OHIO STATEWIDE FILES - HISTORY of 14th OVI Regiment (published 1908) *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bob graynag@apk.net April 6, 1999 *********************************************************************** For: blondee@ldd.net Hi Sharon, Here's the balance of the 6 different regiments cocerned in your request: Regiment History OHIO FOURTEENTH INFANTRY (Three Years) Fourteenth Infantry.(Three Years' Service.) Cols., James B. Steedman, George P. Este; Lieut.Cols., Paul Edwards, Henry D. Kingsbury, Albert Moore; Maj., John W. Wilson. This regiment was organized at Toledo, from Aug. 14 to Sept. 5, 1861, to serve for three years. It first saw service in Kentucky and in October went into quarters at Camp Dick Robinson. About this time rumors were rife that the Federal forces stationed at or near Wild Cat were surrounded by the Confederates.The 14th, with Barnet's 1st Ohio artillery, started at once for that place, making forced marches through the deep mud and driving rain, and reached there on the morning of Oct. 21. On nearing the battlefield the crash of musketry and artillery was heard. This spur- red the excited troops, who were going into their first engagement, and they double quicked to the point of attack. The enemy shortly abandoned the field and retreated. In the charge which carried the works at Mill Springs the 14th was the first regiment to enter, and pushing on after the flying enemy it reached the bank of the river in time to fire into the rear of the retreating column as it was boarding the steamer. The regiment was with the army that shared in the slow advance upon Corinth. It was in the march from Nashville to Louis- ville, but on Oct.9 the brigade with which it was acting was detailed to guard headquarters and the ammunition train, and hence did not participate in the battle of Perryville. The following winter was spent at Gallatin and other points in middle Tennessee, and in June, 1863, the regiment formed a portion of Rosecrans,advance on Tullahoma and Chattanooga. At Hoover's gap a brisk engagement ensued, in which the 14th participated with its brigade. On Sept. 19 it marched upon the field at Chickamauga and was immediately deployed in line of bat- tle. The men were not in the best trim to engage in a fatiguing day's work, having marched incessantly all the previous day and night, but they were ready and willing to perform their whole duty and they did it nobely. The regiment was engaged in hot and close contest with the enemy from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Being then relieved, it replenished its ammunition boxes and again entered the fight, continuing until sunset. The regiment went into the battle with 449 men,and out of that number it lost 233, killed, wounded and missing. In the brilliant assault on Missionary ridge the 14th bore a gallant part, charging and capturing a Confederate battery of 3 guns, which Gen. Hardee in person was superintending, losing 16 killed, 91 wounded and 3 missing. Of those that were eligible, all but 30 men of the entire regiment reenlisted for another term of three years and after a 30-days' furlough home it rejoined the army at Ringgold,Ga.,and commenced that long, fatiguing campaign for the possession of Atlanta, the "gate city," of the South. In all the marches and the almost incessant skirmishes and flanking movements of that campaign it bore an honorable part, losing heavily in men and officers.While lying in front of Atlanta the regiment lost 20 men, killed and wounded. In that heroic charge at Jonesboro the 14th took nearly as many prisoners as the regiment numbered men, a battery of 4 guns,several stands of colors, and two lines of trenches full of Confederates. All this was not accomplished without sad cost. One hundred members of the regiment whose time had expired went willingly into this fight, some of whom were killed and many wounded. It next followed Hood into Tennessee and then returned and participa- ted in the "march to the sea." It was mustered out of the service at Louisville, Ky., July 1, 1865. Source: The Union Army, vol. 2 The Union Army A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal States 1861-65 -- Records of the Regiments in the Union Army -- Cyclopedia of Battles -- Memoirs of Commanders and Soldiers. 8 vols. Madison: Federal Publishing, 1908. Bob ==== Maggie_Ohio Mailing List ====