Preble County OhArchives Deed.....Horner, Benjamin - Horner, Elijah And Prudence September 28, 1820 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Erma Day March 29, 2008, 8:12 pm NE 1/4 section 19, township 4, range 3east Written: September 28, 1820 Recorded: February 20, 1821 *Elijah and Prudence Horner to Benjamin Horner Preble Co OH Bk 4 p 302 Elijah and Prudence Horner to Benjamin Horner all of Preble Co OH for $240 part of the north east quarter of section nineteen, township 4, range 3 east beginning at the NW corner running east ten chains to a stake, then south 10 chains to a stake, then east ten chains to a stake, then south 30 chains to the south side of said quarter, then west twenty chains to the south west corner of said quarter then north 40 chains to the beginning containing 70 acres. Elijah Horner, his mark, (O), Prudence Horner, her mark, (X) . Witnesses Henry Jones and Benaijah Parham Acknowledged Butler Co OH before JP Nathan Stubbs 28 Sep 1820 Recorded 20 Feb 1821 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb