LICKING COUNTY OHIO - LACEY, Stacey (1894) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Barbara Johnson Licking County Ohio USGenWeb Registry Page September 22, 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A short biography of the life of Stacy Lacey - 1894 From the book "History of Licking Co", 1894. Contributed by Barbara Johnson on 22 Sep 1997.

Franklin Twp Stacy Lacey - This aged citizen of Franklin township, who recently died was born in Loudoun County, Virginia, in the year 1793 and was married to Mahala Sanford, also a native of Loudoun county, Virginia. In 1831 Mr. Lacey removed from Virginia to this county. After he arrived he resided in Newark about two years, but the rest of his life was spent in this township. In early life he joined the Methodist church, but when physical feebleness attendant upon old age, overtook him, he severed his conection with this denomination and united with the Lutheran church, which is situated in the vicinity of his residence. Mr. Lacey aimed to live a straightforward, prompt and consistent life, in all his dealings with his fellow men and the confidence, esteem and respect with which all who knew him regarded him manifest the complete sucess of his ambition. Of Mr. Lacey's ten children, four - Mary C., Ann Eliza, Townsend I. and Isabella are dead. Caroline, the widow of Parker L. Morgan, lives in Licking twp; Leah Jane, wife of Abraham Armstrong and Willliam W. reside in Newark; Charlotte lives at home. Walter M. is a dentist. He is widely known as a ready debater and historian. Henry is a physican. He attended lectures at St. Louis & Columbus and graduated at the Ohio Medical college of Cincinnati in 1861. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted in the 101 OVI and was commissioned sergeant. At Chickamauga he was captured and confined in Libby prison. He was afterwards exchanged, visited home in Dec, 1863 and rejoined his regiment in January, 1864 and resigned on account of ill health in Nov 1864. He is now practicing medicine in this township.