February 29, 1864, having also succeeded Robert S. Mungen, as quartermaster; killed July 21, 1864. Robert S. Dillsworth, promoted to second lieutenant March 1, 1862, and to first lieutenant June 13, 1863; killed June 27, 1864. Thomas B. Lamb, promoted to second lieutenant August 26, 1862, and to first lieutenant February 29, 1864; resigned January 8, 1865. Daniel Richards, promoted to second lieutenant November 18, 1862, and to first lieutenant February 29, 1864; discharged January 31, 1865. Jacob L. Keller, promoted to second lieutenant December 5, 1862; to first lieutenant February 29,1864, and to captain May 11,1865; mustered out with the regiment. Wilson J. Vance, promoted to second lieutenant May 2, 1863, and to first lieutenant December 30,1863; resigned April 2,1864. Wilson W. Brown, promoted to second lieutenant May 13, 1863, and to first lieutenant January 20, 1865; discharged as an enlisted man. John E. Porter, promoted to second lieutenant June 13, 1863, and to first lieutenant January 28, 1865; declined last promotion, and was mustered out March 31, 1865. James Blakely, promoted to second lieutenant September 14, 1863; killed September 20, 1863, at Chickamauga. William Welker, promoted to second lieutenant February 29, 1864; to first lieutenant January 28, 1865, and to captain May 18, 1865; mustered out as second lieutenant May 15, 1865. Christian B. Sholty, promoted to second lieutenant February 29, 1864; to first lieutenant February 10, 1865, and to captain July 12, 1865; mustered out with regiment. David McClintock, promoted to second lieutenant February 29, 1864; to first lieutenant February 10, 1865, and to captain July 12, 1865; mustered out as first lieutenant. John H. Bolton, promoted to first lieutenant May 18, 1865, and to captain July 12, 1865;mustered out with regiment. Robert F. Bonham, Philip Wilch, Quincy A. Randall and Jeremiah E. Milhoof were all promoted to first lieutenants July 12, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Bonham declined promotion. Squire J. Carlin, promoted to captain July 12, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. The Thirty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry comes next in the order of time, being organized at Camp Chase in August, 1861, with Moses B. Walker, of Findlay, as colonel of the regiment. The Thirty-first, however, had only a few men from Hancock County, and its history is not regarded with much interest by the people of this portion of the State. Besides Col. Walker, his nephew, Capt. George F. Walker, of Findlay, formerly of the Twenty-first Regiment, was appointed to a captaincy in the Thirty-first January 11, 1864, and promoted to major June 20, 1865. The regiment made a good record, and its deeds of valor are fully mentioned in Reid's "Ohio in the War." Col. Walker was mustered out with his regiment as brevet brigadier-general of volunteers July 20, 1865, and subsequently retired with the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the regular army. The Forty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry received one full company from Hancock County, commanded by Albert Langworthy, captain; Samuel P. Gray, first lieutenant, and James "W. Davidson, second lieutenant. The regiment was organized at Camp Noble, near Tiffin. Ohio, in August, 1861, and besides the company raised at Findlay, it received a good many recruits into other companies. Captain Langworthy' s command was mustered in as Company A. August 22, 1861, and left with the regiment for Camp Dennison September 10, where the men were equipped. The Forty-ninth reported to Gen. Robert Anderson at Louisville, Ky., September 22, and the same evening took cars for Lebanon Junction to join the forces then under Gen. W. T. Sherman. Its first skirmish with the rebels took place in December, on Green River, where the regiment went into camp and remained till the following February, when it marched to Bowling Green, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn. Here it went into camp till the 16th of March, 1862, when it moved with Buell's army to join Grant at Pittsburg Landing, and participated in the second day's fight. It took part in the seige of Corinth, and was engaged in. duty in that vicinity until the movement after Bragg's army, which was then threatening Louisville and Cincinnati, was inaugurated. From Louisville the regiment moved with the army in pursuit of Bragg, and was with the advance that raised the seige of Nashville. The Forty-ninth served under Rosecrans in his movements around Murfreesboro and Chattanooga, and lost many of its brave officers and men in that campaign. At the battle of Chickamauga the regiment was commanded by Maj. Samuel F. Gray, and did gallant service. The army under Rosecrans was then shut up in Chattanooga till the defeat of the rebels at Mission Ridge, where the Forty-ninth was conspicuous for its gallantry. Immediately after this battle the regiment moved with the corps sent to the relief of Knoxville; but ere reaching that point learned that the rebels were repulsed, and after a long, severe march, returned to Chattanooga. Here most of the regiment re-enlisted and returned to Ohio on furlough, the survivors of Company A arriving at Findlay February 11, 1864. On the expiration of their furlough the brave boys of the Forty-ninth again took the field, the regiment strengthened by hundreds of new recruits. The movement against Atlanta soon afterward began, the Forty-ninth taking an active part in that campaign, and suffering severe loss in the bloody battles fought around Atlanta. When Sherman commenced his "march to the sea," the Army of the Cumberland, to which the Forty-ninth belonged, was left to look after Hood, whom it defeated at