OHIO STATEWIDE FILES - HISTORY of 7th OVI Regiment (published 1908) *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bob graynag@apk.net April 5, 1999 *********************************************************************** For blondee@ldd.net Sharon, Regiment History: OHIO SEVENTH INFANTRY (Three Years) Seventh Infantry. - (Three Years' Service.) Cols., Erastus B. Tyler William, R. Creighton; Lieut.-Cols., Joel F. Asper, Orris J. Crane, Samuel McClellan; Majs.,John S. Casement, Frederick A. Seymour.This regiment was organized at Cleveland and Camp Dennison in June,1861 to serve for three years. The privilege of sharing in the opening campaign in western Virginia was allotted to this regiment and on June 29 it started for that field. It was first under fire at Cross Lanes, where the several companies, acting independently of each other,took position on neighboring hills, and though pressed against by overwhelming numbers tenaciously held their positions, until they were at last forced to retreat leaving the field and the dead and wounded in possession of the enemy. The loss of the regiment in this unfortunate affair was 120 in killed, wounded and prisoners. In March the spring campaign opened and at the first battle of Winchester the 7th performed an important part, adding to its reputation for effi- ciency. Its loss was 14 killed, 51 wounded and several prisoners.The 7th in connection with the 5th Ohio, bore the brunt of the fight at Port Republic and became the rallying center of the battle. Taking advantage of a wheat field near the enemy's center, these two regi- ments double-quicked from point to point along the line, under cover of some standing wheat,halting now and then to deliver a galling fire. This was kept up for 5 long hours and when a retreat was ordered the 7th was a part of the rearguard. At Cedar mountain in the following August, it was engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand struggle and of 300 men of the regiment engaged only 100 escaped unhurt. Although on the field during the battle of Antietam, it was not in the front line and therefore its loss was comparatively slight. In the brief contest at Dumfries every man of the 7th was under arms and assisted materially in repelling the enemy. At the battle of Chancellorsville it was ordered to support a battery and later a line of skirmishers that had been thrown forward. The skirmishers soon fell back to the main body, but the 7th continued to advance until it was ordered to retreat. It was one of three regiments that covered the retreat of the Federal army and its conduct in this hazardous and responsible position, as well as its gallant action in the battle, reflected the highest honor not only on the regiment, but also on the state from which it came. Its loss in this battle was 14 men killed and 70 wounded. In the battle of Gettysburg the regiment was ordered from point to point, where and when reinforcements were most needed,but its loss was small owing to the protection of breastworks. It lost but 1 man killed and 17 wounded. It participated in the battles of Lookout mountain and Missionary ridge and then pursued the enemy to Ringgold Ga.,where the latter posted himself in a strong position. The brigade to which the 7th belonged was ordered to storm the heights. At this point the gallant Creighton shouted to his regiment: "Boys, we are ordered to take that hill; I want to see you walk right up to it!" And up they went,in the face of a merciless fire in front and on both flanks. The charge was repulsed with fearful loss, only 1 commissioned officer of the regiment being left uninjured. Nineteen were killed, among whom was the fiery Creighton, and 61 were wounded. At Rocky Face ridge and Resaca, Ga.,was the last service performed by the 7th as a regiment. It was ordered home to be mustered out,which was done on July 8,1864, at Cleveland.During its term of service 1,800 men had served with the regiment, and now, save some 60 new recruits, transferred to the vet- eran corps, only 240 able-bodied men remained to bring home their un- sullied colors, pierced through by the shot and shell of more than a score of battles. Source: The Union Army, vol. 2 The Union Army A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal States 1861-65 -- Records of the Regiments in the Union Army -- Cyclopedia of Battles -- Memoirs of Commanders and Soldiers. 8 vols. Madison: Federal Publishing, 1908. Bob ( More tomorrow. The "sand-man" has won again.) ==== Maggie_Ohio Mailing List ====