Hancock County OhArchives History - Books .....Chapter XXXI, Part III 1886 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ohfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson ann.g.anderson@gmail.com July 21, 2005, 6:49 pm Book Title: History Of Hancock County CHAPTER XXXI. FINDLAY CONTINUED. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES—FIRST RELIGIOUS SERVICES HELD IN FINDLAY, AND NAMES OF ITS PIONEER PREACHERS—METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH— FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH— ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL—UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH— GERMAN REFORMED CONGREGATION—GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ST. JOHN'S CONGREGATION—FIRST REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH—"CHURCH OF GOD"—FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH—ST. PAUL CHURCH OF THE EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION—TRINITY MISSION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH—"CHURCH OF CHRIST"—SECRET AND OTHER SOCIETIES-ODD FELLOWS—MASONS—KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS—HARMONIA SOCIETY-KNIGHTS OF HONOR—ROYAL ARCANUM—AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR— GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC—NATIONAL UNION—GOOD TEMPLARS. THE hardy itinerants of the Methodist Episcopal Church were the first to carry the glad tidings of salvation to the scattered pioneers of Hancock County, though they were soon followed by the ministers of other denominations. In the spring of 1822 Rev. James Gilruth, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, came from the East for the purpose of entering lands in northwestern Ohio. Arriving at Fort Findlay he put up at Wilson Vance's tavern, and the following Sunday preached in Findlay by appointment to quite a good sized congregation, made up of the settlers then living in the county. Five or six years afterward Rev. Adam Poe and a companion, both Methodist ministers, preached in the old log school-house, where they also slept overnight. In August, 1828, Rev. Josiah Boot, a Baptist preacher, held services in the cabin of Joseph De Witt, a blacksmith of the village, who then lived on the west side of the park. Revs. Arza Brown and Jesse Pryor, of the Methodist Circuit, preached in Findlay in the fall of 1828, and Revs. Jacob Hill and Alvin Billings, of the same denomination, early in 1829. A Presbyterian minister named Barr held several meetings in the old log schoolhouse in the spring of 1829, and organized a Bible Society, with Wilson Vance. Edwin S. Jones and John C. Wickham, directors. Rev. Barr returned the following autumn and held a two days' service in Findlay, administering communion to a few members of the Presbyterian faith, who then lived in this vicinity. About this time Findlay was visited by several Methodist ministers who were connected with the Wyandot Mission at Upper Sandusky, among whom were Revs. Jacob Hooper and William Sprague in 1829-30, and Revs. Thomas Thompson, Elnathan C. Gavitt and Benjamin Boydston in 1830-31. There is no record in existence of the organization of the first Methodist class in Findlay, but it was probably formed in 1829, as, according to Aaron Baker, a leading pioneer of Findlay Township, a class had been organized prior to his father's settlement north of the village in the spring of 1830. Thomas Slight and wife, Jacob Foster and wife, William Hackney, John Boyd and William De Witt were perhaps the earliest members of this class. But among other pioneer Methodists who joined the class soon afterward were John Baker, Mary Baker. Isaac Baker, Catherine Swapp, Aaron Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Henry Baker, Parlee Carlin and wife, Mrs. Squire Carlin, Daniel Andreck and wife, Reuben Baker, Mary, Elizabeth and Isaiah Hartley, Sarah Foster, Robert Bonham, Nathan Frakes, Benjamin Strother, Johnson and Amos Bonham, Melinda C. Strother, Mrs. Frederick Duduit and Joseph D. Ford. In 1832 Fort Findlay Mission was established, and held its first quarterly meeting November 17 and 18 of that year. At that meeting a committee was appointed to estimate the cost of building a parsonage at Findlay, and another to ascertain the expense of erecting a church in "Greer's Neighborhood"—now Mt. Blanchard. The financial report at this first quarterly meeting of the Mission, from sixteen appointments—including $50 appropriated by the Missionary Society—was $68.42, the sum of $18.42 being all that was received from the classes. Revs. Elam Day and Benjamin Allen were in charge of the Findlay Mission in 1832-33, and Revs. Day and Joseph Newson in 1833-34. On August 20, 1833, lot 145 on East Main Cross Street was purchased for $20 by the trustees of the church, and during the fall a small frame building was put up on the rear part of the lot, which was used as a meeting-house until the erection of their first church building in 1836-37. Revs. W. B. Bradford and McKendree Thrapp were the missionaries in charge in 1834-35, and Revs. Elam Day and Mark Delaney in 1835-36. We find by the church records that in 1836-37 the name of the Mission was changed to the "Findlay Circuit," with Revs. Henry Whiteman and G. W. Breckinridgein charge. During this year a frame church, 40x50 feet, was erected on East Main Cross Street at a cost of about $700. The successive ministers for the next thirteen years were as follows: 1837-38, Revs. J. C. Conway and E. R. Hill; 1838-39, S. M. Allen and W. C. Huestis; 1839-40, James Wilson and Richard Biggs; 1841-42, John Tibbies and Henry Warner; 1842-43, Harvey Camp and Philip Start; 1843-44, H. G. Dubois and Luke S. Johnson; 1844-45, John Orr and J. C. Russell; 1845-46, R. S. Kimber and J. S. Kalb; 1846-47, Wesley J. Wells and Samuel Mower; 1847-48, T. J. Pope and C. W. Brandeberry; 1848-49, T. J. Pope and J. Crabbs; 1849-50, W. S. Lunt and Alanson Foster. Through the passing years the church had rapidly increased, both in numbers and wealth, and the old building was deemed insufficient in size to comfortably accommodate the congregation. The society therefore decided to take two very important steps in advance, viz.: to ask to be made a station and to erect a new house of worship in a more convenient locality. The request was complied with, and in 1850-51 W. S. Lunt was returned as pastor. Lots Nos. 18 and 19 on West Sandusky Street were purchased in January. 1851, for §450, and a commodious brick building, 48x80 feet, erected the same year at a cost of about $7,000. It faced Crawford Street, and was used nearly fifteen years. But that locality soon became a manufacturing neighborhood, and the congregation finally saw their error in building on the north end of the lots. Mr. Lunt’s successors up to the erection of the present church were Revs. J. A. Kellam. David Gray, J. S. Holmes, Thomas Parker, L. B. Gurley, Gershom Lease. J. S. Kalb, Joseph Wykes and Isaac Newton. The last mentioned came in 1866, and under his pastorate the building was erected. The question of rebuilding the church had been agitated during Eev. Parker's pastorate, and during that of Rev. Lease an effort to raise the necessary amount by subscription was made, but the great Rebellion broke out, and the matter rested until 1864-65, when, in consideration of the absolute necessity of expensive repairs in order to continue worship in the old church, it was generally agreed that the wisest and most economical plan was to prepare to build. A subscription was accordingly circulated in the fall and winter of 1865-66, and nearly §15,000 secured, which, with the material of the old building, gave resources to the amount of $17,500, and at a special meeting of the church it was agreed to proceed at once to build. C. A. Croninger, H. P. Gage and S. D. Frey were appointed a building committee, and James Harsh treasurer. The corner-stone of the new structure, on Sandusky Street, was laid September 12, 1866, Prof. P. S. Donelson, president of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, Delaware, Ohio, delivering the oration. The same gentleman conducted the ceremonies, in which he was assisted by Revs. Isaac Newton, Joseph Wykes and David Gray. The building was originally intended to cost about $16,000, but ere its completion in 1868, together with its subsequent remodeling, the total expense had reached about $40,000. It is quite a massive, handsome structure, with a towering spire 180 feet in height, and the main audience room will comfortably seat 700 people. The basement is utilized for Sunday-school, lecture room, etc., and the whole building is a great credit to the congregation. The Rev. Newton filled the pastorate three years, and his successors have been as follows: Oliver Kennedy, 1869-72; Isaiah R. Henderson, 1872-73; William Jones, 1873-76; Parker P. Pope, 1876-78; J. F. Davies, 1878-81; E. D. Whitlock, 1881-82; William I. Tingling, 1882-83; Samuel L. Beiler, 1883-84; Andrew J. Fish, 1884-1886. The church now contains a membership of 540, also 60 probationers, and a nourishing Sunday-school with an enrollment of 457 scholars. The First Presbyterian Church of Findlay was organized December 21, 1831, by Rev. Peter Monfort, who came that year as a missionary from the southern part of the State, and held numerous services in Findlay and other parts of the county. These meetings were always held in the cabins of the pioneers, as there were then no public buildings of any kind except the old log schoolhouse in Findlay, where the people could gather to hear preaching. This society was organized at the house of Wilson Vance, and embraced the following members: Wilson Vance and wife, Sarah; William Taylor and wife, Margaret; William Coen and wife, Sarah; Ebenezer Wilson; Phoebe Henderson, wife of William L. Henderson; Asa Lake and wife, Chloe, and Mary Gibson. Messrs. Wilson and Coen were chosen and ordained ruling elders of the new organization. All of the foregoing members were pioneers of the county, and are fully spoken of in the histories of the townships wherein they resided. Rev. Monfort continued his labors in this field for nearly three years, and the Findlay Church was then supplied by Rev. T. B. Clark, of Logan County, in the latter part of 1833 and the early part of the following year. Mr. Monfort spent some time with this church in 1835, and Rev. John L. Belleville, of Dayton, Ohio, also visited the Findlay congregation the same year. Rev. George Van Eman, a member of the Redstone Presbytery of Pennsylvania, who removed to Hancock County in 1835, was the first settled pastor of the Findlay Church, and he filled that position until 1841. Irregular services were held in private houses, until the erection of the first court house, after which worship was more regular. During the pastorate of Mr. Van Eman a plain frame building was put up on Lot 132, East Crawford Street, where the oil-mill of McManness & Seymour now stands. A deed for this lot was made to the trustees of the church December 11, 1837, the consideration being $250, and we presume the building was erected in 1838. It remained unpainted for several years, and was at first supplied with temporary slab seats without backs, and a rough platform from which the preacher expounded the gospel. These benches in time gave place to more comfortable pews; while a square box about 4x6 feet in dimensions and five and a half feet high was constructed for a pulpit. During the passing years quite a number united with the church, among the best known of whom were John Ewing, Samuel Moorhead, John Burns, Frederick Henderson and Paul Sours. All of these men are fully spoken of elsewhere in this work. Mr. Van Eman was succeeded in June, 1841, by Rev. Simon Peck, who remained only one year. In 1842 Revs. F. A. Shearer and Alexander Cowan, both of Richland County, preached in Findlay, but neither became pastor. In the fall of that year Rev. R. H. Hollyday received a call from the church to become their pastor, which he accepted. This relation continued until May, 1854, during which period nearly 200 members were added to the church. Mr. Hollyday is yet a resident of Findlay. In May, 1845, William Taylor presented the church with a bell—the first one brought to the village—purchased in Cincinnati by Frederick Henderson. It was shipped to Findlay on the canal via Dayton, Piqua and Defiance to Perrysburg, and thence hauled to Findlay in a wagon. It was hung in a belfry erected on the old church and first rang September 11, 1845. After Mr. Hollyday retired from the pastorate, occasional services were held by visiting ministers, but in January, 1855, Rev. J. A. Meeks took charge of the church. By this time the growth of the congregation made necessary a larger place of