Franklin and Nashville. Upon the close of this campaign the regiment was sent, via New Orleans, to Texas, mustered out at Victoria November 30, 1865, and subsequently discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio. The following citizens from Hancock County served in the Forty-ninth as commissioned officers: Albert Langworthy, elected captain August 22, 1861; resigned June 22, 1862. Benjamin S. Porter, elected captain August 24, 1861; promoted to major September 30, 1862. and to lieutenaat-colonel January 1, 1863 ; appointed major in invalid corps July 2, 1863. Amos Keller, elected captain August 24, 1861; killed at Stone River January 1, 1863, Samuel F. Gray, elected first lieutenant August 22, 1861; promoted to captain January 9, 1862; to major January 1, 1863, and to lieutenant-colonel October 4, 1863 : resigned October 4, 1864. James W. Davidson, elected second lieutenant August 22, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant January 9, 1862; resigned July 27, 1863. Thomas J. Ray, promoted to second lieutenant June 30, 1862; to first lieatenant June 24, 1863, and to captain August 11, 1864; mustered out with regiment. Charles Wallace, promoted to second lieutenant June 24, 1863, and to first lieutenant May 9, 1864; killed at Kenesaw June 21, 1864. George S. Crawford, promoted to second lieutenant July 27, 1863; to first lieutenant May 9, 1864, and to captain December 21, 1864; mustered out with the regiment at Victoria, Tex. The Fifty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, like the Twenty-first, was largely recruited in Hancock County, and also partially organized at Camp Vance, near Findlay. William Mungen, of Findlay, was also the first colonel of the regiment, and largely instrumental in raising it; while Dr. William D. Carlin, of Findlay, was its second surgeon. Recruiting commenced September 16, 1861, and was pushed forward rapidly. Companies F, G and H were raised in Hancock County and also a portion of Company B. The officers of Company F, when mustered into service, were captain, John B. May; first lieutenant, Daniel Gilbert; second lieutenant, Edmund W. Firmin. Those of Company G were captain, James Wilson; first lieutenant, John W. Wheeler; second lieutenant, John Adams. Of Company H were captain, Patrick Kilkenny (of Toledo); first lieutenant, Hiram E. Henderson; second lieutenant, Oliver Mungen. The regiment left Findlay for Camp Chase January 22, 1862, where its organization was completed on the 10th of February. Eight days afterward the regiment left Camp Chase and reported at Paducah, Ky., where it was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee. From Paducah the Fifty-seventh went to Fort Henry, thence to Savannah, Tenn., and soon afterward arrived at Pittsburg Landing. It did duty in that vicinity on several reconnoissances; but its first appearance in battle was at Pittsburg Landing April 6 and 7, 1862, where its valor was fully tested and not found wanting. On the next day the Fifty-seventh was engaged with Forrest's Cavalry at Pea Ridge, and came out victorious. From this time up to January, 1864, the regiment was engaged in the following battles and skirmishes: Russell House, siege of Corinth, Morning Sun, Coldwater, Hernando, Wolf Creek Bridge, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Clay Farm, Boiling Fork, Haines' Bluff, Snyder's Bluff, Champion Hill, Messenger's Ford, Raymond, Black River, Mechanicsburg, Vicksburg, Jackson, Tuscumbia, Mission Ridge and the relief of Knoxville. On the 1st of January, 1864, the Fifty-seventh re-enlisted as veterans, and about a month afterward started for Ohio on furlough, those from Hancock County arriving at home on the 13th of February. After resting, the regiment rendezvoused at Camp Chase, where it received 207 recruits. It arrived at Nashville, March 29, 1864. and the next month rejoined its brigade, at Larkinsville, Ala. The regiment participated in the Atlanta campaign, and was almost constantly engaged with the enemy in the many sanguinary battles fought in that vicinity. The regiment left Atlanta with Sherman's army on its "march to the sea," and shared in the glory of that achievement. After the surrender of Johnston, it marched from Petersburg and Richmond to Washington, and was present at the grand review May 26, 1865. On the 2d of June the Fifty-seventh was ordered to Louisville, Ky., and subsequently proceeded from Louisville to Little Rock, Ark. It was mustered out of service at Little Rock August 14, and on the 25th was paid off and discharged at Tod Barracks, Columbus, Ohio, The names of 1,594 men are on its muster rolls, but of that number only 243 were present to be mustered out at the close of the war. The remnants of its battle-torn flags at Columbus, faded in color, but bright in glorious suggestions of the scenes through which they passed, tell the history of this gallant command. The officers of the Fifty- seventh Regiment from Hancock County were as follows: William Mungen, appointed lieutenant-colonel September 27, 1861, and colonel December 16, 1861; resigned April 16, 1863. Dr. "William D. Carlin, appointed surgeon May 26, 1862; died December 26, 1862. James Wilson, elected captain January 4, 1862; honorably discharged April 12, 1865. John W. Wheeler, elected first lieutenant January 4, 1862; promoted to captain December 31, 1862; honorably discharged March 28, 1864. John Adams, elected second lieutenant January 4, 1862; resigned April 27, 1864. John B. May, elected captain January 10, 1862; resigned January 30, 1863. Daniel Gilbert, elected first lieutenant January 10, 1862; promoted to captain January 30, 1863; honorably discharged November 18,1863. Edmund W. Firmin, elected second lieutenant January 10, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant January 30, 1863, and to captain August 16, 1864; declined captaincy, and was mustered out at expiration of service. Hiram E. Henderson, commissioned first lieutenant February 17, 1862; promoted to captain April 22, 1862; honorably discharged August 31, 1863. Oliver Mungen, commissioned second lieutenant February 17, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant April 22, 1862; resigned February 9, 1863. Squire Johnson, promoted to second lieutenant August 19, 1862; to first lieutenant May 9, 1864; to captain February 10, 1865, and to major August 16, 1865; mustered out with regiment. John M. Jordan, promoted to second lieutenant November 27, 1862, and to first lieutenant May 9, 1864; mustered out at expiration of service. Jacob E. Tussing, promoted to first lieutenant December 31, 1862, and to captain May 9, 1864; declined captaincy, and was mustered out at expiration of service. W. Cramer Good, promoted to second lieutenant January 30, 1863, and to first lieutenant May 9, 1864; declined latter promotion, and was mustered out at expiration of service. James McCauley, promoted to first lieutenant January 18, 1865, and to captain August 10, 1865; mustered out with regiment. George Trichler, promoted to first lieutenant January 18, 1865, and to captain August 10, 1865; mustered out with regiment. Jasper T. Rickets, promoted to first lieutenant August 10, 1865; mustered out with regiment. Ezra Hipsher and Aaron Glottheart, promoted to second lieutenancies August 10, 1865, and mustered out with the regiment at Little Rock, Ark. All of the foregoing officers are well remembered, and some of them are yet living in the county. The Sixty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was one of the regiments included in the brigade raised at Mansfield, Ohio, by the Hon. John Sherman. It was organized at Camp Buckingham, near Mansfield, October 3, 1861, and mustered into service on the 1st of December following: One company was raised in Hancock County for this regiment, of which Joshua S. Preble was captain; Joseph M. Randall, first lieutenant, and John C. Matthias, second lieutenant. It was mustered in as Company K, with the foregoing officers in command. The Sixty-fifth left Mansfield, December 18, 1861, for Louisville, Ky., and was on duty in that State till going to Nashville, Tenn., in March, 1862. From Nashville it marched to Savannah; thence by steamer to Pittsburg Landing, where it arrived on the afternoon of the second day's fight, but did not become actively engaged. It was under fire almost constantly at the siege of Corinth; and upon the evacuation of that city by the rebels, was engaged in guarding the Tennessee River, until it marched northward in pursuit of Bragg and the defense of Louisville. The regiment soon after returned to Nashville, where the army was reorganized under Gen. Rosecrans. In the advance on Murfreesboro the regiment was hotly engaged at Stone River, losing many of its commissioned officers and men in that engagement. In June, 1863, the Sixty-fifth moved from Murfreesboro to the vicinity of Chattanooga, and the following September participated in the terrible battle of Chickamauga. It was subsequently engaged in the battle of Mission Ridge. During the several battles of the Atlanta campaign the regiment was almost constantly under fire until the evacuation of Atlanta, when it went into camp at that city. From Atlanta it moved in pursuit of Hood, was engaged at Spring Hill, and took part in the bloody battles of Franklin and Nashville, and the subsequent pursuit of the rebel army across the Tennessee. From Nashville the Sixty-fifth went to New Orleans, and thence to San Antonio, Tex., where it performed garrison duty till December 16, 1865, when it was mustered out. It was then ordered to Camp Chase, Ohio, where the men were paid off and discharged on the 2d of January, 1866. The commissioned officers from this county who served in the Sixty-fifth were as follows: Joshua S. Preble, elected captain November 17, 1861; resigned April 14, 1862. Joseph M. Randall, elected first lieutenant November 17, 1861; promoted to captain October 7, 1862; mustered out January 19, 1865. John C. Matthias, elected second lieutenant November 17, 1861; promoted to first lieutenant May 11, 1862, and to captain February 20, 1863; resigned November 17, 1864. Christian M. Bush, promoted to second-lieutenant March 30, 1863; to first lieutenant June 14, 1864, and to captain December 9, 1864; mustered out with regiment. John Kanel, promoted to first lieutenant November 26, 1864, and mustered out with the regiment at Camp Chase. A Company of Independent Sharp-shooters was recruited principally from the southern part of Hancock County, in the fall of 1861, and subsequently attached to the Sixty-sixth Illinois Infantry as Company H. It participated in the following engagements and skirmishes prior to the Atlanta campaign: Tuscumbia, Danville, Eienzi, Blackland, Jumpertown, Hatchie River, Boonville and Whiteside's farm. In December, 1863, they re-enlisted as veterans, and early in 1864 came home on furlough. They returned to the field in time for the Atlanta campaign, and took part in the many battles fought around that city. The Sharp-shooters also formed a part of Sherman's army on the "march to the sea," and served in the campaign of the Carolinas. They were mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 15, 1865, and paid and discharged at Camp Dennison, Ohio. James Waltermire, John Pifer, James Cox and William N. Watson, of Hancock County, served as lieutenants in this command, which did much efficient service from the date of its organization until the close of the