Preble County OhArchives Court.....STILES, James K 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Erma Day March 15, 2008, 8:28 pm Source: Microfilm, Estate Records Of Preble Co., Oh Roll # 135, Case #681 Written: 1836 Recorded: 1837 James K Stiles Estate case #681 Preble Co., OH Benjamin Horner executor. Benjamin Horner, Obed Harrell & Isaac Taylor signed a bond for $250.00 Nov 23, 1836. James Taylor and Jesse Smith were appraisers of the estate and filed report before Jesse Stubbs, JP A schedule of property set off by the appraisers for the support of the widow and children one year from the death of deceased estimated at fifty nine dollars: 1 Breakfast Table 2.50, 1 small stand 2.50, 1 spinning wheel .75, 1 flax wheel .37, 1 reel .50, 4 bowls .75, 2 smoothing irons .50, 1 axe .50, 1 hoe .12, 2 shoats 5.00, 1 cow 13.00, 1 tin bucket .50, Cash $32.01 Total amount appraised and set off the 8th day of December 1836 $59.00 List of the sales of the goods and chattels belonging to the estate of James K Stiles late of Preble County deceased sold at public vendue by the undersigned Executor of said Estate on the 10th day of December 1836. Purchasers, property and price: Samuel Platt 1 auger .19, James Taylor 1 cider barrel . 13, Jonas Randal 1 sythe and hangings 1.00, Samuel Platt 1 lot of old sythes .04, John Davis 1 pr of trace chains .68, Abraham Platt 1 plough 2.00, Elijah Platt 4 sheep 5.25, also 1 Bay colt 9.00, Charles Antrim 1 spotted mare 55.00. Total amount of sale $73.29, had been appraised at $83.05. Benjamin Horner Executor of the estate of James K Stiles deceased in account with said estate Amount of sales of the personal property sold on the 10th day of December A D 1836 $73.29. Cash on hand at the decease of said James K Stiles $ 20.00. Cash received of Thomas Stiles $13.00. Total $ 106.29. Expenses of last illness 1838 Feb 10 paid Waugh & Adams their account for attendance on dec’d as physicians $13.00, paid Wm Miller his account for attendance as physician $10.00, 1838 ? Feb 20 paid Lurton Dunham his account for attendance as physician $1.25. Funeral Expenses 1838 Jan 15 paid Elisha Stubbs for coffin 2.50, Nov 23 1836 paid Jonathan Cook for digging grave 1.00. Cost of administration, paid F A Cunningham for court & clerk fees 7.50, paid A Mitchel CG tax of 1836 .46, paid A F Holderman for publishing Executors Notice 1.00 , paid Stacy Rainier auctioneer .50. Debts Paid, paid Joshua C Wilson on note 15.00, paid Wm M Christy on note 17.00, paid widow her balance allowed by appraisers besides what property was set off to her $32.01, $101.22. Clerks receipt on final settlement $1.75, $102.97 Executors fees $3.22. Total $106.29. Inventory and appraisement filed Jan’y 19th 1837. F C Cunningham Clk, Recorded Additional Comments: A copy of the will of James K Stiles is also in the case file, as well as being recorded in Preble Co., OH Will Bk C page 8, and is the same will. Benjamin Horner the executor is the brother of Nancy Ann Stiles the widow. The Thomas Stiles who paid $13.00 to the estate was probably related to James. Thomas K Stiles was b 8 Jan 1784 Gloucester, NJ . He came to Gratis twp., Preble Co., OH in 1817. He moved to Fayette Co., IN in 1821 settling near Bentonville. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb