Muskingum County OhArchives Court.....KING, HUGH L. 1873 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Teresa Shade Meltzer August 17, 2007, 3:39 am Source: Orphan's Court Docket L #101 Pages261-262 Written: 1873 HUGH KING-ORPHAN’S COURT DOCKET “L” #101 Page 261-Page262 1873 No 101 Page 261 Orphan’s Court Docket L The Petition of Jane I. Copenhaver of the township of Shirley, County of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, one of the children and lineal descendants of Hugh L. King late of the township of Shirley deceased Respectfully showeth: That the said Hugh L. King died on the 27th day of July A.D. 1872, intestate leaving ten children viz. your petitioner who was intermarried with Abram Copenhaver, show is also deceased, Geo. M King whose Post office address is Box 274 Parkers landing Armstrong Co, Penna, Frances Miller intermarried with John Miller whose Post Office is Sims Creek Muskingum County, Ohio-Martha Herman is also now deceased leaving a husband James Herman whose Post Office is Table Grove Fulton County and State of Illinoise. And two children viz. James Herman who is of full age and whose Post Office is Table Grove Fulton County Illinoise and Issabella Herman a minor whose Post Office is Table Grove Fulton County Illinoise. The said Issabella Herman has for her guardian Frederick Herman of Cromwell Township in the said County of Huntingdon- Hannah Croyle intermarried with Thomas Croyle whose Post Office is Brookville Schuyler County Illinoise-Mary St.Clair intermarried with Archibald St.Clair whose Post Office is Dresden Muskingum County Ohio. John W King, who is also now deceased leaving a widow, named Mary afterwards married to Abram Shurts who is also now deceased whose Post Office is Adamsville Muskingum County Ohio and one child Homer King who is a minor and has for his guardian Geo. King of Dresden, Muskingum County Ohio, Sarah E. Buckley intermarried with John Allen Buckley of Shirleysburg Huntingdon County Penna-Margaret Miller intermarried with Samuel Miller residents of Shirley Township in said County of Huntingdon Susannah Crone intermarried with David P. Crone also of Shirley township in the County of Huntingdon. That the said decedent, Hugh L. King died seized in fee of and in the following described Real Estate viz, Tract No 1 Situate in the shirley township in said County of Huntingdon Bounded on the North by lands of heirs of Anthony Foust and land of Margaret Muslin on the east by lands of John Reck on the South by other lands of said Hugh L. King deceased, and on the west by lands of George Clemens containing about Thirty Acres- Tract No 2- Situate in same Township adjoining tract No 1-bounded on the north my tract No. 1 and by lands of George Clemens-on the East by lands of George Clemens: on the south by lands of Jacob Ripple and Peter Copenhaver-Containing thirty seven acres and seventy two perches- Tract No 3- Situate in same township bounded on the North by lands of Samuel Sharrer, on the East by lands of Samuel Sharrer: on the South by lands of Jane Beaty and on the West by lands of John Harren came Containing twenty acres and sixty eight perches. Tract No 4- Situate in same township-bounded on the North of lands of Frederick Harmony; on the south by lands of Dr L Ricketts and Philip Kabis; on the west by lands of Elizabeth Irwin, George Beaty and George Buckley containing about Two Hundred and forty four acres. That no partition or valuation of said Estate having been made, your petitioner reqests the Court to be pleased to award an inquest to make partition of the premises aforesaid to and among the representatives of the said intestate in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole; but if such petition cannot be made thereof then to value and appraise the same and to make return of their proceedings according to law and that your Honors make such order concerning the publication of notice of such inquisition. To nonresidents as may be necessary. Signed and verified by oath of petitioner. 14th April 1873 read & inquest awarded Issued By the Court Additional Comments: Spelling and punctuation transcribed as read from recorded document. This document is significant as it names the female children, their spouses, deceased children (Grandchildren entitled to inherit their parent's share) and their addresses. It took several years to settle the Estate of HUGH L.KING. There are at least 12 Orphan's Court Documents on file concerning the settlement of this estate. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb