WILL: CALVERT, Jacob Sr. 1897 HOCKING COUNTY OHIO *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Submitter: Christi Calvert Brogan Email: christib@satx.rr.com Date: 4 April 2000 *********************************************************************** The Last Will and Testament of Jacob R. Calvert Senior, Hocking Co., OH In the name of the Benevolent Father of All. I, Jacob R. Calvert, Sen. do make and Publish this my last Will and Testament. Item 1: I Give and Devise to My beloved Wife in Lieu of her Dower, the Farm on which we now Reside, situated in the Township of Laurel, County of Hocking, State of Ohio Containing about one Hundred and Twenty Three Acres During her Natural Life or as long as She Remains My Widow And all the Stock Household Goods, Furniture, Provisions and other Goods and Chattles Which may be therein at the time of my Decease During her natural Life as aforesaid. She however Selling as much thereof as may be Sufficient to pray my Just Debts. At the Death of my Said Wife of Should She Marry again, The above Described Property Real and personal to go to my Legal Heirs as the Law may Direct Equal. It is my wish that the Probate Judge Shall appoint Some Competent person to act as Guardian of the Minor Heirs to my Estate outside of My Family. I Desire that My Wife Shall halve Full Controll of all the Chattle Property to Sell and Buy as she my Deem best, as aforesaid. In Testimony hereof I have Hereunto Set my hand and Seal This 8th day of July in the year of 1893. Jacob R. Calvert Sen. (his mark) Signed and Acknowledged by Said Jacob R. Calvert Sen. as his last Will and Testament in our Presence and Signed by us in his Presence. J. L. Rowse J. D. Woods Filed April 3, 1897: J. B. Riason Probate Judge Transposed as written by Christi Calvert Brogan, great-great-great granddaughter of Jacob R. Calvert, Senior. ----OHFOOTSTEPS List------