worship, and soon after Mr. Meeks became pastor preliminary steps were taken in that direction. Two lots on West Crawford Street had been sold or rather given to the church in September, 1852, by J. S. Van Eman, the consideration being only $10. But these lots did not suit, and in August, 1855, Lot 16, on the northeast corner of Main and Hardin Streets, where the church now stands, was purchased for $700. In the spring of 1856 the lots on Crawford Street were sold, and that year the church resolved to enter upon the work of erecting the present brick structure. The building committee were William Taylor, Frederick Henderson and Albert Langworthy, all well-remembered citizens of the village. The building was completed in the fall of 1857. at a cost of nearly $8,900, and dedicated free from any encumbering debt, December 27, 1857. In May, 1858, the property on East Crawford Street was sold to William Anderson and J. D. McKibben, who converted it into a woolen-mill. Mr. Meeks was pastor of the church more than ten years, retiring in the spring of 1865. He is one of the old and honored residents of the town and is highly respected by all good citizens. During the latter portion of Mr. Meeks' service considerable dissension arose as to his further retention as pastor, which culminated in the secession of about forty-three members, who, in 1865 organized the First Congregational Church of Findlay, and called Mr. Meeks to the pastorate. Though he served the new society long and faithfully he still remained at heart a Presbyterian, and finally resigned and returned to his own denomination, accepting a call from the Presbyterian society of Ada, Ohio. Following Mr. Meeks, the Revs. L. H. Long and J. M. Cross, of Urbana. Ohio, paid frequent visits to Findlay, and preached with much acceptance, and, in the fall of 1865, the latter was called to the pastorate. Mr. Cross filled the pulpit until October, 1869, and it was afterward supplied by Revs. D. B. Harvey and A. B. Fields occasionally. In November, 1869, a call was extended to Mr. Fields and he was subsequently installed pastor. He served until April, 1872. Rev. Eban Muse was the successor of Mr. Fields and filled the pulpit for three years, commencing with the fall of 1872. In May, 1876, R. R. Sutherland was installed as pastor and held the position until November, 1880. A vacancy of one year now occurred in the pastorate, until the coming of Rev. John C. Watt, in the fall of 1881. The present pastor, Rev. J. R. Mitchell, of Indianapolis, succeeded Mr. Watt in December, 1885. The present membership of this church is 250, and there is also a growing Sunday-school with an enrollment of about 300. In April, 1886. Mr. Mitchell began the publication of The Invitation, a small three-column folio monthly paper, published in the interests of the First Presbyterian Church. The Invitation will no doubt prove an efficient local aid in disseminating church news, to which cause it is exclusively devoted. The Evangelical Lutheran Church became a distinct organization September 19, 1846, though it had been in process of formation for some years. In 1839 Rev. M. Cortex, a German Lutheran missionary, came to Findlay, and preached at intervals for about two years to the adherents of the Lutheran and Reformed churches. His successor was Rev. Charles Wisler, a minister of the Reformed denomination, who served the people of both faiths from 1841 to 1843. In the latter year Rev. J. B. Hoffman took charge of the mission, and remained nearly two years. Early in 1845 Rev. George Hammer succeeded Mr. Hoffman, and the church record for February of that year gives a list of sixty communicants, made up, doubtless, of both Reformed and Lutherans. Pursuant to previous notice a majority of the members of the Lutheran faith met at the court house in Findlay, September 19, 1846, for the purpose of appointing three trustees and a clerk, under the legislative act passed March 12, 1844, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment of trustees for the control of associated religious societies, and to define their powers and duties." Rev. Isaac Livengood opened the meeting with prayer, when Isaac Teatsorth was called to the chair, and Rev. Livengood appointed secretary. It was resolved that the society should bear the name of the "Evangelical Lutheran Church of Findlay." Samuel Snyder, Samuel Reber and George Welker were appointed trustees, and Andrew Newstetter clerk. Early in 1847 Lot 52, on West Crawford Street, was purchased for the sum of §200, and on the 8th of March Abraham Daughenbaugh, Simon Wilhelm and Samuel Snyder were chosen as a building committee, and a subscription taken up toward the erection of a house of worship, which was built that year. Mr. Hammer was pastor of the church from 1845 until his resignation, in August, 1849, and during this period the congregation had largely increased in numbers and acquired a good church property. In 1850 Rev. Isaac Livengood became pastor, and served till the fall of 1854. when he was succeeded by Rev. Morris Officer. In December, 1850, the record shows 101 communicants, and in 1853, 118. Rev. Officer held the pastorate only one year, and in the fall of 1855 Rev. A. J. Imhoff became his successor, and remained pastor of the church ten years. Prior to April, 1858, the Findlay charge embraced the whole county, but at that time the Findlay and Eagle Township (Zoll's) congregations became one charge, separating from Arcadia and Fostoria. In 1860 a bell was purchased, which is now doing good service in the new edifice. Mr. Imhoff resigned October 15, 1865, and Rev. S. A. Ort was the next pastor, and served until the spring of 1867. Rev. H. B. Belmer held the pastorate for the succeeding two years, resigning in March, 1869. Rev. Kinsell filled the pulpit during the nest three months, and was then succeeded by Rev. P. S. Hooper. In November, 1869, Lots 5 and 6, on the southeast corner of Main and Lincoln Streets, were purchased at a cost of $1,200, and a small frame parsonage erected thereon the following year. Mr. Hooper resigned in December, 1871, and in February, 1872, Rev. George W. Miller was chosen pastor. An effort was made by the congregation, in 1873, looking toward the erection of a new church, and also to unite the Lutheran and Congregational societies, but both failed. In January, 1874, the connection with the Eagle Township society was severed, and the pastors of the Findlay church have since devoted their entire attention to this congregation. Mr. Miller resigned at the close of 1876, and in March, 1877, Rev. C. S. Sprecher was chosen as his successor, and filled the pulpit three years. Rev. J, W. Goodlin was the nest pastor, coming in July, 1880, and serving about one year. On the 29th of November, 1880, the council of the church resolved to take steps toward the erection of a new building, as a larger and more modern structure had now become an actual necessity. The parsonage was moved to the east side of the lots on the corner of Main and Lincoln Streets, and ground was broken for the new edifice May 9, 1881. The corner-stone was laid on Monday evening, August 8, 1881, Rev. J. F. Davies, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, delivering the oration, and on Sunday, June 4, 1882, the church was dedicated to the service of God. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. A. S. Ort, D. D., who was then president of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. The old property on Crawford Street was sold in April, 1882, to John Shull for the sum of $1,300. In the meantime Mr. Goodlin was succeeded, in 1881, by Rev. E. K. Bell, who served until October, 1884. Under his pastorate the new building was carried to completion. His successor was the present pastor, Rev. William M. Smith, who came to Findlay in January, 1885. This church has a membership of 200, and a Sunday-school enrollment of 225. The congregation are especially proud of their house of worship, the total cost of which was about 115,000. It is a substantial, handsome brick and stone edifice of composite architecture, with a large square tower gracing the northwest corner, and possessing a beautiful, massive, stained-glass window in each end of the main audience room, and a similar one in the west side of the Sunday-school room. Large sliding doors separate these rooms, which can thus be thrown into one, giving a seating capacity of 600—400 for the audience room and 200 for the Sunday-school room. In harmony of design and finish, this building is regarded as superior to any other church of Findlay. St. Michael’s Catholic Church comes next in the order of time. In the fall of 1840 mass was celebrated in John Engelman's house by the Rt. Rev. John B. Purcell, bishop of the Cincinnati diocese, while on one of his missionary tours through the State. Michael Price, a deceased pioneer of Pleasant Township, and Mrs. John S. Julien, yet a resident of Findlay, were the first practical Catholics who located in this county, both coming in 1834. Mrs. Martin Hollabaugh and Mrs. John Engelman were the next. The former, now Mrs. Jacob Carr, settled south of Findlay in 1835, and Mrs. Engelman came to the village with her husband in August, 1836. In 1853 Mr. Engelman became a convert to the Catholic faith, and is "yet among the most worthy members of the church. Mrs. Ellen Green, Mrs. James Fitzgibbons and John S. Julien came to Findlay soon after Mr. Engelman effected a settlement. Mr. Julien married Miss Mary C. Seacker in 1838, and the sacrifice of the mass was occasionally celebrated by Father McNamee, of Tiffin, and other visiting priests at the houses of Mr. Julien and Mr. Engelman. Other pioneer Catholics were Mrs. Jacob Barnd and Caroline Grate (sisters), Louis Adams and family, Michael Adams, John Hines and wife, Joseph Davis, Mrs. Peter Krebs, Hiram Vagley and family, Joseph Fleck, James Sheridan and family. Patrick Sweeney and family, and Martin and Peter Karst and families, of whom Frank and John B., sons of Martin and Peter, respectively, were young men, all coming between 1837 and 1850. Of these Mr. Engelman, Mr. Julien and wife, Mrs. Jacob Carr, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Caroline Grate, Mrs. Louis Adams, Mrs. Hines, Joseph Fleck, Mr. Sheridan, Mrs. Sweeney and Frank and John B. Karst are yet living in Findlay and members of St. Michael's Congregation. Services were held at intervals, generally at the house of Mr. Julien and in a room fitted up by Mr. Engelman in a frame barn erected by him in 1848. Father Howard, a well remembered missionary priest, also preached in the court house to a large audience during one of his periodical visits, for the purpose of explaining Catholic doctrine, and thus assist in breaking down the strong prejudice which then existed against members of that faith. Rev. P. A. Capeder, now at New Riegel, came occasionally throughout 1850, and Rev. L. Molon in 1851. By this time quite a number of Catholics had settled in Findlay, and in the summer and fall of 1851 a small frame was built on Lot 65, on the southwest corner of Hardin Street and Farmer's Alley, and subsequently dedicated as St. Michael's Church. This lot was purchased by Bishop Rappe, of D. J. Cory, for the sum of $75, though a deed was not obtained until 1861. In 1852 Rev. Michael Sullivan was appointed to take charge of the Findlay Mission, and came regularly until 1855. Rev. T. J. B. Uhlmann also visited the congregation in the latter year. Rev. Joseph L. Behn, of Tiffin, began visiting Findlay in 1856, and continued about two years. Revs. W. Bally and N. Gales celebrated mass here and baptized children of the congregation in 1858, but Rev. J. M. Roetzer was the first resident pastor of St. Michael's Church. He came in 1859, and the same year opened a parish school in an old frame building on East Sandusky Street, and subsequently in a room erected for that purpose adjoining the Church. A Frenchman named Pettee was the first teacher. Father Roetzer was pastor until February, 1862, and was succeeded by Rev. A. Behrens. The latter remained about a year, and in 1863 Rev. M. Dechant took charge of the congregation. The building in the meantime had been enlarged to meet the growing wants of the church. Early in February, 1866, a fine bell, weighing 1,800 pounds, was purchased at an expense of $1,000, and set upon a low trestle near the church: but on the 16th of the same month the building was burned to the ground, the fire starting in a defective flue in the school room. The weather was extremely cold, but a united effort on the part of the citizens present saved the bell, which hangs in the belfry of the present church, and is regarded as the best bell in the county. Father Dechant began at once the preliminary work toward the