LOGAN COUNTY OHIO - DEED: John GOULDIN (1829) *********************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Pat Johnson busterb@info2000.net December 04, 1999 *********************************************************************** Logan County Ohio Deed Book C Page 191 & 192 FHL Film # 0545360 5088 ÿ This Indenture Made this twelfth day of January in the year of our John Goulden ÿ Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, between John To ÿ Goulden of the County of Logan and State of Ohio, of the one part Trustees M.E. Church ÿ And Benjamin Lane, Lewis Sullivan, David Lane, Carlisle H. Austin, and Herbert Baird, Trustees on trust for the uses and purposes herein after mentioned all of the County and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the said John Goulden for and in consideration of his good will and regard for the Methodist Episcopal Church and for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar in specie to him in paid to the said John Goulden at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the rest whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath given, bargained, released, confirmed and conveyed and by these presents, doth give, grant, bargain, release, confirm and convey unto them the said trustees and their successors (trustees) in trust for the uses and purposes hereinafter mentioned and declared all estate, right, title, interest claim and demand whatsoever, either in law or in Equity, which the said John Goulden hath into and upon all and singular a certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Logan and State aforesaid Bounded and butted as follows to wit: Beginning at the edge of a small branch in a line of Herbert Baird's and running North thirty eight degrees West sixteen poles to a sugar tree ash and wild cherry tree in Hatcher's line: Thence North fifty two degrees East ten poles to a large poplar: Thence South Thirty eight degrees East sixteen poles to a small sugar tree in said Baird's line: Thence with said line South fifty two degrees West ten poles to the beginning containing and laid out for one acre of land: Together with all and singular houses, woods, waters, ways, privilege and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in any wise appertaining. (This Deed describes the rules that the Trustees must follow in using this donated acre of land for the Church's benefit. It is sort of a charter for the Church and its property. This legal language is not pertinent to my research of John Goulden, so I am not including it as it is quite long and detailed.) And the said John Goulden doth by these presents Warrant and Forever defend all and singular the before mentioned and described lot or piece of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto them the said Trustees and their successors chosen and appointed as aforesaid from the claim or claims of him the said John Goulden his heirs and assigns and from the claim or claims of all persons whatever. In Testimony Whereof the said John Goulden hath hereto set his hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. John Gouldin § Logan County Ohio Deed Book C Page 193 FHL Film # 0545360 Signed and delivered in presence of us ÿ Levi Garwood John Townsley ÿ Be it remembered, That on the 12th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand and twenty nine. Personally appeared before me one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Logan and State of Ohio the within named John Goulden and acknowledged the within Deed of Trust to be his act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and specified. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Isaiah Garwood, J.P. § Rec'd and Recorded, this 15 June A.D. 1829 B.S. Brown, Recorder L. C. Transcribed on 15 October, 1999 by Patricia A. Johnson, 5th great granddaughter of John Goulden