PERRY COUNTY OHIO - Hopewell Township Information: VANDENBERG/VANDENBARK *************************************************************************** OHGENWEB NOTICE: All distribution rights to this electronic data are reserved by the submitter. Reproduction or re-presentation of copyrighted material will require the permission of the copyright owner. *************************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Al Dawson November 7, 1998 *************************************************************************** This is more Vandenberg/Vandenbark data for :) Perry County, Hopewell Township, 1840 Census, page 077 Mary Vandenberg [note - INDEX reads VANDENBURGH - but census is clear] 2 males under 5 1 male 5-10 1 male 10-15 [possibly John H.] 1 male 20-30 1 female 10-15 2 females 15-20 [note - one COULD be Clarissa C.] 1 female 40-50 [note - ah but YOUR Mary would be 37 in 1840!] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Part II Of data from "History of the Vandenbark Family" by Isa D. Reed and Helen Vandenbark, 1969 - for Sandy Read These folk are in Muskingum, Perry and Licking Counties We we looking at David Vandenbark and Susannah Conine, who came to Muskingum Co. Ohio from NJ about 1795. Name shown in census [my own census surfing reflects this] as VANDENBURG, VANDENBARRACK and VANDENBARK..... "Family legends disagree as to the national strain to which he belonged. One tradition says that he was a German from PA; another makes him the descendant of an old Dutch family which is further reported by some, as having long been associated with Susannah's ancestors." The authors then vote for Dutch as VANDENBURG and VANDENBARRACK are Dutch names not German. "VANDENBARK has, philologically, no standing; it seems an obvious contraction of VANDENBARRACK; in an Ohio record it has been spelled VANDENBARCK." The authors searched PA records..including Dutch Reformed Church records for the period and found no matches. But found several VANDENBURGS in Somerset, Henderson and Sussex Counties in NJ. This next part should be of special interest to Sandy.... "A Revolutionary War veteran..PETER VANDENBURG left a will as PETER VANDENBARRACK but it has been impossible to connect DAVID VANDENBARK with him." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Part III David Vandenbark and Susannah Conine of Muskingum Co...from source cited in Part II, replies to me or Sandy Read - "Lack of available evidence makes of David a shadowy figure at best. He died twenty years before his wife whose vital forceful personality was magnified into somewhat heroic form in the countryside [Al's note: she may be the older woman listed in David Jr's 1830 census column] "Wider background reading in Dutch-American culture indicates that Dutch husbands, more than of any other national strain, gave their wives comparatively free rein to be themselves. They also expected much from their wives - and got it." "Survey of records at the county court house in Zanesville, Ohio, shows fluctuation of the family name during the first dozen years but stabilizing as VANDENBARK toward the second decade. -- Al Dawson, Berea, OH. MA, History, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1973.