erection of a new church, but the old lot was considered too small, and the present site of the church and pastor's residence on West Main Cross Street was donated for the purpose by Louis Adams. The foundation was commenced in the spring of 1866, and on Sunday, August 19, of that year, the corner-stone was laid by Rt. Key. Amedeus Rappe, bishop of the Cleveland diocese, assisted by Father Dechant, Rev. Joseph L. Behn, of Tiffin, and Messrs. A. S. Siebenfoercher and M. Pietz, two students of St. Mary's Seminary of Cincinnati and Cleveland, respectively, subsequently ordained to the priesthood. (Father Siebenfoercher has been pastor of the Kenton Church since his ordination, and Father Pietz held services in Findlay after becoming a priest, and is well remembered by the congregation.) Mass was celebrated in the morning in Wheeler's Hall, and in the afternoon Bishop Rappe laid the corner-stone and delivered an impressive discourse to a large concourse of people, many of whom were from neighboring towns. The building was so far completed as to be occupied in the fall of 1867, though it is not yet entirely finished, and has not been dedicated. During the* process of erection services were held in a room in the Central House building. Rev. Edward J.Vattmann became pastor of St. Michael's in the spring of 1867, and the building was erected under his pastorate, which lasted two years. The old lot on Hardin Street was sold to James Sheridan in 1868 for $325. Rev. N. Flammang came in 1869 and left in 1870. Rev. M. Pietz also visited the congregation in the latter year. In 1871 Rev. John B. Jung (pronounced Young) was appointed pastor, and soon after coming partitioned off a small room in the church and re-established the parish school, which had not been in operation since the burning of the old frame church in 1866. In 1875 he built the present brick schoolhouse southwest of the church. Father Jung was an earnest, hard-working priest, and accomplished a great deal of good during his pastorate. He was removed to Defiance in 1878, and Rev. M. Arnoldi, of Fostoria, ministered to the spiritual wants of the congregation until the advent of Rev. George Rudolf in 1879, who remained two years. The present pastor. Rev. Henry Doerner, succeeded him in 1881, and has ever since continued to labor in building up the church in this portion of God's vineyard. St. Michael's congregation embraces some eighty families, and the parish school has an average attendance of seventy pupils. The usual branches of study taught in the primary public schools are taught in St. Michael's, and in connection therewith the pupil also obtains a thorough religious instruction in the fundamental principles of Christianity. The congregation own a small cemetery of two acres adjoining Maple Grove, which was purchased in February, 1863, at a cost of 1400. Though not entirely free of debt, St. Michael's may nevertheless be regarded as a prosperous congregation. A number of societies are connected with the church to assist in the promotion of charity and good works. St. Michael's Benevolent Society, organized in 1868, is one of these, but only practical Catholic males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years are eligible to membership. Mr. Frank Karst, Sr., has been president of this society since its organization, and it has accomplished much good during this period in rendering devoted attention and assistance to the sick, and in distribution of weekly benefits. The United Brethren Church of Findlay can be traced back to January 17, 1853, when Henry Hartman, Nimrod Bright, Joel Pendleton, Jesse Wheeler and J. T. Crites were trustees in charge of a subscription to raise funds to purchase a lot and erect a house of worship. At this time services were occasionally held in the little brick schoolhouse then standing on West Front Street. In May, 1854, Lot No. 78 on the southwest corner of West and Crawford Streets, was purchased for $250, and the present brick building commenced that year and carried to completion in 1855. Rev. Chester Briggs was the minister in charge during the erection of the building. Joel Pendleton and wife, Robert Owens and wife. Jacob Powell and wife, and H. Van Gundy were among the first members of this society. The successors of Mr. Briggs have been Revs. Michael Long, William Mathers, Case, Dunn, Percy Moore, J. French, Alvin Rose, E. French, William Glancy, T. J. Harbaugh, T. D. Ingle, James Long, M. Shestler, A. W. Holden, J. P. Macklin, E. A. Starkey, J. Kirk, E. B. Maurer, I. Grouse and S. H. Raudebaugh, the present pastor of the church. The membership is about 160, with a Sunday-school enrollment of about 120. The society has now in contemplation the erection of a new house of worship during the present year, and Is therefore in a prosperous condition. The German Reformed Congregation had its inception in February, 1854, when they and the German Lutherans organized a society with Charles Dietsch, president; Henry Matthias, superintendent; John Schneyer, treasurer; Abraham W. Schwab and Peter Roszmann, trustees. They jointly purchased Lot 54 on West Front Street February 3, 1854, for the sum of $278, and worshiped at intervals in the old Presbyterian Church on Crawford Street, and sometimes in the court house. This state of things continued until the spring of 1858, when a separation took place, and each subsequently formed a distinct organization. The members of the Reformed denomination were at once organized by Rev. H. Kortheuer, the society then embracing some fourteen persons. On the 6th of November, 1858, the following members met in Schwab's new building for the purpose of incorporating said society, viz.: Abraham W. Schwab, Michael Guntner, Samuel Schwab, William Gassman, Abraham Newhouse, Ulrich Weiger and Sebastian Baker. Michael Guntner was chairman, and William Gassman, secretary. The society adopted "German Reformed Congregation of Findlay" as the official name of the church, and elected Abraham W. Schwab, Samuel Schwab and Ulrich Weiger trustees, and William Gassman, clerk. On the 29th of the same month the society sold its interest in the lot on West Front Street to the German Lutherans for $114.50; and in February, 1859, purchased ground on East Main Cross Street at a cost of $300, upon which the present brick building was erected, in 1860, at a total expense of about $2,000. Rev. Mr. Schuette was