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No subject line is necessary, but if your software requires one, just use unsubscribe in the subject, too. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #1 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 07:46:48 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <948-3D6E09A8-1129@storefull-2272.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] OBITS: Jan 1915 Franklin Co. Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus Dispatch Thurs. Jan.21,1915 Death Notices BENDER, George Henry, aged 59, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Adolph DELLENBACH, 386 East Jackson St., Thursday, Jan. 21. Funeral from Holy Cross church. Interment Mt. Calvary HEDGES, Julia Ann, aged 67, Wednesday, Jan. 20, at at her residence 737 Oak St. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. George E. SNYDER, 1160 E. Long St.. Burial at Green Lawn Cemetery. Note: Julia was born in Circleville, Ohio and is the daughter of John B. PINNIX and Corinth WARE. MCCORMICK, Joseph A., aged 35, at his residence, 876 Leonard Ave, Tuesday, Jan.19. Funeral services from St. Dominick's church. Burial at Mt. Calvary. SALER, Michael, aged 97, native of Germany, died at St. Anthony's hospital, Wednesday, Jan.20, from aterial sclerosis. He was a farmer living near Ironton, Ohio. He is survived by one son, Peter SALER, living there. The body was sent to Ironton, Thursday by the Egan Co. and the funeral will be held there Friday. SHULER, Mrs. S. Allie, aged 65, wife of William A. SHULER, Wednesday, Jan.20. Funeral services from the residence, 815 Oakwood Ave. Interment Marysville, Ohio. TRESZER (sp), Ludwig, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward GOCKENBACH at Hebron, Ohio, age 70 years, 4 months. Funeral notice later. Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness and liberal floral offerings during the illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. Geo. MOFFIT and family We wish to extend thanks to all who so kindly assisted us during our bereavement in the loss of husband and father; especiall the lodges, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. H.E. WASHINGTON and Daughter. To the improved Order of Red Men, neighbors, friends, Rev. ?. S. COLBORN, singers and Pletcher Co., we extend our deep appreciation of the tender ministrations, words of sympathy and beautiful flowers bestowed during the last hours and obsequies of our beloved son and brother, Walter VAUGHN. Mother and Sister. Cathy ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #2 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:25:54 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <944-3D6E12D2-1802@storefull-2272.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] NEWS: Jan.1915 Franklin Co. Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus Dispatch Thurs. Jan.21,1915 Back From Africa After spending some months in Africa, Bishop William F. ANDERSON, who delivered his last sermon in Columbus last summer, will address the meeting of the various churches of Columbus next Thursday evening. Bishop ANDERSON, after leaving Columbus, went to Africa to visit the Methodist missions. The place for the banquet to be held will be announced later. It is expected that 400 or 500 men from the churches will attend the feast. The registration committees of the Methodist churches will meet Thursday evening in the Y.M.C.A. at 7:30 o'clock, and the committee expects a registration of nearly 1,000. This is the first joint meeting of this kind to be held. Dispatch Ad Did It (Women Throng Home Store To Take Advantage of Sale of Summer Dresses) When the Home Store announced in The Dispatch a sale of last summer dresses beginning Thursday morning, the advertisement drew an army of women to the store. Before the doors were opened more than one hundred women were in line, and there was a grand rush for he suit department. Max MOREHOUSE was trying to steer the women in the right direction as he explained the extraordinary sale. "These are last summer dresses which we bought from a firm in New York which is going out of that line of business," he said. "The dresses are of silk, voile, cotton crepes, and with embroidery and lace trimmings, worth anywhere from $25 to $45. All of them are good, and perfectly clean. We have offered them for sale at $3.95 and $4.95 and I consider them them the biggest bargain we have ever offered in this store." One look in the dress department proved the truth of Mr. MOREHOUSE'S statement. Women were searching over the heads of each other when an especially fine dress was discovered. And they will be ready for summer no matter how soon it comes when they buy up all those dresses. A.P. YORK, manager of the Columbus store of the United Woolen Mills Co., was elected a member of the board of directors and it's vice president at the annual meeting of the company held at Parkersburg. Member of the new board of directors are: W.A. HERSCH, W.W. DERMOTT, Charles L. STREHLE, Miss Hattie LEMMON, of Parkersburg, H.H. Smith of Cincinnati, H.B. SOUDERS of Fairmont and A.P. YORK of Columbus. The board organized by electing the following officers: W.A. HERSCH, president and general manager; A.P. YORK, vice president; W.W. DERMOTT, secretary; H.H. SMITH, treasurer, and Henry HERSCH, assistant treasurer. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #3 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 09:05:30 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <25866-3D6E1C1A-1068@storefull-2273.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] COURT: July 1923 Franklin Co. Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus Dispatch Tues. July 24, 1923 Woman Files Suit For $625 Alimony Due Her Laurabella WILBURGER filed suit in th Franklin county courts Tuesday morning against her former husband, Pof. Ellis M. BLACK of Boston, Lauara M. BLACK and Samuel L. BLACK for $625, which she claims as back alimony due from her former husband at $35 a week. She alleges that after the decree was granted her, Prof. BLACK appealed the case and Lauara M. BLACK and Samuel L. BLACK signed the appeal bond of $1,000 guaranteeing compliance with the order of the lower court if the order was sustained. The order was sustained, the former Mrs. BLACK alleges, and she asks judgement for the amount due under the order. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #4 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 10:13:24 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <12257-3D6E2C04-430@storefull-2274.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] DEATHS: 1933 Ohio Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus Dispatch Sat. Sep.30,1933 Deaths in Ohio Crooksville - Walter CARTER, 26, Sept. 27 Marietta - Mrs Harriet A. BROOKHART, 76, at Chillicothe, Sept. 28 Mansfield - Caleb NETTING, 87, oldest Masonic loodge member here, Sept.29 Walter C. KRAMER, local teacher and former school head at Wakeman and Willard, Sept.29 Marion - Mrs. Frances Ann SECKEL, 82, of Caledonia, Sept.28 Thomas Russell MAYSE, 23, Sept. 28 Mrs. Caroline Salter LAYMAN, 76, Sept.29 Mechanicsburg - William ANDERSON, 86, Civil war veteran, who served in Company C, 185th O.V.I., and for 50 years lived at the Sandusky and Dayton Soldiers' homes, Sept.28 New Concord - Henry G. MOREHEAD, 40, Sept. 29 Roseville - Jacob RHODES, 87, Sept.29 Washington C.H. - Mrs. Charles SMITH, 61, Sept. 29 ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #5 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 10:55:23 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <9123-3D6E35DB-180@storefull-2277.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] MARRIAGE LICENSES: Sept.1933 Franklin Co. Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus, Dispatch Sept.30,1933 Marriage Licenses The following have applied for licenses: James R. GUTHRIE, 30, traffic engineer, 3553 Olentangy road; Gladys E. SNYDER, 26, 404 Berkeley road Gurnee SIMS, 30, electrician, 3443 East Sixth Ave; Orna FORD, 20, 3443 East Sixth Ave Darrell WONNS, 32, ruler, 820 Kerr St.; Mary CASE, 22, 870 South Third St. Louis WITTMAIN, 31, laborer, 103 Thurman Ave; Viola STRAUSS, 32, 327 Chapel St. Truman JONES, 48, boiler operator, St. Mary's of the Springs; Anna HODAPP, 45, Bexley, Route 5 James MCALLISTER, 22, tuck driver, 417 East Fulton St.; Dorothy PAYNE, 19, 435 Edwards St. Harold BEATTY, 27, mechanic, Thornville; Isabelle FRYE, 19 Hilliards Cyril C. STEIN, 27, clerk, 132 Preston Rd.; Dorothy WARNER, 25, 938 Gilbert St. James S. DENNIS, 72, grocer, 341 South Champion Ave; Bertha F. GARTRELL, 52, 1409 Franklin Ave. Walter L. DENTON, 30, shoe worker, 604 Sheldon Ave; Lucille E. ELLIOTT, 26, 927 South hampion Ave. Richard W. SHELTON, 25, student, Georgetown; Angela B. SEIKEL, 23, 263 Fifteenth Ave. Thomas BURNS, 23, glass worker, Clarion, Pa; Floretta M. COOK, 21, 515 Olpp AVE Andrew F. OTTO, 20, clerk, 840 Reinhard Ave.; Evelyn SCHNEIDER, 19, 1982 East Main St. James WILLIS, 21, glass worker, 229 Barthman Ave; Elizabeth TUFF, 18, 727 Stambaugh Ave. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #6 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:18:42 -0400 (EDT) From: cathy361@webtv.net To: OH-FOOTSTEPS-L@rootsweb.com Message-ID: <9115-3D6E3B52-1283@storefull-2277.public.lawson.webtv.net> Subject: [OH-FOOT] DIVORCES: Sept.1933 Franklin Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Columbus Dispatch Sat. Sept. 30,1933 Divorces (filed) Vivian H. HOOVER from Theodore H., extreme cruelty Lucille C. PHILLIPS from Roland; gross neglect Elmer MAY from Tishie; gross neglect Minnie R. WELSH from Daniel W.; extreme cruelty Leah R. SMALL from Jack; gross neglect Betty S. NAUE from Garland C.; gross neglect Jane M. SMITH from Ralph; extreme cruelty Mary HOFMAN from George; extreme cruelty Divorce (granted) Charlotte J. EASTMAN from Robert W.; gross neglect Cathy -------------------------------- End of OH-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest V02 Issue #176 *******************************************