rebellion. The Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry was a three-months organization, recruited in the spring of 1862, with Columbus as its point of rendezvous. Early in June a company of volunteers left Findlay for Camp Chase, and were mustered into the Eighty-seventh as Company D. Samuel Huber and Philip Ford, of Findlay, were respectively captain and first lieutenant, the second lieutenant, with a portion of the company, being from another county. The chaplain of the regiment, Rev. George D. Oviatt, was also from Hancock County. On the 12th of June the regiment was ordered to Baltimore, Md., and went into camp near that city. Toward the close of July it repaired to Harper's Ferry, where it remained till the expiration of its term of service. In the meantime the rebels captured the national forces at this point, but on learning that the Eighty-seventh was no longer in the service, the men were released from their paroles, and the regiment sent home and mustered out at Camp Chase, September 20, 1862. The Ninety-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized at Camp Lima, Allen County, and mustered into service August 26, 1862. Albert Lang-worthy, of Findlay, formerly captain in the Forty-ninth Eegiment, was commissioned as colonel of the Ninety-ninth. The surgeon, Dr. J. T. Woods, was also from this county. Two companies, D and G, were recruited in Hancock and mustered in with the following officers: Company D, captain, James A. Bope; first lieutenant, James Harsh; second lieutenant, William C. Kelley. Company G, captain, Oliver P. Capelle; first lieutenant, Charles G. Barnd; second lieutenant, Josiah Moorhead. Robert B. Drake, of Allen County, recruited quite a number of men from the southwest part of this county, who were mustered into Company B. These companies began recruiting in July, 1862, and on the 16th of August left Findlay for Camp Lima. The regiment left Lima August 31, under orders for Kentucky, where it did service in the defense of Louisville and subsequent pursuit of Bragg's army. It then moved to Nashville, Tenn., and took position near that city. The battle of Stone River was its first severe engagement, and its next was Chickamauga. It participated in the capture of Lookout Mountain, and on the following day was engaged at Mission Ridge. In May, 1864, the Ninety-ninth started on the Atlanta campaign, in which it was under fire almost daily, and made a record for bravery and endurance highly creditable to its officers and men. On the 1st of October, 1864, the brigade to which the Ninety-ninth belonged started in pursuit of Hood on his Nashville campaign. For a few weeks it was cut off from communication with the main army tinder Thomas, but December 10 joined the army at Nashville and participated in the defeat and pursuit of Hood. It pursued the retreating enemy as far as Columbia, Tenn., where it was consolidated with the Fiftieth Ohio Regiment, and the Ninety-ninth ceased to be an organization. The regimental colors were forwarded to Gov. Brough, who acknowledged their reception in a highly complimentary letter. The officers and men of the gallant Ninety-ninth felt deeply chagrined over the consolidation and loss of their regimental number, the consolidated commands retaining the name of the Fiftieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. But there was no redress, and the brave boys of the Ninety-ninth bore the change like soldiers—always obedient to the commands of their superior officers. The war, however, was now drawing to a close, and the regiment took part in no battles after the consolidation. It was mustered out of service at Salisbury, N. C., June 26. 1865, and July 17 arrived at Camp Dennison, Ohio, where it was paid and discharged. At the soldiers' reunions held since the war, the Ninety- ninth has always appeared under its own regimental number, and its veterans do not care to be classed with the Fiftieth. The following commissioned officers from Hancock County served in these regiments: Albert Langworthy, commissioned colonel August 11, 1862; dismissed from the service by the Governor of Ohio in September on a false charge, and after two years' investigation was acquitted and honorably discharged, September 4, 1864. Dr. J. T. Woods, appointed surgeon August 19, 1862; mustered out with the Fiftieth. Oliver P. Capelle, elected captain July 12, 1862; died January 8, 1863, from wounds received at Stone River. James A. Bope, elected captain July 23, 1862; promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the Fiftieth April 10, 1865, and mustered out with that regiment. Charles Gr. Barnd, elected first lieutenant July 10, 1862; promoted to captain December 25, 1862; resigned September 27, 1864. James Harsh, elected first lieutenant July 23, 1862; resigned November 16, 1862. William C. Kelley, elected second lieutenant July 23, 1862; resigned November 26, 1862. Josiah Moorhead, elected second lieutenant August 7, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant January 8, 1863; mustered out with the Fiftieth Regiment. William B. Richards, promoted to second lieutenant November 16, 1862; to first lieutenant on the same date, and to captain November 3, 1864; transferred to the Fiftieth Regiment as first lieutenant and again promoted to captain April 10, 1865; mustered out with that regiment. William Zay, promoted to second lieutenant November 16, 1862, and to first lieutenant November 3, 1864; mustered out with the Fiftieth Regiment. Daniel J. McConnell, promoted to second lieutenant January 5, 1863, and to first lieutenant November 3, 1864; mustered out December 31, 1864. David S. Blakeman, promoted to second lieutenant in the Fiftieth April 10, 1865; mustered out with that regiment June 26,1865. The