Preble County OhArchives Deed.....Platt, Elizabeth - Horner, Elijah And Prudence September 28, 1820 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Erma Day March 29, 2008, 8:14 pm NE 1/4 section 19, township 4, range 3east Written: September 28, 1820 Recorded: February 21, 1821 *Elijah and Prudence Horner to Elizabeth Platt Preble Co OH Deed Bk 4 p 303 28 Sep 1820 Elijah and Prudence Horner his wife to Elizabeth Platt all of Preble Co, for $100. Part of NE quarter of section 19, township 4, range 3 east, beginning at a stake ten chains east of the n w corner of said quarter running east twenty chains to a stake, then south ten chains to a stake, then west twenty chains to a stake, then north ten chains to the beginning. Elijah Horner his mark, (O), Prudence Horner her mark, (X) . Witnesses Henry Jones and Benaijah Parham. Acknowledged in Butler County OH before Nathan Stubbs, JP 28 Sep 1820 . Recorded 21 Feb 1821 Preble Co OH File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb