Civil War Pension: Sheldon Parmer STRAUB/STROUB/STROUP (1874); Hancock Co., OH / VanBuren Co., MI Contributed by: Jennifer Wathen < > August 15, 2002 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** SHELDON PARMER STRAUB/STROUB/STROUP Cert.. No. 931524//769086 (both numbers show through out file) Private, Co. L, 1st Reg't. Ohio Heavy Art'y Enlisted June 6, 1863, age 19 at Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio Discharged July 25, 1865 at Knoxville, TN. Height-5'10", complexion fair, hair color black, eye color gray b. Feb. 18, 1844, Findlay, Amanda Twp. Hancock County, Ohio d. Married Jan. 24, 1876, Berrien County, MI Wife-Mary Bolger b. Aug. 1848, Ireland d. date and place unknown Children; 1.Elizabeth M. Straub b.July, 1876, Michigan 2.Sheldon Parker Straub b. Dec. 25, 1880/82, Hartford, Van Buren County, MI Affidavits in support of pension claims; Sept. 8, 1890-Sheldon P. Straub, aged 46. Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI; claimed Disability; On Oct. 29, 1863 while on the KY central Railroad the train was wrecked with soldiers on board himself included causing injury to his right hip and foot. Disability renders him unable to do more than half work. Nov. 17, 1890-Isaac H. Collins, aged 60, resident of Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI states; I have know the said Sheldon P. Straub for the last fifteen years and remember of him being lame in his foot. My attention being called by noticing him wearing a set of _____ on his foot instead of a boot or shoe. Jan. 7, 1891-Henry C. Maynard, MD, declares he has been a practitioner of medicine for 20 years, a residence of Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. stated that he examined Sheldon Straub; suffering from an injury to the external and middle _______ bones and also the base of the second and third Metalarral bones of the right foot. In 1876 and again in 1881 there was increased bone discharge from the site of the injury. Said injury was received while in the service of the United States. April 6, 1891---Sheldon P. Straub, aged 47, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. states; that since July 25, 1865 he has not been employed in the military or naval service for the United States. Feb. 4, 1892-Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions-Respectfully returned stating claimant should state under oath when, where and how in detail he incurred injury to right hip and foot. Claimant statement that he has not received or applied and that he has applied and is now a pensioner as set forth in declaration is ambiguous. He should state whether he has made a prior claim. March 8, 1892---Ephraine A. Kelly, aged 50, resident of Jonesville, Hillsdale Co., MI. states; In the year 1863 Sheldon P. Straub and myself were both members of Co. L, 1st Ohio Heavy Art'y. On or about the 29th day of Oct., 1863 while enroute from Covington KY. To camp Nelson on the KY central R.R and about 30 miles out from Covington our train was wrecked and quite a number of men were killed and injured. Sheldon and many others injured were sent to the hospital at Covington. I can't say just how long he remained in the hospital, but he joined the Reg't at Camp Nelson KY., he was lame and he could not walk without using crutches. When the Reg't started across the mountains to join Burnside at the siege of Knoxville, Sheldon was left with some others of the Reg't at camp Nelson that were unfit for heavy duty. He again joined the Reg't after the siege of Knoxville in the spring of 1864 and I know that the service went hard with him after sustaining the injuries that he had received in the wreck. I have seen him from time to time since his discharge up to the present time and at all such times he appeared to be crippled up. Sheldon was a good soldier March 25, 1892-Declaration for Original Invalid Pension, Sheldon P. Straub, aged 42, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI.; states he was enroute from Covington KY to Camp Nelson KY when the wreck occurred and was treated in Covington KY for his injuries. Sheldon P. Straub states he never received but has applied for a pension under act June 27, 1890 No. 931524. That claimant has resided in Allegan, Allegan Co., MI. and Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. and prior to his entry into the service he was a man of good, sound physical health being when enrolled a farmer. That he is now greatly disabled by his injuries while serving in the Army of United States. May 4, 1892-Pension request sent to pension board for review. May 16, 1892-Bureau of Pensions approved $8.00 per month June 6, 1892-Wm. L. Plotts, aged 42, residence of Montery, Allegan Co., MI. stated that he has been well acquainted with Sheldon P. Straub since his disability in 1863 and that he was complaining of his foot and hip hurting. We have lived in the same neighborhood half of the time since his discharge and have seen each other more or less ever since, often working together and being _______ as friends. That I have known it hurt him to walk and he has complained continually of his right foot and hip during the period of our acquaintance. That I know of his being under medical treatment for said injury in fall of 1865 but the doctor who treaded him at that time is now dead. In my opinion Sheldon is and has been fully one half disabled for the performance of manual labor by reason of said injuries. I state the above from personal knowledge and observation. Sept. 17, 1894-Sheldon P. Straub, aged 50, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI.; appoints Addison DuBois, Washington DC, power of attorney to prosecute his claim for pension under the general law Cert. No. 769086. Witness in presence, R.G. Burlingame and J. E. _______. Feb. 6, 1897-Jonathan D. Blake, aged 44, residence of Rose Hill, Mahaska Co., Iowa, a pvt. In Co. L 1st Reg't Ohio Heavy Art'y now discharged states; I personally Sheldon P. Straub and that on or about the 29th day of Oct., 1883 Sheldon was injured in the right foot and hip. He was enroute from Covington KY. To Camp Nelson KY when about 30 miles out from Covington the train upon which he was riding was wrecked and in the smash up he was crushed and injured as stated. He was sent back with others who were injured to the hospital at Covington KY. Also saw him sometime in the month of Feb, 1864 when in hospital at camp Nelson and there he was suffering more or less from the injuries as stated and was sick with the measles. All this I assert from my own personal knowledge and observation. I further state that all this occurred while Sheldon was in the line of duty and without fault or improper conduct on his part. Feb. 17, 1897-Board physical examination of Sheldon Straub, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., aged 53, height 5'7", weight 150, pulse rate 90, respiration 19, temperature 98. There is disease of the heart. No evidence of vicious habits. May 18, 1898-Bureau of Pensions requesting information. Sheldon P. Straub, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., aged 54, answers the following; Are you married? - Yes, Mary Bolger Straub, born in Ireland and came to this country when she was about 12 years of age. When and where and by whom? - Jan. 1876, St. Joseph MI., no license at hand, no license law in the state at the time. Marriage recorded at county seat. Where you previously married? - No. Have you any children living? - Yes, Elizabeth M. Doughty and Sheldon P. Straub. Date of reply, May 21, 1898. Sept. 5, 1898-Declaration for increase of pension. Sheldon P. Straub, aged 54, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. requests increase in pension on account of the disabilities caused by his injuries of Oct. 1863 and also on account of heart disease and piles incurred at Hartford Mich. Piles date back to spring of 1893. Was apprised of heart disease upon medical exam. Feb. 17, 1897 which explained a long time difficulty. March 15, 1899-Board physical examination of Sheldon P. Straub, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., aged 55, height 5'7", weight 140, pulse rate 90, temperature normal. Claimant fairly nourished, palms smooth, skin wrinkled, tongue furred, teeth poor, through rough and irritable. Injury to foot 4/18 scar and middle of _____aspict of first metatarsal bone red and tender. Right hip 4/18 lame with mobility about ½ of what it should be. Glutial muscles wasted. One external tumor size of filbert nut with 4 or 5 smaller ones internal with bleeding. Heart apex 1 ½ inches high. Heart weak and irritable. Is a man of good habits. Wilber Hoyt MD. March 27, 1900---Bureau of Pensions. Pension increase rejected. Dec. 10, 1900---Declaration for increase of pension. Sheldon P. Straub, aged 56, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI: Per Sheldon Piles at Hartford MI., date back to 1893. Heart disease was never alleged but thought was afflicted and was so apprised upon medical exam Feb. 1897. May 15, 1901-Board physical examination of Sheldon P. Straub, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., aged 57, height 5'6", weight 150, pulse 78-82-122, temperature normal, complexion fair, eyes blue/gray, hair black, large tattoo of dancing girl left arm. Permanent disability for is supported, found no vicious habits and claimant warrants a rate increase of $10.00 per month. Wilber Hoyt MD. Dec. 10, 1901-Bureau of Pensions. Pension increase rejected. April 28, 1904-Declaration for increase of pension. Sheldon P. Straub, aged 60, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. Feb. 25, 1907-Bureau of Pensions approved an increase to $12.00 per month for Sheldon P. Straub, aged 63, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. May 22, 1912-Bureau of Pensions approved an increase to $17.00 per month for Sheldon P. Straub, aged 68, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. Feb. 18, 1914-Sheldon P. Straub, aged 70, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., letter to commissioner of pensions states; I am 79 years old to day. Born Feb. 18, 1844 according to our old family bible, which has been in the family for a generation. I am now entitled to an increase in my pension from $17.00 to $23.00 per month. March 6, 1914-Bureau of Pensions approved an increase to $23.00 per month for Sheldon P. Straub, aged 70, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. Feb. 18, 1919-Bureau of Pensions approved an increase to $30.00 for Sheldon P. Straub, aged 75, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. March 13, 1926-Elizabeth White, residence of Benton Harbor, VanBuren Co., MI., states; Sheldon P. Straub is my father. My house is in Benton Harbor about twenty miles from here but I come here once a week to look after my father as my mother is in the State hospital. He has no one to do for him except a gentleman roomer and myself and as I have sickness of my own I can not do as much as I would like to for him. March 15, 1926-Harry Alford, aged 50 residence of Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., states; I am attending to the wants and necessities of Sheldon P. Straub in the way of entering slops, coaling uo and keeping the house comfortable for him and doing whatever is necessary about the premises. He is not altogether helpless and wants to do what he can himself, I am in the house with him a good share of the time. He is in bed a part time and whatever he wants I bring to him such as water or prehaps something from up town. I aid him in whatever way he needs help whenever. I'm about the house and this is quit often and all night. March 17, 1926-Declaration of Sheldon P. Straub, aged 82, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI., states; My wife is and has been in the State hospital at Kalamazoo, MI., for the last ten years and as been unable to render me any service. I an alone except to say I have a man in the house staying with me some of the time when he can be away from his work up town and is willing to render any help I may call for. He is now attending to my wants. I expect to have a ____ and a more regular attendance so soon as I can pay them. My wife's expenses at the state hospital takes a part of my pension at $50.00 per month so I don't have much to go on. A speedy consideration of my claim would be very much appreciated however not insisting. April 3, 1926-Affidavit of Physician, John D. Stewart, MD, residence of Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. states; wife of Sheldon P. Straub is in a state hospital for last 10 years and because of general infubleness has to have another person with him. Sufficient increase to have someone to be with him is needed. April 12, 1926-Bureau of Pensions approved an increase to $72.00 per month for Sheldon P. Straub, aged 82, Hartford, VanBuren Co., MI. Sheldon Parmer Straub Co. L 1st Ohio Heavy Art'y