One Hundred and Eighteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized at Camp Lima, Allen County, in August and September, 1862. Here it was joined September 1 by a company from Hancock County, under the command of Capt. Samuel Howard; first lieutenant, Darius Pendleton; second lieutenant, Milton B. Patterson; was mustered into the regiment as Company Gr. Quite a number of men were also recruited in this county by Martin L. Higgins, who were mustered into Company K, with Higgins as first lieutenant. The regiment left Camp Lima in September, 1862, for Cincinnati, then threatened by Kirby Smith, where it was mustered into the service. It soon afterward moved into central Kentucky, and performed much important patrol duty in that State up to the 20th of August, 1863, when it set out on the march for east Tennessee, reaching Kingston November 10. After the victories of Mission Ridge and Knoxville, the regiment moved to Nashville. On the 29th of December it participated in a brief but stubborn engagement at Mossy Creek, where the regiment exhibited great gallantry, losing forty killed and wounded in two-hours. From this to the beginning of the Atlanta campaign nothing of special interest occurred in the fortunes of the One Hundred and Eighteenth. Early in May. 1864, the movement on Atlanta commenced, and this regiment participated in the many victories and final triumphs of that brilliant campaign. Upon the fall of Atlanta the regiment joined in the pursuit of Hood toward Nashville, took a prominent part in the desperate battle of Franklin and was also engaged at Nashville, and in the subsequent pursuit of the defeated rebel army as far as Columbia, whence it went to Clifton. Here it received orders to proceed to North Carolina, and January 16, 1865, the brigade embarked on a steamer for Cincinnati, and there took cars for Washington, D. C. From Alexandria it took steamer to Smithville, landed and moved immediately on Fort Anderson, which was captured, the One Hundred and Eighteenth being the first regiment to plant its colors on the walls. It was next engaged at Town Creek, entered Wilmington February 22, thence proceeded to Kingston and Goldsboro, where, on the 23d of March, the brigade joined Sherman's army. The regiment participated in the final movements against Johnston, and was mustered out at Salisbury, N. C., June 24, 1865. It arrived at Cleveland, Ohio, July 2, and seven days after the command received its final discharge and returned to their homes. The following citizens of Hancock County served as commissioned officers in the One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment: Samuel Howard, elected captain, August 16, 1862; resigned April 1, 1864. Darius Pendleton, elected first lieutenant, August 16, 1862; resigned April 19, 1863. Milton B. Patterson, elected second lieutenant, August 16, 1862, promoted to first lieutenant, April 17, 1863; honorably discharged, May 24, 1865. Martin L. Higgins, elected first lieutenant, July 23, 1862; resigned, March 24, 1863; John Eckels, promoted to second lieutenant, April 17, 1863; died, July 1, 1864. Joel Eckels, promoted to second lieutenant, February 1, 1864, and to first lieutenant, October 12, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. In September, 1862, the threatened invasion of Cincinnati by the rebels under Gen. Kirby Smith, brought out a call from the Governor of Ohio for the citizens of the State to come to the rescue. About 250 men from Hancock County responded to the call. As these volunteers were equipped with all sorts of fire-arms, they became officially known as the "Squirrel Hunters." The timely arrival of these patriots from every portion of the State, doubtless averted the invasion and saved Cincinnati, and ere the thirty days for which they were called out had expired most of them had returned to their homes. Theirs, it is true, was a bloodless victory, but the "Squirrel Hunters" of Ohio nevertheless deserve credit for their prompt and patriotic response when danger threatened their State. The First Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery had one company (L) from this county, commanded by Capt. Joshua S. Preble; first lieutenant, Ebenezer Wilson, and second lieutenant, John Foreman. The One Hundred and Seventeenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry formed the nucleus of this regiment, being changed from infantry to artillery by an order issued from the war department May 2, 1863. During its recruitment it was engaged in constructing fortifications around Covington and Newport, Ky., for the protection of Cincinnati. The reorganization was completed August 12, 1863, and the regiment remained in Kentucky till early in 1864, when it was ordered to Knoxville, Tenn. Throughout the year 1864 and the winter of 1864-65, the regiment was almost constantly engaged on expeditions against the rebel cavalry infesting east Tennessee and North Carolina. In the spring of 1865, the brigade to which this regiment then belonged moved toward Virginia and North Carolina, and continued to guard the mountain passes until the surrender of Lee and Johnston. It soon afterward returned to Greenville, Tenn., where the regiment camped till July 15, when it started homeward, and on the 25th of July was mustered out at Knoxville, Tenn. It was paid and discharged at Camp Dennison, Ohio, August 1, 1865. All of the officers from this county served until the close of the war. The Twelfth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry was recruited during September and October, 1863, and mustered into the service at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, November 24, following. Most of Company G was raised in Hancock County, by Alexander A. Monroe