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MILLER - YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO [AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M RE] #5 THOMAS WILLIAM MILLER - YOUNGSTOWN [AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M RE] #6 WILL DO LOOK UPS IN FOLLOWING BOOK [AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M RE] #7 CHASE T. TRUESDALE - MAHONING COUN [AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M RE] #8 Fw: BIO: Cresinger, 1837-1859, Lic ["Maggie Stewart" Subject: WILLIAM LAWRENCE MALLOY - YOUNGSTOWN, OH Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 195 Volume IV, page 158 WILLIAM LAWRENCE MALLOY. Born and reared in Youngstown, Mr. Malloy had a period of training with the military forces of the country during the World war, and since his discharge has been active in the insurance field in his native city. He was born at Youngstown, March 26, 1895, a son of John H. and Ella (Murray) Malloy, his father a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and his mother of Youngstown. John H. Malloy is a retired steel worker. William Lawrence Malloy attended the grammar school, the Rayen High School, and, beginning at the age of nineteen, was employed in the traffic department of the Concrete Steel Company for several years. When he was called to the colors he was assigned duty with the Seventh Regiment of Field Artillery at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, and was made acting sergeant. On his return to Youngstown he became associated with his brother, George F. Malloy, who for several years had been in the insurance business. Their offices are in the Dollar Bank Building. They do a general business in insurance, and their firm is a continuation of a business that was established about 1880. Mr. Malloy married, October 14, 1921, Miss Gertrude M. Gilronan, of Youngstown, daughter of Hugh J. and Mary (Braun) Gilronan. They have one daughter, Mary Elaine, born May 5, 1923. Mr. and Mrs. Malloy are members of St. Edward's Catholic Church. Mr. Malloy is secretary of the Malloy Agency Company. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #2 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:25, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA09276@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: CLARK H. MATTESON - MAHONING COUNTY Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 1925 Volume IV, page 160 CLARK H. MATTESON. With the fire insurance business the name Matteson has been linked in Mahoning county for a period of forty years or more. Clark H. Matteson, with offices in the Mahoning Bank Building at Youngstown, is the present proprietor of the general agency that was started in a small way by his father. His father was the late Charles F. Matteson, who was born in Medina County, Ohio, and in 1881 began selling insurance in Mahoning County and continued the business in successful volume until his death on September 20, 1923. His first wife was Florence Stone, who was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and died in 1902, and he afterwards married Fidelia Ripple, who resides at Canfield. Clark H. Matteson was born at the home of his parents in Canfield,Ohio, September 27, 1885. During his boyhood he attended public school, graduated in 1905 from the Rayen High School at Youngstown, and subsequently went to Cuba, where he was associated with the management of a fruit plantation for several years. Returning to Youngstown in 1910, he went into his father's insurance office. In 1917 he became a clerk in the office of the Sheet & Tube Steel Mills at Youngstown, but in 1921 returned to take part in the management of his father's business and succeeded to the proprietorship on his father's death. Mr. Matteson married in 1908 Miss Laura Harry, who was born at Youngstown, a daughter of Richard T. and Martha (Billingham) Harry, her father a native of Maryland her mother of England. Mr. and Mrs. Matteson have one daughter, Mary L., born April 14, 1911. The family are members of the Calvary Baptist Church, and Mr. Matteson is an independent republican and is affiliated with Youngstown Lodge No. 403, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #3 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:28, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA09284@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: CHARLES GAMBLE WATSON - YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 1925 Volume IV, page 160 CHARLES GAMBLE WATSON, secretary and treasurer of the Youngstown Welding Company, is one of the successful men in this industry who has been fitted for his work by technical training and practical experience. Having worked for others, he knows the needs of his men, and is thus better able to direct the policies of his company than can one whose knowledge is but theoretical. He was born at Penfield, Monroe County, New York, December 16, 1891, a son of Abram M. and Martha (Gamble) Watson, natives of Penfield and Groveland, New York, respectively. Since reaching manhood Abram Watson has been a farmer, and he is now a substantial man of his community. Better educated than the majority of farmers' sons, Charles Gamble Watson attended the district school, Webster High School, the Geneseo State Normal School, the Rochester Mechanics Institute and Columbia University, and left the latter in 1912. Coming then to Youngstown, he was engaged in school teaching for three years in this city, and then entered the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company, and