REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - JAMES McKOWN Contributed by: James Anderson [] October 15, 2002 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Jackson Co., WVA The State of Ohio County of Knox On this 16th day of March A.D. 1833 personally appeared in open Court before the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the County aforesaid now sitting James McKown a resident of Milford township in the County and State aforesaid aged seventy four years on the 2nd day of Sept. 1832. Who being duly sworn according to the Law doth on this oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and sword wherein stated - The name of the General was (blank) and Col. Zanes, Capt. John Baldwin, Liut. John Trig. He entered the service the month of Sept. A.D. 1776 he thinks. He resided on entering the service in the County of Berkly in the state of Virginia. He was a volunteer. He marched from Berkley County to Pittsburgh under the command of his Capt. From Pittsburgh his company with other Virginia soldiers commenced their march on Wheeling passing down the Ohio River. The water in the River at this time was very low & part of the soldiers went down the River in Boats while the other part marched down on the Bank of the River. While this applicant among the other was marching along the River bank, his party was suddenly fired on by a party of ambushed Indians. Then this applicant received a wound in this left thigh from a Ball fired from one of the Indian Rifles. This was a flesh wound and was such as to confine this applicant about fourteen months. This applicant when he entered the service as a Volunteer aforesaid entered for one year. After receiving the wound before mentioned he was put into a boat and came down the River to Wheeling. At Wheeling he remained about Ten weeks as near as he can recallect. He was then removed to a place called Beach-bottom-station about 12 miles above Wheeling. There he remained until the next May. He was then removed to Washington County Pennsylvania and placed in the care of one of his relatives where he remained until he had sufficently recovered from his wound to be able to preform his duty which did not happen until the time for which he had volunteered had ended. The applicant received a written discharge from his capt. John Baldwin but he has lost the same. The object of the volunteers among whom he went was to protect Wheeling and the western frontiers from the invasion of hostile Indians. During the time that Cornwallis surrendered this applicant was about one month under the command of Gen. Morgan in subduing the Tories in the county of Hampshire in the state of Virginia. The name of his capt. during this term of service was John Bowers. He states that they succeded in filling Hampshire Jail full of Tories. Applicant states that he was born in the year 1758 Sept 2nd. He has a record of his age at home in his Bible. He has lived in Virginia and Pennsylvania and Ohio since the Revolutionary War and now lives in Ohio. [James McKown died January 9, 1845, Angerona, Jackson Co., WV]