Licking-Knox-Franklin County OhArchives Obituaries.....Lewis Cass GRANGER 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nola Rogers December 23, 2003, 6:45 pm San Francisco Newspaper clipping, California SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Monday May 26, 1890 Hon. L. c. GRANGER Late register Land Office, Marysville We have to record, with much regret that this gentleman died in Oroville, Butte County during the past week, full of years and honor, and well approved by all his friends and neighbors. He died in harness, being Register in the U.S. Land Office, in Marysville, Butte Co. He was born the old of Puritan stock, in Granville, Ohio, in 1821 being the son of Ralph Granger and Hannah Spellman, Granger. He came to California in 1849. He has been a democrat all the while, a favorite in his party, and always well received, even by his opponents. He has filled many public places with honor to himself, and good service to the State. A scholar, a tinker, a progressive reformer, be sent many words of pleasant approval to the political Record, and has been our friend from the first to the last. In the Irrigation Campaign he was the author of a bill in our legislature that marked him as a friend of the people, and an enemy of all assumption of vested rights, or special privileges. His bill placed the water of the state in the keeping of the people, to be disposed of with equal law for all. In his last days he was preparing a book on the Science of Government, and we trust it may be so far complete as to be offered to the public. He believed that in the Republic Politics should be a sort of Religion, and the idea of misleading, cheating, corrupting, or doing ought to impair the character, the integrity and security of the republic as a heinous sin against God, Liberty, our country and our people. He never could have entered upon such a career as Stanford, Huntington and Company, have pursued, no not all for all the world. He believed in the long future of the soul, and refused to meet it loaded down with crime, done for a few dollars. Peace to his ashes! The good must go, but only to greater honor. And the bad must follow, to whatever their deserts may merit. But it was the opinion of our friend Granger, that all the stocks and bonds in this great union are no price for a lost soul. Billions cannot compensate for the smile of God, once lost. An Oroville exchange has some further particulars regarding the life of the late Judge Granger. He was District Attorney of Los Angeles in 1851 and ran for Attorney General of the State in 1863. He was Governor Downey’s private Secretary. In the latter years of his life he was engaged in writing a book. He was a profound thinker and a scholar in every sense of the term. Judge Granger practiced law for many years in Butte County. It has been said of him that he was to honest to get rich, that he would scruple at principle and would never do anything unless he knew it was just right. It can never be said of him that he willingly harmed anyone. The funeral cortege, which was a long one proceeded from the residence to the city cemetery, where the remains of Judge Granger are laid to rest. William H Granger, of San Buena Ventura and only son of the late Judge Lewis Cass Granger, came up on last evening’s train to attend his deceased father’s funeral today. Additional Comments: Hannah Spellman and Ralph Granger were early settlers to Granville, Licking County Ohio. Hannah's father Timothy Spellman was with the first group to settle in Grnaville in 1805 coming there from Granville Mass. Lewis attended college at Granville, and in Pa and also in Mt Vernon Ohio before removing to California with his brother Henry in tow, the two brothers set out for the west never to return to their homeland of Granville, Ohio. There is a photo of Lewis in the orginial newspaper clipping if anyone is interested I can send it to you. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb