OHIO STATEWIDE FILES - HISTORY of 113th OVI Regiment (published 1908) *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bob graynag@apk.net March 30, 1999 *********************************************************************** Hi Larry, Here's the 113th. OVI Regiment: Regiment History OHIO ONE HUNDRED and THIRTEENTH INFANTRY (Three Years) One Hundred and Thirteenth Infantry.Cols., James A. Wilcox, John G. Mitchell; Lieut.-Cols., Darius B. Warner, To- land Jones; Majs., L. Starling Sullivant, Otway Watson. This regiment, with the exception of Cos., I and K, was organized at Camps Chase and Zanesville, from Oct. 10 to Dec. 12, 1862. Co.I, formerly a company of the 109th Ohio infantry, was organized at Camp Dennison, Dec. 1, 1862, and Co. K at Urbana and Columbus, from Dec. 8, 1863, to March 31, 1864, all to serve for three years. In Dec., 1862, the regiment was ordered to Louisville where danger was expected from the Morgan raid, and, al- though the organization was incomplete, in 2 hours it was on its way, finely equipped. After a few months spent in Kentucky it was ordered to Tennessee and in Sept., 1863, after a wearisome and trying march over the mountains, the regiment bore a distinguished part in the sanguinary battle of Chickamauga, being brought into action in the afternoon of the second day at the most critical point and moment. It was a bloody baptism for the regiment, as its loss was 138 offi- cers and men out of 382. It moved to the relief of Knoxville and endured all the sufferings and trials of the campaign. Then the monotony of the winter was broken only by an occasional reconnaissance, until the regiment moved on the Atlanta campaign. It was in action at Resaca, Dallas and Kennesaw mountain. In the last named engagement the regiment formed the first line of assault and consequently lost heavily, the casualties being 10 officers and 153 men.In the numerous engagements around Atlanta the regiment was not actively concerned except at Peachtree creek, though it was al- ways present and almost always exposed to the fire of the sharp- shooters. It joined Sherman in his "march to the sea;" participated in the siege of Savannah;shared in all the labors and glories of the campaign in the Carolinas; was severely engaged at Bentonville fight- ing hand-to-hand and during the heaviest of the battle leaping the breastworks to repel assaults from either direction.This was its last battle and it was mustered out on July 6, 1865. Source: The Union Army, vol. 2 The Union Army A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal States 1861-65 -- Records of the Regiments in the Union Army -- Cyclopedia of Battles -- Memoirs of Commanders and Soldiers. 8 vols. Madison: Federal Publishing, 1908. Bob in Ravenna,OH. ==== Maggie_Ohio Mailing List ====