and Eli N. Flaisig, who became respectively captain and second lieutenant of that company. In November one-half the regiment was sent to Johnson s Island, where it was engaged in doing guard duty during the winter of 1863-64. In the spring of the latter year the regiment moved from Camp Dennison, where it was mounted, armed and equipped, to Louisville, Ky.; thence to Lexington and Mt. Sterling. In May, 1864, it formed a portion of the command that started on the first Saltville. Tenn., raid, but eight days afterward the Twelfth returned in pursuit of Morgan, who was making a raid into Kentucky. The rebels under Morgan were encountered at Mt. Sterling and Cynthiana, and scattered in every direction, the regiment pursuing the fleeing enemy for three days. It soon afterward came up with another guerrilla band at Lebanon, and completely routed it. In September the Twelfth started on a second raid to Saltville, where the regiment was engaged in some hard fighting. On the third raid to Saltville the rebels, after forty hours' fighting, were defeated at every point, and the salt works and immense quantities of stores, etc., subsequently captured and destroyed. In the spring of 1865 the regiment formed a part of Gen. Stoneman' s raiding expedition into North Carolina, thence through South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, aiding in the capture of Jefferson Davis, and, capturing the rebel generals, Bragg and "Wheeler, •with their escorts. The regiment was then sent into Tennessee, the several companies being scattered over that State enforcing law and order, and finally rendezvousing at Nashville, where it was mustered out November 14, 1865. Proceeding to Camp Chase, Ohio, it was there paid and discharged, after two years of incessant service. Capt. Monroe was promoted from this regiment as major of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Colored Infantry, and Lieut. Flaisig was discharged February 26, 1864. These were the only commissioned officers from Hancock County who went out in the Twelfth Ohio Cavalry. The Ohio National Guards were called out for 100 days' service April 24, 1864. There were four companies forming the Fifty-eighth Battalion in Hancock County, viz.: A, B, C and D, all of which reported at Camp Chase May 5, 1864. The following day they were mustered into three different regiments. Company A was taken into the One Hundred and Sixty-first Regiment, George Foreman, captain; Henry B. Green, second lieutenant. Companies B and D were consolidated with the One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiment, James Waltermire, John Romick and Robert S. Boyles being mustered in as first lieutenants, and Jefferson H. Darrah and William H. Zarbaugh, second lieutenants. Company C was consolidated with the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth regiment, and its men distributed among several companies of that command, its captain, Samuel Biggs, subsequently becoming first lieutenant through the resignation of another officer. The remaining officers of the Fifty-eighth Battalion, who were thus knocked out of their positions, either returned home or went into the ranks, except Rev. Jacob B. Dunn, who was appointed chaplain of the regiment. Considerable feeling was manifested at the time, and much dissatisfaction afterward existed among the companies from this county because of their separation; but they were forced to submit to the orders of the higher authorities, and soon became reconciled to their position. The One Hundred and Thirty-third Regiment (0. N. G.) was mustered in at Camp Chase, May 6, 1864, and immediately ordered into West Virginia, where it remained on duty till June 7, when it proceeded to Washington, D. C., and thence to Bermuda Hundred. On the 17th of July the regiment embarked for Fort Powhattan, on the James River. Here it was employed in various important duties until August 10, when it returned to Washington, and thence to Camp Chase, where it was mustered out of service August 20, 1864. The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment (O. N. G.) was mustered into the service at Camp Chase, May 6. 1864, and the next day moved for Cumberland, Va. On the 6th of June it started to Washington, D. C., and thence proceeded to White House, on the Pamunkey River, but on its arrival was at once ordered to City Point. The regiment had its first and only engagement with the rebels at Port Walthall during the assault on Petersburg, where the men displayed admirable coolness under fire. For seventy days the regiment formed a portion of the advanced lines operating on Richmond, and was engaged in intrenching and picket duty. Its term of service having expired, it returned to Camp Chase, where it was mustered out August 31, 1864. The One Hundred and Sixty-first Regiment (0. N. G.) was mustered into the service at Camp Chase, May 9, 1864, and left on the same day for Cumberland, Md. It soon afterward moved to Martinsburg, W. Va., and early in June a part of the regiment was sent up to the Shenandoah Valley with the supply train to Hunter's army. After turning over the supplies the detachment returned to Martinsburg, bringing back safely a long wagon train, many sick and wounded from the army, and several hundred prisoners and contrabands, the entire distance marched being nearly 500 miles. From Martinsburg the regiment fell back to Maryland Heights, where skirmishing with the enemy commenced and continued two days. It assisted in defending the Heights until the rebels were driven from the Shenandoah Valley. On the 25th of August, 1864, the regiment was ordered to Ohio, and mustered out at Camp Chase on the 2d of September following. The One Hundred and Ninety-Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized at Camp Chase, March 10, 1865. Moses Louthan and Jefferson H. Darrah, of Hancock County, having each recruited in this county nearly a company of men for the One Hundred and Ninety-second, were respectively elected captain of Company H and I. On the 12th of March, 1865, the regiment left for the front and were first stationed near Harper's Ferry, Va. The regiment was engaged in picket duty near Harper's Ferry and on the Shenandoah River, subsequently moving to the vicinity of Winchester, Va. Upon the surrender of Lee the regiment moved to Stevenson Station; thence to Jordan Springs, and afterward encamped at Reed's Hill, above Winchester, until ordered to be mustered out, which occurred at Winchester, September 1, 1865. It arrived at Columbus. Ohio, two days afterward, and on the 6th of September was paid and discharged at Camp Chase. Though the end of the war, coming soon after this regiment took the field, cut it off from much active service, it nevertheless stood high for drill, discipline and efficiency, and many of its men were scarred veterans who had faced the enemy on many a well contested battle-field. The foregoing commands are those wherein the soldiers from Hancock County mainly served; but several additional regiments from Ohio and other States contained some Hancock County boys. In fact she was represented in every arm of the service, and her gallant sons did honor to their country on many a bloody field. Among others from Hancock, who served as commissioned officers in commands not previously mentioned, were the following: Dr. Samuel S. Mills, surgeon of the Fourth Michigan Artillery; Lieut. John T. Carlin served in the Eighty-second Regiment, and also on Gen. Sigel's staff; Abraham F. McCurdy and Nat W. Filkin, each served as captain and major of the Tenth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, which also contained a few men from this county. But it is not the intention here to follow the fortunes of these outside commands, as the history of Hancock County in the war is set forth in the sketches of those regiments wherein the great majority of her soldiers fought—hundreds of them laying down their lives that a free and united nation might live. Up to September 1, 1862, the number of volunteers from this county by townships, as returned by the assessors, was as follows: Allen, 65; Amanda, 16; Big Lick, 47; Blanchard, 100; Cass, 46; Delaware, 74; Eagle, 50; Findlay, 247; Jackson, 51; Liberty, 63; Madison, 59; Marion, 44; Orange, 61; Pleasant 70; Portage, 42; Union, 93; Van Buren, 31; Washington, 101; total, 1,260. Under all of the subsequent calls each township had to furnish a certain designated number of men, and the county always filled her quota, though the draft had finally to be resorted to during the later stages of the war, as men were then so scarce that even large bounties failed to fill up the quotas of the several townships. Including every branch of the service, Hancock County furnished to the Union cause nearly 3,000 as brave men as ever carried a musket, and about two-thirds of that number served throughout the greater portion of the war. Her soldiers displayed a spirit of valor unsurpassed in history, while their courage, fortitude and self-sacrifice were worthy of the glorious cause for which they fought. From 1861 to 1865 the local work at home of encouraging enlistments and assisting the families of soldiers went steadily on. In June, 1862, the county commissioners passed an act allowing each dependent wife or parent of volunteers $8 per month, and each child under fifteen years of age $2 per month. The following September the monthly allowance of wife or parent was fixed at $4. Belief was afforded only to the families of noncommissioned officers and privates, and then only in cases of actual necessity. In February, 1862, the General Assembly passed an act for the relief of families of volunteers, by which a tax was levied on all taxable property, and a larger, more thorough and systematic relief was afforded. Under this act $38,070 were expended by the county among the families of soldiers during the years 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1865; and from that time until February, 1868, when the last order was redeemed, $8,503 additional were paid out. In October, 1861, a "Military Committee" was appointed in this county, consisting of Edson Goit, James A. Bope, J. S. Patterson. J. B. Rothchild and J. F. Perkey. A thorough military organization of the county was effected, and sub-committees appointed in each township to aid and encourage volunteering, and solicit contributions of underclothing, etc., for the "boys" in the field. The military committee appointed in this county in 1862, was Edson Goit, James A. Bope, W. G. Baker and Joel Markle; and in 1864 it was Henry Brown, Edson Goit, J. B. Rothchild, J. S. Patterson and J. F. Perkey. In every county of the State these committees did a noble work, and for their untiring efforts to sustain the Government and comfort its brave soldiers during the darkest period of the war deserve the highest praise. The soldiers' aid societies were among the most popular and efficient local institutions of the county, and the ladies of these societies did a great deal of good in gathering and forwarding sanitary supplies to hospital and camp. In fact the patriotic women of the county did their full share toward crushing the mightiest rebellion in the history of the world. When the news that Richmond was captured spread over the county, it created the most intense excitement, but it was one of joy. Bell-ringing, hand-shaking and congratulations were the order of the day. The citizens turned out en masse; bonfires were lighted