worked on a construction line for eighteen months. War broke out in upon his plans, and like the majority of the young men of the country he gave a military service during the World war. He enlisted in the Twenty-ninth Engineering Corps of the Regular United States Army, and was sent to France in the spring of 1918. After going abroad he was detailed as draughtsman at general headquarters at Chaumont. In July, 1919, he was returned to the United States and honorably discharged. Coming back to Youngstown, he became field engineer for the Youngstown Pressed Steel Company for four months, and then went with the W. B. Pollock Company as assistant to the chief engineer. This association continued for one year and eight months, when he assumed his present duties with the Youngstown Welding Company, which was the first of its kind established in Mahoning County. The founder of the business, Walter D. McKay, now president of the Youngstown Welding Company, is a pioneer in the industry. Soon after organization Martin Raush was taken into the business, and the partners conducted a general repair shop until August 1, 1919, when the present company was incorporated, with Mr. McKay, as above stated, as president; Arthur Morgan as vice president and Martin Raush, treasurer. Mr. Watson later succeeded Mr. Raush. The capitalization is for $50,000. Since the company was incorporated the business has been developed into a general manufacturing one, producing transformers, cases, truck tanks, open-hearth hoods and miscellaneous light plate construction. The company owns its own plant at 536 West Rayen Avenue, where the premises are 37 1/2 x 150 feet, and 72 1/2 x 150 feet, and here employment is give to about twenty-five men. Recently the company has acquired a tract of land at Wickliffe, where the railroad facilities on a branch of the Erie are excellent. This expansion was made necessary on account of the large increase in business, and the new addition embraces four acres, which will afford ample space for some time to come. On June 3, 1920, Mr. Watson was married at Youngstown, Ohio, to Sally Leedy, daughter of William and Sallie (Miller) Leedy, natives of Baltimore and Frederick County, Maryland, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Watson have no children. He was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian Church. In Masonry he has advanced through the York Rite and also belongs to the Mystic Shrine. He is past master of Beuchner Council. In politics he is a republican. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #4 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:30, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA14164@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: RALPH R. MILLER - YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 1925 Volume IV, page 161 RALPH R. MILLER completed his education for the law about the time America entered the World war. For a portion of the war period he was with the navy, and then engaged in private practice at Youngstown, and is now an assistant director of law of that city. He was born at Lima, Beaverhead County, Montana, November 13, 1891, son of J.H.W. and Mary J. (Gibson) Miller. His parents were born in Pennsylvania, his father having been born at Freeport and his mother at Blairsville. They were married at Freeport. The father for several years was in the train service of the Oregon Short Line Railway in Montana, but subsequently returned to Freeport, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in merchandising until his death on November 9, 1914. His widow resides at Freeport. Ralph R. Miller graduated form the high school at Freeport, Pennsylvania, in 1909, completed his literary education at Westminster College, Pennsylvania, in 1914, and studied law in the University of Pittsburgh and Western Reserve University at Cleveland. He was admitted to the Ohio bar in December, 1917. From January 1, 1917, until May, 1918, he was an employe of Mahoning County. At the latter date he was called for duty with the navy at the Naval Station at Detroit, and remained there until released from active service in December, 1918. He received his final discharge in December, 1921. After the armistice, Mr. Miller engaged in law practice at Youngstown, and during the next five years built up a promising business as an attorney. On January 1, 1924, he became second assistant law director of the city, and now gives his full time to his official duties. He married, June 9, 1917, Miss Margaret Jeannette Smith, a native of Youngstown and daughter of Ett and Jennie E. (Crowe) Smith, her father a native of Youngstown and her mother of Northfield, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have two children: Ralph R. and Jane Ett. They are members of the South United Presbyterian Church at Youngstown. Mr. Miller is a republican, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #5 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:21, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA14124@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: THOMAS WILLIAM MILLER - YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 1925 Volume IV, page 158 THOMAS WILLIAM MILLER is a native of Youngstown, and for a number of years has been in business as a contractor on public work, chiefly municipal improvements, and is also a coal operator. He was born at Youngstown, December 31, 1884, son of John Andrew and Hedwig (Johnson) Miller. His parents were born in Sweden, and in 1874 came to Youngstown, where they lived out their lives. John A. Miller was in the contracting business. Thomas William Miller was educated in public schools at Youngstown, and at the age of sixteen began a five year period of apprenticeship and work at the machinists' trade. For two years he was an employe in the city engineer's office, and since then has been engaged in contracting, chiefly street improvement. In 1918 he also became a coal operator, mining coal at Lisbon, Ohio. His brother, George J. Miller was associated with him in the contracting business until his death in 1918, and since then another brother, Fred A. Miller, has been associated with him. The Miller Brothers Coal Company, incorporated in 1918, has as its president C.B. Cushwa, Dr.R. Fithian as vice president, and T.W. Miller, treasurer and manager. Mr. Miller married in 1908 Miss Helen Hallberg, a native of Youngstown, and daughter of John and Henrietta (Blixberg) Hallberg. Her parents were born in Sweden. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Miller are Dorothy Helen and Thomas W. Jr. The family are members of Indianola Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Miller is one of the official board. He is a republican, is affiliated with Western Star Lodge of Masons, the Kiwanis Club, the Chamber of Commerce and the Builders Exchange. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #6 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:33, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA14684@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: WILL DO LOOK UPS IN FOLLOWING BOOKS Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII The following books do not contain a lot of information on an individual but may be of some help. I will list examples of information found in the books below. Please e-mail any requests to aupq38a@prodigy.com and list the book/books you want checked. BOOKS I WILL DO LOOK UPS FROM: -Muskingum County Men and Women in World War II -16th Virginia Infantry -40th Virginia Infantry -45th Battalion Virginia Infantry In the Muskingum County book there is a section that lists the Honored Dead with small photos and information like: S. Sgt. Donald Richard Teisinger, killed in action is parachute jump from burning bomber, Austria. The other section of the Muskingum County book will give information on Our Armed Forces from Muskingum County in World War II like: Bailey, George Wealter, MOM3C, Navy Oct 7, 44- Jul 29, 46; TR Am, AP. (I will also give explanation for abbreviations: MOM3C=Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class; TR=Theater Ribbons; Am=American area; AP=Asiatic Pacific Area). In the Virginia books you will find information like: -Thrift, Elliott: enl. 6/4/61 in Co. E. Deserted 6/5/63 or -West, Christopher C: b. Pennsylvania. Enl. 5/26/61 in Co. G, age 33. Millwright. To Cpl. July-Aug. 1861. Absent sick July-Aug 1861. To Sgt. 11/12/61. Also reduced to Pvt. on the same day. Discharged 7/62 became of age. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #7 Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:15:19, -0500 From: AUPQ38A@prodigy.com (MRS GINA M REASONER) To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <199909060015.UAA09252@mime3.prodigy.com> Subject: CHASE T. TRUESDALE - MAHONING COUNTY Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII History of Ohio The American Historical Society Inc., 195 Volume IV, page 158,159 CHASE T. TRUESDALE, president of the South Side Savings Bank in Youngstown, was for two terms county treasurer of Mahoning County, an office which his father had held many years earlier. Mr. Truesdale was born at Austintown, Mahoning County, September 29, 1855, son of John R. and Mary (Tomson) Truesdale. His father was born at Austintown in 1820, and his mother at Youngstown in 1822. The grandfather, James Truesdale, was one of the early settlers in Mahoning County. The family name has been conspicuous in that county since early days. The Truesdale family settled in America a few years before the Revolutionary war, and one of the ancestors of Chase T. Truesdale was an American soldier for a time. John R. Truesdale, who died in 1879, was a farmer, and twice served as infirmary director of Mahoning County, and was elected county treasurer in 1866 and reelected in 1868. His wife's father, Cornelius Tomson, was a native of Connecticut, and married Mary Kyle. John R. Truesdale and wife had the following children: William Clark, deceased; Ella, who married W. S. Johnson and is deceased; Lottie, wife of A.P. Webb, of Youngstown; Chase T.; Charles, deceased; and Belle, Mrs. F.D. Klotz, of Youngstown. Chase T. Truesdale was educated in schools at Austintown to the age of fifteen, assisting in the work of the farm during his youth. In 1880 he became an employe in the Homer Baldwin flour mills at Youngstown, and for twenty-seven years was with that prominent local industry. In 1906 he was elected county treasurer and in 1908 reelected, serving two terms, having been elected just forty years after his father's election to the same office. Mr. Truesdale was elected a member of the city council in 1900, serving until he resigned to become county treasurer. Upon its organization, Mr. Truesdale became president of the South Side Saving Bank in 1914. This bank was organized with a capital of $100,000. He is also an official in the school subsidiary organizations, the South Side Savings and Loan Company and the South Side Discount Company. He is also a director in the firm of Rose & Johnson, wholesale grocers. Mr. Truesdale is a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church and in politics he is a republican. In 1883 he married Maria E. Wooldridge, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, her father having been born in England. Their only child is Mrs. Bessie Smith, living with her parents, and the mother of a daughter, Elizabeth. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #8 Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 02:46:45 -0400 From: "Maggie Stewart" To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <026a01bef833$9609d580$0300a8c0@local.net> Subject: Fw: BIO: Cresinger, 1837-1859, Licking Co. Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ----- Original Message ----- From: Bobbi Pohl To: Sent: Sunday, September 05, 1999 3:31 PM John Cretsinger, one of the prominent agriculturists of Orange township, is a native of Virginia, having been born in Hardy county, on the 10th of June, 1818. He emigrated to Licking county, Ohio, in October, 1837, where he was engaged in tilling the soil until September, 1859, when he removed to Carroll county, Illinois, and settled near Mount Carroll. On the 28th of March, 1866, he left the latter place, and turning his face westward, entered Guthrie county, locating upon the farm he is now a resident of, on section 20, on the 15th of April of the same year. On the 2d of April, 1843, while a resident of Licking county, Ohio, he was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Mary Boone. This estimable lady, a daughter of Peter and Catherine (Ash) Boone, was born February 26, 1826, in Pennsylvania, but whose parents had moved to Ohio in 1828. They have been blessed with fourteen children--David, the eldest, married Miss Susan Ribble, March 2, 1880; Margaret, espoused Cyrus B. True, December 3, 1865, and at present resides in Nebraska; Emily, who took a partner for life in the person of Crockett Ribble, February 22, 1869, and lives in Carroll county; Louisa, married to James Gilly, February 18, 1866; Lucinda, married Fremont Basom, February 15, 1872; Ella M., united to Mason Johnson, November 16, 1882; Mina, who married Albert Johnson, December 25, 1878; Allen, united in matrimony with Miss Addie Garnes, February 10, 1884; William, married to Miss Mary E. Russell, September 21, 1881; Samuel, Henry, Hattie, Caroline and Annie. Mr. Cretsinger owns some three hundred acres of land mostly under cultivation and it is one of the finest farms in the township. Mrs. Cretsinger comes from an ilustrious family, her father, Peter Boone, having been a favorite officer on the staff of the great Napoleon, the first emperor of the French. He took a prominent part in the march to Moscow and the fearful retreat from that capital amid the snows and rigors of a Russian winter, when men laid down and died by thousands. Chef. Boone, was with the beloved emperor some ten years, and although the American was a noted swordsman, he on the fall of Napoleon, returned to this country, suffering shipwreck on the way, and locating in Carroll county, Illinois, where he died in February, 1866, and was buried in the cemetery at Mount Carroll. History of Guthrie and Adair Counties, Iowa, Continental Historical Company, Springfield, Illinois, 1884, pages 716-717. Note: this bio and those of his Cretsinger's sons will shortly be available at the Iowa GenWeb biographies project http://www.genhist.com/IABios/ Bobbi Pohl Hyattsville, MD ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #9 Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 02:33:38 -0700 From: "Elizabeth Corethers" To: Message-ID: <00ef01bef84a$e74ffd40$661866ce@elizabeth> Subject: Cleveland--Woodland Cemetery Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Occupants of Jas. H. Clark, Richard Clark & Henry W. Payne lot: Date of death--name--age--relationship November 11, 1861--Payne Baby--SB--Probably sons of Henry and Fanny Payne. November 28, 1861--Payne Baby--(n/a)--See above comment. February 16, 1868--Clark, Nellie--5--Could be daughter of any of the Clarks, more likely Alfred or James. January 18, 1871--Payne, Henry W.--32--George and Matilda Payne's son; Fanny Clark's husband April 21, 1871--Bennett, Francis J.--(n/a)--Unknown relationship July 4, 1878--Clark, Richard--38--Robert and Eliza Clark's son and Adelaide's husband June 30, 1881--Grant, Fanny--84--Unknown relationship; perhaps the older sister of Eliza Neate Clark January 9, 1887--Clark, Robert--86--Eliza's husband January 15, 1890--Clark, Eliza M.--(n/a)--Robert Clark's wife March 21, 1892--Clark, Harriett--60--James H. Clark's first wife November 29, 1894 Climo, A. T.--1-- May be Eleanor Payne and George Climo's child January 23, 1896--Stoneman, Louis R.--4 mo.--Unknown relationship August 9, 1897--Payne, Thomas H.--25--Unknown relationship August 17, 1897--Reynolds, William A.--52--Fanny Clark Payne's second husband September 5, 1905--Clark, James H.--73--Robert and Eliza Clark's son January 26, 1912--Clark, Adelaide--Richard Clark's wife February 21, 1914--Reynolds, Fannie A.--72--Robert and Eliza Clark's daughter; Henry Payne's wife December 31, 1915--Green, George A.--46--Unknown relationship May 3, 1920--Clark, William E.--64--Robert and Eliza Clark's son August 28, 1924--Clark, Louis E.--54--Unknown relationship March 12, 1930--Clark, Euretta--80--James Clark's second wife December 7, 1933--Cooper, Warren B.--58--Unknown relationship May 18, 1964--Clark, Oliver--68--James & Euretta Clark's son -------------------------------- End of OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest V99 Issue #656 *******************************************