then in charge of the congregation (having succeeded Rev. Kortheuer), which had usually worshiped in the court house prior to that time. The successive ministers since Mr. Schuette have been Eevs. Martin Miller, John G. Buhl (who came in 1863, served the society eleven years, and is yet a resident of Findlay), A. Knotzky, George Behrents and C. Badetscher, the present incumbent, who has filled the pulpit semi-monthly during the past eight years. The society embraces about fifty members, and has a Sunday-school with some thirty-five pupils. Sebastian Baker, Samuel Schwab. Christoph Vollweiler, Abraham W. Schwab, Jr., John Weiss and Gottlieb Schwab are about the only members of the original society now belonging to the Findlay Church. The German Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Congregation. — The original members of this society formed an organization with those of the Reformed faith in February, 1854, and worshiped together up to the spring of 1858, when they separated. The same month the joint organization was formed Lot 54 on West Front Street was purchased at a cost of $278. but after each faith had organized a separate society the Lutherans purchased the interest of the Reformed Church (November 29, 1858.) for the sum of $114.50. On the 29th of August. 1858, the German Lutherans held a meeting in the court house, with Ernest Kempf, chairman, and Michael Glauner, secretary. At this meeting the "German Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Congregation" was organized; and Charles Dietsch, Peter Roszman and Michael Glauner chosen trustees, and Ernst Kempf, clerk. Rev. M. During was the minister who effected the organization, and the society met for worship in the court house semi-monthly. In 1862 the present brick church on West Front Street was built upon the lot purchased by the Reformed and Lutherans in 1854. The building committee was Charles Dietsch, Charles Hahn, Henry Lannert, Ernst Kempf and Edward Dietsch, and the structure was completed at a total expense of $2,500, and dedicated and first occupied on Whit Sunday in 1863. Revs. M. During, H. Lang and G. Crownenwitt conducted the dedicatory services. A good bell has since been procured, and a parsonage bought on Front Street, not far from the church, at a cost of $1.900. Rev. Martin Buerkle succeeded M. During, and served the congregation eleven years. His successors have been Revs. J. T. Groth. J. B. Webber and E. L. T. Engers, the present pastor. St. John's embraces some eighty-three families, and has a nourishing Sunday-school of about 100 scholars. The First Regular Baptist Church of Findlay, though now a defunct organization, forms a part of the church history of the village. In the fall of 1854 a series of meetings were held in a schoolhouse on Chamberlin's Hill, by Rev. G. D. Oviatt, and those who then embraced the Baptist faith attached themselves to the Baptist Society in Amanda Township, and organized a Sunday-school on the hill, of which Job Chamberlin was chosen superintendent. On the 27th of January, 1857, they withdrew from the Amanda Township society, and February 21 following, organized the First Regular Baptist Church of Findlay, with Rev. G. D. Oviatt as pastor; Samuel A. Spear and Charles Swap, deacons, and Job Chamberlin, clerk. The organizers were Samuel F. Hull, Charles Swap, Job Chamberlin Samuel A. Spear, G. D. Oviatt, Emanuel Phifer, John Beahtel, Solomon Wolf, Joel Routson, John Dyche, Charles Twining and Irvin S. Chamberlin. Job Chamberlin, Charles Swap and Samuel F. Hull were elected trustees on the date of organization. The society then embraced forty-one members, and also a good Sunday-school, with Job Chamberlin, superintendent. The meetings were held in the court house, as the society never owned a building. Soon after the Rebellion broke out the church became dismembered, and, though the Baptists have held occasional services in Findlay up to as late as 1877, the society has never been resuscitated. The "Church of God" is one of the later religious organizations of Findlay. Elder William Adams was the pioneer minister of this denomination in Hancock County, and a small society was organized by him in 1848, at the house of John Bolton, six miles west of the village. For the succeeding eight years occasional services were held in the county, though very little progress was made. In August, Elder R. H. Bolton (son of John Bolton) began to preach, and a year afterward he was appointed assistant to Elder J. M. West, on the Blanchard Circuit. The following year (1857) Elders W. McCormick and R. H. Bolton traveled this circuit, which included Findlay. Occasional services were held in the old Presbyterian Church on East Crawford Street, a few adherents of this faith having previously located in the village. Here, on the 18th of January, 1858, a society of twelve members was organized by Elders George W. Harn, of Wooster, Ohio, and R. H. Bolton, of Findlay, who, for ten days, had been holding a series of meetings. Among the members of this society were J. C. Sherrick and wife, George M. Grauel and wife, Jacob Grose and wife, John T. Grose and wife, Emernder Geyer and Elizabeth Cunningham. Meetings were afterward held from tune to time in private houses, but the organization finally became extinct, and Findlay was abandoned as a regular preaching place. In the fall of 1861 Elder R. H. Bolton was again appointed to this field, and took up his residence in Findlay. He held a series of meetings in the winter of 1861-62, in the North Findlay schoolhouse, which resulted in the formation of a society of nineteen members. The work was continued, and in the winter of 1862-63, the membership was swelled to sixty. Mr. Bolton was succeeded, in 1864, by Elder W. P. Small, who preached every two weeks until the fall of 1865, when Elder G. W. Wilson came on the circuit. From 1863 to 1866 the society met in the United Brethren building. In April, 1866, Lot 37, on West Front Street, was purchased for $350, and the erection of the present brick church commenced. The building was completed at a cost of about $4,000, and dedicated December 30, 1866, by Elder J. B. Soul, of Wooster, Ohio, and the minister in charge, Mr. Wilson. The church had been incorporated in the fall of 1866, and James Ferguson, Peter Sherrick and David Funk elected trustees, John Ferguson, treasurer, and John T. Grose, clerk. A Sunday-school was organized, January 5, 1867, and is still in successful operation. In the summer of 1867, Elder Wilson resigned and Elder Adams came at intervals until October, when Elders J. WT. Aukerman and Warner were appointed to serve the Findlay society in connection with McComb Circuit. In October. 1868, Elder Aukerman took charge, and his successors have been as follows: Elders T. H. Deshirie, 1869-70; J. M. Cassel, 1870-72; J. W. Aukerman, 1872-73; W. P. Small, 1873-75; Solomon Kline, 1875-76; J. V. Updyke, 1876-78. Large accessions to the church occurred under Mr. Updyke; but in January, 1878, he "professed to receive and began to teach the doctrine of sanctification," which was regarded by many members as an innovation, and he was replaced by W. P. Burchard, who served till the following autumn. Then came W. P. Small, 1878-80: S. Dickerhoof, 1880-1881; J. M. Cassel, 1881-82; E. H. Bolton, 1882-84; Charles Winbigler, 1884, and is the present pastor. In December, 1884, the society took possession of the Congregational Church, held services there until the spring of 1886, and then returned to their own "Bethel," on Front Street. This society has had a steady, healthy growth, and, from small beginnings, it has gradually increased to a membership of 180, with a Sunday-school enrollment of 100. Besides their church building they also own a good parsonage on Main Street, in North Findlay, which was purchased in 1879. The opening of the new college during the present year will, doubtless, give fresh impetus to the growth of this church in Hancock County, and under the labors of Elder Winbigler, its present able and eloquent minister, the Findlay society will, we predict, go forward on a still more prosperous career. The First Congregational Church was organized October 21, 1865, in Gage's Hall, by Rev. Robert McCune, of Kelly's Island. The society had its inception in the spring of 1865, through the disagreement of the members of the First Presbyterian Church over the farther retention of Rev. J. A. Meeks as pastor of that body, those opposing that gentleman being subsequently upheld by the Presbytery. His friends then applied to the Presbytery for authority to organize a "Second Presbyterian Church," but the application was refused, the result of which was the secession of about forty-three members, with the old pastor, and the formation of the First Congregational Church. On the day of organization the following officers were chosen: Paul Sours, John Eckels, James Davidson and Aaron Hall, deacons; J. S. Ballentine, treasurer, and James A. Bope, clerk; while Rev. J. A. Meeks was called to the pastorate. In March, 1866, the church was incorporated as "The First Congregational Church of Findlay," and Lot 27, on the west side of the public square, was purchased for the sum of $2,500. The erection of a building thereon was commenced in the spring of 1867, the committee in charge being Paul Sours, James P. Kerr, Jesse Guise and J. C. Powell, and the following December the present commodious brick structure was completed at a cost of about $17,000. Mr. Meeks served the congregation faithfully about five years, and left the church hi a flourishing state. He was succeeded by Rev. W. S. Peterson, under whose pastorate, in January, 1872, a chime of bells was put into the belfry at an expense of over $1,000. During Mr. Peterson's term of service considerable trouble arose in the church, which was the entering wedge of its present disorganized condition. His successors were Revs. Thomas Gordon, H. D. Kutz, D. F. Davies and E. B. Chase. The last mentioned left in 1884, since which time the congregation has been without a pastor. In December, 1884, the "Church of God" took possession of the building, and occupied it until the spring of 1886. St. Paul Church of the Evangelical Association dates back to the annual conference of said association held in May, 1870, when an English mission consisting of the Findlay, Fellar's, Porter's and Union Chapel societies was organized, and Eev. E. B. Grouse placed in charge. Services were generally held in the United Brethren Church. On the 11th of July, 1870, "The Findlay Society of the Evangelical Association of North America" was incorporated, and John Powell, John Crites and L. W. Hankey, elected trustees, and L. W. Hankey, clerk. At this time it was decided to erect a house of worship, and Lot 137 on East Sandusky Street was purchased for $1,000. The present brick building was at once commenced, and in October, 1870, was completed and dedicated at a total cost of about $6,000. The congregation have recently built a neat frame parsonage upon the same lot but facing on Crawford Street. Mr. Grouse served the society until 1872 and his successors have been as follows: Revs. William Whittington. 1872-74; W. A. Shisler, 1874-76: Samuel Cocklin, 1876-77; John A. Hensel, 1877-79; Charles L. Crowther, 1879-80; C. H. Dreisbach, 1880-82; W. W. Sherick, 1882-5; A. N. McCauley, 1885-86. The church has now a membership of eighty-two, and a Sunday-school with, an enrollment of 100 scholars. Trinity Mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church was organized on the 19th of July. 1881. by Rev. D. W. Coxe, of Fremont. This gentleman held the first Episcopal service in the old Lutheran Church on West Crawford Street. May 16. and in June he and Rev. J. L. Taylor, of Lima, began holding alternate services in Findlay, which culminated in the organization of "Trinity Mission." Thirty-four names were signed to the request sent to Bishop Bedell. On the 8th of November, 1881, Rev. Dr. White and L. S. Osberne held services in Findlay, and on that day the congregation resolved to rent a room in which to worship. A room in the Courier Block was accordingly procured, and February 19, 1882, Rev. George Bosley, of Kenton, Ohio, was appointed rector of Trinity Mission. He served until September 30, 1882, on which date he held his last service in Findlay, and resigned the charge the following November. Since that time no service has been held, and the mission has gone out of existence. The "Church of Christ," better known as the Disciples, was organized with twenty-eight members December 14, 1884, under the direction of Rev. William J. Lhamon, of Kenton, Ohio. Prior to this various ministers of this denomination preached incidental sermons in Findlay, viz.: Revs. W. M. Broader, M. Riddle, Alanson Wilcox and William J. Lhamon. During the spring and summer of 1884, Mr. Lhamon preached frequently on weekday evenings. In December he held meetings for several days, which resulted in the organization of the society. At the time of organization the work was placed under the direction of the following committee: Henry Shank, Jr., Henry C. Lanning, A. A. Dillinger, Mrs. Kate M. Kagy, Mrs. Hannah Ross and Mrs. Orpha L. Humason. Services have been held in the Reformed Church, on East Main Cross Street, up to the present. Mr. Lhamon continued to preach for the church until the spring of 1886, when the services of Rev. S. M. Cook, of North Eaton, Ohio, were secured', who now preaches for the congregation, which has a membership of thirty-six. Secret and Other Societies.