in every town and village, and an undercurrent of deep thankfulness pervaded the entire community. All hailed the good news as a harbinger of peace, and happiness filled every loyal heart. With the fall of the rebel capital the war was comparatively at an end; and, though Lee struggled bravely to save his army from the iron grasp of Grant, its fate was sealed. On the 9th of April, 1865, he surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, and nine days afterward Johnston gave up his army to Sherman. Throughout the North the news of these glorious successes of the Union arms was received with unbounded enthusiasm, and heartfelt prayers were offered to the God of battles, who in His infinite mercy had vouchsafed such a brilliant ending to the long turmoil of civil strife. After four years of bloody war—after the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of gallant men and millions of treasure, the great rebellion was at an end, the Government preserved, and freedom perpetuated. The following poem, found by the writer, uncredited, in one of the local papers of Findlay, aptly illustrates the feeling of the people at the close of the war: VICTORY. When God gave us Richmond, and victory o'er Lee, The dark "clouds of war, like a scroll, rolled away; Peace shed her bright halo o'er land and o'er sea, And ushered the glory of freedom's glad day. Thrill the heart with such joy as the ransomed may feel! Fling aloft the profld flag in its radiant light, From steeple and turret, from mountain top, peal The tidings of victory, the triumph of right. But there steals through the sound of thanksgiving and praise, A low wail of anguish for brave hearts at rest; Their blood was the purchase that Liberty gave, That this may henceforth be the land of the blest. Lift the flag of the free to the azure above, Let the nation rejoice,in the victory won; Bear the message, ye angels, on swift wings of love, A Republic redeemed by the blood of her sons. According to previous announcement a grand celebration was held at Findlay, April 14. 1865, to rejoice over the dawn of a glorious peace. The day was bright and cheerful, and nature seemed to smile on the exalted happiness of the people. The exercises commenced at 6 o'clock in the morning with the ringing of bells, and the firing of a salute of thirty-six guns. As the day wore on crowds of people came pouring into Findlay. At 10 o' clock services were held in several of the churches, and shortly after noon a large audience gathered at the Court House where appropriate addresses were delivered by Revs. Rose and Wykes. In the evening there was a fine display of fireworks, and every business house, as well as many of the private dwellings, was brilliantly illuminated. This joy, however, was destined to be short-lived, and suddenly changed to deep mourning. About 10 o'clock on the following morning the news of President Lincoln's assassination reached Findlay, and fell like a pall on the hearts of its citizens. Every one was horror-stricken at the awful deed, and never was there so much feeling manifested by the true and loyal hearts of Hancock County. In a short time all of the business houses were closed and draped in mourning, and the flags dressed in crape and raised at half mast. In the afternoon a public meeting was held at the Court House to express the sentiments of the people on the assassination of the President, and deep gloom filled every honest heart. The Jeffersonian fully expressed in the following poem the deep feeling of the people throughout the county at that time: APRIL 15, 1865. Toll the slow bells ! fire the minute guns! Let rain-drenched flags at half-mast droop! This grief a nation's great heart stuns, Beneath this burden strong men stoop. Hang mourning emblems o'er the walls So lately winged with banners gay! He saved our flag from treason's thralls, Who slain by traitors lies to-day. Let wailing fife and muffled drum Make moan as for a hero dead! But, oh! our deepest grief is dumb, Our bitterest tears congeal unshed. We loved him; and the traitors live Who forged the bolt that struck him down! 'Tis not for us to say, "Forgive," When Lincoln's blood cries from the ground. Lincoln, who stood so far above These war-clouds that his great heart felt Even for the South a yearning love, Which must at least e'en rebels melt. Oh! by the love he bore our land, By these four years of toil for us, By all he was, so good, so grand, Our hearts cry out for vengeance just. Soon after the war ended, the Union armies were discharged and returned to then: homes, and once more joy reigned supreme around hundreds of firesides in Hancock County. Orators, journalists and historians have recorded the numerous well-contested battles, campaigns and marches of these great armies, and their wonderful achievements are enshrined upon the choicest pages of American poetry and eloquence. The spirit of patriotism that caused them to enlist, that sustained them through the trials and perils of the war, now pervades and radiates from all the institutions of the land, and is felt in every patriotic heart. To the survivors has been vouchsafed the blessing to witness the grand results of all their sacrifices, in a reunited country pursuing a common destiny under a government offering equal rights to all, while the name and fame of those who have fallen either on the battlefield or in the line of duty, have been commemorated through the pages of history and on the beautiful monuments of marble and bronze prominent in city, town and village all over this broad land. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/oh/hancock/history/1886/historyo/chapteri13ms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ohfiles/ File size: 78.5 Kb