—Hancock Lodge, No. 73, I. O. O. F., was instituted August 17, 1846, the charter members being Abraham Younkin. Jacob Carr. Edson Goit, Abel F. Parker and James H. Barr. It is the oldest secret society in the village, and now contains about 210 members. On the 12th of June. 1872, the lodge dedicated their fine hall, located in a substantial three-story brick building, on the east side of Main Street, which they erected that year at a total cost of over $10,000. The Golden Rule Encampment, No. 92. I. O. O. F., was instituted June 21, 1866, under a charter granted May 2, 1866, to L. G. Thrall, Charles E. Niles, Sylvester M. Geyer, William McKinnis, Charles J. Krause, William L. Glessner. Henry B. Green and George W. Neeley. The Encampment has a membership of 105, and holds its meetings in the Odd Fellows' lodge room. Canton Findlay. No. 31, Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., was chartered, with forty-two members, February 1, 1886. It also meets in the lodge-room on Main Street. Findlay Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M., was organized under a dispensation January 16, 1852. On the 22d of October following a charter was granted to Abraham Younkin, Abel F. Parker, Edwin Parker, David Patton, James M. Coffinberry, George Arnold, Adolphus Morse, Eli S. Reed and Cloys B. Wilson, with Abraham Younkin, W. M.; James M. Coffinberry, S. W.; George Arnold, J. W. The lodge was duly instituted November 9, 1852, with the following officers: Abraham Younkin, W. M.; George W. Springer, S. W.; William L. Henderson, J. W.; Eli S. Heed, Treas.; David Patton, Sec.; Thomas McKee, S. D.; John E. Rosette, J. D.; George Arnold, Tyler. The meetings were first held in the old Jonathan Parker building, on the site of Patterson's Block, and subsequently in the "Old White Corner," and Joy House Block. In 1878 the lodge obtained their present quarters, on the east side of Main Street north of Crawford, which they fitted up and have since occupied. The membership in good standing is about seventy-five. Findlay Chapter, No. 58, R. A. M., was organized by dispensation granted March 22, 1854. On the 16th of October, 1854, a charter was granted to Abraham Younkin, James A. Kellum, William L. Henderson, Benjamin Metcalf, S. T. Heffner and George Arnold. The membership is now about forty, and the Chapter meets in the lodge-room on Main Street. Findlay Council, No. 50, R. & S. M., was organized by dispensation June 19, 1867, and on the 12th of October following James Wilson, H. D. Ballard, B. F. Kimmons, W. E. Snyder, D. B. Beardsley, J. M. Huber, William Anderson, M. B. Patterson and Isaac Bonham were granted a charter. The membership is now fourteen. Findlay Lodge, No. 85, K. of P., was instituted May 27, 1875, with twenty-nine charter members. The charter was surrendered February 24, 1879, and the lodge reorganized under the old charter September 21, 1883. It now embraces a membership of forty, and meets in the G. A. R. Hall, in the Patterson block. The Harmonia Society, a German musical association, was organized May 12, 1875, with eight active members. This society has fitted up a small hall over Herman Rogge's grocery store, on West Main Cross Street, where they meet for social pleasure. A few concerts are given in this hall during the year, which are well attended by the German population of the village. Charity Lodge, No. 770, K. of H., was chartered September 11, 1878, by D. C. Connell, Henry B. Green, F. W. Entrikin, Ernest Bacher, W. H. Shuler, H. W. Blecker, J. M. Beelman, G. H. Wheeler, E. G. DeWolfe, William Edwards, J. C. Bushon and Timothy Fellers. The membership is now only nineteen, and the lodge has not been meeting for some time. Hancock Council, No. 187, R. A., was instituted in November, 1878, with thirty-four charter members, and has now thirty-eight. Dr. J. H. Boger's dental rooms is their place of meeting. Blanchard Council, No. 569, A. L. of H., was organized in May, 1881, with twenty-two charter members, but it has now only seventeen. Stoker Post, No. 54, G. A. R., was chartered April 7, 1881, with thirty-two members, and has since increased its membership to 120. The Post has a fine room in the Patterson Block, and has accomplished much good since its organization. Stoker Relief Corps, No. 72, G. A. R., was chartered March 7, 1885, with twenty-eight members. It is composed of ladies, who assist and work in harmony with the Post. Fort Findlay Council, No. 79. N. U., was organized April 18, 1884, with thirty-nine members. It meets at the I. O. G. T. Hall, on Main Street. Rescue Lodge, No. 80, I. 0. G. T., was chartered with thirty-nine members March 21, 1884, and has now over 200. Their lodge-room is located in the Henderson Block, on Main Street. There are two temples connected with Rescue Lodge, and that work in harmony with it, viz.: Mason Juvenile Temple, No. 39, chartered September 3, 1885, with sixty members, and now has 175; and Juvenile Temple, No. 15, chartered November 20, 1885, with twenty members, and now has forty-five. The principal object of the I. O. G. T. is to further the cause of temperance, and rescue fallen humanity from the thraldom of strong drink. To this noble work thousands of earnest men and women all over this broad land are devoting their energies, fighting the demon that has destroyed so many happy homes and wrecked the lives of millions of God's children. Additional Comments: Published by Warner & Beers, Chicago File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/oh/hancock/history/1886/historyo/chapterx38ms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ohfiles/ File size: 50.6 Kb